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目的:改进医院预约挂号服务工作,进一步满足患者需求。方法:以2009年12月在某院门诊就诊的患者为调查对象,采用封闭式问卷调查设计,由被调查者在无记名的情况下独自完成答题。并采用Epi Data 3.0软件进行数据录入,采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析,计数资料采用卡方检验。结果:78.2%的患者愿意采取预约挂号的方式就诊,但宣传广度和深度的不足以及传统习惯的存在成为制约其发展的主要阻力;北京患者对于预约挂号的知晓率较高于外地患者;电话预约和网络预约是患者比较喜欢的预约方式.结论:广大患者对于预约挂号的推出是非常欢迎的,设置更为便捷的取消预约渠道是降低爽约的基本保障。  相似文献   
数字化医院建设要以病人服务为中心,建立基于信息系统的便捷就医通道。建立持书就医系统,推出银医联名卡;建立自助服务系统,提升就诊速度;建立预约服务系统,进行精细化管理;建立排队叫号系统,创造良好的诊疗环境;建立信息发布系统,及时反馈就诊信息;建立病患关系管理系统,提供全程关怀服务。通过优化就医流程,改善患者的就医环境和就医体验,提高服务水平,为病人提供更加人性化服务。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyze the anthropometric characteristics and sport supplement (SS) consumption patterns of heavyweight and lightweight international rowers. Methods: The 13 heavyweights (11 males) and seven lightweights (five males) of the Spanish National Rowing Team were recruited for the study. Body composition was measured by bio-impedance analysis, and the questionnaire used in this investigation was previously validated to assess SS consumption. According to anthropometrics parameters, it was reported that male heavyweight rowers were heavier (p < 0.001) and taller (p < 0.001), but no statistical differences were reported for % body fat (p = 0.104) or % lean body mass (p = 0.161). All rowers reported consumption of at least one SS. Based on the Australian Institute of Sport’s classification, higher medical supplement consumption was observed when comparing heavyweight rowers to lightweight rowers (2.5 ± 1.1 vs. 1.7 ± 0.5, p = 0.040). There were no differences in the totals of group A (strong scientific evidence for sports scenarios, p = 0.069), group B (emerging scientific support, deserving of further research, p = 0.776), or group C (scientific evidence not supportive of benefit and/or security amongst athletes, p = 0.484). The six most consumed SSs were iron (85%), caffeine (85%), β-alanine (85%), energy bars (85%), vitamin supplements (80%), and isotonic drinks (80%), with no statistical differences between heavyweight and lightweight rowers (p > 0.05). These results suggest that the absence of differences in body composition (expressed as a percentage) do not represent anthropometric disadvantages for heavyweight rowers. In addition, SS consumption was similar between rowers, reporting only higher medical supplement consumption in heavyweight rowers.  相似文献   
目的:避免检查项目间规则禁忌冲突、缩减患者检查预约等待时间,有效整合医院资源,提高工作效率和医疗质量。方法:通过设立检查服务中心、建立检查预约信息平台,实现大型检查集中精准预约,在运行过程中推行“一科一策”,拓展检查预约管理内涵,持续提高大型检查工作效率。结果:(1)实现检查服务资源统一管理,各项检查精确到具体时间点,患者检查服务全流程管理。(2)医技科室24小时检查率、72小时检查率有显著提高,大幅度减少检查预约等候天数,明显减少患者流失;(3)与入院服务中心深度融合,平均住院日得到进一步缩短,显著提高医院经济和社会效益。结论:剖析传统检查业务流程,构建闭环集中式检查预约信息服务平台,打造检查预约新模式,可使医院检查服务流程进一步优化。  相似文献   
Traditionally a psychotherapeutic intervention, rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT ) is receiving increasing attention within the extant literature as an intervention to enhance the athletic performance and psychological well‐being of competitive athletes. Whilst the benefits of REBT on psychological health are established, less is understood about the effects on athletic performance. This study aimed to examine the immediate and maintained effects of REBT on physiological, psychological, and performance outcomes with elite Paralympic athletes. Using a single‐case research design, eight athletes recruited from the same Paralympic sport (M =40.12, SD= 12.99) received five, one‐to‐one REBT sessions. Measures of irrational beliefs were collected weekly, whereas the remaining psychological and physiological measures were collected at a pre‐, post‐, and at a 9‐month follow‐up time point. Visual and statistical analyzes of the data indicates reductions in irrational beliefs were coupled with reductions in systolic blood pressure