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Summary.  The expression of adhesion molecules on human spermatozoa of healthy probands was analysed. The localization patterns of adhesion molecules (AM) on the spermatozoal surface were documented by fluorescence microscopy. Spermatozoa were incubated with antibodies against α1 (CD49a), α2 (CD49b), α3 (CD49c), α4 (CD49d), α5 (CD49e), α6 (CD49f) chains of β1 integrins, β1 (CD29), β2 (CD18), αV (CD51), β3 (CD61) and β4 integrin chains, the LFA-3 (Lymphocyte function antigen, CD58) from the immunoglobulin superfamily and the extracellular matrix proteins laminin, fibronectin and collagen IV. For collagen IV, α1 and α2 chains no expression could be noticed. Laminin was detected at the acrosomal membrane, fibronectin and β4 chain mainly at the equatorial membrane. The fibronectin receptors α3, α4 and α5 chains of the β1 integrins were mainly located on acrosomal and equatorial membrane areas. Laminin receptor α6 chain was located postacrosomal and less frequently acrosomal. β2 chain and vitronectin receptors αV and β3 chains had a mainly postacrosomal localization pattern. LFA-3 was found constantly on postacrosomal membrane areas. Double staining technique was used to prove the simultaneous occurrence of fibronectin and its integrin receptors α3, α4 and α5 chains and of αV and β2 chains on spermatozoa. The localization patterns of integrins on double stained spermatozoa were similar to the patterns described for single stained spermatozoa. The localization of fibronectin appeared to be influenced by the presence of integrins: the typical equatorial fibronectin band disappeared in case of an equatorial localization of integrins.  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between testosterone levels, violent dreams, and REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) in 31 men with Parkinson's disease (PD): 12 with clinical RBD and 19 without. All PD patients with clinical RBD experienced violent dreams, but none of the 19 non-RBD patients reported violent dreams. While dream content appears to be more aggressive in PD patients with clinical RBD, the presence of violent dreams or clinical RBD is not associated with testosterone levels in men with PD.  相似文献   
Worksite health promotion programs have become increasinglyprevalent in the United States, and one or more health promotionprograms are found in two-thirds of all private worksites with50 or more employees. Reasons for recent growth in program frequencyinclude increased concern for worker health, rapidly escalatingemployer payments for health care benefits to workers, and growingevidence of a strong linkage between employee health and productivity.Published results of evaluations to date suggest that worksitehealth promotion programs can have positive impacts on healthbehaviors and health status. In addition, economic analysesare suggesting that some programs can affect the slope of healthcare costs and have the potential of high cost-effectivenesscompared to some clinical interventions. A number of researchchallenges remain, particularly understanding the influencesof the worksite environment and how employee health promotionprograms affect individual and organizational productivity.  相似文献   
Self-expanding nitinol stents were used in 22 patients for palliative treatment of malignant esophagogastric strictures. All patients but 5 were men (age range 47–75 years). The strictures were caused by squamous cell carcinoma (n = 12), adenocarcinoma (n = 8), and recurrent anastomotic carcinoma (n = 2). No technical failure or procedural complications occurred. After the procedure, the severity of dysphagia decreased at least one grade in all patients. Tumor ingrowth into the stent was seen in 7 patients of 22 (32%). Four of these patients were treated with additional stents, and in 3 patients, due to refusal, only balloon dilations were performed, which caused temporary relief. Tumor ingrowth into the stent was noted from 10 days to 7 months (mean 3 months). This seems to be a disadvantage of nitinol stents. At the end of the study 10 patients had died dead with a mean survival of 3 months (range 1 week to 6 months) and 12 patients were still alive with a mean follow-up of 4 months (range 1–8 months). It is concluded that nitinol stents provide satisfactory palliation in patients with malignant dysphagia with neglectable procedural morbidity and mortality rates.  相似文献   
Intraperitoneal injection of inflammatory agents in the mouse and rat causes plasma protein and leukocyte extravasation into the peritoneal cavity. Following an intraperitoneal injection of zymosan A, the milky spots of the omentum were the only abdominal sites detected where intravenously administered Monastral Blue labeled interendothelial cell gaps responsible for plasma extravasation. In addition, when colored microspheres were intraventricularly administered to quantify blood flow, the omentum was the only abdominal organ which showed an increase in blood flow during zymosan A peritonitis. A combination of light and electron microscopy, plus measurement of myeloperoxidase activity (a marker of neutrophil accumulation) demonstrated that the omental milky spots are the major route through which leukocytes migrate into the peritoneal cavity. Identical structures in the pleura likewise are the sites of protein leakage into the pleural cavity. In contrast, selective sites of protein and cellular extravasation could not be detected in the synovial lining of the inflamed knee joint.  相似文献   
Health-related quality of life (HQL) assessment in the clinical setting have distinguished subjective perceptions (e.g. well-being), signssymptoms of the disease, and functional capacity as three major components. The impact of short-term treatment for migraine attacks on these variables was evaluated in an open prospective 6-month study at the Gothenburg Migraine Clinic. Socio-economic factors, subjective symptoms, and general well-beingquality of life were evaluated by self-administered questionnaires in 99 patients with migraine with or without aura in accordance with the classification of the International Headache Society. Short-term treatment comprising conventional therapy or subcutaneous sumatriptan reduced number of days per month with migraine and absenteeism from work, migraine-associated symptoms, but did not significantly improve general well-being between attacks. Future assessment of the patients' HQL in accordance with this approach would enable us to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of current therapies of particular interest in the field of migraine.  相似文献   
Forty-one cases of chondrosarcoma from varying sites throughout the body, and treated exclusively by one of the authors (R. L. H.) from 1972 to 1990 were reviewed. The symptoms, signs, location of tumours, treatment and progress are presented. Particular attention was paid to modular bone replacement techniques. Excision and reconstruction of the bone or joint were carried out in 17 femora, five tibia and six humeri. Comparison between this method of management and other techniques is discussed. Titanium and alumina prostheses for the hip, femur, tibia, shoulder and humerus have been designed by the senior author. These are both inert and modular, and have been found to be superior to other methods of treatment in both function and cosmesis. They do not possess the same potential donor infection risks and other disadvantages of allograft replacement. Immediate postoperative weight bearing and mobilization are possible with these systems. The Huckstep prostheses allow for bony in growth into their porous coated alumina sleeves, spacers and stems. In addition, the titanium alloy locking component for the femoral stems has an elasticity half that of other metal alloys and this was found to minimize stress shielding.  相似文献   
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