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桃红四物汤,活血祛瘀之经典名方。该文对近年来桃红四物汤的化学成分、药理作用以及临床应用研究进展进行总结与分析。目前,桃红四物汤不同提取部位化学成分的研究较为系统,其药理作用研究主要集中在活血化瘀、调经镇痛、促进骨折愈合等方面,临床可应用于多系统、多脏腑疾病的治疗,例如妇科疾病、内科疾病、骨伤科疾病、皮肤科疾病等。在此基础上,依照质量标志物(Q-marker)有效、特有、传递与溯源、可测和处方配伍的"五原则"对桃红四物汤Q-marker进行预测分析,提示阿魏酸、芍药苷、苦杏仁苷、芍药内酯苷、梓醇、没食子酸、羟基红花黄色素A可作为该复方的Q-marker,后续可选择这些Q-marker为指标,根据药材、饮片、中间体、对应实物的量值传递进行桃红四物汤全程质量控制并创建其质量可溯源体系。  相似文献   
介绍运用经方辨治水痘和带状疱疹的异同。认为两者均为水痘-带状疱疹病毒感染引起的常见皮肤病。治疗水痘应以祛邪为主,辨证以六经中的太阳、阳明、少阳三阳经为重点,可运用石膏类方等;而对于带状疱疹,应重视扶正,辨证宜兼顾六经、衡量虚实,可予柴胡类方等。  相似文献   
滕立春 《光明中医》2021,36(1):125-127
失眠是影响人们健康状况的常见临床疾病,严重影响人们的精神和生活水平,且发病率逐年上升.经方是临床常用方剂,效果好,见效快,本文针对不同证型导致的失眠,辨证选用柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤、肾气丸、酸枣仁汤、半夏泻心汤等经方取得一定的疗效,病例典型,效果突出,现总结如下,以资参考.  相似文献   
陈磊  陆茵  郑仕中 《中草药》2009,40(6):841-843,882
激烈的市场竞争,使得经典方剂二次开发,尤其是针对已有中成药进行的二次开发,成为许多制药企业研发重点.在经典方的二次开发中,药物代谢动力学将成为一个重要的手段.目前我国对经典方的药动学研究主要集中在解释方剂配伍的合理性,以及指导临床用药这两方面上,较少的以此为突破口进行经典方的二次开发.尝试从中药、天然药物新药分类的角度.浅析药动学在经典方二次开发中的应用.以探寻可以申报新药的可能性.  相似文献   
为阐明竹茹汤物质基准的关键质量属性,制备18批物质基准对应实物,建立竹茹汤物质基准指纹图谱及其含量测定的检测方法,明确其指纹图谱共有峰的色谱峰归属,相似度范围,浸出物范围,指标性成分葛根素、甘草苷和甘草酸的含量以及转移率范围。结果表明,18批竹茹汤物质基准对应实物共标定25个共有峰,指纹图谱相似度均大于0.95。汇总特征峰信息可知,葛根、甘草、生姜分别贡献21、3、1个色谱峰;18批物质基准对应实物的浸出物18.45%~25.29%;不同批次物质基准对应实物的指标性成分含量和转移率:葛根素质量分数2.20%~3.07%,转移率38.5%~45.9%;甘草苷质量分数0.24%~0.85%,转移率15.9%~37.5%;甘草酸质量分数0.39%~1.87%,转移率16.2%~32.8%。该实验采用浸出物、指纹图谱及指标性成分含量测定相结合的模式,对经典名方竹茹汤物质基准的量值传递过程进行分析,初步建立了科学稳定的物质基准质量评价方法,为经典名方竹茹汤的后续开发及相关制剂的质量控制提供依据。  相似文献   
目的  建立经典名方温胆汤水煎液HPLC指纹图谱结合多成分含量测定的方法, 为其质量控制提供参考。方法  按照古籍中记载的煎煮方法制备温胆汤水煎液, 采用色谱柱Waters X-Bridge C18(4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm), 以乙腈-0.1%甲酸水溶液为流动相进行梯度洗脱, 体积流量为1 mL·min-1, 检测波长为310 nm。建立温胆汤HPLC指纹图谱, 对其特征峰进行归属, 并对其中11种成分进行定量分析。结果  建立温胆汤水煎液指纹图谱, 共标定25个共有峰, 并通过对照品指认了其中的11个成分, 各批次样品的相似度均大于0.95。结论  建立温胆汤水煎液指纹图谱, 并进行多成分同时测定, 方法简便、准确、重现性好, 适用于温胆汤的质量控制, 可为经典名方等质量评价办法的制定提出一定参考。   相似文献   
目的探究乌梅丸治疗更年期崩漏的临床疗效。方法选择2017年3月—2019年11月收治的52例更年期崩漏患者,以随机数字表法分为治疗组和对照组,每组26例。对照组给予乙烯雌酚2 mg/d和醋酸甲羟孕酮片10 mg/d,治疗组给予乌梅丸治疗。观察2组患者治疗效果及治疗前后汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)及汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评分变化情况。结果治疗组的治疗总有效率高于对照组(P<0.05),且治疗组治疗后的HAMA、HAMD评分均低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论乌梅丸可有效改善更年期崩漏患者的临床症状,缓解患者负面情绪,临床应用价值较高,值得推广。  相似文献   
Defining the structural and functional changes in the nervous system underlying learning and memory represents a major challenge for modern neuroscience. Although changes in neuronal activity following memory formation have been studied [B. F. Grewe et al., Nature 543, 670–675 (2017); M. T. Rogan, U. V. Stäubli, J. E. LeDoux, Nature 390, 604–607 (1997)], the underlying structural changes at the synapse level remain poorly understood. Here, we capture synaptic changes in the midlarval zebrafish brain that occur during associative memory formation by imaging excitatory synapses labeled with recombinant probes using selective plane illumination microscopy. Imaging the same subjects before and after classical conditioning at single-synapse resolution provides an unbiased mapping of synaptic changes accompanying memory formation. In control animals and animals that failed to learn the task, there were no significant changes in the spatial patterns of synapses in the pallium, which contains the equivalent of the mammalian amygdala and is essential for associative learning in teleost fish [M. Portavella, J. P. Vargas, B. Torres, C. Salas, Brain Res. Bull. 57, 397–399 (2002)]. In zebrafish that formed memories, we saw a dramatic increase in the number of synapses in the ventrolateral pallium, which contains neurons active during memory formation and retrieval. Concurrently, synapse loss predominated in the dorsomedial pallium. Surprisingly, we did not observe significant changes in the intensity of synaptic labeling, a proxy for synaptic strength, with memory formation in any region of the pallium. Our results suggest that memory formation due to classical conditioning is associated with reciprocal changes in synapse numbers in the pallium.

