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Dendrites and spines undergo dynamic changes in physiological and pathological conditions. Dendritic outgrowth has been observed in surviving neurons months after ischemia, which is associated with the functional compensation. It remains unclear how dendrites in surviving neurons are altered shortly after ischemia, which might reveal the mechanisms underlying neuronal survival. Using primary cortical cultures, we monitored the dendritic changes in individual neurons after oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Two to four hours of OGD induced approximately 30–50% cell death in 24 h. However, the total dendritic length in surviving neurons was significantly increased after OGD with a peak at 6 h after re-oxygenation. The increase of dendritic length after OGD was mainly due to the sprouting rather than the extension of the dendrites. The dendritic outgrowth after 2 h of OGD was greater than that after 4 h of OGD. Application of NMDA receptor blocker MK-801 abolished OGD-induced dendritic outgrowth, whereas application of AMPA receptor antagonist CNQX had no significant effects. These results demonstrate a NMDA receptor-dependent dendritic plasticity shortly after OGD, which provides insights into the early response of surviving neurons after ischemia.  相似文献   
The serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) content of eight raphe nuclei was measured 9 days after injection of p-chloroamphetamine. 5-Hydroxytryptamine levels were reduced in only the B-9 cell group.The histofluorescence of serotonergic neurons in the B-9 cell group was also studied at two time intervals after a single injection of p-chloroamphetamine. Nine days after the administration of p-chloroamphetamine there was a small decrease both in the intensity of fluorescence and in the number of yellow fluorescent serotonergic cells. After 2 months the drug caused a more marked decrease in the number of viable serotonergic cells. The results are discussed in relation to the mechanism of action of p-chloroamphetamine.It is suggested that following the administration of p-chloroamphetamine retrograde destruction may occur in the B-9 cell group, in contrast to those of the other raphe nuclei, whose cell bodies may possess a sufficient number of collateral processes to resist the slow neurotoxic destruction of their cell bodies.  相似文献   
In a study of 15 eyes with optic pits fluorescein angiography revealed that only pits associated with serous detachment of the macular retina showed fluorescence in the late venous phase, while the pits uncomplicated by detachment remained hypofluorescent throughout the test. This finding strongly supports the hypothesis that the subretinal fluid producing the macular detachment originates from leakage of vessels located in the floor of the pit. In addition a high incidence of anomalies was found to be associated with optic pits. Therefore the author suggests to call the association between optic pit and large optic disc, parapapillary chorioretinal changes, cilioretinal vessels, situs inversus and eventual other vessel abnormalities, the optic pit syndrome.  相似文献   
The membrane properties of the neurons located in the ventral part of the periaqueductal grey (PAG) of the guinea-pig were studied using an in vitro slice preparation. Cells had low values of resting membrane potential (-53.3 +/- 1.3 mV, mean +/- standard error), high input resistance (195. +/- 16.2 M ohm) and moderate values of membrane time constant (12.6 +/- 0.7 ms). The last two parameters changed as recordings were made along the sagittal axis, higher values corresponding to the more rostral cells. Three main neuronal types-fusiform, triangular and stellate-were found in the ventral PAG using intracellular injection of Lucifer yellow. A study of the cell number and cell density was carried out in coronal and sagittal sections of the ventral PAG. This analysis showed a clear gradient of size in this region arising from the gradual disappearance of large (17 to 40 microm) neurons in the caudorostral direction. The neuronal density also increased in this direction. Therefore, some electrotonic and morphological parameters differ along the sagittal axis. These findings suggest a larger neuronal heterogeneity of the caudal part of the PAG, and might contribute to a functional segregation of this region.  相似文献   
Advancements in donor management, organ preservation and operative techniques, as well as immunosuppressive therapies, have provided children with intestinal failure and its complications a chance not only for enteral autonomy but also long-term survival through intestinal transplantation (ITx). First described in the 1960’s, experience has grown in managing these complex patients both pre- and post-transplant. The goals of this review are to provide a brief history of intestinal transplantation and intestinal rehabilitation in pediatric patients, followed by focused discussions of the indications for ITx, induction and maintenance immunosuppression therapies, common post-operative complications, and outcomes/quality of life post-transplant.  相似文献   
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of topical timolol and apraclonidine on retrobulbar blood flow velocity waveforms in a group of healthy volunteers.Methods: Apraclonidine 1% and timolol maleate 0.5% single dose administrations were crossed over double masked in 12 healthy volunteers. The intraocular pressure measurements were followed by Doppler examination of the ophthalmic artery and the central retinal artery.Results: Intraocular pressure was reduced significantly on both treated and fellow eyes after timolol (p = 0.003, p = 0.04 respectively) and after apraclonidine (p = 0.002, p = 0.01 respectively). After apraclonidine administration end diastolic velocity, mean velocity decreased and pulsatility index increased in the ophthalmic artery of both treated and fellow eyes. Resistivity index increased and peak systolic velocity decreased only in the ophthalmic artery of treated eyes. All Doppler indices remained nonsignificant for central retinal artery of both eyes.After timolol administration there were no significant changes of the Doppler indices in the ophthalmic artery and central retinal artery of the treated and fellow eyes.Conclusion: Topical timolol and apraclonidine significantly reduced the intraocular pressure. Single dose administration of apraclonidine 1% increased the vascular impedance distal to the ophthalmic artery. On the other hand, timolol 0.5% had no effect on vascular impedance.  相似文献   
Summary The binding of3H-WB 4101, an 1-adrenoceptor antagonist, to membranes of the cerebral cortex, the hypothalamus, and the lower brainstem was examined in adult spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats and in normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WK) controls. The specific binding of3H-WB 4101 (0.33 nM) was significantly higher in homogenates from the cerebral cortex of SH rats as compared to WK rats. No differences were detected between SH and WK rats in the specific binding of3H-spiroperidol (0.25 nM), a dopamine receptor antagonist, to membranes from the corpus striatum and the limbic forebrain. The locomotor activity was significantly higher in SH rats as compared to WK controls, in all probability due to a lack of habituation to environmental change. It is suggested that the high reactivity of SH rats is related to a dysfunction in the noradrenergic neurons in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
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