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目的 了解新型冠状病毒肺炎聚集性病例的流行病学特征,探讨家庭因素以及集体活动等对本病传播的影响。方法 于2020年1月19日至2月25日每日从中国6个省份公布聚集性病例的36个地市官方平台收集积聚性病例数量、个案信息,采用描述性统计方法、χ2检验以及曲线拟合对聚集性病例的流行病学特征进行分析。结果 共收集聚集性病例366起1 052例,家庭聚集性病例占86.9%(914/1 052);1 046例有性别信息的聚集性病例中,男性513例(49.0%),女性533例(51.0%);病例以18~59岁青壮年为主,占68.5%(711/1 038)。在366起聚集性疫情中,有47.0%(172/366)聚集性疫情的首例确诊病例曾有武汉市或湖北省旅居史。1月19日至2月3日,首例确诊病例有武汉市或湖北省旅居史占66.5%;2月4-25日聚集性病例首例确诊病例有武汉市或湖北省旅居史仅占18.2%。一代病例与二代病例发病时间间隔M为5(2~8)d,首发病例的发病—确诊时间间隔M为6(3~9)d,续发病例的发病—确诊时间间隔M为5(3~8) d。结论 聚集性疫情在武汉市和湖北省以外多地市普遍出现,家庭密切接触是造成家庭内传播的主要原因之一。2月4日后聚集性病例以当地一代或二代以后的病例传播为主,确诊时间缩短。  相似文献   
目的:测定蒺藜不同药用部位在药效物质基础上的差异大小。方法:对蒺藜果实、茎、叶、根的化学成分进行HPLC分析,以相关系数法对色谱结果进行模糊聚类分析。结果:在0.820的置信水平上,果实、茎、叶、根聚为一类;在0.853的置信水平上,果实和叶聚为一类,茎和根聚为一类;在0.973的置信水平上,茎和根聚为一类,果实和叶各自分类;在0.980的置信水平上,果实、茎、叶、根各自分类。结论:在药效物质基础上,果实和叶子与其他部位差别较大,而茎和根之间则差别较小。  相似文献   
目的 阐明在广西瑶族地区新发现的两个肝癌高发家族发生肝癌家族聚集性的危险因素。方法 以广西瑶族不同地区的两肝癌高发家族成员作为研究对象,应用ELISA法检测研究对象血清中HBV和HCV血清学标志物、采用PCR和RT-PCR技术分别检测HBV DNA和HCV RNA,结合流行病学调查结果进行综合分析。结果 两肝癌高发家族成员中HBsAg、HBsAb、HBeAg、HBeAb、HBcAb、HBV DNA、抗 HCV、HCV RNA的阳性率分别为45.0%(9/20)、35.0%(7/20)、15.0% (3/20)、25.0% (5/20)、45.0%(9/20)、25.0%(5/20)、0(0/20)、0(0/20)和9.52%(2/21)、42.9%(9/21)、4.8%(1/21)、4.8%(1/21)、23.8%(5/21)、9.52%(2/21)、0(0/21)、0(0/21)。其中HBsAg在两组间的差别具有统计学意义(P=0.033),A家族以山泉水作为饮用水,B家族十年前以塘水作为生活用水;其余因素差异未见统计学意义。结论 瑶族不同地区、不同家族成员发生肝癌家族聚集性的危险因素可以有所不同,HBV感染、饮用塘水等因素均可与遗传因素相互作用,从而导致肝癌家族聚集性的发生。  相似文献   
ObjectivesAt the end of 2019 the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak spread around the globe with a late arrival to South America. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the long period of mandatory social isolation that took place in Argentina on the general psychological well-being of healthcare workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsA survey was conducted during June 2020, in healthcare workers. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Insomnia Severity Index, Sleepiness-Wakefulness Inability and Fatigue Test, and Goldberg depression and anxiety scale, were used to analyze the effects of the SARS-Cov 2 outbreak after three months of mandatory social isolation. Analyses were performed by logistic regression and a clustering algorithm in order to classify subjects in the function of their outcome's severity.ResultsFrom 1059 surveys, the majority reported symptoms of depression (81.0%), anxiety (76.5%), poor sleep quality (84.7%), and insomnia (73.7%) with 58.9% suffering from nightmares. Logistic regression showed that being in contact with COVID-19 patients, age, gender and the consumption of sleep medication during the mandatory social isolation were relevant predictors for insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Clustering analysis classified healthcare workers in three groups with healthy/mild, moderate, and severe outcomes. The most vulnerable group was composed mainly of younger people, female, non-medical staff, or physicians in training.ConclusionAn extremely high proportion of Argentinian healthcare workers suffered from sleep problems, anxiety, and depression symptoms. The clustering algorithm successfully separates vulnerable from non-vulnerable populations suggesting the need to carry out future studies involving resilience and vulnerability factors.  相似文献   
目的 基于有关百会穴治疗椎动脉型颈椎病症的临床文献,为运用针灸百会治疗椎动脉型颈椎病症提供相关依据。方法 选用CNKI,WF,VIP,CBM,Embase,Medline,Cochrane Library,Web of Science8个数据库进行检索其中的RCT文献,主题输入“针刺”或“灸”等源并含“椎动脉型颈椎病”“百会”进行源检索,对主题词进行有关针灸百会治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床文献的检索。对文献进行回顾,并进行总结和分析。结果 在54篇文献中,我们发现百会穴的针灸治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的文献均为中文文献,其数目有逐年递增的趋势;治疗证型主要为气血亏虚型、痰浊中阻型及肝肾亏虚型;使用R软件运用关联规则中百会、风池穴组、百会-风池-颈夹脊、百会-大椎-风池-颈夹脊为最常使用组穴;单独穴位进行治疗的临床文献较少,多用于针刺、针灸及其他复合疗法等治疗;从疗效上来讲均取得不错的效果。结论 针灸百会治疗椎动脉型颈椎病近年来发展较好;其证型和配穴均较稳定,对穴所属经脉主要以督脉及膀胱经为主且较多位于头部;对于其他治疗手段可予以鼓励,特别可与药物结合进行鼓励,这更有利于临床疗效,且对未来进一步研究针灸百会治疗椎动脉型颈椎病(CSA)的临床效应和机制提供了新思路。  相似文献   
