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目的 探究针刺对形觉剥夺性近视(FDM)豚鼠巩膜组织形态特点及巩膜组织中缺氧诱导因子1α(HIF-1α)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)水平的影响。方法 选取普通级3周龄健康三色豚鼠72只,随机分为空白组、模型组和针刺组(各24只)。用半透明气球作为眼罩分别固定于模型组和针刺组豚鼠右眼及头面部建立FDM模型,左眼充分暴露作自身对照;针刺组在豚鼠模型建立当天起,于每日相同时间对豚鼠进行针刺和电针干预治疗,空白组豚鼠不做任何干预。记录每组豚鼠造模前、造模后2周及4周的眼轴长度和屈光度。造模后4周处死豚鼠,光学显微镜下观察巩膜形态变化,Western blot检测各组豚鼠巩膜中HIF-1α蛋白表达,比色法测定各组豚鼠巩膜中SOD活力和MDA含量。结果 造模后2周和4周,与空白组比较,模型组及针刺组豚鼠遮盖眼近视屈光度及眼轴长度均明显增加(均为P<0.05);与模型组比较,针刺组豚鼠遮盖眼近视屈光度减小,眼轴增长明显减缓(均为P<0.05)。造模后4周,与空白组比较,模型组豚鼠巩膜厚度明显变薄,胶原纤维分布稀疏,有明显纤维空隙且排列不规则;与模型组相比,针刺组豚鼠巩膜层...  相似文献   
目的:为了达到最佳的运动和仿真效果及长期的稳定,设计后巩膜瓣旋转覆盖巩膜腔内Medpor义眼座植入术,并评价此术式的手术适应证和疗效。方法:2008-01/2011-07在深圳市眼科医院接受眼内容剜除后巩膜瓣旋转覆盖巩膜腔内Medpor义眼座植入术120例患者:眼内容摘除后制作后巩膜瓣,将义眼座植入后方开放的巩膜腔内,旋转后巩膜瓣覆盖在义眼座表面,缝线固定义眼座。随访1~3a,记录最后一次就诊时的义眼座活动度,义眼片活动度,结膜囊剩余面积,结膜囊深度,并发症发生情况。结果:义眼座活动度:115例为优,5例为良;义眼片活动度89例为优,26例为良,5例为差;平均结膜囊剩余面积为178.1±7.5mm2;平均结膜囊深度为2.7±1.1mm;2例出现义眼座暴露感染,3例出现结膜下植入性囊肿,2例出现义眼座固定缝线外露,未出现义眼座内陷、上眶区凹陷、结膜囊狭窄、下睑外翻、眼眶蜂窝织炎。结论:后巩膜瓣旋转覆盖Medpor义眼座巩膜腔内植入术对于轻中度眼球萎缩、角巩膜葡萄肿、绝对期青光眼患者具有良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   
目的:研究超声乳化联合植入负低度数后房型人工晶状体治疗高度近视眼合并白内障的临床效果。方法:对试验组80例100眼高度近视并发白内障实行巩膜隧道切口超声乳化吸除,同时通过5.5mm切口植入PMMA硬性人工晶状体。其中男45例56眼,女35例44眼,年龄44~76(平均61)岁;眼轴长为27.00~35.42(平均30.55)mm。取同期来我院治疗的94例100眼正常眼轴老年性白内障患者作为对照组。观察术中、术后并发症及手术效果。术后随访3~12mo。结果:试验组术后3mo矫正视力≥0.5者为51眼(51.0%),0.1~者43眼(43.0%),<0.1者6眼(6.0%)。术中并发症:后囊膜破裂2眼;晶状体脱位2眼。术后并发症:角膜水肿9眼;视网膜脱离1眼;后发性白内障2眼。对照组术中并发症:晶状体脱位1眼。术后并发症:角膜水肿4眼;后发性白内障2眼。结论:巩膜隧道切口超声乳化联合硬质后房型人工晶状体植入术治疗高度近视并发白内障,具有视力恢复快、屈光状态稳定等优点,是安全有效的方法。  相似文献   
目的:探讨小梁切除术中改良巩膜瓣的制作方法,观察术后远期疗效。方法:对50例85眼不同类型的青光眼行小梁切除(观察组),术中制作隧道式4mm×6mm巩膜瓣,巩膜瓣的后缘与巩膜床间作三针跨度为4mm的闭合式缝合,对照组50例82眼行常规小梁切除术。结果:术后平均随访8~30mo。视力:观察组有7眼较术前提高,5眼视力下降,其余视力无明显变化,差异无统计学意义。眼压:观察组术后末次随访平均眼压与术前平均眼压比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。视盘参数:观察组视乳头盘沿面积(RA,m2)、盘沿体积(RV,mm3)、平均神经纤维层厚度(mRNFL,mm)与术前比较有改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。视野:观察组5眼视野较术前扩大,3眼视野缩小,其余视野无明显变化。与对照组比较:观察组眼压控制率和功能性滤过泡形成率均高于对照组(P<0.05)。并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:改良式小梁切除术,术后远期眼压控制效果明显,并发症少,可改善视功能,是一种安全有效的手术方法。  相似文献   
Proteoglycans were localized using cuprolinic blue and visualized by electron microscopy in sclera from the eye of a 58-year-old woman with necrotizing scleritis. Samples of sclera taken from clinically normal anterior and posterior sclera and from sites involved in anterior necrotizing scleritis with ulceration and posterior scleritis showed markedly different patterns of proteoglycan distribution. Proteoglycans appeared as stain-positive filaments associated regularly with the 'd/e' bands of the collagen fibrils in normal anterior sclera, but were absent from intact collagen fibrils in the zone of anterior ulcerative scleritis. In posterior sclera including a site of posterior scleritis, proteoglycans were reduced in number with more heterogeneous associations with collagen fibrils. Depletion of scleral proteoglycans therefore precedes the degradation of scleral collagen in necrotizing scleritis, which may also involve the synthesis of atypical proteoglycan types in pathological sclera.  