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Summary Receptive field analysis of single units in the superior colliculus of the mid-pontine, pretrigeminal cat has confirmed previous reports of directionally selective units in the tectum. The directional property was based principally upon a unilateral inhibitory mechanism, although some directional responses to small moving objects depended equally upon summation of excitation. Receptive field size varied greatly, with field diameters not uncommonly exceeding 30 degrees. Fields near the area centralis and along the horizontal meridian tended to be smaller than those elsewhere. An inhibitory influence from the field periphery was demonstrated.Post-doctoral fellow of the National Science Foundation. Present address: Department of Experimental Psychology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, D. C. 20012 (USA).  相似文献   
Summary Rodents, cats, and most nonmammalian vertebrates with bilateral tectal deafferentation or ablation in adulthood are extremely deficient at orienting to visual stimuli; yet animals with neonatal lesions of superficial layers of the superior colliculus (SC) show partial sparing of this response, particularly for targets in the central visual field. In this study, we sought to determine whether these spared orienting abilities are mediated by aberrant retinal projections to the remaining intermediate layers of the SC, or whether visual cortex (VC) mechanisms or alternative behavioral strategies are responsible. Neonatal golden hamsters received either bilateral heat lesions of the SC (rlSC), or a heat lesion of the right SC and enucleation of the right eye (rSCrE). This latter procedure causes axons from the left eye to recross the tectal midline and terminate in the wrong (left) SC (Schneider 1973). As adults, both groups of hamsters were extremely deficient in visually guided approach to stationary targets, although rlSC-lesioned hamsters showed some sparing for central field targets and rSCrE-lesioned hamsters often made wrong-direction turns for targets in the left peripheral field. We then subjected both groups of neonatally lesioned hamsters to bilateral aspiration lesions of the VC. Retesting showed no change in visual orienting behavior as a result of the cortical lesions. Labeling of the optic tract with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) revealed abundant aberrant retinal projections to remaining intermediate layers of the SC and thalamic nucleus lateralis posterior (LP), as well as supernormal innervation of pretectal nuclei, the dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, and the ventral nucleus of the lateral geniculate body (LGv). We conclude that the spared visual orienting capabilities of hamsters with rlSC and rSCrE lesions are mediated by the aberrant midbrain projections, and that cortical mechanisms are not involved in spared visual orienting functions following these neonatal lesions.  相似文献   
Basic determinants for FM responses in the inferior colliculus of rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The response of 835 click-sensitive neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) to ramp frequency modulated (FM) tones was studied in the anaesthetized rat. More than 70% of the cells were sensitive to the FM sound, and over 25% were FM specialized. Systematic variations of the stimulus parameters showed that sweep velocity, sweep range, and intensity of the FM signal were the 3 basic determinants for the unit response. For anFM specialized cell, the response pattern to each of the parameters was either monotonic or bell-shaped. The population statistics of response patterns to the FM parameters, including the tuning factors, were generated. A stimulus domain was proposed to represent thereceptive space of the FM cells.  相似文献   
Summary The retrograde labeling of cortical neurons with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to investigate the morphological features of neurons in various cortical areas projecting to the superior colliculus in the cat.Corticotectal cells were found to be labeled in layer V of the entire cerebral cortex. The number of labeled cells and their locations varied according to the sites of injections of HRP in the colliculus. Most of the Corticotectal cells identified in the present study were small (9–20 m in diameter, 66%) and medium (20–40 urn, 30%) pyramidal neurons and only 4% of them were large (more than 40 m). The labeled cells, 261 in total number, had somal diameters of 20.8±8.0 m (mean and SD). The range of sizes of the labeled neurons was different in different cortical areas. For example, the labeled neurons in the Clare-Bishop area had a greater proportion of large diameter cells than in other areas.The present findings are largely in agreement with the previous data of anterograde degeneration methods with respect to the topographical correlation of the Corticotectal projections. However, in some cortical areas, e.g., the sensorimotor and the first visual (area 17) cortex of the lateral surface of the hemisphere, relatively small numbers of Corticotectal neurons appear to have been labeled by retrogradely transported HRP. The sparsity of the labeled neurons in certain cortical areas may reflect the existence of Corticotectal neurons with axon collaterals supplying brain structures other than the superior colliculus.Abbreviations A.c. Aqueductus cerebri - AEct Gyrus ectosylvius anterior - AEs Sulcus ectosylvius anterior - AI Stratum album intermediale - AL Gyrus lateralis anterior - AP Stratum album profundum - AS Gyrus sylvius anterior - Cd Nucleus caudatus - F.l.m. Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - GI Stratum griseum intermediale - GP Stratum griseum profundum - GS Stratum griseum superficiale - Ic Inferior colliculus - L Left - MEct Gyrus ectosylvius medius - MS Gyrus sylvius medius - MSup Gyrus suprasylvius medius - N.r. Nucleus ruber - O Stratum opticum - P Pontine nuclei - P.c. Pedunculus cerebri - PEct Gyrus ectosylvius posterior - P.g. Periaqueductal gray matter - PSigm Gyrus sigmoideus posterior - PSup Gyrus suprasylvius posterior - R Right - Sc Superior colliculus - S.n. Substantia nigra - Z Statum zonale - II Optic nerve - III and IV Motor nuclei of cranial nerves  相似文献   
