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地沟油鉴别检测指标的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘波  杨建国  张雪梅 《职业与健康》2011,27(10):1167-1169
综述目前鉴别检验地沟油的常见检测指标。对地沟油和正常食用油常规检测指标和特异性检测指标进行分析。常规检验指标能区分油脂优劣,可以作为判断是否为地沟油的辅助性指标,特异性指标是今后鉴别地沟油的重点。寻找出能判断地沟油的特异性指标并建立检验方法,为执法部门提供可靠的检验依据,防止地沟油回流餐桌。  相似文献   
The feeding of 4% guar or xanthan gum versus 4% cellulose in a final test meal was expected to slow the gastric emptying of accompanying nutrients, and the degree of this slowing was examined in rats trained to three feeding regimens. Gastric emptying of nutrient energy was calculated from the measured disappearance of fat and of either carbohydrate or total diet residue from the stomach. In experiment 1, rats were ad libitum fed a diet containing 4% cellulose for 6 1/2 days and, after 12 to 14 hours without food, were given a test meal containing either 4% guar or 4% cellulose. In experiment 2, a growth-restricting amount of 6% and 2% guar diets was fed as a single meal on each of 7 days, and the same diets were used for the final test meals. In experiment 3, rats ate 2-hour meals containing 4% and 0% guar gum, or 4% and 0% xanthan gum, on alternate days, and again the same diets were used for the test meal. The feeding of both xanthan and guar gums in a dry form did slow gastric emptying of nutrient energy, although the feeding of 6% versus 2% guar gum was without demonstrable effect (experiment 2). The slowing effect varied with past feeding conditions, being greater in experiment 1 than in experiment 3.  相似文献   
Despite decades of focus on crickets (family: Gryllidae) as a popular commodity and model organism, we still know very little about their immune responses to microbial pathogens. Previous studies have measured downstream immune effects (e.g., encapsulation response, circulating hemocytes) following an immune challenge in crickets, but almost none have identified and quantified the expression of immune genes during an active pathogenic infection. Furthermore, the prevalence of covert (i.e., asymptomatic) infections within insect populations is becoming increasingly apparent, yet we do not fully understand the mechanisms that maintain low viral loads. In the present study, we measured the expression of several genes across multiple immune pathways in Gryllodes sigillatus crickets with an overt or covert infection of cricket iridovirus (CrIV). Crickets with overt infections had higher relative expression of key pathway component genes across the Toll, Imd, Jak/STAT, and RNAi pathways. These results suggests that crickets can tolerate low viral infections but can mount a robust immune response during an overt CrIV infection. Moreover, this study provides insight into the immune strategy of crickets following viral infection and will aid future studies looking to quantify immune investment and improve resistance to pathogens.  相似文献   
目的 探讨多处大面积严重褥疮的食用糖与氯霉素疗法的优点; 方法 清洗褥疮创面,然后将食用糖和氯霉素撒在创面上,用胶布整块地封闭创面,5 ~7 天更换一次; 结果 食用糖加氯霉素治疗褥疮明显缩短治愈时间。结论 食用糖加氯霉素疗法比传统疗法更有效,缩短治愈时间,有利于主要疾病的恢复。  相似文献   
使用壳聚糖配制的涂膜液处理油豆角,通过测定涂膜的油豆角在贮藏期间呼吸强度、PPO、POD、MDA的变化,探讨油豆角在贮藏期间的生理变化规律.结果表明,涂膜处理后能推迟油豆角呼吸高峰的到来;同时,在贮藏期间,涂膜油豆角的呼吸强度、PPO、POD、MDA与对照组相比都有所降低.  相似文献   
目的:建立食用淀粉空囊质量标准。方法:按照GB/T 1.1-2009标准的结构和编写给出的规则起草,参考GB/T 29343-2012木薯淀粉以及GB 2713-2015淀粉制品有关卫生标准等拟定淀粉空囊质量标准。结果:拟定了感官、理化、微生物限度以及致病菌控制项目。结论:本质量标准的建立,将为淀粉空囊在食品中的应用提供质量保障。  相似文献   
高效电子荧光灯作为空间高等植物栽培光源的可行性   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
目的 证明高效电子荧光灯可以作为空间高等植物栽培的唯一光源。方法高效电子荧光灯作光源,在新建成的空间高等植物栽培地面实验装置中进行了生菜三个品种的栽培试验。  相似文献   
目的:掌握山东省大型真菌的资源和利用情况,为山东省大型真菌的合理开发和可持续发展提供理论依据。方法:采用文献资料整理和实地踏查相结合的方法,较为全面地统计了山东省已知大型真菌的种类数目。结果:初步统计山东省大型真菌共有557种,隶属68科,152属。并对其应用价值和优势科进行了归纳和整理,其中食用菌为118种,药用菌184种,药食两菌为57种。优势科主要为蘑菇科和红菇科等。结论:对山东省已知大型真菌的种类有了初步了解,为其综合开发利用和资源保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
lNTRODUCTlONThepolysaccharidesfromediblefungi(e.g.LE[1],FV[z's])weremacromolecularsubstanceswithstrongantigenicityandwerealsoverifiedtohaveantitumoractivityagainstS-l80implantedtumorinmiceinvivoandthatfromABwereshowntohaveantiinfectionofvirusandanticancerationinvivo.Thereferencesabouttheeffects0fp0lysaccharideextractsfromediblefungioncancercellsinvitr0wereverylimited.InthisreporthumanhepatomaSMMC-772lcellswereusedasamodelt0detecttheanticanceractivityofpolysaccharideextractsfromthethree…  相似文献   
The biological properties of Agaricus brasiliensis mycelium, including their immuno-stimulating and anti-tumour activities, have previously been investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of long-term intake of A. brasiliensis mycelium cultivated on wheat grains by solid-state culture on tumour growth and immune response in Sarcoma 180 tumour-bearing mice. Mice received dietary supplementation with 100% or 50% Agaricus mycelium cultivated on wheat grains for 14 weeks and were inoculated with Sarcoma 180 tumours. We found that A. brasiliensis had anti-tumour activity, and that dietary supplementation with a 50% concentration (A50S) prevented loss of body weight, inhibited tumour growth, induced the increase of CD4+ T cells and CD25+ CD4+ T subsets in peripheral organs and downregulated Tumor necrosis factor alpha production in plasma. Our results confirm that dietary supplementation with Agaricus may offer immuno-modulatory activity and protection against tumour growth.  相似文献   
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