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Zinc deficiency has been shown to impair cognitive functioning, but little work has been done on the effects of elevated zinc. This research examined the effect on memory of raising Sprague-Dawley rats on enhanced levels of zinc (10 ppm ZnCO3; 0.153 mM) in the drinking water for periods of 3 or 9 months, both pre- and postnatally. Controls were raised on lab water. Memory was tested in a series of Morris Water Maze (MWM) experiments, and zinc-treated rats were found to have impairments in both reference and working memory. They were significantly slower to find a stationary platform and showed greater thigmotaxicity, a measure of anxiety. On a working memory task, where the platform was moved each day, zinc-treated animals had longer latencies over both trials and days, swam further from the platform, and showed greater thigmotaxicity. On trials using an Atlantis platform, which remained in one place but was lowered on probe trials, the zinc-treated animals had significantly fewer platform crossings, spent less time in the target quadrant, and did not swim as close to the platform position. They had significantly greater latency on nonprobe trials. Microprobe synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (microSXRF) confirmed that brain zinc levels were increased by adding ZnCO3 to the drinking water. These data show that long-term dietary administration of zinc can lead to impairments in cognitive function.  相似文献   
Age and neurochemical correlates of radial maze performance in rats   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Young adult (8 months) and aged (26 months) female Wister rats were tested in a 12-arm radial maze in which the optimal strategy was to enter all arms without a repetition. In order to determine if possible age-associated alterations in behavior were correlated with defects in cholinergic. GABAergic and adrenergic neurons in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, the activities of choline acetyltransferase (CAT), glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) were assayed in these regions of all animals after testing in the radial maze. In the maze, the aged rats continued to perform at the chance level after 15 trials, whereas the young rats had virtually mastered the task. The only significant neurochemical age effect was an increase in hippocampal TH. However, analysis of individual differences among rats revealed positive correlations between maze performance and hippocampal CAT in the aged group and cortical GAD in both the young and aged groups.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of the humoral immune response on the generation and clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA containing particles in the blood of chronically infected patients. Blood samples were fractionated by sequential flotation ultracentrifugation and HCV RNA was recovered in three fractions: low density of < 1.063 g/ml, intermediate density of 1.063-1.21 g/ml, and high density of > 1.21 g/ml. Serum low-density lipoproteins co-fractionated with the low-density particles, and high-density lipoproteins co-fractionated with the intermediate-density particles. Immunoglobulins were found exclusively in the high-density fractions. In patients with congenital immunodeficiencies, with no or low serum antibodies to the virus, mean HCV RNA titres were equal in each fraction, at approximately 10(5) IU/ml. In antibody-positive, immunocompetent patients, however, virus titres in the low-density fraction and those in the high-density fraction were reduced or absent in most patients, suggesting that virus particles in these fractions are subject to antibody-mediated clearance. Particles of intermediate density were approximately equal in titre in both patient groups, suggesting that these particles are neither generated by, nor cleared, as a result of the humoral immune response. Immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that particles of intermediate density were not complexed with either high-density lipoprotein or immunoglobulins. Elucidation of the mechanisms by which these particles are generated and maintained in the blood may provide valuable insight into the mechanism of virus persistence.  相似文献   