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that the increase in choroidal thickness in response to myopic defocus in chicks acts to move the retina towards the image plane. It may also constitute part of the signal cascade in the visual regulation of eye growth. To test this, we used the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor l-NAME to inhibit the defocus induced choroidal thickening under two different visual conditions, and looked at the effects on ocular growth rate. Exp. 1: Deprivation/Vision: chicks were monocularly deprived of form vision with translucent diffusers from day 6 to day 9. In the middle of each day the diffusers were removed for 2 h. One group received an intravitreal injection of 30 microl l-NAME (16 micromole; n=12) prior to the vision, a second group received injections of physiological saline (n=11). Exp. 2: Recovery/Vision: chicks were made myopic by form deprivation from day 6 to day 10. On days 11 to 14 the diffusers were removed for 2 h per day for 4 days to allow eyes to "recover" from the myopia. One group received an injection of l-NAME prior to vision (n=8), the other saline (n=6). Refractive errors were measured with a refractometer at the start (days 6 and 11) and end (days 10 and 15, respectively) of both experiments. Ocular dimensions were measured with high frequency A-scan ultrasonography at the start and end, and on the third experimental day immediately before and after the period of vision. Choroidal retinoic acid synthesis was measured by HPLC. Finally, NO production and scleral proteoglycan synthesis were measured in eyes wearing positive lenses 6 and 24h after an injection of l-NAME. l-NAME prevented the transient vision-induced choroidal thickening in both experiments. Furthermore, l-NAME inhibited the protective effect of brief daily vision: eyes became significantly more myopic than saline controls (exp. 1: -9 D vs -2.7D; exp. 2: -0.9 D vs +4.3 D; p<0.005 for both) and grew faster (change in lens-sclera: exp. 1: 295 vs 158 microm; exp. 2: 147 vs 39 microm; p<0.05 for both). Notably, l-NAME inhibited the growth of the anterior chamber (exp. 1: 88 vs 185 microm; exp. 2: 147 vs 254 microm; p<0.01 for both). Injections of l-NAME after the periods of vision had no effect on growth at the back of the eye, but still had an inhibitory effect on the anterior chamber. Retinoic acid levels in the drug-injected choroids were significantly decreased compared to controls. In eyes responding to positive lenses, l-NAME inhibited NO synthesis and disinhibited scleral glycosaminoglycan synthesis 6h after the injection. In summary, preventing the transient vision-induced increases in choroidal thickness altered ocular growth rate in a consistent manner under two different visual conditions, in both preventing the vision-induced reduction in growth rate. This supports the hypothesis that visually-induced changes in choroidal thickness play a role in the visual regulation of ocular growth.  相似文献   
Bone morphogenesis proteins (BMPs) are multi-functional growth factors. They are expressed in retina, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and sclera and serve as a regulator in the growth and development of the eye. This article reviewed the chondrogenic potency of the sclera, biochemical and pathological changes of myopic scleral tissue and the differentiation of chondrogenesis by BMP-2. We proposed the hypothesis that BMP-2 can regulate differentiate of scleral fibroblasts and affect the development of myopia.  相似文献   
目的 分析、探索肝囊型包虫病(cystic echinococcosis,CE)手术治疗的方式、适应证及其疗效。方法 分析我院2009-2013年手术治疗的肝囊型包虫患者216例。结果 内囊摘除术(A组) 术后平均住院d数、带管时间、术后残腔并发症等均显著高于其他3组(P<0.01);手术D组的手术耗时及出血量、住院费用等均显著高于其他3组(P<0.01)。结论 ①肝包虫外囊完整剥除术治疗可根除因内囊摘除术导致包虫复发和胆瘘等并发症;同肝切除相比具有创伤较小、并发症减少的特点,故可为CE手术治疗的首选;②对于邻近大血管、重要脏器组织或周围解剖层次不清的肝包虫,外囊次全切除术可在有效消灭残腔的同时,减少手术难度及外囊剥除术所引发手术风险。  相似文献   
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