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Early identification of microbial pathogens is essential for rational and conservative antibiotic use especially in the case of known regional resistance patterns. Here, we describe fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as one of the rapid methods for easy identification of microbial pathogens, and its advantages and disadvantages for the diagnosis of pathogens in human infections in the laboratory diagnostic routine. Binding of short fluorescence-labeled DNA or nucleic acid-mimicking PNA probes to ribosomes of infectious agents with consecutive analysis by fluorescence microscopy allows identification of bacterial and eukaryotic pathogens at genus or species level. FISH analysis leads to immediate differentiation of infectious agents without delay due to the need for microbial culture. As a microscopic technique, FISH has the unique potential to provide information about spatial resolution, morphology and identification of key pathogens in mixed species samples. On-going automation and commercialization of the FISH procedure has led to significant shortening of the time-to-result and increased test reliability. FISH is a useful tool for the rapid initial identification of microbial pathogens, even from primary materials. Among the rapidly developing alternative techniques, FISH serves as a bridging technology between microscopy, microbial culture, biochemical identification and molecular diagnostic procedures.  相似文献   
目的探讨多媒体仿真模拟胸腹部检查系统在教学中的应用效果。方法将本学院护理中专班120名学生按入学学号单双号随机分为实验组与对照组各60名,实验组采用多媒体胸腹部模拟检查系统教学,对照组采用传统教学法。比较两组学生理论和技能考核成绩及对教学效果的评价。结果两组学生理论和技能考核成绩及学生对教学效果评价比较,均P<0.01,差异具有统计学意义,实验组学生优于对照组。结论多媒体仿真模拟教学方式代替传统教学方式,解决了临床教学资源缺乏的问题,为学生提供反复实践的平台,提高了学生教学质量。  相似文献   
BackgroundDiverse viruses often reactivate in or infect cancer patients, patients with immunocompromising infections or genetic conditions, and transplant recipients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. These infections can disseminate, leading to death, transplant rejection, and other severe outcomes.ObjectivesTo develop and characterize an assay capable of inclusive and accurate identification of diverse potentially disseminating viruses directly from plasma specimens.Study designWe developed a PCR/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (PCR/ESI-MS) assay designed to simultaneously detect and identify adenovirus, enterovirus, polyomaviruses JC and BK, parvovirus B19, HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, EBV, CMV, and herpesviruses 6–8 in plasma specimens. The assay performance was characterized analytically, and the results from clinical plasma samples were compared to the results obtained from single-analyte real time PCR tests currently used in clinical practice.ResultsThe assay demonstrated sensitivity and specificity to diverse strains of the targeted viral families and robustness to interfering substances and potentially cross reacting organisms. The assay yielded 94% sensitivity when testing clinical plasma samples previously identified as positive using standard-of-care real-time PCR tests for a single target virus (available samples included positive samples for 11 viruses targeted by the assay).ConclusionsThe assay functioned as designed, providing simultaneous broad-spectrum detection and identification of diverse agents of disseminated viral infection. Among 156 clinical samples tested, 37 detections were made in addition to the detections matching the initial clinical positive results.  相似文献   
提要:本文从鼠疫病原学的快速诊断方面入手,重要介绍了一种鼠疫特异性显色培养基和S iO2纯化DNA技术在鼠疫PCR扩增中具体应用以及φA1122噬菌体的研究动向和血清学诊断技术所面临的问题等。  相似文献   
Real-time PCR technology has improved molecular diagnostics of many pathogens, but no such test is available for Mycobacterium leprae. In this report we describe the establishment and the pre-clinical evaluation of such an assay. The test achieved a theoretical analytical sensitivity limit of 194 M. leprae cells per skin biopsy specimen and facilitated quantification of mycobacteria in tissue over a range of 54–54,000,000 cells per sample. In punch skin biopsies from 39 untreated Ugandan patients with newly diagnosed leprosy, the clinical diagnosis could be confirmed in 88.9% of multibacillary and 33.3% of paucibacillary (microscopically negative) patients. Real-time detection thus did not increase the clinical sensitivity of PCR as compared to conventional protocols, in spite of its evidently high analytical sensitivity. On the other hand, as still no culture system exists for M. leprae, the assay appears to be a robust tool for detection of the bacterium in selected clinical situations, as well as for quantitation in experimental settings.  相似文献   
Background: Modern pacemakers continuously store significant cardiac‐related events. Interpreting these data and reprogramming the pacemaker can be time‐consuming and demands expert knowledge. A software‐based expert system, the therapy advisor (TA), was developed, which analyzes stored data and provides reprogramming recommendations. This study addresses whether pacemaker experts consider the messages that are automatically generated appropriate in the management of atrial tachyarrhythmias/atrial fibrillation (AT/AF). Methods: This observational, international, multicenter study follows 150 patients with suspected or documented atrial arrhythmias who received a dual‐chamber pacemaker (model Vitatron T‐70, Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) incorporating the TA. The TA summarizes technical and clinical data stored in the pacemaker into key messages and may suggest programming changes. Twenty‐five cardiologists examined their patients per normal practice during two follow‐up visits. They reported the therapy changes they deemed necessary without initially reviewing the TA messages. Next, they rated their satisfaction with and the clinical relevance of the TA messages and recorded the final therapy changes. Results: The TA generated (mostly AT/AF‐related) main observations in 49% and programming advice in 33% of the patients. The experts rated 95% of the TA messages as satisfactory and deemed therapy changes necessary in roughly half the patients. Pacemaker changes in AT/AF therapy or general settings were prompted primarily by the diagnostic information stored in the device. Medication changes were mostly led by the symptoms reported by the patient. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that experienced cardiologists agree with 95% of the observations and programming suggestions that the TA automatically generates. (PACE 2010; 605–614)  相似文献   
