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目的 通过对我国关于儿童语言发育研究的文献进行计量分析,梳理该领域的研究历史和现状,为深入开展儿童语言发育研究提供参考。方法 以文献计量学的基本定律作为数据分析的基本方法,利用书目共显分析系统bicomb软件提取数据,统计相关文献的年度发表数量、学科分布、发文期刊、作者等信息。对高频关键词建立共词矩阵并进行聚类分析,得出高频关键词聚类树图。结果 国内儿童语言发育研究呈多学科发展态势,引起了医学、语言学、心理学、教育学等学科学者关注。目前尚未形成核心期刊群和稳定的研究群体,研究者人数众多,但进行深入研究者还较少。国内语言发育测评的方法较缺乏,对正常儿童进行研究时个案研究居多,大规模群体研究相对较少。 结论 国内儿童语言发育研究总体发展趋势良好,未来可更多的开展多学科之间的交叉研究,加强医学和教育机构之间的相互合作。可更多的开展正常儿童语言发育规律的群体调查,研究和推广新的语言测评方法。  相似文献   
目的:本文旨在通过分析1999-2008年各国生物医学工程科学SCI论文的数量以及被引情况,结合产业实际,了解各国生物医学工程领域的科研水平。方法使用TDA软件对SCI数据库中获取的生物医学工程论文数据进行计量分析。结果论文数量分布较为集中,排名前15的国家/地区均呈增长趋势;美国、欧洲、日本的论文平均被引次数较高,我国论文的平均被引次数相对较低,在15个国家/地区中排名第13。结论美国、英国、德国和日本在生物医学工程领域的科研水平高,处于世界领先水平;我国在生物医学工程领域的论文量增长迅速,但质量有待提高,科研水平与上述国家相比仍存在差距。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: This paper reports on a bibliometric analysis of keywords in the literature on ethics and dementia during the period 1980-2000. METHODS: Keywords were drawn from titles, abstracts and keyword fields of 14 bibliographic databases and clustered in to 19 categories. These categories were then examined for their frequency and co-occurrences. The strength of relationships between these categories is mapped using the metaphor of the 'night sky' showing constellations of issues and changes over time. RESULTS: Four categories appear consistently and frequently in the literature: professional care, end-of-life issues, decision-making and treatment. Other issues come and go (such as quality-of-life issues) while others appear to respond to outside events (e.g. feeding issues). The research literature is based predominantly on surveys or studies soliciting responses to predefined issues. Little research has been undertaken to establish the range of ethical issues for either family members or professionals. DISCUSSION: We discuss the domination of the literature by four categories of ethical issues, the new and emerging areas of ethical interest and those areas that are triggered by external events such as legal cases. We also discuss some of the limitations of the study and note some omissions in the literature. CONCLUSION: During the period 1980-2000 the research literature has been dominated by surveys and studies soliciting views on predefined issues with relatively few in-depth, open-ended qualitative studies.  相似文献   
通过对1987~2002年期间<中文科技期刊数据库>关于图书信息资源共享网络建设的论文检索,用文献定量统计的方法分析图书信息资源共享网络建设的提出、形成和推广的过程,客观评价图书信息资源共享网络建设水平,总结建设经验,探讨现实问题,提出了统筹规划,协调发展,建设规范化图书信息资源共享网络的建议以推进我国文献信息资源共享事业的深入发展.  相似文献   
目的分析我国25年来在艾滋病健康教育领域的研究状况,以期对我国在这一领域的研究有全面了解。方法利用中国生物医学文献数据库,采用文献计量法,分析年发文量、合作度、合作率、期刊及地域分布等指标和内容。结果共检出791篇艾滋病健康教育的文献,合作度为3.93,合著率为82.50%。共涉及作者1916人、机构535个和139种杂志。结论定量地分析了我国艾滋病健康教育研究的主要人物、地区分布及研究现状,明确了目前研究的重点、热点、核心人物和主要机构,对于艾滋病健康教育的进一步研究和学科的发展有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
目的:通过系统检索和分析中国定量药理学的论文发表情况,分析定量药理学在国内的发展状况,反映中国定量药理学领域的动态变迁及未来发展趋势。方法:检索Pubmed、Scopus、Web of Science、中国知网、维普和万方医学数据库采用文献计量学方法分析定量药理论文的发表情况、主要研究机构、研究领域和发展趋势。结果:截至2016年12月31日,201家中国研究机构发表中文论文472篇、英文论文212篇,其中SCI收载论文184篇。发表论文不少于10篇的机构有13家,发文量占总量的47.9%。论文内容以群体药动学建模为主,也包括药动学/药效学和生理药动学的研究。研究的药物主要集中于免疫抑制剂、抗菌药物和抗癫痫药物。此外,近年来以机制为基础的建模与仿真、疾病进展模型和以模型为基础的系统评价等方面也有愈来愈多的论文发表,与国际发展前沿相一致。结论:近年来,定量药理的研究内容逐渐拓展和深化,受到了越来越多学术机构、制药企业和政府药政监管部门的重视。数据共享和多中心协作将是未来的发展趋势。可以预见定量药理在新药研发和个体化用药中将发挥越来越大的作用。  相似文献   