We studied the distribution of MS cases in the county of Hordaland, Western Norway. The total MS population comprised 426 patients. The prevalence on January 1st, 1963, and on January 1st, 1983, and the average annual incidence in the period 1963-1982 were all lower in the coastal area compared to the inland area. An increase in incidence started in the urban area and was followed some 10 years later in the rural area. The Knox method revealed no statistically significant evidence of clustering either for time/place of onset or for time/place of birth. Indications of clustering according to year of onset were, however, observed in the rural area.  相似文献   
We present a new self-organizing neural network model that has two variants. The first variant performs unsupervised learning and can be used for data visualization, clustering, and vector quantization. The main advantage over existing approaches (e.g., the Kohonen feature map) is the ability of the model to automatically find a suitable network structure and size. This is achieved through a controlled growth process that also includes occasional removal of units. The second variant of the model is a supervised learning method that results from the combination of the above-mentioned self-organizing network with the radial basis function (RBF) approach. In this model it is possible—in contrast to earlier approaches—to perform the positioning of the RBF units and the supervised training of the weights in parallel. Therefore, the current classification error can be used to determine where to insert new RBF units. This leads to small networks that generalize very well. Results on the two-spirals benchmark and a vowel classification problem are presented that are better than any results previously published.  相似文献   
A Windows-based, object-oriented application system for segmentation and analysis of electron magnetic resonance (EMR) images is described. The integrated system is developed for better recognition of regions of interest (ROI) in murine EMR images. The system combines the clustering method of color segmentation with boundary detection, for efficient segmentation of regions of interest in EMR images. Initially, the red/green/blue (RGB) color space is converted into spherical coordinates transform (SCT) space. Color quantization is then achieved by center split algorithm applied on the color dimensions of the SCT space. Subsequently, Laplacian boundary detection operator is used to extract the contours of the ROI from the variegated coloring information. The system is implemented in Visual C++ and tested on temporal EMR color images of mouse. The system performs well giving perceptually reasonable segmentation of tumor, kidney and bladder of the mouse image. Experimental results with extensive set of EMR color images demonstrate the efficacy of the system developed.  相似文献   
目的 探讨高血压患者行为危险因素聚集对血压控制的影响,为提升血压控制率制定具有成本效益的干预策略提供科学依据。 方法 采用分层多阶段随机抽样方法对云南省8个县(区)≥18岁居民开展问卷调查和体格检查,将其中确诊为高血压的患者作为研究对象。计算存在不同危险因素(吸烟、饮酒、体力活动不足、蔬菜水果摄入不足、静态行为时间过长)个数患者的高血压控制率,多因素非条件logistic回归分析用于检验高血压控制率与行为危险因素聚集的关系。采用敏感性分析探讨其稳健性。 结果 共2 906例高血压患者纳入分析,血压控制率为15.7%。患者中存在≥2项行为危险因素聚集者占比达57.5%,存在0、1、2、3、≥4个行为危险因素的高血压患者血压控制率分别为18.9%、17.5%、15.7%、12.7%、7.2%。多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,高血压控制率随着行为危险因素聚集个数增加而减小(P趋势<0.05),与存在0个行为危险因素相比,患者存在≥4个行为危险因素会影响血压控制率(OR =2.928,95%CI:1.229~6.976)。敏感性分析结果显示行为危险因素聚集与高血压控制率的关联及趋势稳定。结论 高血压患者中行为危险因素聚集会影响血压控制,应将存在多种危险因素的患者作为干预的重点人群,以期提升血压控制率。  相似文献   
【目的】 对国外典型高校出版社期刊布局进行对比研究和特点提炼,为国内高校出版社优化期刊布局、实现高质量发展提出建议。【方法】 采用数据分析、案例探究和对比研究方法,按出版规模分层次对牛津大学出版社、剑桥大学出版社、麻省理工学院出版社、洛克菲勒大学出版社的期刊布局进行研究,得出启示。【结果】 国外典型高校出版社期刊布局呈现出科技期刊和社科期刊布局均衡,重视优势学科、基础学科和新兴交叉学科领域期刊布局的特点,期刊布局中专业化学科集聚特色显著,并跨越传统学科,推出新期刊概念以更好地应对开放科学发展。【结论】 高校出版社应分阶段做好科学合理的期刊布局:细分学科领域,面向优势学科、新兴交叉学科和基础学科领域,以域育刊;单刊和集群联动,以刊带群形成完整知识服务网络体系;具备一定水平和规模后,均衡布局科技期刊和社科期刊,以齐全的期刊学科门类、统一的办刊标准实现对学术资源的有效汇聚,服务于国家科技创新建设和研究成果的海内外传播。  相似文献   
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