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目的分析高年级小学生人格的外向性特质及其与受虐待经历的关系。方法采用儿童期虐待史自评量表(PRCA)、中国青少年人格量表(QZPS-Q)和一般情况问卷,对172名小学五、六年级学生进行测评。结果1女生的合群因子分数高于男生(39.4±4.9vs36.6±6.7,F=7.883,P0.01);性别和年级在活跃因子上存在交互作用(F=4.403,P0.05);受虐待者与未受虐待者的外向性特质分数无统计学差异(P0.05);2诙谐因子与性虐待呈正相关(r=0.240,P0.01),而外向性特质的其它因子与虐待呈负相关(r=-0.151~-0.216,P0.05);3情感虐待和躯体虐待对外向性特质具有负向预测作用,性虐待对诙谐因子具有正向预测作用,女性对合群因子具有正向预测作用(P0.05)。结论小学生人格的外向性特质存在性别差异,外向性特质的形成可能受受虐待经历的影响。  相似文献   
目的探讨河南省城市学校小学生的心理健康状况。方法采用“三理”教育课题组自编问卷对487名城市学校小学生进行调查。结果小学生在性格、行为、亲子关系和同学关系问题四个因子上的发生率较高;两年龄段小学生之间,地、县级城市小学生之间的心理问题的总均分和某些因子分均存在显著性差异。结论应考虑不同影响因素,有针对性地开展小学生心理健康教育。  相似文献   
ObjectiveFor several years now, the educational system in Switzerland has aimed to develop inclusive schooling. There are still questions about the effectiveness of support measures implemented to help in the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in regular classrooms and their possible influence on pupils’ self-perception. Self-concept is defined as a multifaceted self-representation, developed through environmental experiences and significant others. In school settings, the dimensions of self-concept refer to academic (i.e., language learning and mathematics) and nonacademic (i.e., social) domains. The CoSoi is an easy-to-administer questionnaire that measures academic and social self-concept as well as attitudes towards school. Thus, the objective of the present study is to explore the psychometric properties of the CoSoi while considering the influence of support measures in the regular classroom on self-concept and social integration of pupils with special educational needs and their classmates.MethodA sample of 568 pupils in a French-speaking area of Switzerland (48% girls ; 173 pupils receiving support measures; 8–9 years-old) completed the CoSoi and sociometric matrices. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were performed to compare two different models (i.e., a four-dimensional and a second order three-dimensional model). Then, the factorial invariance of the scale was tested across gender, grade and pupils with or without support measure. Finally, differences in levels of self-concept and social integration were tested using repeated measure ANOVAs.ResultsThe results of CFA indicate that indices of the two models tested showed satisfactory fit to our data. The four-factor model was invariant across gender and support measures, whereas the second order three-factor model was also invariant across grade. Although the two dimensions of academic self-concept (i.e., language learning and mathematics) differed by gender, there was no significant effect of the support measures received. Despite lower levels of academic self-concept than their classmates, the observed gap of pupils receiving support measures did not increase over the course of the year. In addition, levels of social self-concept were relatively high and stable over time.ConclusionThe results of the present study indicated that the support measures implemented did not seem to negatively affect pupils’ self-concept or self-perception regarding their social integration in the regular class. Pupils with special educational needs did not experiment increased marginalization or discrimination during the school year. In conclusion, the CoSoi appears to be an appropriate measure for estimating the degree to which the implementation of inclusive education may impact the classroom's social functioning or the pupils’ well-being, whether or not they are identified as having special educational needs. It can also be used to assess the effectiveness of inclusive practices in regular classrooms as a complement to measures of achievement. This questionnaire allows to take into account the global construct of academic self-concept, and it has the advantage of being quick and easy to administer.  相似文献   
陈玉梅 《职业与健康》2014,(16):2284-2286
