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目的:了解服务娱乐场所女性性病患病情况。方法:对不同场所663名暗娼中性传播疾病进行临床检查和实验室检测。结果:663名暗娼中有183例为性病患者(27.6%),其中梅毒占53.55%。结论:应加强对娱乐场所女性性工作者的健康教育,减少性病传播。  相似文献   
目的:调查待孕妇女对孕前优生性病筛查的态度,从而为提高筛查率制定相应措施提供依据。方法:选取在医院就诊的待孕妇女984例为调查对象,采用调查问卷的方式对患者进行调查。结果:984例待孕妇女中,知晓预防出生缺陷时间者占25.00%;知晓性病与出生缺陷关系者占18.39%;知晓孕前优生检查者占73.27%;知晓孕前优生性病筛查者占15.75%;知晓风险评估、健康教育者占40.75%;愿意参加孕前性病筛查者占91.87%;愿意接受宣传教育者占91.57%。不同年龄、妊娠史和文化程度有所差异,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:待孕妇女对孕前优生性病知识知晓率较低,应提高宣传力度。  相似文献   
1993—1994年对云南省澄江、陆良两县农村育龄妇女采用分层整群抽样方法,对2020名妇女进行下生殖道感染的流行情况及危险因素的研究。通过病史询问、妇科检查及阴道、子宫颈拭子的病原学检查。结果发现阴道有念珠菌感染率为39.0%,毛滴虫为16.2%,加特纳氏菌(Gardnerelavaginalis)为14.4%;子宫颈有砂眼衣原体感染率为5.5%,淋球菌为0.3%,总感染率55.1%。应用非条件Logistic回归分析表明:性生活、个人卫生、经期卫生、年龄及家庭经济收入等是发病主要危险因素。加强健康教育及下生殖道感染的筛查和治疗是防治本病的重要措施。  相似文献   
目的 进一步了解性罪错人员中性病的实际发病情况及加强预防和控制的办法。方法 在1996~1997年期间连续对北京某监测点的956名性罪错人员进行性病流行病学监测并收集和分析所获各项数据资料。结果 在956名被检测者中,共检出性病317例,总检出率33.2%。其中,非淋菌性尿道(宫颈)炎居首位,淋病、梅毒等次之。结论 本研究结果提示性病已成为北京重要传染病之一,而且发病率在逐年增长。由于性罪错人员是性病的重要传染源,因此,加强对性罪错人员的性病流行病学监测是预防和控制该病流行的有效措施之一。  相似文献   
Using a multiracial sample of 621 homeless women, we tested a latent variable causal model of personal, cognitive, behavioral, and demographic predictors of two coping mediators and the outcome variables of HIV testing and return for test results and a recent STD infection. HIV testing and return were predicted by more social support, greater AIDS knowledge, greater perceived risk for AIDS, and more problem-focused coping strategies. Recent STDs were predicted by more AIDS knowledge, emotion-focused coping strategies, and risky sexual behavior and one measured variable, crack cocaine use. Emotion-focused coping strategies were predicted by drug use, less self-esteem, more social support, and greater perceived risk for AIDS. Hispanics reported less emotion-focused coping strategies than African-Americans. Predictors of problem-focused coping strategies included less drug use, more self-esteem, more social support, more AIDS knowledge, and less risky sexual behavior. African-Americans reported less problem-focused coping strategies than Latinas. Indirect effects on the outcomes mediated through coping styles are also reported. Theoretical and practical implications of results for community outreach are discussed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To describe empirically the risky sexual behavior of an at-risk sample of adolescent girls, to assess psychosocial correlates of risky behavior, and to examine the utility of applying a risk and protective model to predicting teens' risky sexual behavior. METHOD: Participants included 158 African American girls, ages 12 to 19, who were receiving medical care in an adolescent primary care clinic. Teens completed measures of depression, conduct problems, substance use, peer norms, social support, HIV knowledge, sexual self-efficacy, and sexual behavior. RESULTS: Teens in this sample reported high rates of risky sexual behaviors, including early sexual debuts and frequent unprotected sexual encounters with multiple partners. African American girls who reported high rates of substance use and who reported that their peers engaged in risky behaviors also reported engaging in high rates of risky sexual behaviors. Little support was obtained for protective factors (HIV knowledge, social support, sexual self-efficacy) moderating the relations between risk factors and adolescents' risky sexual behavior in this sample. CONCLUSIONS: Teens presenting in primary care settings in urban environments seem to be at high risk for HIV, STDs, and substance abuse, and risk reduction strategies should be introduced during the preteen years. An interdisciplinary model of care in primary care settings serving adolescents is clearly indicated, and prevention-oriented interventions aimed at reducing risky behaviors and preventing the development of more significant health, mental health, or substance abuse disorders are needed.  相似文献   
