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本研究尝试以数学关系式来描述中药药性与功效之间的关联,并建立数学模型。在此基础上,运用统计学进一步分析,总结中药的性-效关联规律。力求对药性理论进行现代阐释的同时,增加药性理论的确定性。  相似文献   
通过研究中医证候理论中的数学逻辑关系发现,辨证过程中作为判定证候的3个基本要素的病因(a)、病位(b)、病性(c)和证候(z)之间存在着f(z)=a+b+c的数学逻辑关系,证候(z)与症状(zi)之间的数学逻辑关系是f(z)= z1+z2+z3+?+zi,证候的复杂性体现出的明显特征是症状构成数量的多少。辨证过程中症状与病因、病位和病性以及证候之间的数学逻辑关系式为z1+z2+z3+?+zi =a+b+c= f(z),但是证候的全集则表现出的是点集拓扑结构的非线性关系。经计算,中医79个主要单一证候共有6.5×105多种不同的存在形式,一定范围内证候群的数量约有6.6×10100个左右,这个超级巨大的数据“古戈尔”可能是中医证候复杂性的根结所在。结果表明,“证素”研究所以运用的贝叶斯网络、神经网络等算法以及双层频权剪叉算法,与证候理论内蕴的数学逻辑关系风马牛不相及,因此“证素”是中医基础理论研究中的伪命题特征,其建立起的以“证素”为核心的辨证方法是“虚构”的,根本不符合中医理论内在规律和临床实际。  相似文献   
In this work, we propose to learn time integration schemes based on neural networks which satisfy three distinct sets of mathematical constraints, i.e., unconstrained, semi-constrained with the root condition, and fully-constrained with bothroot and consistency conditions. We focus on the learning of 3-step linear multistepmethods, which we subsequently applied to solve three model PDEs, i.e., the heatequation, the wave equation, and the Burgers’ equation. The results show that the prediction error of the learned fully-constrained scheme is close to that of the Runge-Kuttamethod and Adams-Bashforth method. Compared to the traditional methods, thelearned unconstrained and semi-constrained schemes significantly reduce the prediction error on coarse grids, with an overall better performance for the semi-constrainedmodel. On a grid $4×$ coarser than the reference, the mean square error (MSE) showsa reduction of up to two order of magnitude for some heat equation cases, and a substantial improvement in phase prediction for the wave equation. On a $32×$ coarsergrid, the MSE for the Burgers’ equation can be reduced by up to 40% to 45%. Testson the two-dimensional heat equation and wave equation show a good generalizationcapability for the constant optimized coefficients.  相似文献   
目的:通过建立下肢静脉泵对下肢作用的双向流固耦合仿真模型,对不同的加压和释压模式进行研究,获取下肢静脉血液的流速分布和产生的功效,为合理设置下肢静脉泵工作参数提供指导。方法:以24岁健康男性右小腿为对象,采用3D扫描仪得到其外轮廓;采用彩色多普勒超声仪得到其大隐静脉、小隐静脉和胫后静脉的内径、血管壁厚与血液静息流速数据。利用SolidWorks软件构建小腿三维实体模型;使用Ansys Workbench软件构建下肢静脉泵对下肢作用的双向流固耦合仿真模型。结果:探讨下肢静脉泵的加压和释压模式,得到下肢静脉血液的流速分布情况。结论:基于下肢静脉泵对下肢作用的双向流固耦合模型,优化了下肢静脉泵的加压和释压模式,可以增强治疗效果,提高功效和安全性。  相似文献   
目的:基于Hodgkin-Huxley(HH)神经元模型的神经元网络信息编码模式提出两类不同的信息编码方法对比。方法:采取HH神经元模型和化学突触,利用数值模拟的方法搭建不同拓扑结构的生物神经元网络,通过平均频率编码和峰峰间隔编码(ISIs)两种信息编码方法对比研究在正弦波信号和随机音频信号刺激下平均频率编码和ISIs编码的特异性,分析不同刺激信号下神经元网络的信息编码模式。结果:神经元网络的信息编码模式与刺激信号类型具有相关性:当刺激信号为连续的周期信号时,神经元网络会产生与刺激信号对应的具有周期性的放电序列;当刺激信号为随机信号时,神经元网络的放电率会随着刺激信号强度发生变化,刺激信号强度越大,动作电位发放率越高。在同一刺激信号下,神经元网络的拓扑结构会影响神经元网络放电序列的时间结构。结论:神经元网络信息编码模式与刺激信号相关,不同拓扑结构的神经元网络放电序列时间结构不同。ISIs编码方法精确度更高,包含的信息量更大,与平均频率编码相结合的编码方法能够有效表达神经元网络在刺激信号下信息编码模式的动态改变。  相似文献   
目的:探讨头孢噻肟/他唑巴坦对产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBL)大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌临床分离株的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)分布情况,评估头孢噻肟/他唑巴坦不同给药方案下%fT>MIC≥50%达标率,为该药临床给药方案的筛选及优化提供参考.方法:采用微量肉汤稀释法测定头孢噻肟单药、头孢噻肟/他唑巴坦(他唑巴坦固定质量浓度4...  相似文献   
