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分析了60例垂体腺瘤的CT表现。1例垂体微腺瘤缺乏特异性征象,59例大腺瘤大多数表现典型,诊断依据为肿瘤位置和蝶鞍改变。垂体腺瘤的形态学表现无特异性。应加强对垂体瘤卒中和侵袭征象的认识。对成人鞍区肿瘤的鉴别诊断进行了简短讨论。  相似文献   
Concerns have been raised recently about the possible associationbetween superovulation and ovarian cancer. In order to contributeto the limited literature on this important issue, two casesof ovarian tumours in women who had undergone multiple ovulationinductions are presented. In the first case, the patient hadsecondary anovulatory infertility. She was treated with humanmenopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) alone and in combination withclomiphene citrate or buserelin for six cycles. She then underwentovarian stimulation with buserelin/HMG in the long protocolfor in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. In preparationfor a new IVF/embryo transfer attempt, 8 months later, the screeningultrasound revealed a cystic formation of the left ovary andan enlargement of the right. During laparotomy, both ovarieswere found to bear large tumours (approximately 6x5x4 cm) whichwere removed. Histological examination showed that they wereepithelial tumours (serous-papillary cystadenomas) of borderlinemalignancy. The patient conceived spontaneously 1.5 years afterthe operation. In the second case, the patient presented withsecondary anovulatory infertility. She underwent ovulation inductionwith clomiphene/HMG and with buserelin/HMG in the long protocol,and intra-uterine insemination with husband's spermatozoa andconceived (singleton pregnancy). She was delivered by Caesareansection, during which a cystic tumour of the left ovary wasremoved. Histological examination revealed a benign mucous cystadenomaof the ovary. In conclusion, the clinical information from thesetwo cases does not support a causal association between ovarianstimulation and ovarian tumours but does potntially supporta facilitating one.  相似文献   
The distribution of mannan binding protein (MBP) in blood donorsera was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay toestablish normal concentrations. Abnormally low MBP concentrationswere found in 16% (21 out of 135) of female partners and 14%(15 out of 108) of male partners of couples experiencing recurrentmiscarriage, compared with <5% of obstetrically normal controls(P < 0.005). This relationship was even stronger (9.5 versus1.0%) and more significant (P < 0.002) when only subjectspresumed to be homozygous for the mutant allele responsiblefor MBP deficiency were considered. By immunohistochemistry,MBP could be demonstrated in first trimester placenta. We suggestthat low concentrations of MBP within the feto-placental unitincrease susceptibility to fetal loss, possibly via an infection-inducedplacental cytokine imbalance.  相似文献   
内皮超极化因子(EDHF)是由内皮释放的NO和PGI_2以外的另一种舒张因子,它通过使平滑肌细胞膜超极化而舒张血管,是内皮依赖性血管松驰的第3种重要机制。EDHF可能是花生四烯酸的细胞色素P450代谢产物EET-s,乙酰胆碱、缓激肽等激动剂作用于内皮细胞,使细胞内游离钙浓度升高,合成和(或)释放EDHF,作用于平滑肌细胞膜,激活钙依赖性钾通道,使细胞膜超极化,抑制电压依赖性钙通道的开放,引起血管松弛。在大血管中NO-cGMP松弛机制可能占主导地位,并且抑制EDHF生成;而在阻力小血管,EDHF则可能是引起血管松弛的主要因素。  相似文献   
Attempts to increase the probability of a successful pregnancyin in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment by increasing thenumber of embryos transferred automatically also increase theprobability of multiple pregnancies and their attendant risks.Even where the number of transferred embryos is limited to amaximum of three as in this and other centres, there is a highincidence of twins and triplets. The question therefore ariseswhether the number of transferred embryos should be furtherlimited to a maximum of two in cases where the prognosis isotherwise good. The only objection to this idea is a possiblelowering of pregnancy rate. The present study set out to investigatethis question. No significant lowering of pregnancy rate wasfound, so that limiting the number of transferred embryos totwo where the prognosis is otherwise good has now become standardpractice in our centre. A good IVF prognosis was defined bythe following criteria: first attempt for IVF, less than 37years old, and good embryo development. From 183 patients fulfillingthese criteria, 80 agreed to the transfer of two embryos (group1) and 103 opted for a triple transfer (group 2). Patient characteristicsand embryology results were similar in the two groups. In group1, 34 patients (42.5%) became pregnant and in group 2, 50 (48.5%).This difference is not significant. Similarly, twin pregnancyrates in both groups were high; eight twin pregnancies (23.5%)in group 1 and 12 (24%) in group 2. For the triplet pregnancyrate of 18% (nine triplet pregnancies) in group 2, there wasobviously no parallel in group 1. After thawing about half ofthe cryopreserved embryos and subsequently replacing them, preliminarycumulative pregnancy rates of 52.5% in group 1 and 53.4% ingroup 2 were obtained. Future results from cryopreservationshould provide relatively better outcomes for group 1 sinceall the patients in this group had at least one embryo frozenand fewer embryos replaced in the fresh cycle.  相似文献   
单用全反式维甲酸(RA)诱导治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)20例,完全缓解率达90%,诱导天数短(中位数为32d)。治疗过程中未发生DIC,亦无因强烈化疗引起骨髓抑制后造成的感染和出血的危险。该药的副反应轻,患者均能耐受。该组的中位生存期已达630d,可望长期存活。  相似文献   
