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Abstract. A prospective randomized study was conducted to evaluate the impact of four different conversion protocols on graft outcome in long-term follow-up. Between January 1986 and May 1987, 128 patients with first cadaveric kidney allografts were randomized at the time of transplantation to four treatment groups of 32 patients each, to be assigned 10 weeks post-transplantation. During the first 10 weeks, all patients received triple therapy with low-dose azathioprine (Aza), cyclosporin (CyA), and methylprednisolone (MP). After 10 weeks, one group continued with triple therapy (group A) while the three other groups received different combinations of two drugs, namely, Aza and CyA (group B), Aza and MP (group C), or CyA and MP (group D). Withdrawal of MP (group B) or especially of CyA (group C) was associated with 4/29 (14%) and 10/28 (36%) acute rejection episodes, respectively, for 60 days after conversion. All rejections were mild and reversible. There were no rejections after Aza withdrawal or in the group that continued on triple therapy during the corresponding time period. The most common reason for dropping out after withdrawal, for those patients who could not continue on the originally randomized medication, was azathioprine intolerance (n= 12). Five patients were switched back to triple therapy after CyA withdrawal due to rejection. Steroid intolerance was rare and CyA in low doses was very well tolerated. At 1 year there were no statistically significant differences in graft survival between groups A, B, C, and D-81 %, 88%, 88%, and 88%, respectively-or in patient survival-88%, 88%, 88%, and 97%, respectively. For those patients continuing with the originally randomized treatment protocol, there were no differences in patient or graft survival either, the means being 91% and 89%, respectively. The most common cause of death after withdrawal was cardiovascular in nature, and there were no more fatal infections under triple drug treatment than with double drug regimens. There were no statistically significant differences in mean serum creatinine values at 1 year. The median serum creatinine values for groups A, B, C, and D were 112, 132, 133, and 133 μmol/l, respectively. At 1 year the mean CyA dose in the groups that continued with CyA was 3. 5–4. 2 mg/kg per day and CyA concentrations were equal.  相似文献   
The effect of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) on cytokeratin (CK) gene expression in hamster cheek pouch epithelium was studied with a hybridohistochemical technique. Using specific human anti-sense RNA probes, the plausible hamster mRNA counterparts for these human CK mRNAs were localized by detection of heterologous hybrids. In comparison with normal epithelium, the expression and distribution pattern of CK mRNAs in the hamster cheek pouch were obviously changed after application of SLS. There was a decreased expression of CK mRNAs in the hyperplastic basal layer, and increased expression in the hypertrophic granular layer. Strikingly, hybridization with the human CK 18 cRNA probe revealed an additionally expressed CK mRNA in the SLS-treated epithelium that was not found in the untreated epithelium. The present study indicates that cRNA probes for human CK mRNAs can be used successfully, not only to distinguish between different hamster CK mRNAs but also to investigate changes in CK gene expression upon the induction of non-neoplastic and neoplastic alterations in the hamster cheek pouch model. This may help elucidate the molecular changes involved in epithelial pathologies.  相似文献   
Quantitative receptor autoradiography was used to study possible alterations of the densities of multiple serotonin (5-HT) receptor subtypes and of serotonin transporter in the brain of 5-HT(2C) receptor knockout mice. The radioligands employed were [(3)H]citalopram, [(3)H]WAY100,635, [(3)H]8-OH-DPAT, [(3)H]GR125743, [(3)H]sumatriptan, [(3)H]MDL100,907, [(125)I](+/-)DOI, [(3)H]mesulergine, [(3)H]5-HT, [(3)H]GR113808, and [(3)H]5-CT. As expected, radioligands that label 5-HT(2C) receptors showed a complete absence of labeling in mutant mice choroid plexus and significantly reduced densities in other brain regions expressing 5-HT(2C) receptors. With the rest of the radioligands, no significant alterations in the densities of labeled sites were found in any brain region. In situ hybridization showed no changes in 5-HT(2A) receptor and serotonin transporter mRNA levels, whereas 5-HT(2C) receptor mRNA levels were reduced in certain brain regions. The present results indicate that the mouse serotonergic system does not exhibit compensatory up- or down-regulation of the majority of its components (serotonin transporter and most 5-HT receptor subtypes) in response to the absence of 5-HT(2C) receptors.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Grundlagen: Der Zweck war es, die Anzahl der im Mammogramm entdeckten duktalen Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) und multizentrische Karzinome aufzudecken. Die verschiedenen Methoden der Biopsie werden diskutiert. Methodik: Rastermammographie (Fokus 0,3 mm) und hochaufl?sende Sonographie (7,5 bis 10 MHz) wurden bei Brustkrebspatientinnen eingesetzt. Ergebnisse: Der Zeitraum der aufgelisteten Patientinnen erstreckt sich über 20 Jahre. Die Zahl der DCIS hat in den letzten Jahren zugenommen und betr?gt nun 18%. Die Mammographie ist hoch sensitiv für Entdeckung von Mikrokalzifikationen. Die Spezifit?t ist gering. Schlu?folgerungen: Die Anzahl der entdeckten DCIS ist in den letzten Jahren besonders angestiegen und wird auch noch weiter bei Verbesserung der mammographischen Techniken ansteigen. Diese Studie wurde vom Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für radiologisch-physikalische Tumordiagnostik unterstützt.  相似文献   
