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[目的]探索中医体质与行为生活方式研究的现状、热点和趋势.[方法]检索中国知网建库至2020年12月收录的中医体质与行为生活方式研究文献,运用CiteSpace软件进行知识图谱可视化分析并开展计量学研究.[结果]共纳入563篇文献.发文量整体呈上升趋势;刊载文献量≥5篇的20本期刊中核心期刊13本,占65.00%;学位...  相似文献   
介绍了医学F1000因子的概念和计算公式,选取医学F1000网站部分文献,通过其F1000因子与其所在期刊影响因子的比较,发现医学F1000与影响因子在评价对象、评价方法、组织文献方法等方面的不同,建议在评价文献质量时应综合应用这两项指标。  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the research trend on refractive cataract surgery, compare the contributions of different countries, institutions, journals, and authors in the past 20y, and explore its potential research hotspots.METHODS: All publications were extracted relating to refractive cataract surgery from 2003 to 2022 from Web of Science. Document types were limited to original articles and reviews, and the language was limited to English. Quantitatively and qualitatively of the publications were analyzed through Microsoft Excel and GraphPad Prism. VOSviewer and CiteSpace were used for bibliometric and visualized analysis.RESULTS: A total of 2090 publications were enrolled. The United States contributed the most publications (434, 20.8%), followed by China (345, 16.5%) and England (163, 7.80%). Publications from the United States were cited more frequently (9552 citations) with the highest H-index of 48. China ranked second in the total number of publications, the papers were not cited that frequently (3237 citations), and the H-index ranked sixth (H-index=29). Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery published the most papers (333, 15.9%), and the University of London had the highest number of publications (75, 3.59%). Dick HB from Germany published the most papers. Corneal astigmatism-related research, cataract surgery method-related research, postoperative visual-quality relate to research, and postoperative complications-relate research are the hotspots in this field. The most significant limitation was that the database was updated frequently and the latest publications were not included.CONCLUSION: The bibliometric analysis shows a brief summarization of the contribution of the authors, institutions, countries, and journals. Corneal astigmatism, cataract surgery method, postoperative visual-quality and postoperative complications related researches have become the emerging hotspots, which can give a direction in the future researches.  相似文献   
目的 分析国内外新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤的研究热点和发展趋势, 为后期开展深入研究提供借鉴和指导。方法 运用文献计量学分析方法, 以建库至2019年12月31日PubMed 、Web of Science 、FMRS、中国知网、万方数据库、维普数据库收录文献为研究对象, 从发文量的国家、学科分布、发文期刊及作者、机构及基金、高频关键词5个方面统计分析, 并构建高频关键词共词矩阵然后进行聚类分析。结果 1)共筛选出5 594篇文献, 分别发表于1 246种期刊, 其中影响因子超过5的期刊205种。2)发文量前3的国家依次是美国、中国和日本。3)美国在新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤领域已经形成核心作者群, 拥有高质量期刊, 具有举足轻重的作用, 主导该领域研究。我国尚未形成新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤研究的核心力量。4)国内发文量居前10的研究机构有8所来自于高等院校, 研究最多的机构来源于郑州大学, 而研究更深入的分布于上海。结论 我国目前对于新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤的研究仍处于领先地位, 该领域的研究仍需进行多学科、多层次、多地区大样本的分析, 以更好地促进临床研究。开发用于新生儿缺氧缺血性治疗的新药物、新靶点是一项亟待解决的工作, 而自噬在HIBD中的作用及相关机制的探索或将可以提供新的思路。  相似文献   
基于文献分析法的药物临床试验信息化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:梳理药物临床试验信息化建设研究脉络,了解并掌握药物临床试验信息化建设研究热点和发展趋势。方法:本研究采用知识图谱CiteSpaceⅤ软件,在2000年至2020年中国知网数据库391条文献的基础上,从文献数量分析、研究机构分析、作者分析、研究热点主题以及研究趋势分析等角度进行了深入探讨,并绘制知识图谱,梳理药物临床试验信息化建设研究脉络。结果:分析表明近20年来药物临床信息化建设相关研究论文发表数量波动上升,主要研究机构在该领域大都有较强的研究能力,但研究机构间的联系还较为松散,学者间的学术交流还有待加强。在热点研究上的转变体现了该领域更加注重系统化和保护受试者权益。结论:药物临床试验信息化建设研究热点主要集中于临床试验、药物临床试验、质量控制等方面。通过信息化建设进一步提高试验管理效能,保证药物临床试验可靠规范,有效降低药物临床试验风险隐患是未来研究趋势。  相似文献   
目的 使用文献计量分析方法,分析现阶段儿童肥胖的国际研究热点,为把握该领域今后研究方向提供参考依据。方法 以儿童肥胖为主题词,检索2013年1月1日至今美国医学文摘(PubMed) 中在国际上发表的儿童肥胖相关文献,利用书目共现分析系统提取文献的主要主题词和副主题词,生成主要主题词和副主题词的词篇矩阵;使用 gCLUTO 软件对词篇矩阵进行双向聚类分析,并进一步生成可视化山丘图及可视化树状图。结果 2013年1月1日-2019年6月18日PubMed中共收录儿童肥胖相关文献6 546篇。2013年起儿童肥胖研究发表文章数量不断增加,于2016年发表文章数量达到高峰。聚类分析结果显示,国际研究热点主要集中在心理、干预、诊断及流行病学、病因及危险因素、病理生理机制及并发症、健康促进及治疗6个聚类中,其中以儿童肥胖的干预和诊断及其流行病学为研究核心热点。这两个聚类内的文章数量多,文章之间的研究主题高度一致。结论 2013年起儿童肥胖研究发表文章数量不断增加。儿童肥胖的心理、干预、诊断及流行病学、病因及危险因素、病理生理机制及并发症、健康促进及治疗是国际研究热点,而儿童肥胖的干预和儿童肥胖的诊断及其流行病学为研究核心热点。  相似文献   


  • The USA, UK and Germany have a strong position in performance of drug and nondrug randomized controlled trials.
  • Europe''s position in the quantitative and qualitative performance in drug randomized controlled trials in particular, and factors that drive the quantitative and qualitative performance of drug randomized controlled trials in Europe, are unknown.


