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This study was aimed at assessing the outcome of in-vitro fertilization(IVF) and embryo transfer in patients with polycystic ovariansyndrome (PCOS). The results of IVF and embryo transfer in PCOSpatients (PCOS group, 78 cycles of 26 patients) were comparedwith those of a control group (423 cycles in 202 patients withoutmale factor; age and ovarian stimulation protocol were matched).Although the pregnancy rate per transfer was not different inthe two groups of patients (25 versus 34%, PCOS versus controlgroup), the PCOS group had a significantly lower pregnancy rateper follicle aspiration (19 versus 31%, P < 0.05). A notableresult was a significantly higher incidence of embryo transfercancellations in the PCOS group (22 versus 8%, P < 0.01),which resulted from unpredictable failure of either oocyte recoveryor fertilization. The incidence of unexplained complete failureof fertilization was significantly higher in the PCOS group(18 versus 5%, P < 0.01). These results may reflect a reducedquality of the oocytes in the PCOS group, and there was a subgroupof PCOS patients who repeatedly produced poor results of treatment.Although the ovarian stimulation regimen best suited to PCOSpatients remains to be determined, special care should be takenduring ovarian stimulation, especially when the PCOS patientshad experienced unexplained failure of oocyte recovery or fertilizationin the previous treatment cycle(s).  相似文献   
Abstract. Twenty-one patients were studied at rest and during exercise after heart transplantation to compare cardiac output measured by thermodilution and impedance cardiography. Exercise was performed on a bicycle ergometer over a limited range of work load (25 and 50 watt) whilst metabolic gas exchange was recorded. One patient was studied at rest whilst his circulation was maintained by a Jarvik-7 artificial heart. The values of cardiac output measured by impedance cardiography corresponded closely with the flow rate from the artificial heart. There was also close agreement between the impedance and thermodilution measurements of cardiac output at rest and during exercise. Both measurements followed the changes in heart rate and oxygen consumption. Both thermodilution and impedance cardiography methods elicited good reproducibility of cardiac output measurements at rest and during exercise. These observations suggest that the noninvasive and continuous record of cardiac output obtained by impedance cardiography can be used for the postoperative monitoring of heart transplant recipients.  相似文献   
A new approach to modeling the signal observed in arterial spin labeling (ASL) experiments during changing perfusion conditions is presented in this article. The new model uses numerical methods to extend first-order kinetic principles to include the changes in arrival time of the arterial tag that occur during neuronal activation. Estimation of the perfusion function from the ASL signal using this model is also demonstrated. The estimation algorithm uses a roughness penalty as well as prior information. The approach is demonstrated in numerical simulations and human experiments. The approach presented here is particularly suitable for fast ASL acquisition schemes, such as turbo continuous ASL (Turbo-CASL), which allows subtraction pairs to be acquired in less than 3 s but is sensitive to arrival time changes. This modeling approach can also be extended to other acquisition schemes.  相似文献   
Abstract. A total of 81 rat kidney grafts, flushed out and cold stored in either Sacks' or University of Wisconsin (UW) solution, were transplanted into hemodiluted (Hct = 30%± 4%) or untreated (Hct = 43%± 3%) recipients. The cold ischemia times (CIT) used were 24 and 36 h. One week after transplantation, the surviving recipients ( n = 67) were contralaterally nephrectomized. The experiment was terminated after a total period of 4 weeks, and the percentage of surviving animals was determined for each treatment. Data was pooled and the results show that grafts cold stored in UW solution were viable to a significantly greater extent and after longer CIT than grafts cold stored in Sacks' solution (47% vs 23%; P < 0. 05). Recipient hemodilution did not improve graft viability (39% vs 32%; NS). Kidneys cold stored for 24 h were viable to a greater extent than kidneys with a CIT of 36 h (50% vs 15%; P < 0. 01).  相似文献   
Thirteen children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) were investigated before and during cytotoxic therapy. EEG findings were correlated with the clinical course and the therapy protocol and compared with normal data obtained from 295 healthy children. Frequency analysis of the background activity of the EEG revealed an initial slowing of the background activity prior to therapy and further slowing each time a combination of vincristine (VCR), daunorubicine (DAU) or adriblastine (ADR), prednisone (FRED), and L-asparaginase (L-ASP) was administered. The slowing of the background activity correlated only with the administration of these drugs. DAU, ADR, and FRED are not known to influence the EEG; therefore, VCR and L-ASP remain the primary candidates responsible for the central nervous system alteration.  相似文献   
Background/aim: Mid-infrared spectroscopy is a versatile method for in vivo investigation of skin after topical treatment with skin care products.
Methods: FTIR-spectrometer (Bruker Optics) with a flexible silver halide fibre probe (Infrared Fiber Sensors).
Results: Absorbance spectra from 700 to 3000 cm−1 have been recorded to gain information about proteins (amide-I and amide-II vibrations at 1650 and 1550 cm−1), esters (1740 cm−1), carboxylic acid (1710 cm−1), polyalcohols (1050 cm−1) and hydrocarbons (CH n vibrations at 2800–3000 cm−1).
Conclusions: Using the particular light guide, we were able to measure for the first time the effects of lip care products on lips directly. Furthermore, water binding and glycerol content of the skin could be determined simultaneously, as well as the replenishment of lipids by lipid-enriched bath oil.  相似文献   
We studied 44 cases of Hodgkin's disease for the presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA, its localization and the expression of the EBV receptor on the tumour cells. EBV DNA was found in 52% (16/31) of the Hodgkin's lymphomas using the polymerase chain reaction. With a very sensitive non-radioactive DNA in situ hybridization technique in combination with immunohistochemistry for CD 30 or CD 15 antigens, EBV DNA was localized to Reed-Sternberg cells and its mononuclear variants. The relationship between the presence of EBV DNA and the expression of the EBV-receptor CR2 (CD 21) on Reed-Sternberg cells was studied using the same techniques and two different monoclonal anti-CD 21 antibodies. CR2 could be detected on a substantial number of the Reed-Sternberg cells in EBV DNA positive Hodgkin's lymphomas (9/12; 75%), whereas in EBV negative cases positivity with anti-CD 21 was rare (1/13; 8%). The results indicate that CR2 expression on Reed-Sternberg cells and the presence of EBV DNA sequences are frequently associated in Hodgkin's lymphomas.  相似文献   
Two topical corticosteroids, budesonide (BUD) and beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP), both administered as suspensions in water, were investigated in healthy volunteers regarding influence on cortisol in plasma and urine (U-cortisol) after nasal application. In the first study, single doses of 200, 400, and 800 μg of BDP and BUD were given at 10:00 pm. In the second study, 100, 200, and 400 μg were given mornings and evenings for 4 days. In the single-dose study, none of the drugs or doses showed any significant influence on cortisol in plasma. However, U-cortisol decreased significantly after BUD 400 and 800 μg. In the multidose study, U-cortisol values were significantly reduced after all doses of BUD and the highest dose of BDP. The compounds tested showed different ability to cause measurable systemic effects after nasal application. The clinical implication is that the prescriber, when choosing a compound, should take the application site into consideration and should also be encouraged to find the lowest effective dose.  相似文献   
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