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This paper presents the initial characterization of a mouse monoclonal antibody (RH1-38) which blocks, in the absence of complement, three different systems of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. This monoclonal antibody markedly inhibits cytotoxicity mediated by human natural killer cells, a monocyte-like cell [phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulated HL-60], and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes generated in a mixed leukocyte reaction. RH1-38 is not nonspecifically toxic to cells since antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity was not inhibited and viability as assessed by trypan blue exclusion was not affected. Inhibition is specific since control hybridoma culture supernatants, parent (NS-1) ascites supernatant, monoclonal anti-HLA and normal mouse IgG were not significantly inhibitory. In the NK system, the inhibitory effect appears to be due to binding of monoclonal antibody to effector cell surface since exposure of targets to antibody followed by washing yielded no inhibition of killing. Inhibition requires the antigen-binding portion of the antibody molecule and thus appears to be related to steric hindrance of an effector cell surface molecule which is important in the expression of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Immunoprecipitation of surface-radioiodinated membranes from PMA-stimulated HL-60 cells and analysis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels revealed a bimolecular complex (195,000 and 125,000 daltons) without significant change under reducing conditions. Control immunoprecipitates yielded no peaks of activity. This monoclonal antibody should serve as a useful probe of the function and biochemistry of a killer cell surface antigen important in the expression of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Since RH1-38 inhibits cytotoxicity mediated by at least three apparently unrelated effector cells, the relevant antigen may be part of a common mechanistic step. As the companion paper demonstrates, this monoclonal antibody does not affect the conjugation step, but appears to block a late step in the NK cytolytic mechanism. Thus, RH1-38 recognizes either an epitope district from previously-described anti-LFA-1 antibodies or alternatively recognizes a distinct functional killer cell surface molecule.  相似文献   
Three different monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against human immunoglobulin E have been obtained which specifically bind to human myeloma and polyclonal IgE. The antibodies showed high avidities for soluble IgE (0.7 X 10(9) to 3.3 X 10(9) M-1). These MAb defined three distinct epitopes on IgE. A mixture of these antibodies in combination with an 125I-labelled anti-mouse Kappa chain MAb has been used to measure allergen-specific IgE. This determination was performed by a solid-phase radioimmunoassay using allergen extracts coated to either chemically activated paper discs or to polyvinyl chloride wells. This method is 4-10 times more sensitive than other previously reported procedures. A similar technique has also been applied to detect individual allergens in immunoblots of allergen extracts.  相似文献   
The distribution of phenylethanolamine N-methlytransferase-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies was investigated in the rat medulla using an antiserum to bovine phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase raised in rabbits. A procedure that combines immunohistochemistry and catecholamine fluorescence histochemistry was developed with a formaldehyde/glutaraldehyde mixture as a fixative. Three groups of immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in the medulla: a ventrolateral group, C1, a dorsal group, C2, in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius and a smaller medial group of cells, C3, scattered in the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Most of the phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase positive nerve cells did not show catecholamine fluorescence and did not correspond to the catecholamine cell groups A1 and A2. Both groups C1 and C2 of immunoreactive nerve cells extended further rostrally than A1 and A2. Group C3 has not previously been described as a distinct group of catecholamine fluorescent nerve cell bodies.Inhibition of phenylethanolamineN-methyltransferase and monoamine oxidase results in the appearance of catecholamine fluorescence in the immunoreactive cell bodies suggesting that they usually store adrenaline which reacts poorly with the formaldehyde/glutaraldehyde mixture or other aldehydes which induce catecholamine fluorescence and it is for this reason that they are not normally identified in maps of catecholamine fluorescent cells.  相似文献   
An antiserum raised to synthetic adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) was bound to large neurons of the cerebellar nuclei in rat. In these neurons, the matrix microtubules of the cell bodies and dendritic processes were ACTH-positive. In the axon terminals, 40 nm diameter clear synaptic vesicles were stained in both the deep cerebellar nuclei and red nucleus. Following transection of the superior cerebellar peduncle, ACTH-labeled terminals disappeared in the red nucleus, suggesting that the ACTH-labeled neurons were projection neurons of the cerebellar nuclei.  相似文献   
A method is described for accurately determining the frequency of precursors of hapten specific cytotoxic T cells. The method is based on a standard Poisson analysis of limit dilution cultures, but makes a correction of 'anti-self' reacting clones and for spontaneously arising clones that recognise modified self. These corrections are shown to be especially important when low hapten densities are used, where there may be more than a 10-fold difference between the corrected and uncorrected frequency estimates. Determined levels of antigen specificity and of H-2 restriction are significantly enhanced by application of this method.  相似文献   
The enzyme responsible for the respiratory burst in human neutrophils is an oxidase that catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to superoxide anion (O-2). Superoxide anion production may be measured by chemiluminescence (CL) in the presence of lucigenin (10,10'-dimethyl-9,9'- biacridinium dinitrate). We established an assay of the oxidase, by measuring the CL of particulate fractions of PMN in the presence of lucigenin . This CL required the addition of NAD(P)H and was very low in fractions of resting cells. In particulate fractions of PMNs stimulated with PMA selectively, the NADPH-dependent CL was found to be increased. CL was linear with protein concentrations up to 100 micrograms and was shown to be at least 10 times more sensitive for the detection of O-2 than the assay based on the spectrophotometric determination of superoxide mediated cytochrome c reduction. CL was abolished by inactivating the enzyme at 56 degrees C.  相似文献   