Previous findings have demonstrated the existence of a visual peripersonal space centered on the hand in humans and its modulatory effects on tactile perception. A strong modulatory effect of vision on touch perception was found when a visual stimulus was presented near the hand. In contrast, when the visual stimulus was presented far from the hand, only a weak modulatory effect was found. The aim of the present study was to verify whether such cross-modal links between touch and vision in the peripersonal space centered on the hand could be mediated by proprioceptive signals specifying the current hand positions or if they directly reflect an interaction between two sensory modalities, i.e., vision and touch. To this aim, cross-modal effects were studied in two different experiments: one in which patients could see their hands and one in which vision of their hands was prevented. The results showed strong modulatory effects of vision on touch perception when the visual stimulus was presented near the seen hand and only mild effects when the vision of the hand was prevented. These findings are explained by referring to the activity of bimodal neurons in premotor and parietal cortex of macaque, which have tactile receptive fields on the hand, and corresponding visual receptive fields in the space immediately adjacent to the tactile fields. One important feature of these bimodal neurons is that their responsiveness to visual stimuli delivered near the body part is reduced or even extinguished when the view of the body part is prevented. This implies that, at least for the hand, the vision of the hand is crucial for determining the spatial mapping between vision and touch that takes place in the peripersonal space. In contrast, the proprioceptive signals specifying the current hand position in space do not seem to be relevant in determining the cross-modal interaction between vision and touch.  相似文献   
We performed an electron microscopic study of cytologic material from 20 cases of primary lung adenocarcinoma (pleural effusion, 13 cases; fine needle aspiration biopsy, 7 cases). Ultrastructural characteristics related to secretory and storing activity of adenocarcinoma cells were evaluated semi-quantitatively. Data analysis identified three basic cell types (secretory, well or poorly differentiated; storing; and indifferent). We could classify our cases in five groups of pure or mixed cytotypes. Our results demonstrated a subcellular morphological heterogeneity manifested by the presence of different basic cell types: secretory, storing or indifferent features (or both); and different secretory and storage products in the same cell. This heterogeneity of lung adenocarcinoma cells suggests that the neoplasm could arise from a single cell type capable of differentiating along different lines. Cases lacking secretory differentiation seemed to be characterized by more aggressive biologic behavior. A clear correlation between the ultrastructural cytotypes identified and the clinical and prognostic data on the patients was not observed. This may be due to the fact that 75% of the patients were in clinical stage III at the time of diagnosis; also, in this series only five cases did not have characteristics that indicated secretory activity.  相似文献   
Summary Orbital motion of the head with the face directed towards the axis of rotation is a stimulus to the otolith organs which is in the opposite rightwards-leftwards sense to the rotational stimulus to the semicircular canals. This can be experienced, for example, by a child held at arms length en face and swung from side to side. As one swings, say to the right, the child's head rotates to its right yet moves linearly to its left. Eye movement responses to a transient orbital movement were observed whilst subjects fixated earth-fixed targets, i) a near target placed between the head and the axis whose relative displacement is in the same direction as head rotation, and ii) a far target placed beyond the axis whose relative motion is in the opposite direction to head rotation. The motion stimuli evoked slow phase eye movements at 45 ms latency, always in the opposite direction to head rotation, thus compensating for the motion of the far target but in the wrong direction for fixating the near target. Theoretically, fixating the near target demands a predominance of the otolith ocularreflex, which would give an eye movement in the correct direction. However, despite visual cues, it seems that if the canal and otolith-ocular reflexes are evoked in opposing directions, the otolith reflex fails to operate at a sensitivity sufficiently high to reverse the direction of the canal-reflex.  相似文献   
We compared the accuracy of P300 latency estimates obtained with different procedures under several simulated signal and noise conditions. Both preparatory and signal detection techniques were used. Preparatory techniques included frequency filters and spatial filters (single electrode selection and Vector filter). Signal detection techniques included peak-picking, cross-correlation, and Woody filter. Accuracy in the latency estimation increased exponentially as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio. Both Woody filter and cross-correlation provided better estimates than peak-picking, although this advantage was reduced by frequency filtering. For all signal detection techniques, Vector filter provided better estimates than single electrode selection. Large component overlap impaired the accuracy of the estimates obtained with both single electrode selection and Vector filter, but with Vector filter impairment occurred only when the overlapping component had a scalp distribution that was similar to the scalp distribution of the signal component. The effects of varying noise characteristics, P300 duration and latency, and the parameters of Vector filter were also investigated.  相似文献   
