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经皮骶髂关节螺钉治疗骶骨纵形骨折   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
目的应用经皮骶髂关节螺钉固定术治疗骶骨纵形骨折及疗效评价。方法牵引复位后,C形臂X线机透视下经皮骶髂关节螺钉固定骶骨纵形骨折19例,男11例,女8例;年龄18~57岁,平均30.2岁。其中17例行骨盆前环固定,闭合复位耻骨支经皮空心拉力螺钉固定9例,耻骨联合分离经皮拉力螺钉固定2例,耻骨支骨折合并耻骨联合分离经皮拉力螺钉固定1例,耻骨支切开复位钢板螺钉固定5例。结果手术时间30~65min,平均42.5min。术后住院时问3~12d,平均6.5d。19例均获得随访,时间6~34个月,平均18.5个月。无骶髂部疼痛16例,轻度疼痛3例;18例均恢复原工作,1例术后再移位行切开复位内固定术而发生医源性S1神经损伤。结论经皮骶髂关节螺钉固定骶骨纵形骨折是一种安全、有效的治疗方法,手术创伤小,并发症少,手术时问短,康复快。  相似文献   
Rosas-Acosta G  Wilson VG 《Virology》2008,373(1):149-162
Recent studies have demonstrated nuclear export by papillomavirus E1 proteins, but the requisite export sequence(s) for bovine papillomavirus (BPV) E1 were not defined. In this report we identify three functional nuclear export sequences (NES) present in BPV E1, with NES2 being the strongest in reporter assays. Nuclear localization of BPV1 E1 was modulated by over- or under-expression of CRM1, the major cellular exportin, and export was strongly reduced by the CRM1 inhibitor, Leptomycin B, indicating that E1 export occurs primarily through a CRM1-dependent process. Consistent with the in vivo functional results, E1 bound CRM1 in an in vitro pull-down assay. In addition, sumoylated E1 bound CRM1 more effectively than unmodified E1, suggesting that E1 export may be regulated by SUMO modification. Lastly, an E1 NES2 mutant accumulated in the nucleus to a greater extent than wild-type E1, yet was defective for viral origin replication in vivo. However, NES2 exhibited no intrinsic replication defect in an in vitro replication assay, implying that nucleocytoplasmic shuttling may be required to maintain E1 in a replication competent state.  相似文献   
Aluminium is widely used in medicines, as food additives, as water purification agent, as in the making of household cookware and storage utensils. Aluminium absorption depends on the chemical form of aluminium taken up. Aluminium hydroxide and chlorides are absorbed more efficiently than its phosphorus and fluorine compounds. As aluminium is stored mainly in the liver,1 the present work is conducted to study the morphological and morphometric changes in the liver produced by aluminium chloride(AICI3). 20 inbred adult albino rats weighing 150–200gm each were administered 37.5mg per day of aluminium chloride orally for 21 days with maintenance of 20 similar controls. A small piece of liver tissue was processed for paraffin sections. 7μ thick sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain and observed under light microscope. The changes were observed at tissue and cellular level along with general architectural derangement, degenerative changes and nuclear variations such as karryorrhexis, pyknosis. These findings are highly conclusive of toxic hepatitis.  相似文献   
Myotropic peptides are structurally dissimilar; thus, they comprise different families. The cellular expressions of myotropins suggest they act as hormones, transmitters, and modulators of numerous biological processes. Drosophila melanogaster allatostatin (AST), FMRFamide-containing, dromyosuppressin (DMS), and drosulfakinin (DSK) peptides represent four different myotropin families. A different gene encodes each of these four myotropin families. D. melanogaster AST, FMRFamide-containing, DMS, and DSK peptides are present in neural and gut tissue, but are not all expressed in the same cells. These four families of myotropins affect spontaneous contractions of gut, heart, and/or reproductive tissue, but their effects are dissimilar in magnitude and time course. Based on their structures, genes, distributions, and activities, the synthesis and release of these D. melanogaster myotropins are likely governed by different sensory inputs and regulatory mechanisms. The differences in structures, precursors, cellular expressions, and activities are consistent with the conclusion that they do not play redundant roles in their effects on the frequency of muscle contractions. Orthologs of these D. melanogaster myotropins exist in other animal species; thus, research on the mechanisms involved in their production and processing, functions, and signaling may be widely applicable. Here, we review research on D. melanogaster AST, FMRFamide-containing, myosuppressin, and sulfakinin peptides.  相似文献   
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