We have devised a method for the isolation of viable neuronal growth cones from neonatal rat forebrain. The method involves differential and density gradient centrifugation and exploits the relatively low buoyant density (approximately 1.018 g/cm3) of growth cones. There are no known biochemical markers for growth cones and it was necessary therefore to monitor for their presence during the isolation using transmission electron microscopy. Several criteria were used to identify isolated growth cones including the presence of filopodia, an extensive system of branching, tubular smooth endoplasmic reticulum and a region rich in microfilaments subjacent to the plasma membrane. These morphological features are similar to those of growth cones identified unequivocally in intact developing brain and in tissue culture. Electron microscopical analysis showed that greater than 90% of membrane-bound, identifiable objects in one fraction were growth cones by these criteria. The major contaminant consisted of membrane sacs and vesicles of unidentified origin. There were only small amounts of isolated rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Isolated growth cones were roughly spherical in shape with a diameter of 1.9 +/- 0.5 micron (mean +/- 1 SD). They usually contained mitochondria, large granular vesicles and small vesicles, and occasionally contained coated vesicles, lysosomes, lamellar bodies and multivesicular bodies, and only very rarely, intermediate filaments. Occasionally, growth cones had rudimentary synapses on them. The viability of isolated growth cones was investigated by observing their behaviour in short-term culture. After a few hours in culture on poly-D-lysine-coated coverslips, growth cones flattened down and extended filopodia-like processes. This behaviour was inhibited by cytochalasin B and reversibly by cold (4 degrees C). We conclude that physiologically active growth cones can be isolated rapidly and in large numbers by the method described here.  相似文献   
Immunologic events in pigeon breeders'' disease   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The immunologic and physiologic status of a group of symptomatic and asymptomatic pigeon breeders was studied in an attempt to define the immunologic events occurring in pigeon breeders' disease. Antibody activity to antigen(s) present in pigeon dropping extract (PDE) and pigeon serum (PS) was detected in the serum of both symptomatic and asymptomatic breeders. Antibody activity, however, tended to be greater in the symptomatic pigeon breeders. When subjects were challenged with PS via aerosol, serum complement activity became depressed only in asymptomatic patients. Cellular hypersensitivity to antigens present in PDE was detected in vitro in peripheral lymphocyte populations of 4 of 5 symptomatic breeders and in none of the asymptomatic breeders; cellular hypersensitivity to antigens in PS was not demonstrated in any of the individuals tested. These findings indicate that cell-mediated hypersensitivity, as well as humoral immunologic processes, may be involved in the pathogenesis of the hypersensitivity pneumonitis found in pigeon breeders.  相似文献   
Human 19S IgM was digested with pronase and proteinase K. Proteolysis was relatively fast, producing Fab2 mu-like fragments (approx. mol. wt 114,000) and Fab mu-like fragments (approx. mol. wt 46,500) as major products. Immunochemical analysis indicated that the fragments produced by either enzyme are very similar and that they are produced by cleavage at the C mu 2-C mu 3 and C mu 1-C mu 2 domain junctions respectively. An intermediate species of mol. wt 74,300, immunologically identical to F(ab)2 mu, was also identified. This is thought to represent an F(ab)2 mu fragment with one Fab mu fragment removed. Fc mu-related fragments were not identified in the digestion mixture with either enzyme. Covalently linked and non-covalently linked 7S human IgM (IgMs and IgMr respectively) were digested with pronase and proteinase K. IgMs was degraded very rapidly by either enzyme, producing relatively stable F(ab)2 mu- and Fab mu-like fragments. These fragments were similar in mol. wt and immunochemical properties to those produced from 19S IgM. IgMr was also degraded rapidly by either enzyme, in this case producing Fab mu-like fragments with no detectable F(ab)2 mu-like fragments. The kinetics of digestion and nature of the products suggest that cleavage of 19S IgM by pronase or proteinase K proceeds via an initial attack at the C mu 2-C mu 3 junction, followed by further degradation at the Cmu 1-C mu 2 junction. The results obtained using 7S IgM show that the intersubunit disulphide bonds, and the associated pentameric structure, are responsible for the relative resistance of 19S IgM to proteolysis. The inter-heavy-chain disulphide bonds, in particular the bond at cys 337, are responsible for the limited susceptibility of F(ab)2 mu-like fragments to proteolysis.  相似文献   
Separation of the external membranes from freshly converted mechanical schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni was achieved by osmotic shock under hypertonic conditions, followed by mechanical shearing and ultracentrifugation. Prior to treatment, the schistosomula were surface labeled by introduction of N-DNP-epsilon-aminocaproylphosphatidylethanolamine molecules into their lipid bilayer followed by anti-DNP antibodies and stained with either 125I-protein-A or ferritin labeled secondary anti-DNP antibodies. This label provided a membrane marker by which the purity of the preparation could be assessed at each stage. Fluorescence staining with FITC-conjugated secondary antibodies prior to treatment revealed that the homogeneously stained membrane of the intact schistosomula became swollen and ruptured after the osmotic shock. The isolated membrane pellet was intensely fluorescent. Electron microscopical examination revealed mostly vesicles, some of them with organized multilayer assembly. The vesicles were ferritin labeled, indicating that they originated from the outer surface membrane of the schistosomula. A 100 fold enrichment in the alkaline phosphatase activity and about 300 fold enrichment in acetylcholinesterase activity in the membrane preparations, as compared to the intact schistosomula, was found. The isolated tegument was analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The pattern obtained showed three major bands, of molecular weights 69 000, 45 000 and 12 000 alongside with a large number of minor bands. Immunoprecipitation of the isolated 125I-labeled membrane antigens with antisera from chronically infected mice revealed these three major bands together with three other bands of molecular weight 38 000, 23 000 and 16 000.  相似文献   
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