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Use of brief psychiatric screening measures in a primary care sample   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patients seen in primary medical clinics report higher rates of major depression [Pérez-Stable et al., 1990: Arch Intern Med 15:1083-1088], and panic disorder [Sherbourne et al., 1996b: Von Korff et al., 1987: Arch Gen Psychiatry 44:152-156] than the general population. Primary care staff therefore need efficient methods of identifying patients with psychiatric disorders. The current study evaluates the use of several brief psychiatric screening measures for identifying patients with major depression and/or anxiety disorders. Participants were 213 primary care patients who received the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and two new instruments, the Autonomic Nervous System Questionnaire (ANS) for assessing panic disorder and the Social Phobia Questionnaire (SPQ) for assessing social phobia. Participants received both the screening instruments and a structured diagnostic interview. Results suggest that the CES-D is a useful measure for detecting psychopathology, but it is not particularly specific to depression, the ANS was a highly sensitive and reasonably specific measure for panic disorder, and the SPQ was reasonably sensitive and specific for social phobia. The BAI was a relatively poor screening measure that added no significant information beyond the other measures.  相似文献   
通过中美高等教育评估制度的比较,分析其不同的内涵、目的、历史、机构及类型,从而对我国的高等教育评估制度提出合理化建议,促进一个完善的、科学而公正的、适合中国国情的评估制度的建立。  相似文献   
在信息技术不断变革创新的时代,智慧教育模式在逐渐取代传统的教学模式,学习者"学习方式"正在发生深刻的变革,对学习资源的需求也在改变,人们需要学习资源多样化、微型化、切需化,以适应新的学习文化和学习方式.在我校康复评定学课程教学中,我们引入智慧教育模式,开展康复评定学课程"资源需求型"研究,以期探索符合当前信息时代的高等...  相似文献   
Recent studies indicate that for the development of diabetic ketoacidosis glucagon excess is essential in addition to a deficiency of insulin. Glucagon activates the carnitine acyl transferase I leading to ketonemia. Low dose continuous infusion of insulin appears to be the ideal mode of therapy for the correction of hyperglycemia. The use of sodium bicarbonate and phosphate as adjuvants in management is discussed in the light of recent observations.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria are ubiquitous photosynthetic micro-organisms forming blooms and scums in surface water; among them some species can produce cyanotoxins giving rise to some concern for human health and animal life. To date, more than 65 cyanobacterial neurotoxins have been described, of which the most studied are the groups of anatoxins and saxitoxins (STXs), comprising many different variants. In freshwaters, the hepatotoxic microcystins represent the most frequently detected cyanotoxin: on this basis, it could appear that neurotoxins are less relevant, but the low frequency of detection may partially reflect an a priori choice of target analytes, the low method sensitivity and the lack of certified standards. Cyanobacterial neurotoxins target cholinergic synapses or voltage-gated ion channels, blocking skeletal and respiratory muscles, thus leading to death by respiratory failure. This review reports and analyzes the available literature data on environmental occurrence of cyanobacterial neurotoxic alkaloids, namely anatoxins and STXs, their biosynthesis, toxicology and epidemiology, derivation of guidance values and action limits. These data are used as the basis to assess the risk posed to human health, identify critical exposure scenarios and highlight the major data gaps and research needs.  相似文献   
Type 4 phosphodiesterases (PDE4) inhibitors are emerging therapeutics in the treatment of a number of chronic disorders including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cognitive disorders. This study delineates the preclinical profile of L-454,560, which is a potent, competitive and preferential inhibitor of PDE4A, 4B, and 4D with IC50 values of 1.6, 0.5 and 1.2 nM, respectively. In contrast to the exclusive binding of cilomilast and the preferential binding of roflumilast to the PDE4 holoenzyme state (Mg2+-bound form), L-454,560 binds to both the apo-(Mg2+-free) and holoenzyme states of PDE4. The intrinsic enzyme potency for PDE4 inhibition by L-454,560 also results in an effective blockade of LPS-induced TNFalpha formation in whole blood (IC50 = 161 nM) and is comparable to the human whole blood potency of roflumilast. The cytokine profile of inhibition of L-454,560 is mainly a Th1 profile with significant inhibition of IFNgamma and no detectable inhibition of IL-13 formation up to 1 microM. L-454,560 was also found to be efficacious in two models of airway hyper-reactivity, the ovalbumin (OVA) sensitized and challenged guinea pig and the ascaris sensitized sheep model. Furthermore, L-454560 was also effective in improving performance in the delayed matching to position (DMTP) version of the Morris watermaze, at a dose removed from that associated with potential emesis. Therefore, L-454,560 is a novel PDE4 inhibitor with an overall in vivo efficacy profile at least comparable to roflumilast and clearly superior to cilomilast.  相似文献   
Current controversies regarding pain assessment in neonates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although over 40 methods of pain assessment in infants are available for use in clinical practice, unrecognized and under-treated pain remains one of the most commonly reported problems within the Neonatal Intensive Care Units. A number of factors have been found to account for differences in the robustness of the pain response in neonates of varying gestational ages. Discrepancies between behavioral and physiological pain indicators have also been reported. With newer technologies, there is an opportunity not only to verify infant pain perception, but these tools may allow an identification of which of the observed indicators are most sensitive in particular clinical situations. The current controversies regarding pain assessment in preterm and term infants are reviewed to define the most important issues and to develop a dialogue for future directions.  相似文献   
Objectives Preconception care is a form of preventive care and its implementation might improve general women’s health as well as improving pregnancy outcome. Our aim was to survey the attitudes of Israeli gynecologists regarding preconception counseling. Methods E mailed questionnaires were sent to gynecologists in an Israeli gynecology network. The questionnaire included two identical sets of questions; one was regarding the care of reproductive aged women who visit their gynecologist for various reasons and the second was regarding the care of women in their first prenatal visit. Answers were scored (from 3-always to 0-never), summed and compared using Chi-square and paired t tests. Results Mean score for the preconception set was significantly lower than the prenatal set 11.3 (62.7%) versus 16.9 (93.7%) respectively, P < 0.001. Folic acid supplementation and genetic screening tests were recommended to most women in 99 and 94% of first prenatal care visit compared to only 42 and 62% of women who were not pregnant (P < 0.001). Conclusions Gynecologists fail to recognize proper opportunities for preconception care. Increased awareness and concrete guidelines concerning timing and content of preconception counseling might be helpful.  相似文献   
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