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Serotoninergic fibers have been reported in both the abducens and facial nuclei of the cat. Furthermore, serotoninergic dorsal raphe and oculomotor internuclear neurons occupy similar locations in the periaqueductal gray overlying the oculomotor and trochlear motor nuclei. To resolve the issue of whether these two populations of neurons overlap, serotoninergic fibers were assayed in the abducens and facial nucleus; then the morphologies and distributions of identified serotoninergic neurons and oculomotor internuclear neurons were determined. Both the abducens and facial nuclei contained varicosities labelled with antibody to serotonin, but a much higher density of immunoreactive fibers was present in the latter, especially in its medial aspect. Distinct synaptic profiles labelled with antibodies to serotonin were observed in both nuclei. In both cases, terminal profiles contained numerous small, predominantly spheroidal, synaptic vesicles as well as a few, large, dense-core vesicles. These profiles made synaptic contacts onto dendritic and, in the facial nucleus, somatic profiles that occasionally displayed asymmetric, postsynaptic, membrane densifications. Following injection of horseradish peroxidase into either the abducens or facial nuclei, double-label immunohistochemical techniques demonstrated that the serotoninergic and oculomotor internuclear neurons form two distinct cell populations. The immunoreactive serotoninergic cells were distributed within the dorsal raphe nucleus, predominantly caudal to the retrogradely labelled oculomotor internuclear neurons. The latter were located in the oculomotor nucleus along its dorsal border and in the adjacent supraoculomotor area. Intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase revealed that oculomotor internuclear neurons have multipolar somata with up to ten long, tapering dendrites that bifurcate approximately five times. Their dendritic fields were generally contained within the nucleus and adjacent supraoculomotor area. In contrast, putative serotoninergic neurons were often spindle-shaped and exhibited far fewer primary dendrites. Many of these long, narrow, sparsely branched dendrites crossed the midline and extended to the surface of the cerebral aqueduct. In the vicinity of the aqueduct they branched repeatedly to form a dendritic thicket. The axons of the intracellularly stained serotoninergic neurons emerged either from the somata or the end of a process with dendritic morphology, and in some cases they produced axon collaterals within the periaqueductal gray. Thus the oculomotor internuclear and serotoninergic populations differ in both distribution and morphology.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Effects of hepatoportal osmo-receptive (or sodium-receptive) afferents on neurons within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) were investigated electrophysiologically in urethane-chloralose anesthetized rats. Responses of 56 spontaneously active neurons to antidromic stimulation of the ventral trunk of the subdiaphragmatic vagus were recorded in the left DMV. Among them, 35 neurons were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus nerve (inhibitory neurons), except two neurons that were slightly excited. Effects of portal infusion of 3.6% NaCl were examined on 26 inhibitory neurons. Sixteen neurons increased their discharge rates and one neuron decreased its discharge rate in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. Thirty-five DMV neurons responded to electrical stimulation of the dorsal trunk of the subdiaphragmatic vagus were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus. Four neurons were excited by this stimulation. Relatively smaller number of neurons (5 out of 22 inhibitory neurons) increased their discharge rates in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. In conclusion, the response of DMV neuron observed in this experiment was characterized by increasing the frequency of spike discharges in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. However, these neurons were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus nerve. These results suggest that the hepatoportal osmoreceptive afferents may be conveyed to the DMV via inhibitory synapses.  相似文献   
Infections of the gastrointestinal nematode, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, in the laboratory rat result in a characteristic biphasic anorexia which is followed by hyperphagia once the worm burden has been cleared. Despite the importance of parasite-induced anorexia, relatively little is known of the underlying mechanisms. We have investigated the involvement of the central appetite drive in this anorexia by studying the gene expression of two neuropeptides with opposing actions on energy balance, NPY and CRF. Gene expression was assessed by in situ hybridization at 2, 8 and 16 days post-infection (p.i.) in infected rats, in uninfected controls, and in a group with food intake restricted to match that taken voluntarily by the parasitized animals. The sampling intervals corresponded to each of the two phases of maximum anorexia and the period of compensatory hyperphagia. Surprisingly, we found that increases in NPY gene expression in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) accompany anorexia in rats infected with N. brasiliensis; there was a significant relationship between degree of anorexia and induction of NPY mRNA after 8 days of infection. Furthermore, ARC NPY mRNA levels in parasitized animals were similar to those in pair-fed individuals with food intake restricted to match the infected rats. The number of larvae used to establish the infection affected both the degree of anorexia and the level of NPY mRNA at 8 days p.i. in a dose-dependent manner. NPY gene expression remained elevated in infected rats during at least the initial stages of compensatory hyperphagia. This suggests that animals detect a state of energy deficit during the early stages of the infection, yet do not feed, but become hyperphagic coincident with worm loss. The failure of anorectic parasitized animals to feed in response to activation of the NPYergic system makes this a novel system in which to study the regulation of hypothalamic NPY by physiological challenge. There were no significant differences in CRF gene expression between the groups at any of the sampling intervals.  相似文献   