  • Europe''s position in the quantitative and qualitative performance of randomized controlled drug trials lags behind USA.
  • Factors are identified that are associated with the difference in publication output between countries.
  • The number of headquarters of pharmaceutical companies in a country, the research expenditures by pharmaceutical companies, as well as health-related R&D expenditures of a country appear to contribute to a relatively high scientific performance in randomized controlled drug trials.


Performance of randomized controlled drug trials (drugRCTs) adds to the scientific output, scientific knowledge, scientific training and up-to-date status of healthcare and may drive economy. The purpose of this study was to benchmark Europe''s position on drugRCTs relative to the rest of the world, and to identify factors that may drive this performance.


The number of scientific publications on drugRCTs, indexed in PubMed and Thomson Scientific/Web of Science database over the period 1995–2004, was used as a proxy measure for the quantitative drugRCT output. The international citation impact of these publications was used as a proxy measure for the qualitative drugRCT output.


Country''s origin of 103 211 publications was determined. After adjustment for population size, the number of drugRCT publications from Europe, USA and Australia/Japan was 102, 124 and 44 publications per million inhabitants, respectively. The proportional increase in publication output from 1995 until 2004 was lower in Europe compared with the USA and Australia/Japan (29.1, 40.1 and 63.4%, respectively). The number of citations per publication was 4.9 in Europe, 7.0 in the USA and 3.4 in Australia/Japan. Within Europe, the UK, Germany and Italy produced most publications. Country-specific factors associated with publication output in Europe were the number of pharmaceutical companies with headquarters in a country (R2 = 0.71, P < 0.001), national R&D expenditures by pharmaceutical companies (R2 = 0.63, P < 0.001) and health-related R&D expenditures by national governments (R2 = 0.22, P = 0.052).


When adjusted for population size, quantitative and qualitative performance of drugRCTs in Europe lags behind the USA but is ahead of Australia/Japan. Several factors appear to explain the differences, among which are the number of headquarters of pharmaceutical companies in a country, the research expenditures by pharmaceutical companies, as well as health-related R&D expenditures of a country. To enhance and strengthen Europe''s position, researchers may strengthen their collaborations with local pharmaceutical companies, and national governments could increase their budgets for medical research funding.  相似文献   
以SCI-E数据库为信息源,从科技研究产出规模、学术影响力、研究主题、国际合作4个方面对新中国成立70年来医学科技发展态势进行研究分析,从定量角度客观反映我国医学科技发展历程和取得的成果,为未来新形势下我国医学科技创新发展提供参考。  相似文献   
目的从文献计量学角度分析多黏菌素E临床用药的现状。方法检索Pub Med、Web of Science、中国知网、万方数据库。用Endnote软件对纳入文献的时间、国家、文献类型、所用药物、期刊等进行分析。结果共纳入文献400篇,其中英文375篇,中文25篇。第1篇发表于1961年,随后发表数量程上升趋势。文献类型以体外研究为主(227篇,占56.75%)。联合应用中以多黏菌素E联合碳青霉烯类、利福平、替加环素的研究报道居多。结论由于多药耐药的革兰氏阴性菌频繁出现,及多黏菌素E严重肾毒性和神经毒性的发生,联合用药逐渐得到国内外的重视,其中以多黏菌素E联合碳青霉烯类抗菌药物的体外研究为主,但动物体内协同抗菌活性研究和临床研究证据不足。  相似文献   
目的 分析针灸治疗高脂血症实验研究的文献特征及研究现状.方法 纳入中国知网、维普数据库、万方数据库和Pubmed数据库1993年1月至2013年12月期间针灸治疗高脂血症的实验研究文献,采用文献计量学方法,对其文献特征(论文发表年份、发表期刊、作者单位、基金资助)及实验特征(实验动物、造模方法、动物取材、观察指标、刺灸方法与选用穴位)进行统计分析. 结果 共纳入76篇中文期刊文献.发表年份以2011年为最多,共17篇;发表期刊中医类59篇(78%),针灸类17篇(22%);第一作者主要分布于中医药大学及其附属医院(71篇,93%);文献有市级基金资助5篇(7%),省部级基金资助30篇(39%),国家级基金资助21篇(28%).高脂血症的实验动物以大鼠为主,共55篇,占72%;造模方法以高脂饲料喂养为主,共62篇,占82%,其次为腹腔注射75%蛋黄乳液7篇(9%);实验动物取材为血液64篇(84%),肝组织11篇(14%);血液的主要观察指标为总胆固醇51篇、甘油三酯51篇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇46篇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇46篇,肝组织的主要观察指标为ATP结合盒转运蛋白A1(5篇)、过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体(3篇);穴位使用频次最高为丰隆穴23次,占总频次30%,其次为足三里(后三里)穴20次(26%),再次为神阙穴14次(18%);实验所用刺灸方法以针刺为主,共计52篇,占68%,其次艾灸21篇(28%)、针药结合3篇(4%)、穴位注射1篇(1%). 结论 针灸治疗高脂血症实验研究近年呈现一定的增长及相对集中趋势;针灸治疗高脂血症穴位选择应全面考虑高脂血症虚、痰、湿、瘀的病机特点,关注针灸调脂效应对靶器官的保护作用.  相似文献   
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