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Previous research has found that nurses in inpatient CAMHS can struggle to define their role and contribution to patient care. While gratitude has received increased attention in relation to subjective well-being in healthcare settings, the receipt of gratitude in the form of thank you letters is currently unexplored in the CAMHS context.


To gain an understanding of how inpatient CAMHS nursing staff experience receiving expressions of gratitude from patients.


Adopting an exploratory qualitative approach, two focus group interviews were conducted. Participants completed a brief online follow-up questionnaire. Data were examined using thematic analysis.


Reflecting on expressions of gratitude improved understanding of professional identity, enhanced reflexivity, enhanced team cohesion and increased professional and personal confidence and motivation.


Expressions of gratitude appear to offer meaningful sources of feedback for nurses and support a greater sense of personal accomplishment, professional role and the relational impact of care for patients. When nurses share and discuss expressions of gratitude with colleagues this brings benefits additional to the initial receipt.

Implications for Mental Health Nursing

Nurses should be supported to engage in discussing and reflecting upon receiving thank you letters and other tokens of gratitude although care should be taken to support those who might experience unease or increased self-doubt.  相似文献   
MacAndrew and Edgerton's seminal Drunken Comportment revealed that normative expectations to drunken behaviour differ greatly across cultures. Such variation also exists within cultures, where different drinking contexts may be associated with great normative variation. However, why social regulation of drunken comportment varies has largely been left unexplored. To examine the basis of such differences, two Norwegian drinking contexts are compared: (i) the high school graduation celebration and (ii) the two introduction weeks at university. Data comprise 71 qualitative interviews and field notes from participant observation. The two practices take place within a time span of only four months and involve many of the same participants. Alcohol plays a key role in both contexts. However, while the first context allows for heavy intoxication, sexual explorations and violating norms that ordinarily regulate behaviour in public, the second context is associated with much more control. We argue that the basis of this difference may be found in the differing value priorities of these practices, with participants' behaviour being guided primarily by hedonism and social integration, respectively. When applied to drinking practices in general this conceptual apparatus might elucidate the basis of context-specific norms and intra-cultural variation in drunken comportment.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this study was to estimate utility values associated with different severity stages of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in India by a direct elicitation method (time-trade off, TTO) and indirectly by questionnaire.

Methods: People with diabetes aged 40 years and over were recruited from an on-going DR epidemiology study and a laser clinic in Chennai, India. Utility values were elicited using the direct TTO method and indirectly through a validated questionnaire (EQ-5D).

Results: Of 249 participants, 30 had no DR, 73 had non-proliferative DR, 114 had sight-threatening DR, and 32 were blind from DR (bilateral visual acuity <6/60). The mean TTO utility value was 0.73 (standard deviation, SD, 0.31). TTO utility values decreased with increasing severity of DR (p?<?0.001) and were significantly lower among participants with sight threatening DR (0.70, SD 0.33) and blindness (0.55, SD 0.24) compared to those with no DR (0.89, SD 0.25) after adjustment for sociodemographic and clinical factors. Blindness from DR was independently associated with a lower EQ-5D utility value. The utility value derived from EQ-5D (0.06) associated with being blind from DR was substantially lower than that of the TTO utility value (0.55).

Conclusions: This study provides estimates of utility values that can be used in economic evaluations of DR screening strategies in India. The relatively low utility values associated with blindness highlights the importance of screening programs for early detection of the sight-threatening stages to prevent vision loss from DR in this setting.  相似文献   
Hyposelenaemia: patients with gastrointestinal diseases are at risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A retrospective study of serum selenium determinations performed in a hospital laboratory revealed 47 cases of hyposelenaemia (defined as a serum selenium level below 0.74 mumol l-1). Moderate hyposelenaemia (serum selenium 0.30-0.55 mumol l-1) was found in 11 patients and seven of these suffered from gastrointestinal diseases. Furthermore severe hyposelenaemia (serum selenium below 0.30 mumol l-1) was detected in three patients, who were all affected by gastrointestinal disease. We concluded that patients with gastrointestinal diseases are especially at risk of developing selenium deficiency and should be monitored by repeated determinations of serum selenium. Patients with moderate or severe hyposelenaemia should receive selenium treatment.  相似文献   
Rhinomanometry allows objective assessment of nasal patency in pediatric patients with nasal and other respiratory problems. However, no reliable reference values are available in the pediatric age group. We measured nasal inspiratory airflow and nasal inspiratory resistance of the right and left nostrils (V'nar, V'nal, Rnar, and Rnal) and total nasal inspiratory flow and resistance (V'na and Rna) at a transnasal pressure of 150 Pa during quiet breathing in healthy children with a closed mouth by using active anterior rhinomanometry. Cross-sectional measurements were done in 192 healthy Caucasian children and adolescents free of nasal or other respiratory diseases (age, 2-19 years; body height, 94-190 cm; 95 boys and 97 girls). The values of V'na, V'nar, and V'nal increased significantly with an increase of body height or age (P<0.0001). Rna, Rnar, and Rnal significantly decreased with an increase of body height and age (P<0.0001). No significant statistical differences were found between boys and girls (P=0.11) or between right and left nostrils (P=0.07). V'nar and Rnar comprised 50.1%, and V'nal and Rnal 49.9%, of total V'na and Rna, respectively. Best-fit regression equations relating rhinomanometric parameters and body height or age were power functions. We obtained reference regression equations with upper and lower limits, and prepared tables listing reference (normal) values of rhinomanometric parameters in healthy pediatric Caucasian patients, against which patients with nasal obstruction can be compared.  相似文献   


International sports programs have established pre‐participation athletic screening procedures as an essential component to identify athletes that are at a high risk of becoming injured. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS™) is a screening instrument intended to evaluate deficiencies in the mobility and stability of an athlete that might be linked to injury. To date, there are no published normative values for the FMS™ in adolescent school aged children. The purpose of this study was to establish normative values for the FMS™ in adolescent school aged children (10 to 17 years). Secondary aims were to investigate whether the performance differed between boys and girls and between those with or without previous history of injury.


1005 adolescent school students, including both males and females between the ages of 10 and 17 years who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were selected for the study. The test administration procedures, instructions and scoring process associated with the standardized version of the test were followed in order to ensure accuracy in scoring. The components of the FMS™ include the deep squat, hurdle step, in‐line lunge, shoulder mobility, active straight leg raise, trunk stability push up, and rotary stability.


The mean composite FMS™ score was 14.59 (CI 14.43 ‐ 14.74) out of a possible total of 21. There was a statistically significant difference in scores between females and males (p= .000). But no statistically significant difference in scores existed between those who reported a previous injury and those who did not report previous injury (p=.300). The variables like age (r= ‐.038, p=.225), height(r= .065, p= .040), weight (r=.103, p=.001) did not show a strong correlations with the mean composite score.


This study provides normative values for the FMS™ in adolescent school aged children, which could assist in evaluation of functional mobility and stability in this population.

Level of evidence

2c  相似文献   
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