Paraquat is considered to be the main pesticide involved in accidental and intentional poisoning, and is responsible for a high rate of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to present a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of paraquat intoxication‐related research.


Data was retrieved in March 2017 from the Scopus database. An overview of the research on paraquat intoxication was presented alongside the information related to several bibliometric indicators, such as research trends, countries with their h‐index, collaboration, hot issues, top‐cited publications, journals, and institutions.


There were 1971 publications related to paraquat intoxication in the Scopus database that were published between 1966 and 2015. There was increasing research output in the field of paraquat intoxication during the period 2006‐2015. The USA published the highest number of publications (n = 338), followed by Japan with 228 publications, and China with 159 publications. The USA and the UK achieved the greatest h‐index values (h‐index values of 49 and 31, respectively). The USA also achieved the highest number of publications involving international collaboration, with 55 publications, followed by the UK, with 18 publications. The most prevalent topics in this field were “acute paraquat intoxication,” “toxic effects of paraquat to the lung,” and “mechanism of paraquat toxicity.”


Although a substantial amount of research has been produced on paraquat intoxication for most developed countries, there are research gaps regarding the international research agenda in this research area. The findings could be applied for prioritizing and organizing future research efforts related to paraquat toxicity.
背景:心肌细胞直接重编程技术是近年再生医学领域的研究热点,可能成为心脏疾病治疗的新途径,有着广阔的应用前景和发展方向。目的:通过对心肌细胞直接重编程文献进行CiteSpace知识图谱绘制及可视化计量分析,梳理该领域的研究进展、研究热点以及发展趋势,为相关领域研究者提供借鉴与参考。方法:在Web of Science核心集数据库中,以“direct reprogramming”“reprogramming”“Cardiomyocytes”“Cardiomyocyte”“cardiac musclecell”为检索词,文献检索的时间为2020-07-29,检索心肌细胞直接重编程相关文献,运用CiteSpace对纳入文献的作者、机构和关键词等进行可视化分析。结果与结论:①共纳入文献277篇;②研究方向主要集中在细胞生物学、生物工程学和应用微生物学等方面;③领域主要研究力量集中在美国加州大学旧金山分校和美国北卡罗来纳大学等机构;④研究发现形成9个代表性的关键词聚类:direct reprogramming(直接重编程)、Regeneration(再生)、pluripotent stem cell(多能干细胞)、Induction(诱导)、marrow stromal cell(骨髓基质干细胞)、progenitor cell(祖细胞)、Maturation(成熟)、transdifferentiation(分化)和induced pluripotent stem cell(诱导多能干细胞),并随时间发展呈现研究方向的多向性:⑤2005年前后,诱导干细胞向心肌细胞分化是当时的一个研究热点,2013年前后直接重编程技术逐渐受到广泛关注;⑥文章结果还提示,心肌细胞中转录因子、肌细胞增强因子2C和心脏再生等可能是心肌细胞直接重编程技术领域的研究前沿方向。  相似文献   
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