Patients on maintenance haemodialysis represent a high-risk group for parenterally transmitted viral infections, such as hepatitis B, C and G. In addition to hepatitis G virus (HGV) (GBV-C) RNA, analysed in previous studies, we characterized the seroprevalence rates of antibodies to the putative E2 protein (anti-E2) of HGV in a German cohort of patients on maintenance dialysis ( n = 72) in comparison to healthy blood donors ( n = 100). The presence of anti-E2 and/or HGV RNA as indicators of present or past HGV infection could be demonstrated in 34.7% of patients and in 16% of the blood donors ( P < 0.01). The infection rates with HGV seem to increase only during the first 6 years of haemodialysis. The simultaneous presence of viraemia and anti-E2 was found very rarely in patients and controls. Therefore, the emergence of anti-E2 indicates clearance of HGV viraemia. In conclusion, patients on haemodialysis are at high risk of acquiring HGV infection, but a chronic carrier state with viraemia is rare. The risk of infection is not strictly correlated with the duration of dialysis.  相似文献   
Aspirin has antisecretory and ulcerogenic properties in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) on the electrical and mechanical activity of the ileum in anesthetized New Zealand White rabbits. Ileal electromechanical activity was recorded from serosal electrodes and a miniature intraluminal balloon. Thirty minutes after injection of ASA (30, 60 and 100 mg/kg intravenous) significant and dose-dependent increases in the percentage of slow waves with action potentials were observed when compared with saline-injected animals. The onset of action potentials correlated with phasic increases in intraluminal pressure, indicating the onset of circular muscle contractions. Injection of 15 mg/kg ASA, sodium salicylate (100 mg/kg intravenous) or saline had no effect on baseline action potential activity. Prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2)(5 and 10 g/kg intravenous) significantly increased slow-wave frequency and decreased ASA-induced action potential activity. This study demonstrates that (1) ASA, but not sodium salicylate, stimulates phasic ileal action potential and contractile activity and (2) in ASA-treated animals, PGE 2 produces differential effects on in vivoslow-wave frequency and action potential activity.  相似文献   
Summary The present study was designed to clarify whether or not a difference between arterial and venous lactate (lactate) levels is useful for evaluation of mitochondrial function in ischemia-reperfused myocardium. In the first experiment, 12 dogs were divided into 2 groups: 10-min occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) followed by 10-min reperfusion, or 30-min occlusion followed by 40-min reperfusion, were performed. The lactate levels in the femoral artery and the great cardiac vein were measured enzymatically. Lactate was reversed immediately after occlusion. Ten min and 20 min were required for the recovery of lactate in the 10-min-occlusion with 10-min-reperfusion, and 30-min-occlusion with 40-min-reperfusion groups, respectively. In the second experiment, 36 dogs were divided into 6 groups: 10-min occlusion of LAD; 10-min occlusion with 10-min reperfusion; 30-min occlusion; and 30-min occlusion with 10-, 20-, or 40-min reperfusion were performed. Mitochondria from normal and occluded or reperfused areas were prepared, and the respiratory function of the mitochondria was measured polarographically. No significant decreases in the mitochondrial function were observed in the 10-min-occlusion, and 10-min-occlusion with 10-min-reperfusion groups. On the other hand, respiratory function of mitochondria was impaired by 30-min occlusion and was not improved by 10- or 20-min reperfusion. Significant recovery in the mitochondrial function was observed after 40-min reperfusion. That is, differing recovery time courses between lactate and the mitochondrial function were observed.  相似文献   
Summary In a previous study we observed that calcitonin increases -endorphin, ACTH, and cortisol secretion. We assumed that calcitonin might have a modulatory role on the pituitary function. The present study was initiated to clarify whether this effect is due to a direct pituitary stimulation or to an indirect stimulation through CRF (corticotropin releasing factor).Fourteen healthy subjects, aged 30–60 years were investigated. All the subjects received 100IU Salmon calcitonin Sandoz i.v. at 8a.m. (time 0). Plasma -endorphin, ACTH and cortisol were estimated every 30min from – 30 to 120 min by specific radioimmunoassay. The same parameters were estimated a second time, at the same intervals, when cyproheptadine 8 mg (7 subjects) and 40 mg propranolol (7 subjects) were given per os at – 30 min and calcitonin i.v. at time 0. -endorphin, ACTH and cortisol levels (Mean ±SEM) rose significantly after calcitonin (peak value at 30–90 min) from 5.2 ±0.7 to 15.1±2.6 pmol/l; from 43.0±2.7 to 70.7±4.1 pg/ml and from 10.6±1.5 to 19.6 ±2.1 g/100 ml respectively (p< 0.0001 by analysis of variance and covariance and repeated measures). Propranolol 40 mg (per os) administered at time – 30 did not alter the response of -endorphin, ACTH and cortisol to calcitonin (infused at time 0).Cyproheptadine, the antiserotonergic substance that inhibits the synthesis and release of CRF completely inhibited the stimulatory effect of calcitonin.We conclude that probably calcitonin has a modulatory role on the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis and that it acts at the hypothalamic level probably by stimulating CRF secretion.  相似文献   
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