目的了解烟台市芝罘区小学生口腔健康行为的实际情况,为今后开展实施健康干预提供依据。方法对随机抽取2所小学525名学生的口腔健康行为进行调查,应用构成比、率和χ2检验等方法对调查数据进行统计学分析。结果芝罘区小学生刷牙方法的正确率为65.4%,刷牙频次正确率为58.5%,67.5%的被调查小学生存在口腔健康不良行为习惯;影响因素包括家长文化程度、家庭经济收入等。结论芝罘区小学生的口腔健康行为现状不容乐观,学校和医疗卫生工作人员需对学生和家长开展有针对性的口腔健康知识教育,培养小学生的口腔健康意识,养成正确的口腔行为习惯。  相似文献   
目的考察7~9岁小学儿童自信心的发展特点及其与学业成绩的关系。方法抽取大连市2所小学180名小学生,采用自信心教师评定问卷进行测查,采用SPSS进行t检验、单因素方差分析等统计处理。结果①7~9岁小学儿童自信心存在显著的年龄差异(F=7.864,P<0.001);②7~9岁小学儿童自信心发展总体性别差异不显著(t=-1.565,P>0.05),自我表现性别差异显著(t=-1.927,P<0.05);③不同自信水平的7~9岁小学生的学业总成绩及其数学、语文和英语成绩差异非常显著(P<0.001)。结论 7~9岁小学儿童自信心发展具有年龄差异,没有性别差异;自信心是影响学业成绩的重要的非智力因素。  相似文献   
目的调查广州市番禺区小学生的近视状况,分析和比较低年级与高年级近视的发生率,提出预防、改善视力下降的对策。方法调查2010年1~12月番禺区3所小学低年级与高年级2270名在校学生近视的发生率及相关数据的统计与分析。结果高年级学生患近视率为45.47%,明显高于低年级学生的27.36%,两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=80.26,P〈0.005),学生近视程度随学习阶段的升高而加重;女生近视率为40.69%,高于男生的32.62%,两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=15.92,P〈0.005)。结论学校与学生家长应密切配合,有针对性地采取相应措施,培养学生正确用眼行为,消除或抑制青少年近视发病因素,最大程度地降低青少年近视发病率。  相似文献   
目的研究教育干预对小学生手卫生知识及洗手依从性状况的影响。方法选取小学五年级126名学生为研究对象,施行教育干预措施,对干预前、干预后情况进行调查、评价。结果干预后学生手卫生知识明显改善,正确六步洗手法合格率和手卫生监测合格率均显著提高(P<0.01)。结论对小学五年级学生开展手卫生行为教育早期干预,学生手细菌菌落监测明显降低(低于10 cfu/cm2),学生手污染明显改善;正确六步洗手法合格率91.1%,手卫生行为逐步规范。因此,我们认为教育干预对规范小学生手卫生行为是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   
目的通过对两个国家级贫困县4~6年级小学生营养与食品安全知识、态度、行为现状的调查, 分析贫困地区营养与食品安全存在的问题, 探索小学生营养与食品安全教育最佳模式。方法采用分层整群抽样, 抽取云南省会泽县和陕西省镇安县12所小学4~6年级478名学生, 使用自行设计的问卷进行调查。结果478名小学生营养与食品安全知识平均得分为(18.66±3.75)分, 及格率为61.09%, 各条目知晓率最高为94%;态度部分平均得分为(5.82±1.50)分, 其中97%以上的学生认为在学校学习-些营养和食品安全知识很有必要, 仅19%的学生认为报纸、杂志和电视广告上刊登的营养与食品安全信息可靠;行为部分平均得分为(8.52±2.56)分, 65%的学生-日三餐有规律。结论学生营养与食品安全知识知晓率较基线调查结果有明显提高, 日常饮食也更加规律, 但也存在获取知识途径单-、态度和行为两级分化现象明显等问题。  相似文献   
[目的]了解长沙市小学生对早餐的认识、态度及行为状况,为今后的健康教育提供干预依据。[方法]2010年,在长沙市城区16所不同层次的小学,抽取2~6年级小学生2 095名进行问卷调查。[结果]调查2 095人,59.76%对自己的早餐问题表示关心;65.16%认为吃早餐是为了补充营养;每天坚持吃早餐的占82.82%,不吃早餐的占2.58%。不吃早餐的54人中,不吃早餐的原因主要是父母太忙没时间准备早餐(占29.63%)和早上睡过头没时间吃早餐(占14.81%)。调查2 095人,有挑食行为的占43.63%。认为长沙市的早餐应该在卫生、营养均衡方面加以改进的分别占27.54%、36.80%。[结论]长沙市小学生的早餐存在较多问题,部分小学生对早餐的重要性认识不足。  相似文献   
Background  Historically, the prognosis for poor grade subarachnoid hemorrhage patients has been considered dismal. As a result, many hospitals have chosen conservative management over aggressive therapy. This guarded approach, however, is based on studies that do not take into account newer, more effective, management protocols and more recent long-term evidence that significant neurological recovery occurs in the months to years following discharge. More accurate and predictive methods are needed to decide when aggressive therapy is warranted. Methods  Two hundred and twenty-six grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) patients of grades IV and V were admitted to Columbia University Medical Center and enrolled in our study. Demographics, clinical information (e.g. pupillary reactivity on admission), and treatment course (operative versus non-operative) were recorded. Rankin scores at 14 days, 3 months, and 1 year were also recorded. A favorable Rankin score was defined as 0–3. Unfavorable was defined as 4–6. Results  Among all poor grade patients who received operative therapy, pupillary reactivity at admission was not predictive of a favorable Rankin score at day 14 (odds ratio = 3.3, P = 0.129). Pupillary reactivity, however, was predictive of Rankin score at 3 months (odds ratio = 4.57, P = 0.05) and 12 months (odds ratio = 6.44, P = 0.008). After constructing a Kaplan–Meiers survival curve, pupillary reactivity was a better predictor of survival at 12 months than H&H grade [Hazard ratio 3.342 (1.596–7.000) P = 0.001 versus 1.964 (1.016–3.798) P = 0.045]. Conclusions  This study demonstrates that significant recovery occurs in the weeks to months after poor grade aSAH. Pupillary reactivity on admission can be used as a predictor of survival and recovery at intermediate and long-term time points, more so than Hunt and Hess grade.  相似文献   
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