Summary Studies of the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus have suggested that it provides a desired change in eye position signal (E) for the generation of saccadic eye movements. Recent evidence, however, has shown that some neurons in these layers may be related to the velocity of saccades. We present single cell recordings from the intermediate layers of monkey superior colliculus that are consistent with the hypothesis that many superior colliculus neurons provide instead a motor error signal, em. Our hypothesis about the function of these cells places them inside the local feedback loop controlling the waveform of the saccade.Supported by Individual NRSA F32-EY05950 from the National Eye Institute  相似文献   
Summary Responses to texture motion (visual noise) were investigated in the superior colliculus of paralysed cats, lightly anaesthetized with N2O/O2 supplemented with pentobarbitone or Althesin. Within the superficial layers two classes of texture-sensitive neurones were found: Type I units with weak responses to noise, often related to specific elements in the texture and Type II units which were driven independently of the texture structure, and tended to be recorded deep to the Type I units. Type III units recorded from the deep collicular layers were insensitive to texture. Anatomical bases for this differential sensitivity and the notion of two collicular subsystems are discussed.  相似文献   
咽下缩肌的形态特征及其临床意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:为提高全喉切除术后患者用发音管发音重建的成功率,选择最能影响发音重建成功的咽下缩肌进行研究。方法:对40具正常成人尸体标本咽下缩肌的解剖结构进行了详细的观察和测量。测量咽下缩肌各起点处的宽度,在甲状软骨板后缘的厚度;止点的长度;环咽肌后壁的测量;并用组织切片法观察咽缝的结构。结果:发现咽下缩肌不仅有起于甲状软骨和环状软骨的肌纤维,而且有起于第1气管环的肌纤维和肌腱。咽缝不是呈线状,而是呈条带状。结论:对发音重建行咽缩肌切断术有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   
听源性惊厥易感性大鼠上丘神经元构筑的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用石蜡切片Nissl染色方法,光镜下计数、结合计算机图象分析系统观察、测量惊厥鼠与正常鼠土丘神经元的一些指标.结果显示:(1)在吻例段和中段上丘第Ⅱ层和吻侧段上丘第Ⅲ层的神经元胞体平均直径惊厥鼠显著小于正常鼠,说明惊厥鼠上丘上述部位神经元较小;(2)在吻侧段上丘第Ⅵ层,中段上丘第Ⅰ、Ⅱ层和屋倒段上丘第Ⅴ层,神经元剖面椭圆率惊厥鼠显著地小于正常鼠,说明惊厥鼠土丘上述部位神经元胞体较细长;(3)除第Ⅲ层外,土丘各板层神经元剖面面数密度惊厥鼠都大于正常鼠.本研究结果表明,惊厥鼠的土丘有神经元的形态学变化。这种变化与惊厥鼠惊厥易感性的形成之间是否存在着某种关系,有待深入研究.  相似文献   
SUMMARY  In vivo extracellular recordings of 102 units in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (IC), were made in chronically implanted guinea-pigs during the sleep/wake cycle. During wakefulness, the units were classified according to their response characteristics. Most neurons (63%) recorded showed changes, increasing or decreasing in the number of evoked discharges during the animal's transitions between wakefulness and slow-wave sleep. In the paradoxical sleep phase, the result was similar; changes were observed in most neurons, while only 11% of units did not shift their discharge pattern during ipsilateral sound stimulation.
The post-stimulus time histogram of the overall evoked pattern of discharge showed sleep/wake dependency, i.e. changed in 35% of the units recorded during the 50 ms of sound stimulation.
Fifty-five percent of auditory neurons did not show any change in the spontaneous firing rate during slow-wave sleep as compared to the previous waking period, while 22% exhibited a discharge increase and 23% decreased their firing. During paradoxical sleep, 14 out of 17 cells increased their spontaneous firing rate. The IC auditory neurons send descending connections to regions such as the dorsal pontine nuclei, known to mediate sleep processes. Thus, for constant auditory input, the firing rate or number of discharge variations are due to functional shifts in the sleeping brain. Auditory processing is present during sleep and differs from that observed during wakefulness. Differences were observed in the evoked firing number and/or spontaneous rate, as well as in the pattern of discharge. The ultimate reason for auditory unit shifts during sleep remains yet unexplained.  相似文献   
The pudendal nerve (S3-S5) is a major branch of the sacral plexus. After branching from the sacral plexus, the pudendal nerve travels through three main regions: the gluteal region, the pudendal canal, and the perineum. In the gluteal region, the pudendal nerve lies posterior to the sacrospinous ligament. The relationship of the pudendal nerve to the sacrospinous ligament has important clinical ramifications, but there is a lack of literature examining the variations in pudendal nerve anatomy in the gluteal region. This study investigates the pudendal nerve trunking in relation to the sacrospinous ligament in 37 cadavers (73 sides of pelves) of 21 males and 16 females, ranging from 18-83 years of age. Pudendal nerve trunking could be grouped into five types: Type I is defined as one-trunked (41/73; 56.2%), Type II is two-trunked (8/73; 11%), Type III is two-trunked with one trunk as an inferior rectal nerve piercing through the sacrospinous ligament (8/73; 11%), Type IV is two-trunked with one as an inferior rectal nerve not piercing through the sacrospinous ligament (7/73; 9.5%), and Type V is three-trunked (9/73; 12.3%). In summary, 56.2% of pudendal nerves adjacent to the sacrospinous ligament were one-trunked, 31.5% were two-trunked and 12.3% were three-trunked. Fifteen inferior rectal nerves originated independently from the S4 root and never joined the main pudendal nerve. Eight of fifteen inferior rectal nerves pierced through the sacrospinous ligament, perhaps making it prone for entrapment. We measured the average diameter of the main trunk of the pudendal nerve to be 4.67 +/- 1.17 mm. We also measured the average length of the pudendal nerve trunks before terminal branching to be 25.14 +/- 10.29 mm. There was no significant statistical difference in the average length, average diameter, number of trunks, and pudendal nerve variations between male and female or right or left sides of the pelves. A detailed study of pudendal nerve trunking in relationship to the sacrospinous ligament would be useful for instruction in basic anatomy courses and in relevant clinical settings as well.  相似文献   
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