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今年4月初,北京市发改委再次对80种中药饮片、14种中成药、16种药品补充剂型规格制订了政府最高零售价,并同时转发了国家发改委试行《药品差比价规则》通知。据悉,此《药品差比价规则》是国家发改委于今年1月制定的,要求各地最迟于今年3月底试行,当中对同种药品因剂型、规格或包装材料不同而形成的价格差额或比值做出了详细规定。  相似文献   
“一药多名”是正常现象;改革医疗服务收费方式是医改必由之路;药品价格问题单靠降价远远不够;平价药店命是一线?  相似文献   
Objective: Severe scoliosis refers to scoliosis with serious and stiff curve. It always combins with trunk imbalance in coronal and sagittal contour. Besides complex pathological changes, cardiopulmonary deficits and other concomitant diseases increase treatmental difficulties. So the treatment of severe scoliosis is always a great challenge to spine surgeon. Methods :Thirty-six patients with severe scoliosis received one stage posterior correction followed by anterior release during July 1997 to January 2003, including 9 males and 27 females. Mean age was 17.2 years. Of them, 33 was idiopathic scoliosis and 3 was neurofibromatosis scoliosis( Cobb angle: 85-116 degree); 20 cases were abnormal in sagital plane. Three-dimensional devised instrumentation were applied such as CD, CD-Horizon, TSRH or Isola in posterior procedure followed by anterior release during the same anesthesia. 31 cases of this group received thorac icplasty. Results: The correction in the frontal plane achieved an average of 48.5%. In the sagittal plane, the pathological shape of the spine was reduced and distinctly ameliorated. 80. 6% of the patients maintained or achieved balance of sagittal plane. There were no complications of severe neurological deficit, hook displacement, rod broken, and deep infection at follow-up. One case occurred traumatic pleurisy after operation and another appeared pseudarthrosis 2 years later. One case demonstrated imbalance 11 months after operation. One patient was presented loss of correction more than 10 degree at one year follow-up and 5.2 degree in average. Conclusion:The study indicates that the one stage posterior correction combined with anterior release in treatment of severe scoliosis can achieve satisfactory correction. Appropriate choice of cases, preoperational detailed assessment and application of SEP and wake-up test during operation can possibly reduce severe complication. The long-term outcomes still need further observation.  相似文献   
放射免疫分析中的数据处理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
放射免疫分析灵敏度高、特异性强、精确度佳。但是一切实验都不可避免地会产生误差。为了提高测量精确度,要求我们竭力削弱各种误差的影响,获取最佳测量条件,并运用误差理论的有关原则来处理数据,以确定被测值或揭示被测对象对输入量的相应规律。 放射免疫分析最终目的是给出待测物质的准确量。数据处理就是将实验测得的未知样品的直接结果换算成剂量,通过误差分析和加工整理,计算其精度。多数放免分析系统基本上是均一性的,而且反应是在达到充分平衡后才用分离剂进行分离,因此剂量反应关系有典型的特点,可以通过实验数据作出一条尽可能反映真实函数关系的曲线,并对曲线作定量分析。 一、标准曲线的拟合:从一组离散的测量数据中,运用有关误差理论知识,求得一条能最佳地描述该原函数的曲线的过程即为拟合过程。数据拟合主要解决从给出的离散数据中找出变量之间的关系。  相似文献   
在邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论指导下,通过深化卫生改革,加强行业建设,全省卫生事业有了很大发展,对保护生产力,促进社会经济的发展发挥了积极的作用。但在向社会主义市场经济转轨过程中,卫生事业也遇到了新情况和新问题。在卫生经济方面突出地表现在政府投入不足,医疗单位自我补偿能力差,对药品收入依赖严重,缺乏发展后劲,许多医疗单位负债运行。在我省卫生事业发展举步维艰,  相似文献   
与女士着装的变化多端不同,国际通行的男士着装时尚,一向是要言不烦,以质取胜。一套从头到脚的名牌服饰,其价格要远远高于女性,这就给男士们造成了错觉,似乎不搞成一个名牌大拼盘就不足以表现自己的身份和品味,结果花钱不少,造就的形象却俚俗不堪,充满了低层次的炫耀味。事实上长期穿用名牌的人,如果不具备一定的艺术修养,他不会懂得品味是从细节开始的,细节上的失误会使完美无缺的名牌行头出现不可容忍的疵点。所以有品味的男士和女士都会承认:“细微之处见精神”。不过,男士在心里说,女士在嘴上说,那么,上班族男士最易忽略的细节有哪些呢?  相似文献   
人工神经网络在避孕研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工神经网络作为一门新兴的边缘学科,已开始在许多领域应用.本文将神经网络的方法应用于避孕方法选择方面,并通过ROC曲线比较了神经网络方法与传统的多元LO-gistic回归分析方法对训练样本和检验样本的表现.结果提示,神经网络方法有望在统计学、医学领域得到进一步应用和发展.  相似文献   
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