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目的通过对社区居民及出租车驾驶员慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的筛查,了解其不同的患病率和可能的患病因素,并探讨有效的预防控制措施。方法 2010年6月—2011年3月分别调查了社区居民596人和出租车驾驶员507人,首先进行问卷调查,随后进行肺通气功能检查,发现COPD病例。结果总人群中社区居民平均年龄大于出租车驾驶员,COPD患病率差异无统计学意义;≥40岁人群中社区居民平均年龄大于出租车驾驶员,COPD患者平均年龄社区居民大于出租车驾驶员;社区居民COPD患病率小于出租车驾驶员;总人群中轻、重度和极重度COPD患者,社区居民患病率高于出租车驾驶员。结论出租车驾驶员COPD患病年龄小于社区居民,而COPD患病率高于社区居民,分析与出租车驾驶员主动和被动吸烟、接触汽车尾气多、工作环境空气污染重有关,需加强对出租车驾驶员防控COPD的教育。  相似文献   
In South Africa, the minibus taxi drivers are largely becoming another high-risk category in the HIV and AIDS epidemic. Although previous studies have shown that knowledge of HIV and AIDS is relatively high among the taxi drivers it is still not clear how this sub-population perceive the support rendered to them with regard to HIV and AIDS prevention strategies. This study aimed to focus on this atypical workplace and explore the KwaZulu-Natal, minibus taxi drivers' perceptions on HIV and AIDS. In this study, qualitative methods were utilized to determine the minibus taxi drivers' understanding of HIV and AIDS infection, HIV prevention strategies, existing support strategies and effects of HIV and AIDS on the taxi industry. Focus-group discussions were conducted, to collect data. The results showed that even though the taxi drivers had some understanding on HIV and AIDS there was still a dire need for interventions that were geared towards addressing HIV-related needs of the drivers in this industry.  相似文献   
  目的  了解上海市电动自行车驾乘人员头盔佩戴情况及其影响因素,为道路交通伤害的预防提供参考依据。  方法  采用地图分层随机抽样方法于2015年10月 — 2019年4月在上海市抽取8个道路口作为现场观测点,对经过道路口的电动自行车驾乘人员的头盔佩戴情况进行8轮观测。  结果  上海市2015 — 2019年共观测电动自行车驾乘人员94772人,其中驾驶员84232人,乘客10540人;驾驶员的头盔佩戴率为14.12 %,乘客的头盔佩戴率为1.99 %。双变量Probit模型分析结果显示,女性驾驶员佩戴头盔的概率较男性驾驶员低0.14个概率单位,乘客为成年人时驾驶员佩戴头盔的概率较乘客为未成年人时高0.28个概率单位,冬季时驾驶员佩戴头盔的概率较夏季时高0.52个概率单位(均P < 0.01);女性乘客佩戴头盔的概率较男性乘客低0.14个概率单位,冬季时乘客佩戴头盔的概率较夏季时高0.37个概率单位(均P < 0.001)。边际效应分析结果显示,乘客佩戴头盔情况下乘客为成年人时驾驶员佩戴头盔的概率较乘客为未成年人时高13 %,冬季时驾驶员佩戴头盔的概率较夏季时高14 %(均P < 0.001);乘客未佩戴头盔情况下女性驾驶员佩戴头盔的概率较男性驾驶员低2 %,乘客为成年人时驾驶员佩戴头盔的概率较乘客为未成年人时高4 %,冬季时驾驶员佩戴头盔的概率较夏季时高6 %(均P < 0.05);驾驶员未佩戴头盔情况下冬季时乘客佩戴头盔的概率较夏季时高1 %(Z = 3.24,P < 0.001)。  结论  上海市驾乘人员电动自行车头盔佩戴率总体偏低,呈现季节性波动趋势,女性头盔佩戴率低于男性,电动自行车驾驶员与乘客头盔佩戴行为相互影响。  相似文献   
目的 评价“你戒烟 我支持 – 北京市出租车驾驶员健康关爱项目”的戒烟效果。 方法 2017年9 — 12月招募并入选103名北京市吸烟的出租车驾驶员。由北京某三甲医院戒烟门诊向参加者提供免费戒烟服务,包括戒烟药物(伐尼克兰)、心理行为干预与随访管理。同时组织单位给予该项目大力支持并进行多次媒体宣传。在戒烟门诊首诊时收集参加者的基线信息,并在首诊后第1、4、8、12周和第24周进行随访,收集参加者的吸烟行为变化、伐尼克兰服用情况及不良反应情况等信息。 结果 参加者在第4、8周和第12周的7天时点戒烟率分别为39.8 %、43.7 %和54.4 %,第5~8周和第9~12周的持续戒烟率分别为38.8 %和45.6 %。尼古丁依赖程度和持续用药时间是戒烟成功的影响因素。 结论 该项目实施的提供戒烟门诊专业戒烟服务联合单位支持和媒体宣传等综合措施,可有效促进出租车驾驶员戒烟,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   
PurposeMore teens delay in driving licensure (DDL). It is conceivable they miss Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) safety benefits. We assessed prevalence, disparities, and factors associated with DDL among emerging adults.MethodsData used were from all seven waves (W1–7) of the NEXT Generation Health Study (W1 in 10th grade [2009–2010]). The outcome variable was DDL (long-DDL [delayed >2 years], intermediate-DDL [delayed 1–2 years] versus no-DDL), defined as participants receiving driver licensure ≥1 year after initial eligibility. Independent variables included sex, urbanicity, race/ethnicity, family structure, parental education, family affluence, parental monitoring knowledge, parent perceived importance of alcohol nonuse, and social media use. Logistic regressions were conducted.ResultsOf 