The basal forebrain cholinergic neurons are implicated in the pathogenesis ofneurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimerfn2s disease (AD). The nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) have been found to besignificantly afflicted in AD. To study the underlying mechanisms for dysfunction of the basalforebrain cholinergic neurons development of suitable animal models is warranted. In this studywe investigated the effects of bilateral lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis on nAChRs inthe rat brain using the cholinergic system selective immunotoxin 192-IgG saporin andnon-selective excitotoxin ibotenic acid. Changes in nAChRs were measured by 3H-cytisineand 3H-epibatidine, two ligands with different selectivity for nAChRs subtypes. Inthe parietal cortex of ibotenic acid lesioned rates, the choline acetyltransferase activity (ChAT)was decreased by 24% while no changes were detected in the frontal cortex or hippocampus.Similarly, a 40% decrease was observed in the number of nAChRs labelled by 3H-cytisine,but not by 3H-epibatidine, in the parietal cortex, while no changes were found in thefrontal cortex or hippocampus. Although the 192-IgG saporin induced lesions reduced the ChATactivity in the frontal cortex, parietal cortex and hippocampus by 77, 50 and 21%, respectively, nochanges were observed in the number of nAChRs as studied by 3H-cytisine or 3H-epibatidine. The results indicate a difference in vulnerability of the cortical nAChRsubtypes to experimental lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis. The findings in this studysuggest that a major portion of the nAChRs might be located on non-cholinergic neurons in thebrain.  相似文献   
Microinjection of cholinergic agonists in a dorsolateral part of the mesopontine tegmentum has been shown to induce a rapid eye movement (REM) sleep-like state. Physiological evidence indicates that not only acetylcholine but also various amine transmitters, including those implicated in behavioral state regulation, affect neuronal activity in this region of the pontine reticular formation. In the present study, sources of select aminergic and cholinergic inputs to this REM sleep induction zone were identified and quantitatively analyzed by using fluorescence retrograde tracing combined with immunofluorescence in the rat. In addition to previously demonstrated cholinergic projections from the pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei, the REM sleep induction zone received various aminergic inputs that originated in widely distributed regions of the brainstem and hypothalamus. Serotoninergic afferents represented a mean of 44% of all aminergic/cholinergic source neurons projecting to the REM sleep induction zone, which was comparable to the mean percentage of 39% represented by cholinergic afferent neurons. The serotoninergic afferents originated from the raphe nuclei at all brainstem levels, with heavier projections from the pontine than from the medullary raphe nuclei. Unexpectedly, an additional major serotoninergic input was provided by serotoninergic neurons in the nucleus prosupralemniscus (B9). Noradrenergic afferent neurons represented a mean of 14% of all aminergic/cholinergic source neurons, which was only about one-third of the mean percentage of either cholinergic or serotoninergic source neurons. These noradrenergic projection neurons were located not only in the locus ceruleus (8%) but also in the lateral tegmentum, including the A5 (4%) and A7 (2%) cell groups. Histaminergic neurons in the tuberomammillary hypothalamic nucleus represented a minor group of afferent neurons (3%), and a still smaller input came from adrenegic C1 neurons. The pattern of these transmitter-specific afferent connections appeared to be similar regardless of the longitudinal level within the REM sleep induction zone. The present results are consistent with previous behavioral and physiological evidence for a role of the pontine REM sleep induction zone in triggering REM sleep. The regulation of REM sleep induction would be best understood in terms of a state-dependent interplay of cholinergic, serotoninergic, and other inputs all acting convergently upon neurons in the REM sleep-inducing region of the pontine reticular formation.  相似文献   
 Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α-induced apoptosis is associated with several nuclear and cell surface alterations, in particular with the condensation of chromatin and the fragmentation of the cell nucleus, formation of blebs on the cell surface and breakdown of the plasma membrane. However, there is little information about the relationship between the cell surface alterations and the nuclear changes during apoptosis. To study this, cultured WEHI cells were exposed to TNF-α over different time periods. The cytological changes were studied using a correlative approach, which allowed observation of the same cell consecutively under light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The earliest sign of cell alteration was a reduction of the number of microvilli after 15 min of TNF-α exposure. This reaction was reversible (reappearance of microvilli) and took place during the first hour, in which neither nuclear alterations nor plasma membrane breakdown were observed. The changes in the nucleus began with condensation of chromatin after approximately 1 h of TNF-α-exposure. After 4–5 h the microvilli disappeared again, particularly in areas where the formation of blebs (blebbing) was observed. Strikingly, cell surface alterations (bleb formation) were detected only in those cells that presented with condensed chromatin, and not in cells with a normal chromatin pattern, proving at least a close correlation between nuclear and cell surface changes during the process of apoptosis. Received: 7 October 1997 / Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of rat and hamster have been studied extensively and shown to play critical roles in circadian rhythmicity. [125I]Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) binding levels are high in the rat SCN, suggesting that VIP receptors may be an important component of SCN function. In contrast to previously demonstrated diurnal variations in VIP immunoreactivity and VIP mRNA, the present study found [125I]VIP binding to be stable across the light-dark cycle in both rat and hamster SCN. High [125I]VIP labeling appeared to be coextensive with the rat SCN but extended somewhat beyond the cytoarchitectonic boundaries of the hamster SCN. Binding density in hamster SCN was slightly higher than in rat. In the developing rat SCN, [125I]VIP binding levels distinguished the SCN on embryonic day 18, and appeared to increase to postnatal day 10 before declining to adult levels. The early presence of [125I]VIP binding suggests possible involvement of VIP receptors in fetal entrainment of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   
The distribution patterns of choline acetyltransferase (CAT), as a marker for cholinergic neurons, and Calbindin-D28k (CaBP) immunoreactivities in the forebrain basal ganglia of the Japanese monkeyMacaca fuscata were compared. Similar distribution patterns of CAT and CaBP immunoreactivities were found in the medial septal nucleus (MS) and the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca (DBB). Double-labeling fluorescence immunocytochemistry revealed that most, but not all, cholinergic neurons were CaBP-immunoreactive in the MS and DBB. The results suggest that CaBP may play a role in the septohippocampal cholinergic neuron system of the monkey.  相似文献   
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