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目的本研究旨在探讨陕西省慢性病行为危险因素的流行、分布及聚集性等特征,为陕西省慢性病的防控提供参考。方法于2015年采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法抽取陕西省10个监测点18岁及以上的常住居民6330人作为调查对象,调查吸烟、饮酒、饮食、身体活动和超重或肥胖5种慢性疾病的行为危险因素。使用SPSS 25.0进行统计分析,所有率均进行加权处理。计算5种行为危险因素的流行和聚类模式,采用有序logistic回归分析行为危险因素影响因素。结果陕西省18岁及以上居民5种行为危险因素流行率从高到低依次为:水果和蔬菜摄入不足率(55.88%)、超重或肥胖率(46.82%)、现在吸烟率(28.30%)、体力活动不足率(24.99%)和有害饮酒率(2.21%)。54.58%的陕西省18岁及以上居民有2种及以上的行为危险因素,其中水果蔬菜摄入不足(15.53%)和超重或肥胖(12.70%)是陕西省成年人群中最主要的行为危险因素模式。有序logistic回归分析结果显示,女性(OR=0.251,95%CI:0.250~0.251)、受教育程度高(小学OR=0.913,95%CI:0.910~0.915;初中OR=0.863,95%CI:0.861~0.865;高中OR=0.846,95%CI:0.844~0.849;大专及以上OR=0.699,95%CI:0.696~0.701)和家庭年收入较高(中等收入OR=0.672,95%CI:0.671~0.674;高收入OR=0.651,95%CI:0.649~0.653)者行为危险因素个数较少,高龄(45~59岁OR=1.262,95%CI:1.259~1.264;60岁及以上OR=1.314,95%CI:1.310~1.317)、农村(OR=1.488,95%CI:1.486~1.491)、已婚或同居(OR=1.203,95%CI:1.199~1.206)及离婚或丧偶或分居者(OR=1.747,95%CI:1.737~1.758)行为危险因素个数较多。结论陕西省居民中慢性病行为危险因素发生率较高,需针对男性、老年、受教育程度低、低收入人群及农村地区人群采取积极的公共卫生干预措施来减少慢性病危险因素的发生,进而减少和减缓慢性病的发生和发展。  相似文献   
Summary The spatial patterns of diffuse, primitive, classic (cored) and compact (burnt-out) subtypes of /A4 deposits were studied in coronal sections of the frontal lobe and hippocampus, including the adjacent gyri, in nine cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). If the more mature deposits were derived from the diffuse deposits then there should be a close association between their spatial patterns in a brain region. In the majority of tissues examined, all deposit subtypes occurred in clusters which varied in dimension from 200 to 6400 m. In many tissues, the clusters appeared to be regularly spaced parallel to the pia or alveus. The mean dimension of the primitive deposit clusters was greater than those of the diffuse, classic and compact types. In about 60% of cortical tissues examined, the clusters of primitive and diffuse deposits were not in phase, i.e. they alternated along the cortical strip. Clusters of classic deposits appeared to be distributed independently of the diffuse deposit clusters. Cluster size of the primitive deposits was positively correlated with the density of the primitive deposits in a tissue but no such relationship could be detected for the diffuse deposits. This study suggested that there was a complex relationship between the clusters of the different subtypes of /A4 deposits. If the diffuse deposits do give rise to the primitive and classic varieties then factors unrelated to the initial deposition of /A4 in the form of diffuse plaques were important in the formation of the mature deposits.Supported in part by the Alzheimer's disease Society of the UK  相似文献   
Summary A survey of multiple sclerosis was made in the western part of Poland, with special attention being paid to the distribution of the disease in various administrative subunits. The prevalence of MS for the 35 counties (mean 45.08 per 100,00 for definite and possible cases taken together) revealed significant differences between particular regions, with clusters of high prevalence rates occurring in two towns (Leszno, 130.97; Gniezno, 122.83). Local uneven distribution of multiple sclerosis was also found within 198 communes covering the territory of the 35 counties. There were four clusters in eight neighbouring towns and communes with a high prevalence ranging from 74.37 to 141.54, and several with a very low prevalence.  相似文献   
