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Thirty-four patients with a history of immediate hypersensitivity to the sting of the imported fire ant were evaluated in a study designed to compare the diagnostic usefulness of fire ant whole body extract (WBE) preparations with that of fire ant venom (IFAV). Ninety-one percent (3134) of the hypersensitive patients skin tested with IFAV at a maximal concentration of 1:5 × 103, vv, demonstrated a wheat equal to or greater than the histamine control. Fifty-three percent (1834) of the group were skin test positive to a WBE preparation. When the criteria for a positive skin test were relaxed, 82% of the hypersensitive group could be identified with the IFAWBE. A comparison of skin test results in sensitive patients revealed variability in the sensitivity of the WBE preparations utilized in the study. Leukocyte histamine release demonstrated a dose-response release of histamine with both IFAV and SIWBEa preparations. Specific venom antisera produced in rabbits identified a precipitin line of common identity in a gel-diffusion system containing IFAWBE and IFAV. This finding was verified by the competitive inhibition of IFAWBE with IFAV in a solid-phase radioimmunoassay system. Fire ant WBEs contain venom constituents and are effective diagnostic agents in up to 82% of patients with hypersensitivity to the sting of the imported fire ant. Marked variability in the responsiveness of sensitive patients to different WBE preparations mandates standardization of these diagnostic preparations.  相似文献   
Rats bearing lesions in the septal area followed by lesions in the subfornical organ were submitted to various thirst-eliciting procedures. The rats with hyperdipsia induced by lesions of the septal area drank more water than either during the control period or after lesion of the subfornical organ under the same thirst-eliciting or angiotensin-liberating stimuli (polyethyleneglycol, isoproterenol, water deprivation and ligation of the inferior vena cava). The overdrinking elicited by lesions in the septal area was blocked after lesion of the subfornical organ. Neither hypovolemia, nor hypotension or water deprivation could elicit increased water intake in animals whose subfornical organ had been destroyed. Animals with lesions in the subfornical organ showed decreased water intake after cellular dehydration. The results obtained suggest that the subfornical organ acts as a more important structure than the septal area in the regulation of water intake elicited by angiotensin, with two opposite effects: a direct one facilitating water intake, and an indirect one inhibiting the septal area. The septal area has an inhibitory effect on the subfornical organ and on water intake.  相似文献   
目的 对石家庄市2014—2021年生活饮用水常规指标进行监测,分析水质及主要监测指标变化趋势。方法 收集整理2014—2021年石家庄市生活饮用水监测资料,分析生活饮用水合格率、主要监测指标合格率、主要监测指标变化趋势。 结果 2014—2021年石家庄市共监测水样10529份,总合格率为77.15%;地表水合格率(99.08 %)高于地下水(75.96 %)、城市水合格率(85.17 %)高于农村水(75.05%)、枯水期合格率(79.79%)高于丰水期(74.51%),完全处理水合格率(99.10%)高于仅消毒(86.29%)和未处理(70.70%)(P均<0.05)。2014—2021年石家庄市生活饮用水最低合格率为69.49%,最高合格率为82.28%,总合格率呈上升趋势(P<0.05)。主要指标耐热大肠菌群 、菌落总数、总硬度、硝酸盐、硫酸盐的合格率均呈上升趋势(P<0.05),菌落总数、硝酸盐、氟化物、总硬度、溶解性总固体、硫酸盐、氯化物的含量均呈下降趋势(P<0.05)。结论 石家庄市2014—2021年生活饮用水水质整体呈现优化趋势,微生物指标仍是影响水质的主要因素。  相似文献   