2,525 participants eligible for licensure, 887 (38.9%) reported intermediate-DDL and 1,078 (30.1%) long-DDL. Latinos (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 2.5 vs. whites) and those with lower affluence (AOR = 2.5 vs. high) had higher odds of intermediate-DDL. Latinos (AOR = 4.5 vs. whites), blacks (AOR = 2.3 vs. whites), those with single parent (AOR = 1.7 vs. both biological parents), whose parents’ education was high school or less (AOR = 3.7 vs. bachelor+) and some college (AOR = 2.0 vs. bachelor+) levels, and those with lower affluence (AOR = 4.4 vs. high) had higher odds of long-DDL. Higher mother’s monitoring knowledge (AOR = .6) was associated with lower odds of long-DDL, but not intermediate-DDL.ConclusionsSome teens that DDL “age out” of protections afforded to them by GDL driver restrictions. Minority race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, urbanicity, and parenting factors contribute to DDL. Further study of these factors and their individual/collective contributions to DDL is needed to understand potential unintended consequences of GDL, particularly in more vulnerable youth.  相似文献   
目的了解北京市出租车司机膳食结构与饮食行为,为改善出租车司机的营养健康状况提供科学依据。方法采用方便抽样的方法,在北京首都机场T3航站楼地下停车场候机排队的出租车中随机抽取1052人作为调查对象。采用问卷调查的方法收集司机的饮食行为、膳食结构等信息。结果 21.8%的出租车司机出车时3餐均在外就餐,郊区司机3餐进食时长低于城区司机。出租车司机不吃早餐、午餐、晚餐的比例分别是10.5%、4.4%和14.8%。出租车司机出车时午餐和晚餐的构成主要是"主食+荤菜+素菜",较少司机选择加入水果,尤其是午餐。干净卫生和能吃饱是司机们选择就餐环境时考虑的主要因素,仅有少部分司机在选择午餐(20.4%)或晚餐(27.4%)时会考虑营养因素。结论北京市出租车司机特别是郊区司机,目前仍存在饮食不规律、3餐分配及膳食结构不合理的现象。  相似文献   
长途货运汽车司机安全性行为的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
调查了广西司机364名,山东司机160名,司机均为男性。以避孕套的使用意愿为因变量的逐步Logistic回归分析表明,有关性病、艾滋病的知识得分越高,知晓避孕套的作用与正确使用的知识得分越高,知晓何处可以买到避孕套得分越高,其避孕套的使用意愿越高。表明知识得分对避孕套使用意愿的影响  相似文献   
重庆市道路交通事故伤中驾驶员及相关情况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨作为道路交通事故主体的驾驶员在交通事故发生时的特点及规律。方法:随机对1988-1997年十年间重庆市市区、近郊、郊县及高速公路6个交通警察大队的交通事故资料进行回顾性抽样调查研究。结果:(1)调查登记肇事驾驶员8329人,男:女=28.9:1,平均事故年龄31.3岁;(2)驾龄在2年以内的肇事驾驶员占49.89%;(3)与驾驶员有关的责任事故6858起,占82.34%,98.12%的事故原因系人为因素造成;(4)肇事机动车以小型客车和大型货车为主,占57.17%;非机动车事故中自行车占75.29%;(5)驾驶员主要受伤部位为头面部,占57.70%,下肢占31.22%。结论:重视驾龄在2年以内驾驶员的驾驶技术培训和安全意识教育,加强小型客车和大型货车的交通管制,严格遵守交通规则,是减少交通事故的有效措施,安全带的使用是减少驾驶员伤亡的有效方法。  相似文献   
Although heterogeneous in methodology and content, 32 studies from 13 countries on bus drivers' work and health are similar in their conclusions. Bus-driving–characterized by high demands, low control and low support – can be regarded as a classic example of high-strain occupation, with high risks of physical and mental occupational ill-health, leading to absenteeism and to decreased productivity of employees and enterprises. Several recommendations – some of them already being implemented by bus companies – are presented in order to reduce work stress in bus drivers. They relate to: (a) ergonomics of the bus cabin, (b) job rotation and ‘combination jobs’, (c) timetables, shift schedules and quality of break periods, and (d) the social work environment and management style. Stress monitoring and stress reduction is not merely a technical process based on a technical analysis and on the simple ‘straightforward’ realization of recommendations and findings. It relates to changing and improving organizations and organizational processes. Such organization changes can best be obtained through a stepwise and participative approach. There are indications that those companies that invest in preventive measures receive their rewards.  相似文献   
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