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青草膏是泰国人常用的一种家庭用药。它能促进血液循环,有疏通经络、行滞去瘀、开窍醒神、清热化湿的作用,而且具有药草的芳香,瞬间作用于中枢神经,调节情绪。所以青草膏能治疗与缓解一些疾患,比如头痛、眩晕、肌肉酸痛、跌打扭伤、皮肤瘙痒等。针灸配伍青草膏治疗上述疾病疗效显著。文章列举了针灸配伍青草膏治疗一些疾病的病案,并阐述了治疗原则、治疗方法、针灸选穴以及机制探讨。  相似文献   
病案22面肌痉挛术后口眼歪斜头痛多汗案 钟某,女,56岁. 2014年7月29日初诊:右侧面肌痉挛手术后20天,面部仍然歪斜,左张右弛,感觉虚弱,头痛头晕,汗特别多,睡眠不好,容易饿,现在右侧面部麻木,活动受限.脉细缓,舌极浅淡,胖,齿痕,苔白腻.温阳益气汤加减:黄芪50 g,红参15 g,麻黄6 g,白附子10 g,干姜10 g,细辛3 g,桂枝10 g,炒白术30 g,当归15 g,柴胡6 g,白芍30 g,川芎30g,白僵蚕10 g,黄连3 g,吴茱萸6 g,枳实10 g,炙甘草10 g.  相似文献   
卢尚岭教授从医50余载,学验俱丰,临证长以经典为据,注重气机升降,兼顾精血阴阳,用药大开大阖,全而不繁,精而不偏,认为中医临证须辨证论治,善用简单的药组配伍治疗复杂的临床病证。如以红参、葶苈子、北五加皮、车前子治心衰,柴胡、炒白芍、白头翁、重楼治颤证,炙龟甲、金银花、天麻、炒白蒺藜治高血压所致眩晕,川芎、白芷、蜈蚣、生地黄治头痛。在强调辨证论治的同时,将古方经典、临证经验与现代药理结合,使中医药应用于临床有源、有理、有据。  相似文献   
生姜是《伤寒杂病论》中应用次数较多的中药之一,在《伤寒论》中出现39方次,《金匮要略》中出现51方次。功用方面,可调和营卫、解表散寒,保护胃气、和胃降逆,消食开胃、补益气血,温通血脉、解药物毒,温化水饮、利水消肿。黄家诏教授认为生姜价格便宜,临床应用广泛。只要在诊病时辨明病机,把生姜的功效、主治与疾病的病机、证候互相联系,配伍得当,有的放矢地使用,就能大大提高临床诊疗效果。  相似文献   
Betahistine is a medicine used to treat vestibular disorders that has also been used to treat tinnitus.AimTo assess the effects of betahistine on tinnitus in patients with vestibular disorders.Material and methodRetrospective data were collected from patient records for individuals presenting with vestibular dysfunction and tinnitus. Patients included had received betahistine 48 mg/day and clinical outcomes were compared with a control group comprising individuals who were unable to receive betahistine due to gastritis, ulcers, pregnancy, asthma or hypersensitivity to the drug. Patients underwent control of any aggravating factors and also standard vestibular exercises as a basis for treatment. The intensity, frequency and duration of tinnitus were assessed on the first day of dosing and after 120 days of treatment. Clinical improvement was defined as a total or partial reduction of tinnitus after treatment.ResultsClinical improvement was observed in 80/262 (30.5%) of patients treated with betahistine and 43/252 (17.1%) of control patients. Betahistine significantly (p<0.0001) improved tinnitus in treated individuals.ConclusionThe daily dosage of 48 mg of betahistine during 120 consecutive days is useful to reduce or eliminate tinnitus in patients with vestibular disorders.  相似文献   
Objective: The aim of the study was to test the reliability and validity of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory in the Greek language (DHI). Design: This study was performed in a university tertiary centre. Internal consistency was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha for the DHI, physical (DHI-P), functional (DHI-F) and emotional (DHI-E) subscale scores. Correlation between DHI (total and subscales) and the SOT (sensory organisation test) as well as correlation between the DHI and FGA (functional gait assessment) was tested using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Test–retest reliability was tested using ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient). Sample size: Ninety (90) patients were included in the study. Results: Internal consistency was excellent for the total score and very good for the physical functional and emotional subscale scores. No statistically significant correlation was found between SOT and DHI. There was a moderate correlation between FGA and total DHI scores (r?=??0.472; p?r1?=??0.342; p1?=?0.001, DHI-F r2?=??0.448 p2?r3?=??0.472 p3?Conclusion: Greek version of DHI is recommended as a valid measure for patients with vestibular disorders.  相似文献   
眩晕症以虚证多见,阴虚则易肝风内动,血少则脑失所养,精亏则髓海不足,气虚则清阳不展,皆能发生眩晕,而阳虚为主者,则可按三焦辨证进行分型辨证治疗,而阳虚所致眩晕,在中老年患者中并不鲜见,因此,此类辨证思维方法值得临床研究探讨。  相似文献   
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