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Human predators outpace other agents of trait change in the wild   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The observable traits of wild populations are continually shaped and reshaped by the environment and numerous agents of natural selection, including predators. In stark contrast with most predators, humans now typically exploit high proportions of prey populations and target large, reproductive-aged adults. Consequently, organisms subject to consistent and strong ‘harvest selection’ by fishers, hunters, and plant harvesters may be expected to show particularly rapid and dramatic changes in phenotype. However, a comparison of the rate at which phenotypic changes in exploited taxa occurs relative to other systems has never been undertaken. Here, we show that average phenotypic changes in 40 human-harvested systems are much more rapid than changes reported in studies examining not only natural (n = 20 systems) but also other human-driven (n = 25 systems) perturbations in the wild, outpacing them by >300% and 50%, respectively. Accordingly, harvested organisms show some of the most abrupt trait changes ever observed in wild populations, providing a new appreciation for how fast phenotypes are capable of changing. These changes, which include average declines of almost 20% in size-related traits and shifts in life history traits of nearly 25%, are most rapid in commercially exploited systems and, thus, have profound conservation and economic implications. Specifically, the widespread potential for transitively rapid and large effects on size- or life history-mediated ecological dynamics might imperil populations, industries, and ecosystems.  相似文献   
The therapeutic relationship derives its power from the development over time of a degree of interest and intensity on the part of both participants, an interest and intensity that in our contemporary culture of weak ties patients (and perhaps therapists as well) may be less willing to invest. As therapists we are increasingly challenged in our efforts to engage our patients, and to develop and maintain affective traction in our work with them. I present a clinical case to illustrate my attempt to grapple with these challenges.  相似文献   
痰邪乃正气不足,津液输布失司,水湿凝聚而成。由此而脏腑功能障碍,升降出入失常,气滞血瘀,痰气交搏,痰瘀互结,络脉不畅,癌症则生。痰在癌症发生、发展及转移的过程中起重要作用。中医学认为癌应从痰而治。本文试从由痰致癌的病因病机、治则治法及进展方面介绍治痰在癌症治疗中的认识和发展。  相似文献   
目的:探讨肾气丸现代应用之方证、病机与治法、药物化裁及剂量特点。方法:收集建国以来有文献记载的获效医案196例,利用Microsoft Excel建立资料数据表,录入成都中医药大学与西南交通大学联合开发的"中药复方分析"软件,对其证候、药物加减、剂量等进行统计分析。结果:(1)证候:根据频次的高低,居前8位的症状是腰膝酸软、四肢不温、心悸、耳鸣、水肿、眩晕、尿频;居前3位的舌脉是舌质淡、舌胖、舌淡红,苔白、苔薄白、苔白腻,脉沉、沉细脉、脉细弱。(2)药物加减:原方药物使用频率为80%以上者依次为茯苓、山药、泽泻、附子、山茱萸、丹皮;加味药物频率为10%以上者依次为牛膝、黄芪、杜仲、五味子。结论:当代医家应用肾气丸的基本指征是腰膝酸软、四肢不温、心悸、耳鸣、水肿、眩晕、尿频,舌质淡、苔白、脉沉;核心药物是附子、茯苓、山药、泽泻、山茱萸、丹皮;常加味的药物是牛膝、黄芪、杜仲、五味子。  相似文献   
通过回顾传统方剂学形成的历程,总结方剂学的内容。结合当下的研究条件,指出传统方剂学必须与现代医学和现代科学技术相结合,才能实现其现代转归。  相似文献   
当代美学具价值论学科性质。只有从价值论角度出发来创构当代美学体系 ,才能深刻地阐释当代中国人特有的审美追求与审美观念趣味 ,并形成与传统相衔接且具有当代整合性的学科体系  相似文献   
女性性爱意识问题最能反映一个时代女性意识的觉醒程度,女性性爱意识的现代觉醒是"五四"女性主体性觉醒的一个重要内容,在《卷葹》中冯沅君用文学之笔强烈表达了五四时期现代女性的自我意识增强,向往人格自由,对自由的性爱、情爱的大胆追求,争取平等做人的权利。  相似文献   
论述唐朝医学教育兴盛的发展过程,借古道今,以启迪我国当代医学教育发展的新思路。  相似文献   
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