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Objective: Hand function impairment after cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) can significantly reduce independence. Unlike current hand function assessments, wearable camera systems could potentially measure functional hand usage at home, and thus benefit the development of neurorehabilitation strategies. The objective of this study was to understand the views of individuals with SCI on the use of wearable cameras to track neurorehabilitation progress and outcomes in the community.

Design: Questionnaires.

Setting: Home simulation laboratory.

Participants: Fifteen individuals with cervical SCI.

Outcome Measures: After using wearable cameras in the simulated home environment, participants completed custom questionnaires, comprising open-ended and structured questions.

Results: Participants showed relatively low concerns related to data confidentiality when first-person videos are used by clinicians (1.93 ± 1.28 on a 5-point Likert scale) or researchers (2.00 ± 1.31). Storing only automatically extracted metrics reduced privacy concerns. Though participants reported moderate privacy concerns (2.53 ± 1.51) about wearing a camera in daily life due to certain sensitive situations (e.g. washrooms), they felt that information about their hand usage at home is useful for researchers (4.73 ± 0.59), clinicians (4.47 ± 0.83), and themselves (4.40 ± 0.83). Participants found the system moderately comfortable (3.27 ± 1.44), but expressed low desire to use it frequently (2.87 ± 1.36).

Conclusion: Despite some privacy and comfort concerns, participants believed that the information obtained would be useful. With appropriate strategies to minimize the data stored and recording duration, wearable cameras can be a well-accepted tool to track function in the home and community after SCI.  相似文献   
背景 肺功能检查是呼吸系统疾病重要的检查手段之一,国务院在“十三五卫生与健康规划”和健康中国行动(2019-2030年)中均提出将肺功能检查纳入常规检查项目,并提高基层医疗机构的肺功能检查能力,但据2002年相关报道,肺功能在全国开展率低,发展不平衡。目的 了解广东省肺功能检查的应用现状及在发展过程中亟需改进的问题。方法 抽取2016年广东省内21个地级市不同级别的医疗机构771家,其中三级、二级、一级、未定级医院分别有141、327、137、166家,由课题科研助理和医学顾问助理组成的研究人员经过统一培训合格后亲自前往调查地点,对医务人员进行面对面访问。结果 771家医疗机构有效完成调查问卷,30.35%(234/771)的医院已开展肺功能检查,其中二、三级医院分别占44.9%、47.4%。开展项目主要有肺通气功能检查(100.0%)、支气管舒张试验(79.1%)、支气管激发试验(51.7%)。在通气功能检查方面:64.5%的医院经常对肺量计进行定标;23.5%的医院使用正常低限(LLN)为第1秒用力呼气末容积(FEV1)/用力肺活量(FVC)结果判断标准;58.1%的医院使用五分法进行结果分度评估;38.9%的医院仅在报告单上打印1次测试数据和图形。43.3%(334家)的医院肺功能工作人员曾参与肺功能相关培训,分别有82.6%和17.4%参与短期培训(1~5 d)和长期培训(1~3个月)。结论 广东省肺功能检查的普及率仍较低,开展仍不平衡,基层医院少,且开展项目单一。肺功能检查方法、质控、报告格式和结果解读均欠缺规范。肺功能从业人员亟待加强规范化培训。  相似文献   
广西65-74岁人群口腔健康行为抽样调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解广西65-74岁城乡人群口腔卫生行为、口腔卫生服务利用等情况,为广西口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持。方法:对广西壮族自治区65-74岁城乡常住人口430人进行口腔健康问卷抽样调查。结果:广西87.21%的65-74岁老年人每天刷牙,城市为95.33%,农村为79.17%,城市好于农村(P〈0.001)。近半数(48.84%)认为自己牙齿健康状况不好,但绝大部分(88.84%)不愿意主动就医。有46.28%的老人从未看过牙,城、乡分别为17.76%、74.54%,农村高于城市(P〈0.05)。结论:广西部分65-74岁老年人未建立口腔健康行为,大部分老人对自身口腔疾病及危害认识不足,未能充分利用现有的口腔卫生资源,城乡差别较大。  相似文献   
Objective To examine the risk factors of malnutrition among children whose mothers are infected with HIV in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). Methods Multilevel logistic regression models applied to Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data collected during 2003–2008 from 18 countries in SSA, where the DHS included HIV test data for adults of reproductive age. Results Across countries in SSA, the risk of malnutrition among children whose mothers are infected with HIV is particularly high among children aged one, boys, multiple/twin births, those who were smaller than average at birth, or whose mothers had no education, or in poorest or single parent households. Although these risk factors generally apply to all children from the same communities, the higher risk of child malnutrition among those in the poorest households is amplified among children whose mothers are infected with HIV. Also, while in general children who are breastfed for up to 6 months are significantly less likely to be malnourished than those who were never breastfed; the benefit of breastfeeding is not evident among children whose mothers are infected with HIV. Conclusion Contextual community/country HIV prevalences show interesting patterns: the risk of malnutrition among children whose mothers are infected with HIV is lower in countries with higher HIV prevalence. These findings have important implications for interventions to address malnutrition among children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in the SSA region.  相似文献   
目的了解辽宁省城乡小学生午餐状况,为开展学生营养改善行动提供依据。方法数据来源于 2011年“辽宁省学龄儿童营养监测”,共调查3~6年级小学生16169人。调查使用自填问卷,收集了人口统计学、 午餐行为及其它健康相关行为等信息,同时测量身高、体质量。结果城乡小学生午餐就餐地点差异显著(χ2=3207.5,P<0.01),城市学生在“小饭桌”就餐(即家庭托餐)的比例最高(40.6%),而农村学生在学校食堂就餐的比例最高(镇中心小学:60.5%;农村小学:78.8%)。城市学生午餐食物种类大于等于3种的比例为57.3%,显著高于农村学生(镇中心小学:37.7%;农村小学:35.6%)(P<0.05)。然而在午餐食物种类丰富的学生中,农村学生下午第4节课之前出现饥饿的比例也显著高于城市学生(28.9%和17.7%,χ2=183.3,P<0.01)。结论辽宁省城乡小学生午餐就餐情况差异较大,城市学生供餐模式需合理引导,农村学生午餐质量亟需改善。  相似文献   
焦凌梅 《中国校医》2011,25(2):97-98,100
目的利用中国膳食平衡指数(DBI)综合评价大学生的膳食质量,为有针对性使用膳食指南开展营养干预提供依据。方法以海南某学院护理专业在校大学生的膳食调查及个人基本情况为调查资料,采用DBI的评分及评价方法评价其膳食质量。结果目前该人群的膳食状况仍以摄入不足为主要问题,同时也存在着食物摄入过量的问题。大部分学生膳食结构特点为B模式。结论有必要对大学生开展针对性的营养教育,增加奶类、豆类和动物瘦肉类的摄入,减少用盐、油的摄入,以改善人群营养状况。  相似文献   
何伦波 《中国校医》2011,25(9):657-658
目的了解长沙市城区小学生早餐营养知识及行为,为改善学生的营养状况提供科学依据。方法采取整群随机抽样方法,对长沙市16所不同层次的小学的2~6年级2 095名小学生进行问卷调查。结果 82.82%的学生每天吃早餐,14.60%的学生不能保证每天吃早餐,2.58%的学生每天不吃早餐;"父母忙"为不吃早餐的主要原因;对于早餐营养膳食的途径了解,47.35%的学生来源家长,22.53%的源于书籍,15.04%的源于广告宣传。结论长沙市城区小学生对早餐的重视和营养知识均较欠缺,对该人群加强营养健康教育十分必要。  相似文献   
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