血管内壁的内皮细胞借助调节血管稳态、血管张力、细胞黏附、细胞增殖、凝血抗性、炎症因子等来响应机体的物理和化学信号,进而维持血管处于衡动稳定的状态。血管生成是肿瘤发生发展所需的关键条件,肿瘤血管化的病理模式为瘤体生长提供所需的营养和氧气,以促进其增殖。近年来,内皮细胞参与肿瘤血管渗入,驱动血管生成被认为是促进肿瘤转移的关键环节。血管内皮细胞可通过调控代谢重塑以满足肿瘤血管化过程中对物质和能量的需要,其异常的代谢特征使得其能更好地适应肿瘤微环境的变化,这种代谢的改变常被看作是肿瘤血管化进程的重要基础。中医“阴火”理论源自《黄帝内经》,原指“阴虚生内热”,属内伤之火范畴,后经历代医家推演变化,逐步形成“脾胃气虚-阴火上乘-气火失调”的病机认识。内皮细胞代谢重塑的发病过程是“阴火”病理表征的客观体现,而阴火造化生息、燔灼妄动之性又与肿瘤新生血管增生无制、亢变为害的疾病状态相吻合。脾胃亏虚与气机失衡的改变可致水谷精微不得布散,发生代谢障碍,停久为痰为瘀,与血脉相搏结,致使局部环境异化(肿瘤微环境形成)、脉道不利(内皮细胞代谢失衡),异变形成肿瘤新生血管。在“阴火”证候要素指导下,围绕气与火的相关性,运用“扶正调气”的治法遣方用药,可调节内皮细胞代谢功能,达到机体相对平衡状态,进而抑制肿瘤血管新生。基于以上认识,该文围绕内皮细胞代谢重塑与阴火相关理论,阐发学术微旨,以期为中医药干预肿瘤血管化进程提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   
目的探讨改水后儿童氟斑牙患病情况和儿童体内化学元素的关系。方法采用分层抽样调查方法,根据西安市疾病预防控制中心近20年的监测资料,将西安市饮水型地方性氟中毒病区按照改水年限1~、5~、10~及≥15年进行分层,每层抽取2个病区自然村为调查点。每个调查点选择7~13岁学龄期儿童为调查对象,检查氟斑牙患病情况;并采集血样,检测血清中14种化学元素(钙、铁、镁、铜、锌、碘、硒、铅、砷、镉、铬、氟、汞、镍)含量。分析不同改水年限以及不同氟斑牙患病情况儿童体内化学元素含量的差异。结果不同改水年限的病区村(1~、5~、10~及≥15年)儿童氟斑牙检出率分别为51.40%(55/107)、16.92%(11/65)、16.67%(17/102)和5.08%(6/118),差异有统计学意义(χ2=74.444,P<0.05)。不同改水年限儿童体内血清钙、铜、铁、镁、锌、碘、硒、铅、砷、铬、氟、镍含量比较,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。氟斑牙儿童体内铁、锌、镍含量均低于正常儿童(P均<0.05),氟斑牙儿童体内氟含量高于正常儿童(P<0.05)。氟斑牙儿童与正常儿童体内的其余化学元素含量比较,差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论改水年限≥15年的病区村儿童氟斑牙检出率最低,改水降氟可减少儿童氟斑牙检出率。病区儿童存在部分化学元素缺乏的问题。  相似文献   
Disparities in access to basic needs and resources such as water is largely borne out of power imbalance across scale. In examining these power dynamics in the context of health inequalities, scholars have deployed Feminist political ecology analytical framework to situate gender and other forms of vulnerability as emerging from unequal power relations, and political ecology of health to emphasise the health implications of inherent relational power in the distribution of resources. Although appealing, the two theoretical frameworks over time have proven to be limiting in the study of intersectional vulnerabilities such as gender-based violence and water insecurity which reflect multiple dimensions of unequal power structures. This study expands the theoretical space for the study of inequalities in health geography by demonstrating the utility of incorporating feminist political ecology with political ecology of health to form an integrated theoretical framework – Feminist Political Ecology of Health (FPEH). This proposed theoretical framework gives guidance for engaging with a suite of questions and methods related to multifaceted problems such as water insecurity and gender based-violence. The paper highlights these theoretical issues and then discusses how FPEH can enrich research on water security and gender-based violence in Low-and middle-income countries (LMICs).  相似文献   
血液透析(HD)是急慢性肾功能衰竭患者肾脏替代治疗方式之一,通过HD的治疗可以延长患者的生命,而血液透析机和水处理机是HD治疗过程中最为重要的设备,当设备出现故障时,快速分析和解决故障是HD患者顺利完成治疗的重要保障。  相似文献   
目的了解某市学校管道直饮水的卫生状况,为上级部门制定政策提供依据。方法2018年3—11月,随机抽取某市内42所使用管道直饮水系统的学校开展监测工作。结果共检测学校管道直饮水42份,合格32份,合格率76.19%。主要不合格指标为:菌落总数。结论学校管道直饮水卫生存在一定的风险隐患,呼吁国家尽快出台管道直饮水卫生规范和技术标准,加强管道直饮水监督和管理,确保直饮水水质安全。  相似文献   
目的了解恩平市农村生活饮用水水质卫生状况,为改善农村水质安全提供科学依据。方法2015年3月—2019年3月对恩平市的乡镇水源水、出厂水进行检测。结果2015年3月—2019年3月度共检测水样3424份,水质总的合格率为56.45%,出厂水的平均合格率为34.7%,末梢水的平均合格率为61.30%,水源水平均合格率达84.6%。各类监测指标中,不合格指标有游离余氯、菌落总数、总大肠菌群、浑浊度、pH值、铝、锌、铁、锰。结论恩平市农村生活饮用水水质合格率偏低,需要改进设备;加强水源保护、消毒净化;并积极引导农民减肥增效生产;进行卫生宣传及管理,保障饮用水质量。  相似文献   
夹竹桃水提物灭螺活性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究夹竹桃水提物的灭螺活性。方法 测试水提物作用后钉螺的死亡率,用直线回归法进行量效和时效分析。结果 夹竹桃水提物灭螺的量效和时效关系分别为Y=95.4378D-21.2478和Y=21.32T-3.96,pH从5.5到8.5的范围内其活性随pH上升略有下降,室内贮存1年及100℃加热2h其活性基本不变。结论 夹竹桃水提物具有很强的灭螺活性。  相似文献   
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