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王璐 《九江医学》2013,(4):63-67,91
对于很长的DNA序列,在计算其功率谱或信噪比时,离散Fourier变换(DFT)的总体计算量仍然很大,会影响到所设计的基因识别算法的效率.Voss映射、Z-curve映射,探求功率谱与信噪比的某种快速计算方法运用计算机MATLAB软件用快速傅里叶变换方法来实现功率谱和信噪比的求解.  相似文献   
In this work, nanoporous antireflective coatings on silicate glass were obtained from silicon dioxide sol compositions by the sol-gel method in the presence of quaternary ammonium salt (tetrabutylammonium bromide) at different annealing temperatures (200–250 °C). Varying the salt concentration from 3 to 5 wt.%, we achieved the transmittance of the coatings of about 97% at 250 °C in comparison with 91% for clean glass in the wavelength range from 400 to 1100 nm. The addition of gold nanoparticles to the composition containing 5 wt.% tetrabutylammonium bromide allowed us to decrease the annealing temperature to 200 °C, preserving the transmittance at the level of 96.5%. For this case, the optimal concentration of gold nanoparticles is determined (2.6 × 10−9 mol/mL). According to the SEM analysis, the obtained antireflective coatings contain pores with a minimum area size up to 4 nm2.  相似文献   
Hydrophobic rubber-silica aerogel panels (21.5 × 21.5 × 1.6 cm3) were fabricated from silica and rubber sols and reinforced with several fiber types (recycled tire textile fibers, polyester blanket, silica felt, glass wool). A recycled rubber sol was prepared using peracetic acid and incorporated for the first time in TEOS-based sol-gel chemistry. The composites exhibited good thermal stability up to 400 °C and very low thermal conductivity, in the superinsulation range when using polyester fibers (16.4 ± 1.0 mW·m−1·K−1), and of 20–30 mW·m−1·K−1 for the remaining fibers. They could also endure cyclic compression loads with near full recovery, thus showing very promising properties for insulation of buildings.  相似文献   
目的:探讨采用溶胶-凝胶技术在氧化锆表面制备薄纳米SiO2涂层对氧化锆基底与饰面瓷结合强度的影响,指导氧化锆全瓷冠的制作.方法:将软质氧化锆试件切割成15 mm×10 mm×2.5 mm大小的长方形瓷块40片,分为4组,每组10件,分别采用4种处理方式.A组-仅经1450℃结晶处理;B组-先经30%纳米SiO2溶胶渗透后,再经1450℃结晶处理;C组-先经1450℃结晶,然后用30%纳米SiO2溶胶渗透,再经1450℃热处理;D组-表面涂布纳米SiO2溶胶后,1450℃结晶处理;E组-镍铬合金烤瓷组,使用失蜡铸造法制作12 mm×8 mm×2 mm长方形镍铬合金条块10件.5组试件在其表面堆塑直径为5 mm、高4 mm的饰面瓷圆柱,然后进行剪切强度测试.采用SPSS 19.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析.结果:5组试件的剪切强度分别为A组(28.12±2.95) MPa、B组(31.09±3.94) MPa、C组(25.60±2.45) MPa、D组(31.75±4.90) MPa、E组(28.67±3.95) MPa.单因素方差分析显示5组间具有显著差异(P<0.05),其中,C组与B组和D组均具有显著差异.结论:①溶胶-凝胶技术在结晶致密前氧化锆基底表面制备纳米SiO2涂层,能提高氧化锆基底与饰面瓷的结合强度;②在结晶致密的氧化锆基底表面制备纳米SiO2涂层,能降低氧化锆基底与饰面瓷的结合强度;③氧化锆与氧化锆专用饰面瓷的结合强度与常用金属与饰面瓷的结合强度一致;④通过溶胶-凝胶技术在结晶致密前的氧化锆基底表面导入SiO2溶胶,提高氧化锆与饰面瓷结合强度的技术路线切实可行.  相似文献   
以乙酰丙酮为偶联剂,应用溶胶-凝胶法制备了聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)/TiO2-SnO2有机无机杂化材料。采用红外光谱(FT-IR)、紫外光谱(UV)对PMMA/TiO2-SnO2进行表征,并测定其TG性质。结果表明:在聚合反应过程中,有机聚合物和无机组分之间通过共价键相连,并且该杂化材料具有良好的抗紫外光辐射性能和热稳定性能。  相似文献   
高建  岳湘安  侯吉瑞 《医学教育探索》2006,(9):1038-10411062
研究了高吸水冻胶调剖堵水剂HSG成胶前溶胶体系的流变性能。通过考察主剂共聚物含量对溶胶体系表观粘度的影响,以及粘温特性、触变性、蠕变-回复、小幅振荡剪切应力扫描和频率扫描实验,确定了溶胶体系的流变性参数。结果表明:HSG溶胶体系的表观粘度随主剂共聚物含量增加而增大,随温度升高明显下降。HSG溶胶体系表现出正触变性,主剂共聚物含量越大,溶胶体系触变性越强。蠕变-回复实验表明:随共聚物含量的增加,溶胶体系弹性增强。通过小幅振荡剪切应力扫描、频率扫描实验得出随主剂共聚物含量增加,线性粘弹性区域变宽,储能模量、耗能模量和复合动态粘度变大。  相似文献   
目前,对于大脑功能区胶质治疗方法有很多种,大多用的还是手术治疗。如何让手术治疗的效果达到完善,完美。一直是神经外科手术工作的难点。手术治疗的最高目标无非是让患者的神经功能不会有缺失,让患者的生活质量更好。当然在还有很多辅助的治疗手段,比如电生理检测,超声MRI(神经导航术以及成象术)等。随着医疗技术的提高和发展,这些辅助治疗已经成治疗大脑功能区质瘤的主要手段。  相似文献   
电泳实验证明,不同粒径硅溶胶加入碱式氯化铝水溶液后,改性硅溶胶粒表面带正电荷,经EDS、FT-IR证明,硅溶胶粒表面吸附了水合氧化铝,不同粒径改性硅溶胶为牛顿型流体且粘度相近,分散在聚氨酯-脲-胺乙酸盐(PU-E)中,仍是牛顿型流体,分散体系粘度增加,表明改性交粒表面未吸附PU-E,也反映了硅溶胶粒表面已完全为水合氧化铝所包覆。  相似文献   
This study presents a new method for producing monodisperse crosslinked organic‐inorganic hybrid polymer particles in micron‐size by using simple dispersion polymerization. Firstly, highly monodisperse hybrid copolymer particles were prepared by conventional dispersion polymerization of styrene and 3‐(trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate (TMSPM) in a methanol/water medium. It was very interesting to find that slightly crosslinked hybrid polymer particles were formed by this simple dispersion polymerization due to a partial condensation reaction between the adjacent silanol groups of the TMSPM during the polymerization. Secondly, for the hydrolytic condensation of the remaining trimethoxysilyl groups, post treatment by sol‐gel process was carried out to form an inorganic siloxane network, which provides the particle with high crosslinking density. In the proper conditions, monodisperse crosslinked particles could be produced in high TMSPM concentrations, up to 20 wt.‐%. In addition, the size monodispersity of the hybrid polymer particles was maintained after the sol‐gel process. Crosslinking with inorganic networks formed by the sol‐gel process was confirmed by a thermal analysis and a 29Si NMR spectroscopy.

Synthesis of crosslinked organic‐inorganic hybrid polymer particles by dispersion copolymerization and post sol‐gel process.  相似文献   

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