It is widely believed that memories are formed as a result of alterations in synaptic connections between axons and dendrites, an idea first proposed by Ramon y Cajal (14). Although synapse changes have been extensively studied in brain slices in the context of long-term potentiation (5, 6), less is known about how synapses in a living vertebrate are modified when a memory is formed.Memory formation has been widely studied using classical conditioning (CC), a robust and straightforward form of learning in which an animal is exposed to a neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) paired with an appetitive or aversive stimulus (unconditioned stimulus, US) that evokes a specific behavioral response (UR, unconditioned response) (7, 8). As a result of the pairing, animals learn to associate the CS with the US, causing them to respond to the CS with a conditioned response (CR) identical to the UR, signifying memory retrieval (9, 10). Memory retrieval is also evoked by activating a cellular engram, a group of neurons active during memory formation and retrieval (1118). The central locus of CC in mammals, the amygdala (19), is located in a relatively inaccessible area beneath the cortex (20). Thus, although numerous longitudinal imaging studies have documented experience-dependent changes in the structure of spines of cortical and hippocampal neurons (21, 22), few imaging studies have directly examined synaptic changes that occur in the amygdala during associative memory formation.Instead, synaptic changes that occur in the amygdala during CC (23) have been studied primarily using indirect measures of synaptic strength, such as the ratio of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazoleproprionic acid receptor/N-methyl D-aspartate (AMPA/NMDA) currents in excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs). Increases in AMPA/NMDA ratio in amygdalar neurons following auditory fear conditioning (FC), a type of CC (2427), indicate that associative memory formation coincides with increases in synaptic strength. In addition, imaging experiments in brain regions beyond the amygdala have shown diverse effects following CC. For example, following contextual fear conditioning, engram neurons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus that receive inputs from CA3 engram neurons displayed spines that were larger and more densely packed than nonengram cells (28). Furthermore, experiments in which neuronal morphology was directly observed before and after FC found that neurons in the frontal association (29) and primary motor cortex (30) showed a decrease in the number of spines, whereas neurons in the auditory cortex showed an increase in spine number with memory formation (31).To obtain previously unavailable insight into memory formation within the central locus of associative memory storage, we developed a paradigm combining in vivo labeling and imaging with informatics and analysis tools. We used this paradigm to map synaptic changes that occur over time in the intact brain of a living vertebrate during memory formation. We imaged the pallium of teleost fish, which contains the putative homolog of the mammalian amygdala based on anatomy (32), gene expression (33), and function (34). The pallium is on the surface of the brain (35), and zebrafish larvae are highly transparent, allowing for intact, whole-brain imaging using selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) without the need for invasive intervention (36). In addition, while most studies of learning in zebrafish have used adults (3740), at least one study showed that larval zebrafish can learn to associate a place with a positive valence US (41). These attributes suggest that larval zebrafish may be an ideal model organism for studying synaptic changes during memory formation due to CC. We have engaged this challenge by combining purpose-built experimental tools with data management software that enables transparent analyses of large and heterogeneous datasets. All data were characterized and stored at the time of creation in a customized data management system designed to conform to findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (i.e., FAIR principles) (see Materials and Methods) (42).  相似文献   
目的:通过对黄芪桂枝五物汤不同药物剂量观察疗效、毒副作用差异。方法:将68例随机分为治疗组34例和对照组34例,对照组药物剂量按1两视为3g计算,每日1剂,连用8周;治疗组药物剂量按1两等于15g,每日1剂,连用8周。结果:治疗组有效率、腓神经传导速度(NCV),明显高于对照组,具有统计学意义,两组均未发现不良反应和肝肾功能损害证据。结论:经方考证剂量可明显提高糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)的临床疗效,未见明显毒副作用。  相似文献   
Since recent decades, clinicians offering interventions against mental problems must systematically collect data on how clients change over time. Since these data typically contain measurement error, statistical tests have been developed which should disentangle true changes from random error. These statistical tests can be subdivided into two types: classical tests and Bayesian tests. Over the past, there has been much confusion among analysts regarding the questions that are answered by each of these tests. In this paper we discuss each type of test in detail and explain which questions are, and which are not, answered by each of the types of tests. We then apply a test of each type on an empirical data set and compare the results. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   
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