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郭华  周贻兵  林野  黄培林 《职业与健康》2013,(24):3301-3303,3306
目的评定反相高效液相色谱法测定废弃食用油脂中胆固醇的测量结果的不确定度,定量评价测定结果质量。方法建立数学模型,分析测量不确定的来源,计算各不确定度分量和扩展不确定度。结果当k=2(95%置信概率)时,废弃食用油脂中胆固醇含量为(0.085±0.036)mg/g。结论方法适用于评定反相高效液相色谱法测定废弃食用油脂中胆固醇含量的不确定度,测量不确定度的主要来源为样品重复性测定和标准溶液配制引入的不确定度。  相似文献   
lNTRODUCTlONThepolysaccharidesfromediblefungi(e.g.LE[1],FV[z's])weremacromolecularsubstanceswithstrongantigenicityandwerealsoverifiedtohaveantitumoractivityagainstS-l80implantedtumorinmiceinvivoandthatfromABwereshowntohaveantiinfectionofvirusandanticancerationinvivo.Thereferencesabouttheeffects0fp0lysaccharideextractsfromediblefungioncancercellsinvitr0wereverylimited.InthisreporthumanhepatomaSMMC-772lcellswereusedasamodelt0detecttheanticanceractivityofpolysaccharideextractsfromthethree…  相似文献   
地沟油鉴别检测指标的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘波  杨建国  张雪梅 《职业与健康》2011,27(10):1167-1169
综述目前鉴别检验地沟油的常见检测指标。对地沟油和正常食用油常规检测指标和特异性检测指标进行分析。常规检验指标能区分油脂优劣,可以作为判断是否为地沟油的辅助性指标,特异性指标是今后鉴别地沟油的重点。寻找出能判断地沟油的特异性指标并建立检验方法,为执法部门提供可靠的检验依据,防止地沟油回流餐桌。  相似文献   
Edible flowers have been gaining popularity among researchers, nutritionists and chefs all around the world. Nowadays, flowers are used to make food look and/or taste better; however, they are also a very good source of valuable nutrients (antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, macro and microelements). The aim of our study was to determine the content of dietary fibre and total protein in selected edible flowers; we also compared the nutritional content of petals, differentiating between the representatives of the Oleaceae and Asteraceae families, as well as herbaceous vs. woody plants. The study material consisted of petals of 12 edible flower species (Magnolia × soulangeana, Sambucus nigra L., Syringa vulgaris L. (white and violet flowers), Robinia pseudoacacia, Forsythia × intermedia, Cichorium intybus L., Bellis perennis, Tussilago farfara L., Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wiggers coll., Centaurea cyanus L., Calendula officinalis). Dietary fibre content was determined by the enzymatic-gravimetric method and ranged from 13.22 (Magnolia × soulangeana) to 62.33 (Calendula officinalis L.) g/100 g. For insoluble dietary fibre (IDF), the values ranged from 8.69 (Magnolia × soulangeana) to 57.54 (Calendula officinalis L.) g/100 g, and the content of soluble dietary fibre (SDF) was between 1.35 (Syringa vulgaris L.-white flowers) and 7.46 (Centaurea cyanus L) g/100 g. Flowers were also shown to be a good, though underappreciated, source of plant protein, with content ranging from 8.70 (Calendula officinalis L.) to 21.61 (Magnolia × soulangeana) g/100 g dry matter (Kjeldahl method). Considerable amounts of protein were found in the flowers of the olive family (Oleaceae) and woody plants, which can enrich the daily diet, especially vegan and vegetarian. Edible flowers of the Asteraceae family, especially the herbaceous representatives, contained high levels of both total dietary fibre and its insoluble fraction; therefore, they can be a rich source of these nutrients in the daily diet of athletes, which would perform a prebiotic function for gut bacteria.  相似文献   
Edible vaccines hold great promise as a cost-effective, easy-to-administer, easy-to-store, fail-safe and socioculturally readily acceptable vaccine delivery system, especially for the poor developing countries. It involves introduction of selected desired genes into plants and then inducing these altered plants to manufacture the encoded proteins. Introduced as a concept about a decade ago, it has become a reality today. A variety of delivery systems have been developed. Initially thought to be useful only for preventing infectious diseases, it has also found application in prevention of autoimmune diseases, birth control, cancer therapy, etc. Edible vaccines are currently being developed for a number of human and animal diseases. There is growing acceptance of transgenic crops in both industrial and developing countries. Resistance to genetically modified foods may affect the future of edible vaccines. They have passed the major hurdles in the path of an emerging vaccine technology. Various technical obstacles, regulatory and non-scientific challenges, though all seem surmountable, need to be overcome. This review attempts to discuss the current status and future of this new preventive modality.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to determine the effect of Diplazium esculentum on Th1 and Th2 cytokine modulation in Swiss albino mice that were administered orally with different doses of boiled D. esculentum (BDE), daily within a span of 180 days. After the treatment, serum was collected. Splenocytes were also cultured in vitro with different concentrations of BDE, and culture supernatant was collected. Both serum and culture supernatant were used for cytokine determination by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for different Th1 (IL-2 and IFN-γ) and Th2 (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokines. Results indicated significant decreases (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, and p < 0.001) in both Th1 and Th2 cytokine concentrations when compared with their respective controls. These results suggest that the intake of D. esculentum, even after cooking, may evoke immune dysfunction by altering Th1 and Th2 cytokine balance, may induce severe immunosuppression, and may be considered as alarming.  相似文献   
An antitumour-promoting activity in two-stage carcinogenesis, was found in the methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of the Japanese edible mushroom ‘Buna-shimeji’, Hypsizigus marmoreus (Tricholomataceae). From the active fractions of the extracts, two sterols, ergosterol and ergosterol peroxide, were isolated. The isolates showed inhibitory activity against 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate induced ear inflammation in mice, and ergosterol markedly inhibited tumour promotion in a two-stage carcinogenesis experiment. These sterols may be useful in developing an effective method of cancer prevention.  相似文献   
The feeding of 4% guar or xanthan gum versus 4% cellulose in a final test meal was expected to slow the gastric emptying of accompanying nutrients, and the degree of this slowing was examined in rats trained to three feeding regimens. Gastric emptying of nutrient energy was calculated from the measured disappearance of fat and of either carbohydrate or total diet residue from the stomach. In experiment 1, rats were ad libitum fed a diet containing 4% cellulose for 6 1/2 days and, after 12 to 14 hours without food, were given a test meal containing either 4% guar or 4% cellulose. In experiment 2, a growth-restricting amount of 6% and 2% guar diets was fed as a single meal on each of 7 days, and the same diets were used for the final test meals. In experiment 3, rats ate 2-hour meals containing 4% and 0% guar gum, or 4% and 0% xanthan gum, on alternate days, and again the same diets were used for the test meal. The feeding of both xanthan and guar gums in a dry form did slow gastric emptying of nutrient energy, although the feeding of 6% versus 2% guar gum was without demonstrable effect (experiment 2). The slowing effect varied with past feeding conditions, being greater in experiment 1 than in experiment 3.  相似文献   
从“神农氏出,尝草别谷”发现稻米中药,到“轩辕氏出,制为方剂”,及后人发掘稻米药用发展至今,稻米类中药因其味甘、性平、无毒成为日常食用健胃和脾之佳品,这是中药药用平民化、普及化的结果,也是传统中药惠及百姓的表现,然其药用本源被大家所遗忘。通过梳理历代经典本草著作,追根溯源,证明稻米是一味经典中药,从古至今在中医药防病治病中得到广泛应用,以探求稻米类中药的应用和药用价值,药食同源,返朴归真。  相似文献   
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