Two deafferented patients and several control subjects participated in a series of experiments to investigate how accurate single-joint movements are programed, spatially calibrated, and updated in the absence of proprioceptive information. The deafferented patients suffered from a permanent and severe loss of large sensory myelinated fibers below the neck. Subjects performed, with and without vision, sequences of forearm supinations and pronations with two temporal delays between each movement (0 s and 8 s). Overall, the lack of proprioception did not yield any significant decrease in movement accuracy when vision was available. Without vision, the absence of proprioceptive afferents yielded (1) significantly larger spatial errors, (2) amplitude errors similar to those of control subjects, and (3) a significant drift when an 8-s delay was introduced between two successive movements. Subjects also performed, without vision, a 20 supination followed by a 20 pronation that brought back the wrist to the starting position. On some trials, the supination was blocked unexpectedly by way of a magnetic brake. When the supination was blocked, subjects were already on the second target and no pronation was required when the brake was released. The defferented patients, unaware of the procedure, always produced a 20 pronation. These data confirm that deafferented patients were not coding a final position. It rather suggests that they coded an amplitude and translated the spatial distance between the two targets in a corresponding force pulse. Overall, the results highlight the powerful and key role of proprioceptive afferents for calibrating the spatial motor frame of reference.  相似文献   
Neutrophil accumulation in the lower respiratory tract of patients with fibrosing alveolitis is thought to be facilitated by IL-8, a neutrophil chemoattractant primarily secreted by mononuclear phagocytes. The aims of this study were: (i) to explore IL-8 secretion by lung and blood mononuclear phagocytes in subjects with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, systemic sclerosis with and without fibrosing alveolitis, sarcoidosis and normal individuals; (ii) to examine IL-8 secretory heterogeneity in alveolar macrophages and peripheral blood monocytes; and (iii) to correlate alveolar macrophage phenotypic profile to IL-8 secretion. We observed that more monocytes secreted IL-8 than autologous macrophages and that there was heterogeneity in the in vitro IL-8 secretion by alveolar macrophages and peripheral blood monocytes. IL-8 secretion by alveolar macrophages was significantly higher in subjects with fibrosing alveolitis compared with subjects without fibrosing alveolitis, due to a higher percentage of IL-8-secreting alveolar macrophages in the fibrotic group both in the absence (P<0.002) and presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (P<0.04) and correlated with bronchoalveolar lavage neutrophil percentage. Using the MoAbs RFD1, RFD7 and RFD9, that distinguish subsets of alveolar macrophages, we have been able to identify associations between secretion of IL-8 and smaller cells and the cells identified by the MoAb RFD7. In situ hybridization of the bronchoalveolar lavage cell population revealed that alveolar macrophages are the predominant source of IL-8 in the lung. We conclude that there is an increased number of IL-8-secreting alveolar macrophages in the lungs of patients with fibrosing alveolitis, and IL-8 secretion by these cells is associated with specific phenotypic profile expression.  相似文献   
Cells with abnormally high rates of sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) are uniquely characteristic of Bloom's syndrome (BS). However, in one in five persons a minor population of cells with a low-SCE phenotype circulates in the blood. The origin and significance of the low-SCE cells in BS have never been understood, although they are assumed to arise by somatic mutation. In the present investigation, the enigmatic high-SCE/low-SCE mosaicism was investigated by comparing the incidence in several subpopulations of persons in the Bloom's Syndrome Registry who exhibit the two types of cells, and a striking negative correlation emerged: in persons with BS whose parents share a common ancestor, the case in approximately half of registered persons, low-SCE cells are found only rarely; conversely, the mosaicism occurs almost exclusively in persons with BS whose parents are not known to share a common ancestor. Because those who share a common ancestor are predominantly homozygous-by-descent at the mutated BS locus, the negative correlation is interpreted to mean that the emergence of low-SCE cells in BS in some way depends on the pre-existence of compound heterozygosity. A corollary to this is that BS is genetically heterogeneous.  相似文献   
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