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Background From the endocrine surgeon’s perspective, it is important to know how endocrinologists manage patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT). The aim of this survey was to evaluate the preoperative diagnostic workup and referral pattern for parathyroidectomy by Swiss endocrinologists. Materials and methods The survey was conducted by mailing a questionnaire to all members of the Swiss Society for Endocrinology and Diabetes in spring 2005. Results The questionnaire was sent back by 68 of 124 endocrinologists (55%). The median annual case volume of patients with pHPT was 6 (range 1–50). The mean fraction of these patients referred for surgery was 59 ± 24%. This fraction was significantly higher in the German-speaking part of Switzerland than in the French-speaking part (67 ± 21% vs 51 ± 27%). When considering surgery for asymptomatic pHPT, 62% of the endocrinologists rely routinely on the recommendations of the NIH consensus conference and 86% on the subsequent guidelines of the workshop in 2002. Sixty-seven percent of the endocrinologists routinely perform localization studies before possible referral for surgical exploration. Typically, they consisted of an ultrasonography of the neck (93%) and a 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy (80%). The impact of the availability of a minimally invasive surgical procedure on the number of patients referred for surgery seems to be considerable. Sixty-one percent of the participants would expand the indication for surgery if the operation could be done by a limited surgical approach. Conclusions In a relevant fraction of patients with pHPT, endocrinologists still do not regard curative therapy as mandatory. Surprisingly, there are significant cultural differences concerning referral patterns to surgery between the German-speaking and the French-speaking parts of Switzerland. Minimally invasive procedures seem to lower the threshold for referral for surgical therapy. This work was presented at the 2nd Biennial Congress of the ESES, May 2006, Krakow, Poland.  相似文献   
Male genital oedema can be defined as swelling or the appearance of swelling of the scrotum and/or the penile shaft and prepuce. Despite the various causes of genital oedema reported in the published work, a concise approach to the evaluation and management has not been sufficiently addressed.  相似文献   
构筑健康教育工程实现社会医院双赢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了四川大学华西医院10年来构筑普及医疗卫生保健知识系统工程的认识体会、经验和取得的成效,指出医院在普及卫生保健知识中的职责和优势。  相似文献   
The public sector in Britain has been subjected to over a decade of major reform aimed at breaking up public service monopolies, at containing costs while at the same time opening services up to greater consumer choice. Health and social services have not been exempt from this revolution in the organization and management of public sector services. The long-standing policy of care in the community is being subjected to market principles and the introduction of a ‘contract culture’ very similar to the NHS reforms introduced in 1991. This paper reviews the origins of these developments in the doctrines of ‘new public management’, a movement which has proved attractive to policy-makers in many countries. Local authority social services departments have been identified as the lead agency for the development of a mixed economy of care following a review of community care policy by the government's health adviser, Sir Roy Griffiths, and a subsequent white paper. This paper examines the limited empirical evidence available on how managers and providers are meeting the challenge bestowed upon them, and concludes that most authorities are moving ahead cautiously if at all. Only a handful of authorities studied have embraced the reforms with any degree of enthusiasm. The paper concludes with an assessment of the reforms from two perspectives: a pessimistic one and an optimistic one. There are many worrying features of the reforms, not least among these being a lack of clarity over their intended purpose. Tensions and contradictions are plentiful, which places in jeopardy the certainty of the reforms in becoming user led rather than provider driven. A more optimistic scenario is that the changes are leading to a loosening up of services and practices which have often suffered from sclerotic tendencies, paternalism and sometimes complacency. If the reform process is skilfully handled and not rushed and if the ends are clearly established and communicated then users and carers could prove to be the principal beneficiaries.  相似文献   
Trends in poverty and changes in service provision are combining to make the promotion of health in poverty a particular challenge to health and welfare practitioners. The evidence suggests that practitioner groups have failed to respond adequately to this challenge. Factors concerned with professional perceptions of poverty, the nature of qualifying and post-qualifying education and the difficulties associated with taking research into practice all appear, in some way, to contribute to practitioners’ failure to incorporate a poverty perspective in their work. A team training approach appears to offer one way forward in the practice-setting. Using a team training approach, the‘Health Promotion in Poverty Project’ has sought to enable the lessons learnt from the broad base of poverty theory and research to be used by practitioners to build responsive and integrated support strategies for low-income families with dependent children.  相似文献   