本文分析性病诊治过程中医患关系的影响因素,主要有(1)医患的医疗观;(2)医患的道德修养;(3)医疗服务商品化意识;(4)医院管理方面问题.并提出相应的处理对策,包括(1)转变医护人员的医疗观,尊重病人的人格;(2)加强职业道德教育,提高自身修养和技术水平;(3)深化卫生改革.  相似文献   
Disparities in health and medical conditions among ethnic and racial groups have been repeatedly documented. These inequalities, which have been noted in the recent past, include health outcomes such as quality of life and mortality, process, accessibility and appropriateness of care, and the prevalence of certain degenerative conditions and infectious diseases. Syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease (STD) which seemed to have disappeared or had been controlled over the years, has now re-emerged as a major public health problem in many rural, urban and suburban communities. Progression of the current rate of syphilis, which erupted in Baltimore during the later part of 1994, has continued unabated, most especially among the ethnic minorities, despite efforts of the Baltimore City Health Department and Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to control the epidemic. With the current incidence rates of 270 per 100 000 live births for congenital syphilis and 99.3 per 100 000 population for primary, secondary and latent syphilis (96% of the cases being in the non-white population), Baltimore becomes the city with the highest number of syphilis cases in the nation, surpassing the national average of 2.6 cases per 100 000 population. This study, which utilizes a combination of retrospective and questionnaire-oriented approach, was designed to assess factors that influenced the high incidence of syphilis among Baltimore inner-city dwellers between 1994 and 1998. Data for the study included syphilis reports from private physicians, the Baltimore City Health Department, STD clinics, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and ethnographic interviews. Factors favoring the distribution and infectivity of the disease among the inner-city dwellers include greater poverty, high level of communication gaps between providers and a cross-section of minority inner-city dwellers, exchange of sex for crack cocaine, lower educational background, and inadequate and inappropriate health education/health promotion programs for the ethnic minorities.The paper calls for, among other things, culturally-sensitive and competent syphilis elimination/prevention health education and health promotion programs for the ethnic minority inner-city dwellers of Baltimore.  相似文献   
再次感染性病患者的相关高危行为因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :了解初次及再次感染性病患者 (既往有性病史 )的性病和艾滋病健康知识水平 ,分析再次感染性病的相关高危行为因素 ,探讨干预其相关高危行为而减少感染性病的健康教育模式。方法 :对在 2 0 0 1年 3月~ 9月性病门诊中确诊的新发病人 ,采取自填性病和艾滋病相关健康知识问卷 ,利用SPSS 1 0 1统计软件包进行卡方检验及相关分析。结果 :性病患者的性病及安全套相关知识偏少 ,而与非固定、固定性伴侣性行为时安全套始终使用率均偏低。再次感染性病的男女患者与非固定性伴侣性行为比率均高于初次感染性病 (既往无性病史 )的男女患者 (P >0 0 5 ) ,其中再次感染性病的男性患者与性工作者性行为比率明显高于初次感染性病的男性患者 ( χ2 =9 62 ,P <0 0 1 )。结论 :对性病门诊患者应加强性病艾滋病知识的健康教育 ,提倡在性行为时普及使用安全套 ,以减少其再次感染或传播性病艾滋病的机会  相似文献   
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