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The process of aging is increasingly becoming a topic of interest among people of all ages. As life expectancy and technol- ogy increase, along with opportunities for early retirement, people are becoming concerned about the physical and mental changes that accompany aging and the services and programs addressing these needs. Based on activity theory, intergenerational programs serve to bridge the gap between the young and the old by incorporating activ- ities specifically designed to encourage interactions between the two age groups. Although research in this area is not abundant, evidence indicates the benefits of intergenerational programs seem to out- weigh any disadvantages, suggesting that intergenerational pro- gramming is becoming a trend in our society. This paper provides a general overview of the nature, characteristics of, and resources re- garding intergenerational programs.  相似文献   

This study examines psychosocial difficulties faced by Chinese patients with colorectal cancer, and attempts to identify factors that contribute to the meaning searching process that in turn brings about growth and transformation. Twenty-six patients with colorectal cancer were interviewed. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Two domains of psychosocial disorientation states were identified, namely, cognitive disorientation and emotional disorientation. Factors that facilitate meaning searching were identified and categorized into personal factors and external factors. The areas of growth and transformation through meaning searching were presented with narratives. Findings from the present study not only shed light on psychosocial hindrances among colorectal cancer patients but also have the potential to inform the design of intervention strategies to bring about meaning-orientated transformation through cancer experiences.  相似文献   
目的 对医学生的生命意义感及自杀意念进行调查研究,探讨医学生自杀意念的影响因素以及生命意义感与自杀意念的关系。 方法 于2020年5至10月采用随机分层整群抽样法选择某两医学院2 000名医学生,采用自编一般情况调查表、生命意义感量表(PIL)、Beck自杀意念量表中文版(BSI-CV)对其进行问卷调查;收集有效问卷1 847份。 结果 1 847名医学生平均(19.39±1.26)岁,过去一周自杀意念检出率为21.33%;生命意义感平均(53.73±17.18)分;有自杀意念的医学生生命意义得分低于无自杀意念的(t=-16.041,P<0.001);生命意义感与自杀意念呈负相关(rs=-0.390,P<0.001);多因素Logistic回归结果显示,与医学生自杀意念相关的因素有:生命意义感得分高(OR=0.521,95%CI=0.472~0.575),家庭教育方式为民主型(参考组为其他)(OR=0.583,95%CI=0.360~0.944),亲朋好友无自杀行为(OR=0.555,95%CI=0.382~0.806),遇到压力和困难时不能得到帮助(OR=1.527,95%CI=1.003~2.323),知心朋友的数量(参考组3个及以上)为0个(OR=2.494,95%CI=1.650~3.769)、1个(OR=1.955,95%CI=1.432~2.669),认为理想与现实(参考组为无差距)差距很大(OR=2.084,95%CI=1.220~3.559)、差距非常大(OR=2.235,95%CI=1.171~4.264)。 结论 医学生的自杀意念检出率不容乐观;生命意义感得分低的医学生更易产生自杀意念;生命意义感与自杀意念存在关联;医学院校应采取针对性措施如加强生命意义感教育从而降低医学生的自杀意念。  相似文献   
古汉字构形释义法是将古汉字拆分为若干个构件,根据构件含义与构件之间的相互关系,与语境相结合,直观化地阐释文本含义的方法。这种方法可以用于阐释《黄帝内经》文本及中医学专业术语的含义,具有溯源性和形象性的特点,有助于更准确、更深刻地把握《黄帝内经》的医理思想,理解古人取象比类的思维模式。  相似文献   
近几年来,高校学生的心理问题日益突出,这与他们的价值理念缺失有很大关系。目标缺失、信仰缺失和意义缺失是当代大学生主要的价值理念缺失。确立一种新的目标,树立一种信仰,赋予人生积极的意义,以目标做载体,以信仰当支柱,以意义为归宿,才能走出价值理念缺失的状况,健康快乐地生活和成长。  相似文献   
苦参在方剂中的配伍意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苦参是临床常用药物,在许多方剂中均有配伍,其主要配伍意义表现在清热燥湿(燥湿止带、清肠止痢、除湿退黄),祛风杀虫,清热利尿,清心安神,消痈散结,凉血止血,明目止泪,醒酒止渴,平喘祛痰,美容护肤等方面。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the relationship between Confucian coping and life meaning searching and assertion. Methods 378 undergraduates were assessed by the subscale " Meaning Searching and Assertion" in the life attitude profile scale (LAP) and the Confucian coping questionnaire. Results The role of adversity to individual growing,optimism in the adversity and the responsibility as human being were significantly related to life meaning searching and assertion,as well as each factor( r = 0. 412, r = 0. 630, r = 0. 374, P<0. 01). The viewpoints to "fate" was significantly related to life purpose and life control( r= -0. 113, r= -0. 141, P<0. 05). Regression analysis showed the role of adversity to individual growing,optimism in the adversity and the responsibility as human being are main predictor of life meaning searching and assertion. Conclusion Confucian coping can predict the individual level of life meaning searching and assertion.  相似文献   
《本草纲目》释名探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :研究李时珍《本草纲目》释名的方式方法 ,说明中药名称命名的原由和规律。方法 :从训诂学的角度分析《本草纲目》释名的方式方法。 (1)运用训诂学解释词义的方法。 (2 )引据训诂学专著。 (3)引用历代经史百家著作和医家著作。 (4 )揭示中药名称命名与人们对药物的认识和运用。结果 :通过对《本草纲目》释名方式的分析得知中药名称的命名与汉字字形、字义和药物的形、色、味、产地、功用等相关。  相似文献   
1文化差异对语义的影响丙戊新春将近,译友相聚沪上,谈华亭古今,说南北冷暖,论中西异同,道译事甘苦。正所谓“佳思忽来,书可下酒;侠情一往,云可赠人。”论辩之际,忽然记起《幼学琼林》“蜀犬吠日,比人所见甚稀;吴牛喘月,笑人畏惧过甚”之句,遂提议以“时近狗年”为题,各拟译论一篇,以贺新春。下面是我所拟之小文一段,节录于此,权作笑谈。“狗年将近,翻开辞海,除‘狗急跳墙’、‘狗胆包天’、‘狗仗人势’外,似无他辞可陈。狗性果然卑贱若此?实非其然!犬类古书谓之‘乌龙’,亦属龙科。盘古开天,翌日即为狗日,七日之后方为人日!其优劣贵贱,由此…  相似文献   
习语的适当运用能使语言丰富而具有表达力度。但由于英汉两种语言的文化背景不同,同样的形象,比喻意义也是有同有异。这些异同在汉英对比研究的分析下更加清晰,从而对习语的翻译提供充分的参考。本文从比喻性习语英汉对比研究的角度论述了英语习语的翻译。  相似文献   
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