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In 1998 Howard Parker, Judith Aldridge & Fiona Measham published Illegal Leisure, a ground‐breaking study of profound changes in British youth cultures in the 1990s, and the place of drugs and drug use in these upheavals. This work introduced the ‘normalization thesis’ to the social sciences, offering a novel vocabulary for re‐imagining the normative character of young people's attitudes towards and experiences of illicit drug use. Arriving at the dawn of the new century, the book offered a thoroughgoing re‐thinking of the character of youth cultures at a time of great social, cultural, economic and technological disruption. In so doing, the book deftly anticipated many of the most interesting currents of critical drug studies that followed.  相似文献   
Newer policies of community care for those with disabilities have resulted in the home becoming the usual site of care. Policy makers must now give attention to the needs of those at home giving this care. This article explores the constraints on sociability opportunities of 73 mothers who were caring for children with disabilities. These opportunities are often built into leisure pursuits for women without caring responsibilities. However, choice of out-of-house leisure activity was circumscribed for the mothers in this study and their reported leisure activities revolved around home and neighbourhood. Even these sites offered limited scope for sociability because of the way in which caring affected domestic space and because of the characteristics of the modern Australian suburb. It is argued in this paper that personal time and personal domestic space are needed by care-givers so their sociability needs can be fulfilled. An understanding of the constraints imposed by use of the home as a place of care may make possible the planning of a rearrangement of domestic space to increase sociability opportunities for carers.  相似文献   
脑死亡作为死亡的判断标准已经得到医学界的普遍认可,将对我国的医学、法学、伦理学产生重要影响。脑死亡立法将动摇几千年来形成的心死亡观念,并促进我国民法、刑法、法医学的发展。同时它还有助于节约卫生资源,减少医患间的矛盾,推进器官移植医学发展,产生最大的医学与社会效益,促进社会文明进步。  相似文献   
The new sociology of childhood sees children as competent social agents with important contributions to make. And yet the phase of childhood is fraught with tensions and contradictions. Public policies are required, not only to protect children, but also to control them and regulate their behaviour. For children and young people in the UK, youth justice has become increasingly punitive. At the same time, social policies have focused more on children's inclusion and participation. In this interplay of conflict and contradictions, the role the media play is critical in contributing to the moral panic about childhood and youth. In this article, we consider media representations of “antisocial” children and young people and how this belies a moral response to the nature of contemporary childhood. We conclude by considering how a rights‐based approach might help redress the moralised politics of childhood representations in the media.  相似文献   
This article brings new insight into the relationship between disability studies and the sociology of handicap as “deviance” and “stigma”. Disability studies grew up in a tight connection with the disability rights movement, but one of their roots was the new way of conceiving delinquency, addiction, madness, homosexuality, and handicap, which emerged in the 1960s. Eliot Freidson (1966) shifted the attention from the “disabled”, treated as patients to rehabilitate, to “handicap makers”. The relevant question was then: which are the professional jurisdictions of specialists appointed to “cure” disabled people? In which organizational arenas is disability institutionalized as a problem to be solved? Fred Davis (1961), for his part, explored another dimension, closer to Erving Goffman (1963): how are stigma co-produced, reified, or denied in encounter situations between people with and without disabilities? More specifically, how is the “visible handicap” handled in such face-to-face interactions? A third way has been worked by John Kitsuse in 1980 with his concept of “tertiary deviance.” In line with the 1960s sociology of deviance as “secondary deviation”, this concept of “tertiary deviance” recognizes the ability of persons with disabilities to act, to claim rights, to invent collective identities, and to experience and create new life ecologies.  相似文献   
Currently there are no growth charts based on local norms available for infants in Iran, and their growth is assessed by the National Centre for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference data, which is misleading. Growth charts for a cohort of 317 infants (164 girls and 153 boys) born in Shiraz (Southern Iran) in 1996 and followed for 2 years from birth are presented. All the centiles of length and weight charts are slightly above those of the NCHS charts under the age of 6 months and fall substantially below those over the age of 6 months. However, the spread is similar, so there is no suggestion that the difference is due to the prevalence of gross malnutrition. The difference shows that the use of locally based growth charts are essential for assessing the growth of children in Iran. The representativeness of our data leads us to conclude that the charts presented here are likely to be applied to the urban infant population of Iran.

Gegenwärtig stehen im Iran für Kleinkinder keine auf lokalen Normdaten basierende Wachstumsdiagramme zur Verfügung. Das Wachstum dieser Kinder wird anhand der Referenzdaten des Nationalen Zentrums für Gesundheitsstatistik (NCHS) eingeschätzt, was zu Fehleinschätzungen führt. Es werden Wachstumsdiagramme für eine Kohorte von 317 Kleinkindern (164 Mädchen und 153 Jungen) vorgestellt, die 1996 in Shiraz (Südiran) geboren wurden und nach ihrer Geburt 2 Jahre lang untersucht wurden. Alle Längen- und Gewichtszentilen liegen bis zu einem Alter von unter 6 Monaten leicht über denjenigen der NCHS-Diagramme und fallen ab einem Alter von 6 Monaten beträchtlich unterhalb diese. Allerdings ist die Spannweite ähnlich und daher gibt es kein Anzeichen dafür, dass der Unterschied auf das Vorliegen einer schweren Unterernährung zurückzuführen ist. Die Unterschiede zeigen, dass die Verwendung von lokalen Wachstumsdiagrammen für die Einschätzung des Wachstums von Kindern im Iran notwendig ist. Die Tatsache, dass unsere Daten als repräsentativ anzusehen sind, veranlasst uns zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass die hier vorgestellten Charts wahrscheinlich für die städtische Kleinkinderpopulation im Iran anwendbar sind.

On ne dispose pas actuellement en Iran de tables normatives de la croissance établies sur des données locales, si bien que la croissance des enfants iraniens est inadéquatement observéeen référence aux données du National Centre for Health Statistics (NCHS). On présente ici des courbes de croissance établies à partir d'une cohorte de 317 enfants (164 filles et 153 garçons) nés à Shiraz (Iran méridional) en 1996 et suivis pendant leurs deux premières années. Tous les centiles de taille et de poids sont légèrement supérieurs à ceux des tables NCHS avant l'âge de six mois, puis leurs deviennent nettement inférieurs par la suite. L'évolution des courbes étant similaire, il n'y a donc pas raison de suspecter que la différence est due à de la malnutrition. Cet écart entre les deux tables montre que l'utilisation de courbes fondées sur des données locales est essentielle pour le suivi de la croissance des enfants en Iran. La représentativité de nos données nous conduit à estimer que les tables présentées dans ce travail sont applicables à la population infantile urbaine en Iran.  相似文献   
Archaeology as a social science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of advances in methods and theory, archaeology now addresses issues central to debates in the social sciences in a far more sophisticated manner than ever before. Coupled with methodological innovations, multiscalar archaeological studies around the world have produced a wealth of new data that provide a unique perspective on long-term changes in human societies, as they document variation in human behavior and institutions before the modern era. We illustrate these points with three examples: changes in human settlements, the roles of markets and states in deep history, and changes in standards of living. Alternative pathways toward complexity suggest how common processes may operate under contrasting ecologies, populations, and economic integration.  相似文献   
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