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随机抽取了江西宜丰县μg/L地甲病和地克病高发区车上乡(地甲现患率为44.10‰,地克病现患率为6.40‰,水碘含量为3.1μg/L(3-7岁儿童108人和低发区的新庄乡(地甲为32.00‰,地克病为0.00‰,水碘含量为6.7μg/L)同龄115人的智能情况,并进行了对比研究。结果表明,车上乡儿童智商(IQ)平均值为92.78±12.99,极显地低于新庄乡儿童的IQ均值(其IQ为99.42±13.25),t=3.777,p<0.005。两地智地中下-低下占其所在组全部儿童的百分比分别为41.67T和20.00%,亦极显地不同(x^2=15.55,P<0.01 ),说明高发区缺碘对儿童智能有相当的。此外,还发现两地被测儿童的身高,体重及粗动作能力均低于国内外同龄的一般水平,并就其原因进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   
选取三峡库区血吸虫病潜在流行区的1 386名居民进行问卷调查,结果表明这些地区无害化厕所使用和安全用水情况不容乐观,存在感染血吸虫的潜在危险。  相似文献   
DNA ploidy measurement has been applied uniquely to wax-embedded tissue of primary renal cell and metastatic tumours of a key experimental researcher on porcine ochratoxicosis, a control, and four transitional cell carcinomas from cases of Balkan endemic nephropathy. Primary renal tumour was diploid, and hyperdiploid metastasis was within the lower ploidy range for typical renal cell carcinoma. Three Balkan primary tumours showed extensive aneuploidy indicating marked nuclear instability, similar to model rat renal carcinoma caused by ochratoxin A. In contrast, much less nuclear instability in the putative occupational ochratoxicosis case fitted poorly with the ochratoxin A model.  相似文献   
Aim of the study was to evaluate antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of Achyranthes coynei; an endemic plant used in treatment of several diseases in the same lines that of Achyranthes aspera by traditional practitioners of Belgaum region. Efficiency of extraction methods was studied for aerial parts (leaves, stem, and inflorescence) extracted in methanol using continuous shaking, microwave assisted and ultra sonic extraction technique, by exposing it for different time period. Total phenolic content was measured by Folin-Ciocalteu method and antioxidant activity using 2,2’-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl radical scavenging assay and ferric reducing antioxidant power assay. Extracts of A. coynei revealed highest yield of total phenolic content in continuous shaking method compared to other methods. Significantly higher amount of phenolic content (467.07±23.35 tannic acid equivalent and 360.83±18.04 caffic acid equivalent mg/100 g FW) was estimated at 360 min of continuous shaking extraction. In 2,2’-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl radical scavenging assay and ferric reducing antioxidant power assay, inflorescence and leaf showed highest potential activity, respectively. Stem extracts showed lower yield of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Results also showed 2,2’-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl radical scavenging assay had significant correlation with total phenolic content. This is first report of total phenolic content and antioxidant studies in A. coynei.  相似文献   
目的了解重庆市血吸虫病潜在流行区血吸虫病潜在流行因素,为血吸虫病潜在流行区提供预警信息,防止钉螺的扩散与血吸虫病疫情的传播。方法在三峡库区中段万州和支流上游开县设立固定监测点和流动监测点,调查当地居民、流动人口及家畜的血吸虫感染情况;在固定危险地带和流动可疑环境开展输入性钉螺调查。采用ELISA方法检测人群血清血吸虫抗体情况。结果 2个监测点共调查当地居民2006人,血清阳性率为1.50%(30/2006),开县血清阳性率高于万州(2.29%vs0.70%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.66,P〈0.01)。调查流动人员1970人,血清阳性率为2.39%,返乡人员血清阳性率高于疫区来渝人员(2.92%vs0.26%)(χ2=9.54,P〈0.01),万州区的流动人员阳性率高于开县(3.61%vs1.32%)(χ2=11.03,P〈0.01)。监测点未发现从血吸虫病流行区引进的家畜,检测当地的牛和羊血清均为阴性。固定监测和流动监测分别调查133875、545530m2,未发现钉螺。结论重庆市血吸虫病潜在流行区存在血吸虫病传播的危险因素,应加强潜在流行区的传染源监测和管理,防止钉螺输入潜在流行区。  相似文献   
