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It has long been known that psychopathology can influence social perception, but a 2D framework of mind perception provides the opportunity for an integrative understanding of some disorders. We examined the covariation of mind perception with three subclinical syndromes--autism-spectrum disorder, schizotypy, and psychopathy--and found that each presents a unique mind-perception profile. Autism-spectrum disorder involves reduced perception of agency in adult humans. Schizotypy involves increased perception of both agency and experience in entities generally thought to lack minds. Psychopathy involves reduced perception of experience in adult humans, children, and animals. Disorders are differentially linked with the over- or underperception of agency and experience in a way that helps explain their real-world consequences.  相似文献   
对一例男男性传HIV感染者提供健康咨询的同时,进行个案调查。患者本人诉说,同性性行为取向源于幼年家庭暴力,在家暴中因同情母亲,而将自身幻想为受虐的女性。此后,声称自己居然只对男性有性兴趣、性幻想,并且开始尝试,只要能够达到性愉悦,就不在意他人是否携带HIV等以及随意性接触是否会感染性传播疾病。作为一名HIV感染者,其本人并不认同自身应该承担的社会公共卫生责任,而是以"个人隐私"、"个人权利"以及所谓"自觉自愿原则"为由,给自己的性错位辩解。从社会道德角度考量,呼吁HIV感染者要从个人生命安全和社会公共卫生安全两方面进行"个体自律",主动承担"社会责任";呼吁社会学重视HIV感染者个体性行为边界研究,敦促法律界定并强化对HIV感染者个体性行为的规范。  相似文献   
Global cooperation rests on popular endorsement of cosmopolitan values—putting all humanity equal to or ahead of conationals. Despite being comparative judgments that may trade off, even sacrifice, the in-group’s interests for the rest of the world, moral cosmopolitanism finds support in large, nationally representative surveys from Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, China, Japan, the United States, Colombia, and Guatemala. A series of studies probe this trading off of the in-group’s interests against the world’s interests. Respondents everywhere distinguish preventing harm to foreign citizens, which almost all support, from redistributing resources, which only about half support. These two dimensions of moral cosmopolitanism, equitable security (preventing harm) and equitable benefits (redistributing resources), predict attitudes toward contested international policies, actual charitable donations, and preferences for mask and vaccine allocations in the COVID-19 response. The dimensions do not reflect several demographic variables and only weakly reflect political ideology. Moral cosmopolitanism also differs from related psychological constructs such as group identity. Finally, to understand the underlying thought structures, natural language processing reveals cognitive associations underlying moral cosmopolitanism (e.g., world, both) versus the alternative, parochial moral mindset (e.g., USA, first). Making these global or local terms accessible introduces an effective intervention that at least temporarily leads more people to behave like moral cosmopolitans.

Morality beyond borders seems to challenge basic human impulses. In the midst of the pandemic, each country had to decide how much to trade off their own nation’s interests against foreign nations’ interests, under conditions of limited resources. Similarly, other contemporary global challenges—climate change, migration, global poverty, and trade policy—require explicit comparative moral judgments. This paper investigates moral cosmopolitanism: the psychological puzzle of overcoming a comparative preference for one’s own nation, relative to the world as a whole, in the context of an explicit tradeoff. This paper examines which people are willing to sacrifice the in-group’s interests to help the world.  相似文献   
目的 了解医科院校附属医院临床带教青年教师师德师风的现状;探讨师德师风建设的有效途径.方法 采用问卷调查法对某医科院校附属医院实习本科生、临床药学教研室进行调查.结果 学生对教师整体师德师风评价较高,但对"主动与学生沟通""积极参与学生活动"方面满意度不高;学生认为教学能力强、礼貌待人、作风正派、以身作则、言传身教等特...  相似文献   
The importance of developing cultural competence among healthcare professionals is well recognized. However, the widespread reports of insensitivity and deficiencies in care for culturally diverse patients illuminate the need to review how cultural competence development is taught, learnt and applied in practice. Unless we can alter the ‘hearts and minds’ of practising nurses to provide the care that they know they should, culturally insensitive care will continue operating in subtle ways. This paper explores the ideas behind nurses’ actions and omissions when caring for culturally diverse patients and proposes the need to examine cultural competence development through a moral reasoning lens. Examining cultural competence development through a moral reasoning lens can help empower nurses, whilst nurturing commitment and courage to providing quality care that meets the needs of culturally diverse patients. The model of morality provides a framework that explores how moral motivation and behaviour occur and can provide a vehicle for critically examining the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to provide culturally responsive care.  相似文献   
研究生科学道德和学风建设是学位与研究生教育的重要组成部分。针对近年来科学研究和学术活动中各种违背科学道德和学术规范的行为时有发生,国家教育部对研究生科学道德和学风建设日益重视,因此构建研究生的科学道德和学风教育质量管理体系具有十分重要的意义。实现研究生科学道德和学风教育质量体系的方针和目标需具备三个要素,即教育实践的模式(集主题教育、方法学习、学术实践三位一体)、有效性评价机制和绩效考核机制。此外,尚需建立体系优化机制,以适应各种内外部因素的变化,保持体系的更新和优化。  相似文献   
李琼  张珉  卜王军 《现代护理》2007,13(5):1231-1232
随着我国临终关怀事业的发展,护理人员在临终关怀中的地位越来越重要,临终关怀的护理道德要求也越来越高。本文通过临终病人的心理及行为特点、临终关怀的护理道德原则、临终关怀的护理道德要求三个方面的分析,对临终关怀中护理道德进行探讨。  相似文献   
This article provides an overview of the reasons why people should or should not have children, and of two attempts to define what we can do to make sure that the lives of the children we have are as good as they can be. It is suggested that the answers to these questions are more complex than we tend to think, and that rational arguments can be found to support many mutually conflicting reproductive policies.  相似文献   
随着社会的发展,性的问题越来越引发人们的重视。先秦儒家是中国传统思想的一大发源地,先秦儒家对人的欲望有大量的思考,也包括对人的性欲的思索,虽然没有形成系统,其观点也应引起人们的重视。本文从人的自然性、节欲思想、道德礼仪及女性之性四个角度揭示先秦儒家的性观念,以及阐述由此引起的思考。  相似文献   
自改革开放以来,大量农民工纷纷涌入城市务工,与此同时各类非婚性行为问题也相继出现,导致家庭破裂、性病泛滥、艾滋病滋生、社会风气败坏。本综述通过中国知网搜集已有文献,并结合137个农民工性行为典型案例,主要介绍了性侵犯、婚外情性行为、性贿赂、性服务等四大类农民工非婚性行为问题的概念和表现,并分析了每一类非婚性行为问题的产生原因、动机及其后果,同时归纳了易遭受非婚性行为问题伤害的人群特征及非婚性行为问题的肇事者特征。最后,指出了已有研究的不足,并从研究方法、研究内容等方面提出了有关农民工非婚性行为问题进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   
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