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Comparative mapping of X-linked genes has progressed rapidly since Ohno's prediction that genes on the X chromosome should be conserved as a syntenic group in all mammals. Although several conserved blocks of homology between human and mouse have been discovered, rearrangements within the X chromosome have also been characterized. More recently, some exceptions to Ohno's law have been reported. We have used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to map five genes, Gla, G6pd, Hprt, Pgk1 and Xist, to two of the largest conserved segments of X material in five members of the genus Microtus (grey vole) and show that vole X chromosomes demonstrate greater homology to human than to mouse. Cytogenetic analysis indicates a relatively high frequency of rearrangement during vole evolution, although certain blocks of homology appear to be highly conserved in all species studied to date. On this basis we were able to predict the probable location of the rat X inactivation centre (Xic) based solely on high-resolution G-banding. Our prediction was then confirmed by mapping the rat Xist gene by FISH. The possible significance of conserving long-range chromosome structure in the vicinity of the Xic is discussed with respect to the mechanism of X inactivation.  相似文献   
We screened 526 wild small mammals for zoonotic viruses in northwest Spain and found hantavirus in common voles (Microtus arvalis) (1.5%) and high prevalence (48%) of orthopoxvirus among western Mediterranean mice (Mus spretus). We also detected arenavirus among small mammals. These findings suggest novel risks for viral transmission in the region.  相似文献   
东方田鼠是一种可以感染血吸虫但是感染后不致病的哺乳动物,体内可能存在对日本血吸虫先天的、可遗传的抗性机制.近年来随着东方田鼠实验动物化,人们对东方田鼠的这种抗性机制进行了深入研究.本文对近几年东方田鼠抗日本血吸虫病相关免疫学研究进展做一综述,从非特异性免疫和特异性免疫角度对东方田鼠这一特殊抗性进行总结及展望.  相似文献   
目的了解日本血吸虫适宜宿主和非适宜宿主在感染后血清NO含量的变化规律以及肝、肺组织感染后的病变情况,以比较不同宿主对日本血吸虫感染的反应。方法东方田鼠和小鼠分别感染尾蚴1000条和40条,每2d分别剖杀2只,观察两宿主肝、肺变化,同时分别检测各宿主血清中NO的含量。结果小鼠和东方田鼠感染日本血吸虫后,肺部出现程度不同的出血现象。感染10d后出血现象均自行消失。其中,小鼠肝表观正常,但30d后肝中出现卵引起的内芽肿。东方田鼠在感染后6d肝中开始出现童虫所致病变,感染后第12~14d时逐渐减少,20d后病变消失。其间,小鼠和东方田鼠血清NO水平表现出不同的变化规律。东方田鼠感染后血清NO水平由正常的100μmol/L降到16μmol/L,18~20d恢复到原来的水平,完成一个完整和规律的循环。小鼠感染日本血吸虫后NO水平变化较大,第36d后,血清NO水平基本上维持在0~10μmol/L之间较低的、非正常水平。结论日本血吸虫非适宜宿主东方田鼠感染日本血吸虫后肝、肺病变特征以及NO水平变化与日本血吸虫适宜宿主小鼠不同,提示东方田鼠感染后体内存在一个敏感和系统的抗感染过程。  相似文献   
采用ELISA方法, 平行检测东方田鼠、 BALB/c小鼠和昆明小鼠在攻击感染前、 后的血清抗血吸虫童虫(SSA)、 成虫 (SAWA) 和虫卵(SEA) IgG3抗体水平, 并进行体内、 外试验, 观察IgG3抗体抗血吸虫效应。结果攻击感染后第4周, 东方田鼠抗SSA和SAWA的IgG3抗体水平增幅较大, 分别较感染前增加79.6%和49.6%, BALB/c小鼠IgG3抗体在攻击感染后无明显增加。野生和室内繁殖的东方田鼠的IgG3抗体所致童虫死亡率分别为昆明小鼠的5.88和2.35倍, 前者还诱生出较高的减虫率 (39.8%)。提示东方田鼠IgG3抗体可能是其抗血吸虫感染的主要免疫物质。  相似文献   
During pregnancy, females undergo several physiologically driven changes that facilitate adaptive behaviours and prepare the mother to care for her developing offspring. The nonapeptide hormone oxytocin is best recognised for its involvement in mammalian pregnancy and has been tightly associated with maternal care, in addition to its roles in pregnancy, parturition and lactation. A closely-related nonapeptide hormone, arganine vasopressin, has received considerably less attention for its role in pregnancy, although it has recently been implicated in modulating maternal care and aggression. In the present study, we examined the expression patterns of receptors for oxytocin (OXTR) and vasopressin (V1aR) over the course of pregnancy, ranging from non-mated virgin to immediately postpartum female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Unexpectedly, we found that OXTR was highly stable in all measured structures in the forebrain. V1aR was also stable throughout most of the brain. Two exceptions to this were found in the ventral pallidum (VPall) and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN); both significantly correlated with the length of time that females were pregnant. Changes in the PVN may reflect functional feedback in vasopressin release, or preparatory changes for ensuing maternal behaviour. The results also indicate an unappreciated role for VPall V1aR in pregnancy, which may relate to the function of the VPall in hedonic ‘liking’ and motivational ‘wanting.’ Taken together, our data indicate that, with a few compelling exceptions, nonapeptide dynamics during prairie vole pregnancy are largely limited to changes in the synthesis and release of oxytocin and vasopressin, and not the receptors to which they bind.  相似文献   
目的评价野花地等生态保留带对小型兽类种群动态的影响. 方法我们在瑞士西北部选择3个野花地样地,采用标志重捕方法对普通田鼠种群结构特征和数量动态进行系统地研究.结果生态保留带适合于小型兽类特别是普通田鼠的生存,当周围耕地或农田受到人类干扰时普通田鼠和其他避难鼠种可生存在野花地中,但是,种群数量只有临时达到高峰.在3个野花地间普通田鼠种群数量有所差异,但是具有相同的季节性变化趋势,一般在春季随着植物盖度和食物丰富度的增加,种群数量也开始增加,中夏达到最高水平.秋季种群数量开始下降,但是进入冬季的个体数量相对也高.种群中雌雄个体年龄结构之间有明显的差异,雄性中亚成体的数量比雌性多,雌性中成体的数量比雄性多( χ2 =44.09, df=10, P< 0. 0 0 1, n=236).幼体的数量和繁殖期的雌性个体数量相关(r= 0.894, P<0. 000 1,n = 12), 亚成体数量和繁殖前期雌性数量相关(r= 0.893, P = 0.002, n=12), 繁殖期雌性数量和繁殖期雄性数量相关(r =0.99,P<0.0001,n=12). 种群性比基本保持1∶ 1,但具有月间波动趋势.结论生态保留带为小型兽类提供比较好的栖息地、食物、繁殖和隐蔽空间,因此,普通田鼠占优势地位并且种群数量有季节性变动趋势.  相似文献   
Prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) typically stop breeding during winter. Male prairie voles respond to winter day lengths with gonadal regression, whereas female voles are relatively unresponsive to photoperiod. Unlike commonly studied laboratory rodents, female prairie voles do not exhibit spontaneous oestrous cycles. Instead, females are induced into oestrus by chemosensory cues from conspecific male urine. The present study investigated the interaction among day length, chemosensory cues and the initial brain responses during oestrus induction in female voles. A single drop of male conspecific urine, saline or skimmed milk was applied to the nares of female prairie voles housed for 9 weeks in either long (LD 16 : 8 h) or short (LD 8 : 16 h) days. Animals were killed 0.5, 1, 2 or 24 h after chemosensory treatment and their brains were processed for Fos immunocytochemistry. Body mass and ovarian fat pad mass were higher, but uterine and ovarian mass were lower, in short-day compared to long-day females. Regardless of photoperiod, Fos- immunoreactivity increased in the granule layer of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), the supraoptic nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) (anterior medial) in females treated with male urine compared to the two control groups. Fos staining intensified in the AOB, medial and posterocortical medial amygdala and BNST (posterior ventral), 1 h and 2 h after urine treatment. In the medial preoptic area, anterior and lateral hypothalamus, and ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, Fos-immunoreactivity was elevated in females 2 h after receiving urine. Overall, long-day females displayed higher Fos expression in response to urine than females maintained in short days. These results identify a putative neural circuitry of oestrus induction in this species, and provide an approximate time line of activation in the brain circuit responsible for oestrus induction in prairie voles.  相似文献   
东方田鼠感染血吸虫前后血清补体C3 C4水平的动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 检测东方田鼠感染血吸虫前后血清补体C3、C4水平,阐明其动态规律,为东方田鼠抗血吸虫感染的免疫机理提供证据。方法 免疫比浊法检测血清补体C3、C4水平。结果 未感染血吸虫的东方田鼠血清补体C3、C4平均含量显著高于昆明系小鼠,东方田鼠感染后血清中C3、C4平均水平在第11d以前较低,第21d升高,第26d较前显著升高,昆明系小鼠感染后C3、C4平均水平逐渐上升,直至第26d非常显著地高于第21d之前者。结论 东方田鼠血清补体水平较高,在抗血吸虫感染免疫中可能具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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