The in-vitro oestradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) production by corpora lutea (CL) obtained at sterilization from 30 untreated women and 43 women treated with norethisterone (NET) 300 micrograms daily was measured. The CL were obtained at different stages of the luteal phase in the untreated women [luteinizing hormone (LH) 0 to +3, n = 7; LH +4 to +7, n = 7; LH +8 to +11, n = 9; LH +12 to menses, n = 7] and on days LH +8 to +11 or cycle days 22 to 26 in the NET-treated women. In the treated women, four types of ovarian reaction were identified. Four women showed ovarian reaction Type A (completely inhibited ovarian activity), 14 women Type B (marked follicular activity, but no luteal function), 12 women Type C (normal follicular activity, followed by insufficient luteal function) and 13 women Type D (apparently normal follicular and luteal activity). The CL were incubated in Eagle's medium with and without stimulation by human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) for 2 and 4 h. In the untreated women, P and E2 production increased significantly with both incubation time and stimulation by HCG throughout the luteal phase, except in the late luteal phase (LH +12 to menses) where P increased (P less than 0.01) only after 4 h stimulation by HCG. The maximal production of P was found after 4 h incubation with HCG stimulation of CL tissue in the early-mid luteal phase (LH +4 to +7).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Analysis of in vivo short TE 1H spectra is complicated by broad baseline signal contributions and resonance line-shape distortions. Although the assumptions of ideal metabolite resonance line-shapes and slowly varying baseline signals can be used to separate these signals, the presence of broad or asymmetric line-shapes can invalidate this model. More complex line-shape models are computationally expensive or difficult to constrain, particularly for the low signal-to-noise commonly found for in vivo MR spectroscopic imaging applications. In this study, two time-domain models for fitting variable spectral line-shapes are examined, one using B-splines and another using summed sinusoids. The methods were verified using both phantom and human data, and Monte Carlo simulations were used to evaluate variations in calculated metabolite amplitudes due to interactions between the baseline and line-shape estimations. Additional studies investigated the use of prior line-shape information, obtained from either a water MRSI measurement or calculations from B(0) maps, to determine parameter starting values or optimization constraints. Both line-shape models showed the ability to fit the variety of line-shapes present in both the phantom and human MRSI data, with similar or improved accuracy over a Gaussian line-shape model; however, this improvement resulted in only minor improvement for the high-SNR phantom data and moderate improvements in regions with asymmetry for the fitted in vivo metabolite images. The use of prior line-shape information was of most benefit when applied toward setting optimization constraints but was of limited benefit when used to define initial starting values.  相似文献   
This retrospective analysis reviews the clinical experience of a major urban referral hospital with diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma during the 14-year period from 1973 through 1986. Seventy-five cases of definite or equivocal mesothelioma were identified. There were four cases of primary malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, seven cases of benign fibrous mesothelioma, and 64 cases of diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma. In 43 cases (67%) of diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma, there was historic evidence of asbestos exposure. In 21 cases (33%), there was no known history of asbestos exposure. An increase in annual incidence of diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma was observed over the study period, from three cases in 1973 to ten cases in 1986. Despite greater awareness of this disease, the diagnosis remains a difficult one to establish given the nonspecific symptoms, signs and radiographic appearance, variable histologic appearance, and poor diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of thoracentesis and closed pleural biopsy. Thoracotomy, thoracoscopy, and CT-guided needle biopsies gave higher yields and are the diagnostic measures of choice when diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma is suspected.  相似文献   
The precise cause of allograft dysfunction after renal transplantation often cannot be established by non-invasive means. In clinical practice, radionuclide scans form an integral part of the clinician's armamentarium in the assessment of these patients [1, 2]. Unfortunately, in the clinical setting more than one pathological process may be responsible for the impaired function, making it difficult to correlate the scan appearances with the pathology. In this study in rats we compared the renal DTPA scan appearances of the various pathological processes which may cause renal allograft dysfunction in the immediate post-transplant period.  相似文献   
Summary.  Sperm penetration into the zona pellucida of unfertilized oocytes, and its correlation with in vitro fertilization rates of the sibling oocytes, were assessed. This was performed in order to evaluate the prediction rate of the sperm penetration test into the zona pellucida. Unfertilized oocytes ( n =1872) from 371 cycles were pipetted through a microcapillary, and the remaining sperm cells penetrating the zona pellucida were counted. The mean (±SD) number of spermatozoa that penetrated the zona pellucida of unfertilized oocytes was 12.9±16.37. A significant correlation was found between the fertilization rate and the mean number of spermatozoa that penetrated into the zona pellucida of the unfertilized sibling oocytes (r = 0.48; P < 0.001), or the percent of unpenetrated zonae pellucidae in a cohort (r= —0.43; P < 0.001). However, a distinct variation in the number of spermatozoa that penetrated into the zona pellucida was detected. A step-wise regression analysis proved the number of spermatozoa penetrating the zona pellucida to be more predictive for fertilization rates than the variable of percent of unpenetrated zonae pellucidae. The results imply that although there is interdependence between penetration into the zona pellucida and fertilization rate, the predictive value of sperm penetration test for prognosis and future management after the first in vitro fertilization attempt, is limited.  相似文献   
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