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This paper examines the gender-related features of the health crisis in Russia which has produced the largest gender gap in life expectancy in the world. Stress and negative health lifestyles are the two most likely causes of the long-term adverse longevity pattern in Russia. However, this development cannot be clarified by a simple cause and effect explanation. This is because gender roles and gender-based normative behaviour, along with class influences, intervened to help shape outcomes. Men and women responded to the crisis along gender lines, with stress the best single explanation for a stunted longevity for females and negative health lifestyles accounting for much of the premature mortality among males.  相似文献   
As a consequence of a terrorist attack, children may experience trauma-related internal and external reminders that are directly linked to their physical and psychological health. We assessed PTSD and trauma reminders in 58 school-age children three years after the terrorist attack in Beslan, Russia in 2004, as well as their association with degree of exposure, psychological distress and coping. Findings revealed a prevalence of situational trauma reminders associated with high levels of distress in more exposed children. The presence of PTSD was predicted by level of exposure to the attack, frequency of exposure to trauma reminders, and support seeking as a coping strategy. Findings are discussed in light of the socio-political climate in Beslan and distress experienced by the population three years after the attack.  相似文献   


Russia faces a worsening IDU/HIV epidemic. This paper examines the social and economic characteristics of injecting drug users in two cities in Russia and compares this with the general population to explore their social and economic needs and the wider implications of the epidemic for the economy and society.


A cross sectional survey of 711 IDUs in two Russian cities (Volgograd and Barnaul) recruited by a modified chain referral sampling method. Respondents were asked about their education, work, living conditions, expenditure on goods and services and livelihoods. Their characteristics were compared with a random sample of the general population.


There are a number of characteristics, in which IDUs do not differ systematically from the general population. They have general education; live in the towns where they were born; and their monthly income is comparable with the Russian average. However, IDUs are more likely to have a vocational qualification than a university degree; less likely to have a permanent job; and those employed are skilled manual rather than professional workers. IDUs are less likely to be officially married and more likely to be living with their parents or on their own. The majority rely on financial help from relatives or friends; and much of their income is from illegal or semi-legal activities.


IDUs are not atypical or marginal to the Russian economy and society. However, their drug-dependency and related life-style make them particularly vulnerable to the impact of poverty, violence and social insecurity. A failure to effectively control the dual IDU/HIV epidemic can have a significant negative impact on the Russian labour force, health and social costs and overall economy.  相似文献   
There is widespread concern among people living in some parts of Altai territory in Siberia about potential health effects from fallout from rockets launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Extensive research has so far failed to provide evidence to support these concerns. As a consequence, the problem has been labelled by Russian scientists as ‘collective psychosocial distress’ or ‘raketophobia’. The aim of this paper is to provide an understanding of the factors underlying popular concerns about rockets. The paper is based on data collected in 2006 using multiple methods (individual semi-structured interviews, natural group discussions, round tables and participant observation). Concerns related to the impact of the rocket launches among the local population were explored. The analytical framework is informed by discourse analysis and discursive psychology. The findings are that the processes of collective social construction amplify risks perceived to be associated with rocket launches. In the Altai context, this social amplification builds on a societal vulnerability triggered by the collapse of the Soviet ideology. The environmental concern provides opportunities for repressed debates to be expressed that emerge from culturally embedded frustrations and fears that would otherwise be ignored by the political agenda. Moreover, the signals that shape the perception of risk are intrinsic components of local information flows, so that the communication process between experts and policy-makers and the local population itself contributes to the amplification of perceived risks. Concern about the health effects of rockets can be traced to the conditions that existed when the USSR ceased to exist. An effective response must address these deep-seated issues.  相似文献   
This study aimed to assess the laboratory diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in St. Petersburg, Russia. In total, 334 consecutive symptomatic patients were enrolled. Cervical and urethral specimens from women (n=286) and urethral specimens from men (n=48) were analyzed by microscopy, culture and two in-house NAATs, i.e. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA), developed in Russia. All N. gonorrhoeae-positive samples were confirmed using porA pseudogene and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All methods displayed 100% specificity, i.e. positive predictive values of 100%. Compared to the PCR (most sensitive method in the present study), in women the sensitivity of both microscopy and culture was 31.8%, and that of NASBA was 90.9%. In men, microscopy, culture and NASBA displayed a sensitivity of 75%, 50% and 100%, respectively. The negative predictive values of microscopy, culture, and NASBA were 97.3%, 97.3%, and 99.6% in women, and 97.8%, 95.7%, and 100% in men, respectively. According to the PCR, the prevalences of N. gonorrhoeae were 4.5% (women) and 8.3% (men). In conclusion, both the investigated Russian NAATs displayed a high sensitivity and specificity. However, in general the diagnosis of gonorrhoea in Russia is suboptimal and crucially requires validation, improvements and quality assurance.  相似文献   
俄罗斯是世界上马业经济比较发达的国家之一,培育出很多优秀马匹品种,在世界养马史上做出了卓越的贡献。根据2011年数据,俄罗斯马匹保有量为136万多匹。在市场经济背景下,俄罗斯马业经济呈现多元化发展趋势,运动用马、产品用马、工作用马、繁育用马结构较为合理。建立了较为完善管理机构,制定了标准的马匹登记、质量评价及马匹饲养、繁育、调教全过程财政补贴体系,依据马业中长期发展规划加强马业经济软硬件设施建设。  相似文献   
Over the last several years, Russia has experienced dramatic increases in rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted disease (STDs). This study examined HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes toward condoms, and sources of information about HIV in a sample of 200 male and 200 female Russian STD clinic patients. Study participants displayed substantial knowledge deficits concerning AIDS and HIV transmission. Superior knowledge was associated with younger age, greater education, positive attitudes toward condoms, having more sources of information about HIV/AIDS, and believing that the government is telling the truth about AIDS. More-positive attitudes toward condoms were associated with having a larger number of information sources, greater HIV/AIDS knowledge, and not being in a steady relationship. Many participants reported not trusting government and media sources of information concerning AIDS. Participants also reported concerns regarding the low quality and high cost of condoms in Russia. Results of the study suggest that interventions designed to increase knowledge and awareness of AIDS among Russians at high risk for HIV are urgently needed.  相似文献   
HLA class II alleles were determined by PCR-SSO and PCR-SSP typing of DNA samples from 55 Nentsy, 81 Saami and 73 Pomor individuals from the North-European part of Russia. The results were compared with similar data from Russians. A high frequency of the DRB1*04-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0302 haplotype and a low frequency of the DRB1*11-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0301 haplotype, observed in all three ethnic groups, may indicate a common aboriginal component in their ancestry. Saami and Pomors displayed a similar pattern of allele and haplotype distribution, with the exception of the DRB1*04-DQA1*0304-DQB1*0301 haplotype, which was significantly higher among Saami compared Nentsy, Pomors and Russians. Nentsy individuals had a particularly high frequency of the DRB1*09-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0303 and the DRB1*12-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0301 haplotypes. Genetic distances and correspondence analysis show that Pomors have a close relationship with Norwegians and Finns, whereas Nentsy and Saami are more closely related to Oriental populations.  相似文献   
对2007年中俄联合监测小组在中俄边境7个口岸地区捕获的鼠进行病原体检测,以了解中俄边境鼠传疾病病原体携带情况.采用RT-PCR法检测鼠肺标本中的汉坦病毒RNA.PCR方法检测鼠肝脏、脾脏中的鼠疫杆菌、土拉杆菌、莫氏立克次氏体的DNA核酸.PCR方法检测肾脏中钩端螺旋体DNA核酸.ELISA方法检测血清中出血热病毒总抗...  相似文献   
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