Abstract: Two affected individuals of the Swedish family with CDA, type III, in which the disease is transmitted as an autosomal dominant character, were studied. Both cases displayed features hitherto undescribed in this family but described in patients with CDA, type III, in whom the inheritance may have been as an autosomal recessive character. Such features were: (a) haemosiderinuria, (b) grossly disorganised erythroblast nuclei, (c) differences in the ultrastructural appearances of individual nuclei within the same multinucleate erythroblast and (d) intraerythroblastic inclusions resembling precipitated globin chains. In both cases the giant mononucleate erythroblasts and the multinucleate erythroblasts had total DNA contents up to 28c (1c = haploid DNA content) and 48c respectively, and some DNA synthesising bi- and multinucleate erythroblasts contained one or more nuclei which were unlabelled with 3H-thymidine. These findings are similar to those in patients with the autosomal recessive type of disease. Thus no major phenotypic differences are yet apparent between cases of CDA, type III, with different patterns of inheritance. Analysis of the surface erythrocyte proteins of the 2 Swedish CDA, type III, patients with monoclonal antibodies recognising Band 3, glycophorins A, B, C and D, Rh, CD44, CD47, CD55, CD58, CD59, Lutheran, Kell, LW and acetylcholinesterase did not reveal any gross abnormality of expression of these proteins. A slightly altered expression of blood group antigens A and H was revealed by the lectins Dolichos biflorus and Ulex europaeus and the Mr of Band 3 as judged by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was also slightly reduced, suggesting that there may be minor alterations in the degree of N-glycosylation of some red cell membrane constituents.  相似文献   
应用DNA重组技术将编码人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bbFGF)的基因克隆至原核高效表达质粒pBV_(221)的启动子下游。SDS-SAGE、ELISA和NTT活性监测结果表明:该重组质粒pBV-hbFGF在大肠杆菌DH5α中,经42℃诱导后,可表达出有较高生物活性的hbFGF。  相似文献   
Abstract: A cell line, BAD05, derived from B lymphocytes of an adenosine deaminase (ADA; EC 3,5,4,4)-deficient patient could not proliferate in a serum-free medium containing 100 μmol/l deoxyadenosine. When BAD05 was cultured with ADA-positive fibroblasts, the proliferation of BAD05 was improved. BAD05 cell density increased when the initially mixed ratio of fibroblasts/BAD05 was 1/10 or higher, but decreased when the ratio was 1/20 or lower. Deoxyadenosine concentrations in the medium and ATP and deoxyATP (dATP) levels in the BAD05 were measured after 4 hours of coculture at initial BAD05 cell densities of 1 × 105and 1 × 106cells/ml. Deoxyadenosine concentrations in the medium decreased as the density of fibroblasts increased. The dATP level decreased as the mixed ratio rose. The ratio of fibroblasts/BAD05 rather than the cell density of fibroblasts had a larger effect on the dATP levels in BAD05. Under our experimental conditions, ADA-negative cells proliferated well when the ratio of ADA-positive cells/ADA-negative cells was over 1/10.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate clinical history and self-perception of severity as predictors of asthma severity. A short-term longitudinal study was conducted in a family practice in Melbourne, Australia, utilizing peak flow monitoring, medication diary, and self-administered asthma severity questionnaire. Seventy-two asthmatic subjects with a positive bronchodilator or exercise test, aged between 6 and 79 years, were studied. Symptom and treatment items were correlated with peak flow variability and minimal peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). An asthma severity scale was generated using the partial credit version of Item Response Theory and the participants' severity scores were validated against lung function tests and medication usage. Quantitative modeling procedures were used to investigate the interrelationships of factors associated with peak flow variability. Severity scores demonstrated significant relationships with peak flow variability (partial r = 0.34) and treatment items. Self-perceived severity of asthma in the preceding 2 weeks showed significant association with peak flow variability (partial rho = 0.46) and minimal PEFR (rho = -0.41). The severity module of the Monash Respiratory Questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument. The most important symptoms appear to be the frequency of use of bronchodilator and frequency of nocturnal attacks. A carefully structured clinical history in conjunction with the peak flow criteria of variability and minimal peak flow rate would be appropriate in the evaluation of asthma severity. Patients' self-perception of the severity of their asthma needs further evaluation.  相似文献   
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