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Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis and pyogenic arthritis has a different pattern in the elderly than in the young. The axial skeleton is the most frequent site of infection and treatment is usually by intravenous antibiotics. We report a case ofStaph. aureus septic arthritis of the elbow with concomitant osteomyelitis of the spine that was thought to be due toStaph. aureus, but culture of debrided material from the lesion grewBrucella in culture. We suggest that in the elderly it is advisable to obtain a tissue culture diagnosis and not to instigate therapy based on positive blood cultures or a concomitant infection.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the ability of the BacT/Alert automated blood culture system to detect Brucella spp. in comparison with traditional Brucella broth culture. Overall, 100 (50 bone marrow and 50 blood samples) paired cultures were obtained, and 59 were positive by at least one method. The Brucella broth culture method detected all 59 positive cultures (100%), and the BacT/Alert system detected 30 (50.8%) ( P  < 0.05). The mean detection times for B. melitensis were 4.5 days in the BacT/Alert system and 5 days in Brucella broth culture ( P  > 0.05). There is no significant difference between the two methods with respect to growth time of the microorganism, but Brucella broth culture is more sensitive than the BacT/Alert system.  相似文献   
A Multiskan photometer for reading microtiter plate enzyme immunoassays was linked with a time sharing computer to facilitate control of assay variation and analysis of results. The interface that converted photometer output to RS-232-C format required changes to divide the output into segments short enough for input to the computer. To measure within-plate variation and investigate how the method of allocating sample duplicates to plate wells may affect the estimation of sample variance, uniformity tests were conducted with 47 plates. Coefficients of variation (CV) among wells within-plates ranged from 4.6 to 20.7% and in two-thirds of the plates exceeded 10%. Duplicates allocated to adjacent wells (method 1) gave consistently higher CV for sample means than duplicates allocated to opposite plate quadrants (method 2). In general, the CV by method 2 was about 30% smaller than that by method 1. Analysis of variance confirmed the effectiveness of the quadrant pattern of duplicate allocation as a method of controlling variation that arises from well position effects.  相似文献   