目的 研究青年和老年患者在接受七氟醚维持的全麻手术后苏醒期的脑电图(EEG)类别。方法 回顾2018年1月至2020年1月接受非心脏手术且记录围术期全程EEG的患者,根据年龄分为两组:青年组(n=30)和老年组(n=41)。青年组年龄19~38岁,男9例,女21例,ASAⅡ或Ⅲ级。老年组年龄65~79岁,男20例,女21例,ASAⅡ或Ⅲ级。两组均在完全恢复自主呼吸、咳嗽反射、呼唤可睁眼时拔除气管导管,而后被麻醉科医师送往麻醉恢复室(PACU)观察并记录30 min前额叶EEG信号。采用多窗口谱估计法提取EEG信号中θ、α、β和γ四个频段的功率谱,应用聚类算法寻求四个频段功率谱相似的患者,计算轮廓系数得到PACU中EEG类别最优总数。分析青年组和老年组在各个类别中的数目和四个频段的功率谱大小分布、青年组和老年组特有的EEG类别、PACU中麻醉深度指数(Ai)及θ和γ振荡功率谱在青年组和老年组中的分布特征。结果 青年组和老年组在PACU的Ai均处于清醒状态区间,青年组的Ai明显高于老年组(P<0.05)。恢复期EEG功率谱显示为6类,青年组30%分布在类别Ⅰ,在类别Ⅵ中没有分布。老年...  相似文献   
复方益肝灵片近红外光谱快检方法考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李敏  毛丹卓  杨永健 《中国药师》2015,(8):1413-1416
摘 要 目的: 采用近红外光纤光谱技术对复方益肝灵片进行快速判断厂家归属以及快速检定其中水飞蓟素的含量。方法: 以全国6个企业生产的93批复方益肝灵片作为分析对象,建立聚类分析模型。光谱预处理方法为二阶导数和矢量归一化;平滑点:13;光谱范围:9 000~4 100 cm-1;光谱之间距离采用欧氏距离,光谱和类之间距离采用方差平方和法(Ward’s算法)。同样以全国6个企业生产的93批复方益肝灵片作为分析对象,建立定量分析模型。光谱预处理方法为一阶导数加矢量归一化;平滑点:17;光谱范围:9 100~7 300 cm-1和7 100~4 100 cm-1;采用偏最小二乘法回归。结果: 聚类模型可以很好的区分训练集中的药品,在对作为测试集的30张光谱进行验证中全部判断正确。所建立的定量模型交叉验证均方根误差(RMSECV)为0.082 8,决定系数为97.98%,外部验证均方根误差(RMSEP)为0.044 1,r2为98.95%。结论: 该聚类方法和定量模型快速简便、准确可靠,可以满足药品现场快速检查的需要。  相似文献   
目的:探讨常用解毒类中成药组方规律。方法:以收集解毒类中成药处方为基础,运用关联规则、复杂系统熵聚类等算法,挖掘处方中各药物的使用频次及药物之间的关联关系。结果:在解毒类中成药处方中,高频次药物有甘草、冰片、金银花、黄芩、连翘等;高频次药物组合包括连翘、金银花连翘、黄芩等;置信度大于等于0.75的关联规则包括人工麝香-冰片珍珠-冰片牛黄-冰片;并挖掘出40个核心组合以及20首新处方。结论:处方用药中除常见的清热解毒类中药外,还包括具有凉血祛瘀、醒神开窍类中药。  相似文献   
Aim: To estimate how risk of acute respiratory infection (ARI) hospitalization in children attending childcare facilities with a recently (within 1 month) hospitalized child is affected by gender, age and other characteristics. Methods: Population‐based prospective cohort study of 436 434 Danish 0–5‐year‐old children attending childcare during 1989–2004. Information was collected from Danish registers. Main outcome measure was incidence rate ratios (IRRs) of in‐patient hospitalization for ARI. Results: During 1 777 999 person‐years of follow‐up 42 681 hospitalizations for ARI occurred, of which 362 (1%) occurred within 1 month after another child was hospitalized for ARI in the facility. Children attending a facility with a recent ARI hospitalization had an increased risk of 42% (95% CI 27%;60%) compared with other children. The increased risk was higher in 0–2‐year‐old children than in 3–5‐year‐old children (55% vs 17%, p = 0.02) and if the latest hospitalized child was 0–2 years rather than 3–5 years (52% vs 19%, p = 0.04). The increased risk was similar in boys and girls, but was higher if the latest hospitalized child was a boy rather than a girl (52% vs 13%, p = 0.02). Conclusion: Although occurring infrequently, clustering of ARI hospitalizations involve 0–2‐year‐olds and boys as first hospitalized child relatively more often than would be expected.  相似文献   