The presence of growth-induced solid stresses in tumors has been suspected for some time, but these stresses were largely estimated using mathematical models. Solid stresses can deform the surrounding tissues and compress intratumoral lymphatic and blood vessels. Compression of lymphatic vessels elevates interstitial fluid pressure, whereas compression of blood vessels reduces blood flow. Reduced blood flow, in turn, leads to hypoxia, which promotes tumor progression, immunosuppression, inflammation, invasion, and metastasis and lowers the efficacy of chemo-, radio-, and immunotherapies. Thus, strategies designed to alleviate solid stress have the potential to improve cancer treatment. However, a lack of methods for measuring solid stress has hindered the development of solid stress-alleviating drugs. Here, we present a simple technique to estimate the growth-induced solid stress accumulated within animal and human tumors, and we show that this stress can be reduced by depleting cancer cells, fibroblasts, collagen, and/or hyaluronan, resulting in improved tumor perfusion. Furthermore, we show that therapeutic depletion of carcinoma-associated fibroblasts with an inhibitor of the sonic hedgehog pathway reduces solid stress, decompresses blood and lymphatic vessels, and increases perfusion. In addition to providing insights into the mechanopathology of tumors, our approach can serve as a rapid screen for stress-reducing and perfusion-enhancing drugs.  相似文献   
主动脉瓣狭窄(AS)是最常见的瓣膜性心脏病之一,可引起心绞痛、晕厥、心力衰竭和猝死等严重不良后果。随着数字医学的兴起,以有限元为代表的数值模拟技术在医学领域、尤其心血管领域得到广泛应用。本文对模拟AS血流动力学研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   


Optimising patient flow is becoming an increasingly critical issue as patient demand fluctuates in healthcare systems with finite capacity. Simulation provides a powerful tool to fine-tune policies and investigate their impact before any costly intervention.


A hospital-wide discrete event simulation is developed to model incoming flow from ED and elective units in a busy metropolitan hospital. The impacts of two different policies are investigated using this simulation model: (i) varying inpatient bed configurations and a load sharing strategy among a cluster of wards within a medical department and (ii) early discharge strategies on inpatient bed access. Several clinically relevant bed configurations and early discharge scenarios are defined and their impact on key performance metrics are quantified.


Sharing beds between wards reduced the average and total ED length of stay (LOS) by 21% compared to having patients queue for individual wards. The current baseline performance level could be maintained by using fewer beds when the load sharing approach was imposed. Earlier discharge of inpatients resulted in reducing average patient ED LOS by approximately 16% and average patient waiting time by 75%. Specific time-based discharge targets led to greater improvements in flow compared to blanket approaches of discharging all patients 1 or 2 hours earlier.


ED access performance for admitted patients can be improved by modifying downstream capacity or inpatient discharge times. The simulation model was able to quantify the potential impacts of such policies on patient flow and to provide insights for future strategic planning.  相似文献   
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