目的 探讨新疆急、慢性布鲁菌病患者细胞因子(IL-4、IL-6、IL-10、IL-17、TNF-α、INF-γ)、炎性因子(PCT、hs-CRP)及RF、ESR、ASO、血培养的临床诊断意义。方法 对布鲁菌病住院患者(病例组)和正常对照人群(对照组)采用多重微球流式免疫荧光发光法和生化等技术检测多种细胞因子及炎性因子,并进行统计学分析。结果 病例组和对照组IL-4、IL-6、IL-10、IL-17、TNF-α和IFN-γ分别为2.74(0.97~6.25)和0.56(0.53~0.64)、34.10(13.05~60.8)和0.78(0.41~2.52)、1.83(1.15~2.75)和0.89(0.77~1.13)、6.77(2.48~13.74)和1.03(0.68~1.20)、35.23(5.79~74.98)和1.33(0.80~2.17)、212.96(42.3~436.72) pg/mL和1.69(1.36~1.89) pg/mL,病例组明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。急性组和慢性组IL-6、IL-10、IL-17、TNF-α、IFN-γ分别为65.32(36.27~68.60)和29.38(11.30~53.09)、2.38(1.51~3.34)和0.89(0.77~1.13)、11.98(3.92~16.49)和5.27(2.24~12.49)、50.88(16.59~96.69)和28.24(5.30~64.40)、319.00(145.14~588.52)pg/mL和160.52(36.5~418.54) pg/mL,PCT和hs-CRP分别为0.08(0.06~0.12) pg/mL和0.04(0.03~0.06) pg/mL、12.60(5.0~30.8)mg/L和3.30(1.2~16.2) mg/L,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);低抗体滴度组和高抗体滴度组IL-6、PCT 、hs-CRP 、RF、ESR、血培养阳性率分别为30.46(11.30~50.02) pg/mL和46.20(17.72~79.69) pg/mL、0.04(0.03~0.06) pg/mL和0.07(0.04~0.11) pg/mL、3.03(0.85~9.70) mg/L和13.65(2.97~31.43) mg/L、3.0(0.8~9.7)IU/mL和13.6(3.0~31.4)IU/mL、15(7~31)mm/h和27(15~46)mm/h、15.3%和33.3%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。单因素分析显示6种细胞因子均为布鲁菌病患病程度的危险因素,多因素Logistic回归分析显示IL-6和INF-γ水平是布鲁菌病患病程度的独立危险因素。结论 IL-4、IL-6、IL-10、IL-17、TNF-α、IFN-γ及PCT、hs-CRP等指标不仅能及时准确反映布鲁杆菌感染发病程度和临床分期的免疫状况,而且IL-6和INF-γ表达水平具有独立的临床诊断评估作用,血培养在急性期或高滴度组具有重要的临床诊断价值。  相似文献   
目的比较5种布鲁氏菌核酸实时荧光PCR检测试剂盒的一致性和检出能力,为临床实验室选择检测方法和布鲁氏菌的诊断提供参考依据。方法选用经病原学检测确定为布鲁氏菌阳性的血液样本38份,健康人的血液样本24份,潘氏变形杆菌、溶藻弧菌、河弧菌、铜绿假单胞菌、肺炎克雷伯菌DNA各1份,使用5种试剂盒(编号A-E)分别进行核酸检测,比较5种试剂盒临床样本检测的一致性;选择1份阳性样本核酸用无RNA酶水梯度稀释得到5个浓度(浓度1:4453.13 fg/μL,浓度2:1113.28 fg/μL,浓度3:278.32 fg/μL,浓度4:69.58 fg/μL,浓度5:17.40 fg/μL),每个浓度使用5种试剂盒(编号A-E)分别进行3次检测,比较5种试剂盒的阳性检出率及批内重复性。结果5种试剂盒检测67份DNA样品的符合率稍有不同,试剂盒ABDE的符合率均为100%,试剂盒C的符合率为98.51%。批内重复性显示5种试剂盒在浓度1、浓度2、浓度3水平重复检测DNA的Ct值变异系数均<5%;在浓度1与浓度4梯度区间,试剂盒的阳性检出能力比较显示试剂盒A、B、D较高,为11/12,试剂盒C和E较低,为8/12。结论5种试剂盒的真实性和可靠性较好,灵敏度和符合率稍有差别,特异度均为100%;重复性较好,检测性能良好。部分试剂盒对弱阳性样本的检出能力不强,该类样本可使用多种试剂盒复核,以保障结果的准确性。  相似文献   
[摘要]?目的?分析布鲁氏菌病并发感染性主动脉瘤的临床特点,以提高临床医生对该疾病的认识及诊疗水平。方法?选取2002年1月1日—2022年6月1日北京安贞医院收治的9例布鲁氏菌病并发感染性主动脉瘤患者作为研究对象,收集其流行病学资料、临床表现、实验室检查结果、影像学资料、治疗及预后等情况。结果?32例血培养证实布鲁氏杆菌感染者中,9例并发主动脉瘤,发生率为28.13%。其中8例为男性,1例为女性,年龄为58~75岁。有明确牛、羊接触史者3例,有不洁羊奶饮用史者1例,有牧区旅游史者1例。所有患者均有发热,其中热型为典型波浪热者1例。患者主要症状为腰腹痛。误诊为腰椎结核者2例,误诊为腰椎管狭窄者3例。1例患者合并附睾炎。6例患者累及腹主动脉,1例累及升主动脉,2例累及主动脉弓。9例患者血清凝集试验均阳性。9例患者均接受利福平、多西环素和左氧氟沙星抗感染治疗,除1例失访外,其余8例总疗程均为3~6个月。7例手术治疗患者中,6例行主动脉替换或修补术,1例经6个月抗感染治疗后行支架植入手术,以上患者术后均随访5个月~7年(中位时间4年),1例于术后5年死于脑血管疾病意外,其余6例均存活。2例未接受手术治疗患者中,1例出院后失访,1例随访3年存活至今。结论?布鲁氏菌病的主动脉受累较少见,且易危及生命,由于对该病认识不足,易导致漏诊、误诊。本病治疗的基石仍然是抗感染治疗联合开放性手术。血管内支架等介入手术治疗的作用尚未确定,须要考虑患者的病情和长期并发症的风险。  相似文献   
我们用硝酸稀土培养基做了猪种、羊种布鲁氏菌促进生长试验,结果表明,猪种布鲁氏菌菌体细胞每分裂一次其时间可提前22分钟,羊种布鲁氏菌则可提前12.7~17.5分钟,说明硝酸稀土有促进布鲁氏菌生长作用。  相似文献   
目的探讨动态对比增强磁共振定量成像(dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI,DCE-MRI)技术对布氏杆菌性脊椎炎的鉴别诊断价值。材料与方法 16例脊椎病变患者(经临床或手术病理证实:11例布氏杆菌性脊椎炎、2例脊椎椎体转移瘤、3例结核性脊椎炎)行T1WI、T2WI、STIR及动态对比增强定量检查,分析其形态、信号特点及容积转运参数(Ktrans)与血管外细胞外间隙容积比(Ve)。结果病变累及腰椎最多。布氏杆菌性脊椎炎在MRI上椎体形态多无明显变化,椎体边缘可见小的骨质破坏及骨质增生。病变椎体T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈低等或等高信号或低等高混杂信号。STIR呈高信号。增强扫描病变椎体明显强化,与周围正常增强的椎体信号类似或更高。各类脊椎病变的Ktrans值与Ve值的差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论布氏杆菌性脊椎炎有特征性的磁共振表现,动态对比增强磁共振定量成像对鉴别诊断有重要价值。  相似文献   
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