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女性进入更年期以后,随着其卵巢功能的逐渐衰退、生殖器官的逐渐萎缩,会出现一系列生理与心理方面的问题,尤其是性问题。由于受传统观念的制约并涉及到个人隐私,多数更年期女性即使饱受性问题  相似文献   
Male reproductive disorders that are of interest from an environmental point of view include sexual dysfunction,infertility,cryptorchidism,hypospadias and testicular cancer. Several reports suggest declining sperm counts and increase of these reproductive disorders in some areas during some time periods past 50 years. Except for testicular cancer this evidence is circumstantial and needs cautious interpretation. However,the male germ line is one of the most sensitive tissues to the damaging effects of ionizing radiation,radiant heat and a number of known toxicants. So far occupational hazards are the best documented risk factors for impaired male reproductive function and include physical exposures (radiant heat,ionizing radiation,high frequency electromagnetic radiation),chemical exposures (some solvents as carbon disulfide and ethylene glycol ethers,some pesticides as dibromochloropropane,ethylendibromide and DDT/DDE,some heavy metals as inorganic lead and mercury) and work processes such as metal welding. Improved working conditions in affluent countries have dramatically decreased known hazardous workplace exposures,but millions of workers in less affluent countries are at risk from reproductive toxicants.New data show that environmental low-level exposure to biopersistent pollutants in the diet may pose a risk to people in all parts of the world. For other toxicants the evidence is only suggestive and further evaluation is needed before conclusions can be drawn. Whether compounds as phthalates,bisphenol A and boron that are present in a large number of industrial and consumer products entails a risk remains to be established. The same applies to psychosocial stressors and use of mobile phones. Finally,there are data indicating a particular vulnerability of the fetal testis to toxicants-for instance maternal tobacco smoking. Time has come where male reproductive toxicity should be addressed form entirely new angles including exposures very early in life.  相似文献   
食品与健康:闭经是女性的常见病,因为无明显的痛感,因而常被广大女同胞忽视。请问,什么样情况算是闭经?如果发生闭经,是否需要及时治疗?连智华:女性一般会行经35年左右。之后月经会自然停止而进入绝经期。女性如果超过了18周岁月经还没有来,这种情况就是原发性闭经,需要尽快到医院进行全面检查。明确是否有生殖器官发育异常,或后天器质性损伤,还是其他原因,诊断明确后进行相关治疗。如果女性已经建立了正常的月经周期,并且还没有到绝经年龄,月经却停止来潮3个月以上,这就是继发性闭经。在门诊接待的女性患者中,继发性闭经占很大比例,而且也严重危害其身体健康。  相似文献   
李艳鸣 《开卷有益》2011,(11):60-60
程读者: 更年期女性在清洁卫生及心态方面,可以从以下几方面进行保健。  相似文献   
卵巢肿瘤是女性生殖器官的常见病之一,临床分为良性和恶性,在良性卵巢肿瘤中,卵巢囊肿约占50%。作者在临床治疗中,观察到用"福人"金刚藤糖浆治疗卵巢囊肿效果满意,现报道如下:  相似文献   
子宫肌瘤又称子宫平滑肌瘤,是女性生殖器官中最常见的良性肿瘤[1],育龄期妇女发病率约20%~25%,是导致妇科非急症出血的常见原因,并有0·4%~1·0%的恶变率[2]。该病临床表现为下腹部疼痛和不适、肿瘤压迫症状以及严重贫血等许多异常症状和体征。随着现代介入放射学的发展,介入治  相似文献   
第一节阴道前壁脱垂 1概述 阴道前壁膨出(膀胱膨出、尿道膨出)是由于分娩过程中,儿头通过阴道时,损伤耻骨膀胱宫颈筋膜和耻骨尾骨肌,以及产后过早参加重体力劳动,致使阴道支持组织不能恢复正常所致。膀胱及与其紧密相邻的阴道前壁上2/3段向下膨出,称为尿道膨出。绝经后,组织萎缩,托力减弱,常加重膨出程度。  相似文献   
子宫内膜癌是女性生殖器官最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,好发于中老年妇女,近年来其发病率有逐年上升趋势,其预后取决于发现和治疗的及时程度。为了早期发现子宫内膜癌,我院与北京大学生殖健康研究所协作,采用子宫内膜细胞采集器获取宫腔细胞,观察细胞学检查在子宫膜癌中的应用价  相似文献   
陈琳 《健康博览》2008,(5):10-10
有痛经的女孩很多,痛经可分为原发性痛经和继发性痛经。前者又称功能性痛经,指生殖器官无明显器质性病变,多见于青年妇女;后者多继发于生殖器官的某些器质性病变,如子宫内膜异位症、子宫肌瘤、慢性盆腔炎、盆腔淤血症、子宫颈口粘连或狭窄等。  相似文献   
燕子 《健康生活》2008,(9):15-16
子宫是孕育生命的摇篮,又是女性最重要的生殖器官之一,它肩负着孕育和分娩孩子重要使命。所以,人们给子宫冠以“生命摇篮”、“胎儿宫殿”的美称。然而从子宫发育成熟开始,到履行自己的繁重使命——形成并排出月经,生儿育女,直至衰老,它始终面临着各种伤病的威胁,如果不注意防护,会严重损害健康,甚至危及生命。  相似文献   
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