We have prospectively analysed and correlated the gene expression profiles of children presenting with acute leukaemia to the Royal London and Great Ormond Street Hospitals with morphological diagnosis, immunophenotype and karyotype. Total RNA extracted from freshly sorted blast cells was obtained from 84 lymphoblastic [acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)], 20 myeloid [acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)] and three unclassified acute leukaemias and hybridised to the high density Affymetrix U133A oligonucleotide array. Analysis of variance and significance analysis of microarrays was used to identify discriminatory genes. A novel 50-gene set accurately identified all patients with ALL and AML and predicted for a diagnosis of AML in three patients with unclassified acute leukaemia. A unique gene set was derived for each of eight subtypes of acute leukaemia within our data set. A common profile for children with ALL with an ETV6-RUNX1 fusion, amplification or deletion of ETV6, amplification of RUNX1 or hyperdiploidy with an additional chromosome 21 was identified. This suggests that these rearrangements share a commonality in biological pathways that maintains the leukaemic state. The gene TERF2 was most highly expressed in this group of patients. Our analyses demonstrate that not only is microarray analysis the single most effective tool for the diagnosis of acute leukaemias of childhood but it has the ability to identify unique biological pathways. To further evaluate its prognostic value it needs to be incorporated into the routine diagnostic analysis for large-scale clinical trials in childhood acute leukaemias.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Patients with bradycardia requiring permanent pacing frequently suffer from additional atrial tachyarrhythmias (ATs). This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of atrial antitachycardia pacing (ATP) and the performance of pacing for AT prevention implemented into a new pacemaker. METHODS AND RESULTS: In patients with conventional indications for permanent pacing, an investigational DDDRP pacemaker (Medtronic AT500, model 7253) was implanted. The primary study objectives were to determine the safety of overall device functioning and its efficacy in terminating spontaneous AT. A secondary endpoint was to determine the reliability of AT detection. Pacemaker memory functions were used to analyze the impact of dedicated pacing algorithms on AT prevention. In 33 European and Canadian centers, 325 patients were enrolled (mean follow-up 2.3+/-1.3 months). Complication-free survival at 3 months was 88%. In 2,145 episodes stored with atrial electrograms, AT detection was confirmed in 97%. The algorithm for continuous overdrive pacing increased the percentage of atrial pacing to 97%. After ATP activation, 16,683 of 52,468 AT episodes were treated (120 patients). Of these, 8,903 episodes (53%) were terminated successfully by ATP. No proarrhythmic effect of preventive pacing or atrial ATP was observed. Preventive pacing algorithms increased the median percentage of atrial pacing from 62% to 97%. However, the number of AT/AF (atrial fibrillation) episodes (4.1 vs 4.1 per patient per day) and the time in AT/AF (13.7% vs 12.8%) was not significantly different before and after activation of preventive pacing. CONCLUSION: DDDRP pacing with a new system for AT therapy was safe and associated with successful pace-termination of AT in 53% of episodes. Preventive pacing and atrial ATP algorithms represent two new functions that can be implemented safely into pacemaker systems for nonpharmacologic treatment of ATs in patients requiring pacemaker therapy.  相似文献   
目的 探讨恶性肿瘤特异性生长因子(TSGF)对中老年恶性肿瘤早期诊断的临床价值。方法 选用新大陆生物公司的TSGF测定试剂盒,对160例人血清TSGF含量进行检测。结果 健康人群、恶性肿瘤病人、非恶性肿瘤病人(炎症除外)的TSGF含量及阳性率存在显著差异(P<0.01或0.05)。结论 TSGF检测是中老年人恶性早期诊断的一项简便而灵敏的方法,可列为健康体检的一项指标。  相似文献   
BackgroundBacteremia causes a major worldwide burden, in terms of financial and productivity costs, as well the morbidity and mortality it can ultimately cause. Proper treatment of bacteremia is a challenge because of the species-dependent response to antibiotics. The T2Bacteria Panel is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration–cleared and culture-independent assay for detection of bacteremia, including common ESKAPE pathogens—Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa—and provides species identification in as little as 3.6 h directly from blood.ObjectiveOur aim was to evaluate the T2Bacteria assay performance and potential to affect patient care in the emergency department (ED).MethodsED patients from a Louisiana and Florida center were enrolled as part of the T2Bacteria Panel clinical study, which was prospective and noninterventional. Blood samples for blood culture (BC) and T2Bacteria were matched in time and anatomic location.ResultsData from 137 ED patients were evaluated. Relative to BC, T2Bacteria showed 100% positive percent agreement and 98.4% negative percent agreement. In addition, for species on the T2Bacteria Panel, the T2Bacteria assay detected 25% more positives associated with infection, and on average identified the infectious species 56.6 h faster. The T2Bacteria assay covered 70.5% of all species detected by BC. Finally, relative to actual care, the T2Bacteria assay could have potentially focused therapy in 8 patients, reduced time to a species-directed therapy in 4 patients, and reduced time to effective therapy in 4 patients.ConclusionsIn this ED population, the T2Bacteria assay was a rapid and sensitive detector of bacteremia from common ESKAPE pathogens and showed the theoretical potential to influence subsequent patient therapy, ranging from antibiotic de-escalation to faster time to effective therapy.  相似文献   
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