Gene expression data are the representation of nonlinear interactions among genes and environmental factors. Computing analysis of these data is expected to gain knowledge of gene functions and disease mechanisms. Clustering is a classical exploratory technique of discovering similar expression patterns and function modules. However, gene expression data are usually of high dimensions and relatively small samples, which results in the main difficulty for the application of clustering algorithms. Principal component analysis (PCA) is usually used to reduce the data dimensions for further clustering analysis. While PCA estimates the similarity between expression profiles based on the Euclidean distance, which cannot reveal the nonlinear connections between genes. This paper uses nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NDR) as a preprocessing strategy for feature selection and visualization, and then applies clustering algorithms to the reduced feature spaces. In order to estimate the effectiveness of NDR for capturing biologically relevant structures, the comparative analysis between NDR and PCA is exploited to five real cancer expression datasets. Results show that NDR can perform better than PCA in visualization and clustering analysis of complex gene expression data.  相似文献   
目的了解伤寒聚集性发病事件的流行病学及临床表现,进一步指导临床诊治、减少漏诊误诊。 方法回顾2018年8月首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院一起伤寒聚集性发病事件,分析事件人群的流行病学、临床症状以及实验室检查特点。 结果13例患者均为北京市平谷地区环卫工人,其中女性8例、男性5例,年龄36~48岁,流行病学史相似。均以发热为首要表现,12例(92.3%)患者伴消化道症状,6例(46.2%)患者出现呼吸道症状。13例患者白细胞计数为(5.22 ± 1.73)× 109/L,5例(39.5%)患者白细胞减少;7例(53.9%)患者嗜酸性粒细胞计数低于正常值下限。11例(84.6%)患者肝功能轻度异常。C-反应蛋白(CRP)为32.5(8.15,49.45)mg/L。仅1例患者降钙素原(PCT)升高,余12例患者PCT未见明显异常。9例患者腹部超声提示异常。1例患者胸片提示右肺下野外带索条影;1例患者胸片提示左肺舌叶炎症。血培养阳性率为84.6%(11/13);恢复期肥达反应阳性率为61.5%(8/13);13例患者病程第2~3周行便培养均为阴性,经治疗后均好转出院。 结论本次13例患者为聚集性发病,病情较轻、症状不典型,肝功能损伤多见。故应警惕呼吸道症状,以肺炎为首要表现者,避免误诊,而轻型、不典型患者应避免漏诊;尽早行血培养有助于明确诊断,肥达反应阴性并不能排除伤寒。  相似文献   
Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous disease in which different dimensions could be associated with localized subtypes in cortical thickness of the brain. Subtypes in data that includes patients and controls could be associated with patient/control could associate with patient/control groupings. Testing for subtypes provides a non-parametric investigation of group differences. Cortical thickness maps, generated from magnetic resonance images of 96 patients with schizophrenia and 106 controls, were co-registered and corrected for age-related thinning. At multiple map locations, the number of (sub)types best explaining cortical thickness in the patients, the controls, and both combined was determined. Grey matter volumes of selected regions were measured. Both patients and controls, considered independently, were predominantly homogeneous in cortical thickness. The few bimodal regions were similar in both groups. The combined subjects' cortical thickness was bimodal over 34% of the cortical mantle and otherwise unimodal. Further probing of these bimodal regions showed that subjects tending to belong to thinner modes were significantly more likely to be patients, and grey matter volumes of most bimodal regions were significantly smaller in patients. The study found no subtypes specific to patients. It suggested, however, that associations between abnormally thin cortex and schizophrenia are more widespread than shown by previously published results based on significance testing.  相似文献   
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