Combining high biodiversity with high yields in tropical agroforests   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Local and landscape-scale agricultural intensification is a major driver of global biodiversity loss. Controversially discussed solutions include wildlife-friendly farming or combining high-intensity farming with land-sparing for nature. Here, we integrate biodiversity and crop productivity data for smallholder cacao in Indonesia to exemplify for tropical agroforests that there is little relationship between yield and biodiversity under current management, opening substantial opportunities for wildlife-friendly management. Species richness of trees, fungi, invertebrates, and vertebrates did not decrease with yield. Moderate shade, adequate labor, and input level can be combined with a complex habitat structure to provide high biodiversity as well as high yields. Although livelihood impacts are held up as a major obstacle for wildlife-friendly farming in the tropics, our results suggest that in some situations, agroforests can be designed to optimize both biodiversity and crop production benefits without adding pressure to convert natural habitat to farmland.  相似文献   
目的 掌握甘肃省碘缺乏病高危地区碘缺乏病防治现状,为制订碘缺乏病的防治策略提供依据.方法 2007 - 2009年选择12个碘缺乏病高危县,在全县范围内搜索所有1997年1月1日以后出生的疑似克汀病患者.在每个县抽取3个乡,在每个乡抽取2个村,在每个村小学,选择40名8~ 10岁儿童进行甲状腺检查、尿碘测定、智商测查;每个村选择30名育龄妇女进行尿碘测定,并对其家中食盐进行半定量检测,同时对当地碘盐相关情况进行调查.结果 12个县中,共搜索到120例疑似克汀病患者,确诊7例.儿童甲状腺B超肿大率为6.8%(290/4281),夏河县、临潭县、卓尼县、舟曲县和东乡县的肿大率均>5.0%,其中夏河县、临潭县和东乡县均>10.0%.儿童平均智商为82.38.儿童尿碘中位数为180.34 μg/L,尿碘<50.00 μg/L的比例为11.0%(482/4383).育龄妇女尿碘中位数为175.91 μg/L,尿碘<50μg/L的比例为16.5%(126/762).其中夏河县、东乡县育龄妇女尿碘中位数分别为95.24 μg/L和66.30 μg/L.12个县中有8个县的碘盐覆盖率在95.0%以上,其余4个县的碘盐碘盐覆盖率均<85%,其中广河县和东乡县的碘盐覆盖率仅为39.2%(47/120)和66.7%(120/180).14.9%(206/1380)的群众认为购买碘盐不方便;87.7%(1210/1380)认为目前的碘盐价格超出可接受的范围;29.9%(413/1380)的家庭主妇知道预防缺碘的方法.结论 影响碘缺乏病高危地区防治的因素广泛存在,应加强碘缺乏病高危地区监测,适时采取有效措施,确保重点人群充足的碘营养.同时还应加强以碘盐为主的综合防治措施的落实,建立碘缺乏病防治长效机制.  相似文献   
Serum samples from children immunized with a meningococcal serogroup B vaccine demonstrated potent serum bactericidal antibody activity against the hypervirulent Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W strain circulating in England. The recent introduction of this vaccine into the United Kingdom national immunization program should also help protect infants against this endemic strain.  相似文献   
目的了解邹城市地方性氟中毒(地氟病)防治知识知晓情况及健康教育的效果,为以后防治该市饮水型氟中毒提供一定的理论依据。方法采用地氟病防治知识一般调查问卷对5所学校5年级学生及周边育龄妇女在健康教育前后都进行问卷调查,对其结果进行比较分析。结果健康教育前,5年级学生获得地氟病知识的来源主要是宣传单、墙报,占43.82%,其知晓率为61.78%;育龄妇女获得地氟病知识的来源主要是通过医生和防保人员的讲解,占41.08%,其知晓率为64.44%,而且不同文化程度的育龄妇女对相关知识的了解差异具有统计学意义。健康教育后,学生和育龄妇女对地氟病防治相关知识的了解都有了显著的提高。结论未进行健康教育前被调查对象地氟病防治知识的知晓率较低,进行健康教育后其知晓率有大幅度的提高。提示要预防地氟病就应该加大宣传和健康教育的力度。  相似文献   
血吸虫病中度流行区两种化疗策略的费用-效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较了高感染率的血吸虫病中度流行区以疫水接触史确定化疗对象的选择性化疗方案与世界银行现行方案的防治效果和费用—效果。将试区随机分为两组 ,试验组以疫水接触史确定化疗对象 ,每年进行 1次 ;对照组按世界银行现行方案 ,即以 IHA检查结果确定化疗对象 ,每年查治约人群的 5 0 %。方案实施两年 ,以人群感染率下降程度和每百人感染率下降 1%的费用作为效果和费用—效果评价指标。结果显示 ,试验组人群感染率下降6 6 .4% ,每百人感染率下降 1%的费用为 4.86元 ;对照组人群感染率下降 36 .4% ,每百人感染率下降 1%的费用为6 .46元。提示以疫水接触史确定化疗对象的选择性化疗方案较以 IHA检查确定化疗对象的方案具有更好的防治效果和费用—效果  相似文献   
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