indicative of an adaptive physiological response, improved athletic performance during competition simulations, and reductions in avoidance goals. Furthermore, social validation data indicated greater self‐awareness, emotional control, and enhanced focus during competition as a result of the REBT intervention. This study contributes to growing literature supporting the efficacy of REBT as an intervention that not only facilitates psychological health but also enhances athletic performance. Results are discussed with reference to theory, limitations, and future recommendations.  相似文献   
Sport injury epidemiology has received increased recognition as a field of sport medicine research that can improve the health and safety of athletes. Injuries among Paralympic powerlifters have not previously been systematically studied. The purpose of this prospective cohort study was to characterize injuries among Paralympic powerlifters. Athletes competing in the sport of powerlifting were followed over the 7‐day competition period of the 2012 London Paralympic Games. The main outcome measurements were injury incidence rate (IR; number of injuries per 1000 athlete‐days) and injury incidence proportion (IP; injuries per 100 athletes). A total of 38 injuries among 163 powerlifters were documented. The overall IR was 33.3 injuries/1000 athlete‐days (95% CI 24.0–42.6) and the overall IP was 23.3 injuries per 100 athletes (95% CI 16.8–29.8). The majority of injuries were chronic overuse injuries (61%). The most commonly injured anatomical region was the shoulder/clavicle (32% of all injuries), followed by the chest (13%) and elbow (13%). The information obtained in this study opens the door for future study into the mechanisms and details of injuries into powerlifters with physical impairments.  相似文献   
Little is known about health variables and if these variables could increase the risk of injuries among adolescent elite athletes. The primary aim was to present overall data on self‐perceived stress, nutrition intake, self‐esteem, and sleep, as well as gender and age differences, on two occasions among adolescent elite athletes. A secondary aim was to study these health variables as potential risk factors on injury incidence. A questionnaire was e‐mailed to 340 adolescent elite athletes on two occasions during a single school year: autumn semester and spring semester. The results show that during autumn semester, the recommended intake of fruits, vegetables, and fish was not met for 20%, 39%, and 43% of the adolescent elite athletes, respectively. The recommended amount of sleep during weekdays was not obtained by 19%. Multiple logistic regression showed that athletes sleeping more than 8 h of sleep during weekdays reduced the odds of injury with 61% (OR, 0.39; 95% CI, 0.16–0.99) and athletes reaching the recommended nutrition intake reduced the odds with 64% (OR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.14–0.91). Our findings suggest that nutrition intake and sleep volume are of importance in understanding injury incidence.  相似文献   
目的:设计一套基于医院信息系统(hospital information system,HIS)的血液透析预约系统。方法:基于HIS,采用浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server,B/S)架构构建包括客户端和服务器端两大部分及血液透析预约、血液透析排程结果查阅、设置血液透析参数、患者状态提醒、医嘱状态提醒、重点预警信息提醒和血液透析计费医嘱下达7个功能的血液透析预约系统。结果:将系统应用于住院患者的血液透析预约登记中,预约登记处理准确率达99%,可实时查阅患者当前的透析情况,降低了透析治疗单交接风险。结论:基于HIS的血液透析预约系统不仅缩短处理住院患者透析所花费的时间、提高预约处理准确率、节省医护人员的人力资源,还有助于确保医疗信息得到完整、准确的记录和保存。  相似文献   
目的 通过检测肝癌病人利多卡因代谢产物(MEGX)的量,判定肝储备功能,评估手术风险.方法 对准备手术治疗的肝癌病人术前静注利多卡因1 mg/kg体重,15 min后抽血,用HPLC法检测MEGX,与常用肝生化检查、Child-Pugh分级方法比较.结果 根据MEGX检测结果将55例准备手术的肝癌病人分成手术耐受组和手术非耐受组.耐受组均经受了手术打击,无术后严重肝衰发生,而非耐受组有两例手术治疗,术后均出现了严重的肝衰,其中一例死亡.结论 MEGX试验较Child-Pubh分级方法更能准确判定肝储备功能,对评估手术风险有较高的特异性.  相似文献   
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