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BACKGROUND: Exposure to fungi is often assessed by culturing floor dust or air samples. Our objective was to evaluate the relationships between dustborne and airborne fungi and to identify factors that modify these relationships. METHODS: From November 1994 to September 1996 sequential duplicate 45-l air samples were collected in bedrooms of 496 homes in the Boston area, using a Burkard culture plate sampler. After air sampling, bedroom floors were sampled with a vacuum cleaner that was modified to collect dust in a cellulose extraction thimble. Dust was sieved, and the fine dust was dilution-plated onto DG-18 media. RESULTS: Concentrations of total culturable fungi per gram of bedroom-floor dust were correlated weakly, but significantly, with those of indoor air (r = 0.13, P < 0.05). Concentrations of some individual taxa in the dust and indoor air were also weakly associated. Adjusting for the concentrations of fungi in outdoor air, dustborne fungal concentrations were positively associated with those in indoor air for the taxa Cladosporium and Penicillium, but not for total fungi. The indoor air fungal levels were often predicted by different covariates to those predicting fungal levels in dust. The type of housing (house or apartment) and the presence of carpeting were often predictive factors for dust fungi. In contrast, outdoor fungal levels were often predictive of the indoor air fungal levels. CONCLUSIONS: Because our data do not indicate a strong overall relationship between culturable fungi in dust and indoor air, the results from these two methods (dust and air sampling) likely represent different types of potential fungal exposures to residents. It may be essential to collect both air and dust samples, as well as information on housing characteristics, as indicators for fungal exposure. 相似文献
目的探讨侵袭性赛多孢霉属感染的临床表现和实验室检查特点。方法收集2011年1月至2017年4月收治的8例赛多孢霉属患者的临床资料,对赛多孢霉属感染相关病例的临床表现、诱发因素和实验室检查的特点进行回顾性分析。结果8例患者中检出尖端赛多孢霉6株,波氏赛多孢霉1株,多育赛多孢霉1株。外伤、环境暴露和免疫力降低是赛多孢霉属感染的常见诱发因素。标本直接镜检均查见有隔菌丝,阳性率100%。菌落生长速度相对较快,侵袭力强,菌落形态多样,呈白色羊绒状至黑酵母样,随着培养时间的延长,从菌落中心开始颜色逐渐变深,结合镜下形态可进行菌属的快速鉴别。结论侵袭性赛多孢霉属感染病程进展迅速,病情凶险,以尖端赛多孢霉感染最多见。应加强对赛多孢霉属感染疾病的认识,提高诊治水平。 相似文献
目的研究囊型包虫病患者外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cell,PBMC)体外诱导的树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)的形态及其细胞表型特点。方法囊型包虫病患者组(cystic echinococcosis,CE)15例,健康志愿者对照组(healthy donor,HD)15例,采外周血(肝素抗凝)分离单个核细胞后贴壁培养,施加重组细胞因子培养6d,诱导成DC,采用倒置显微镜和扫描电镜观察细胞形态,流式细胞术检测CD86、HLA-DR、CD1a、CD80的表达情况。结果与HD组比较,CE组PBMC诱导的DC表面的树突状突起较少,且细胞表面的CD86、HLA-DR、CD1a、CD80表达降低(P0.05)。结论CE组患者PBMC诱导的DC形态不典型,表面分子的表达降低,细胞活力降低,对T细胞的刺激能力减弱。 相似文献
目的 了解家族性精神分裂症与散发性精神分裂症的临床特征。方法 用PSE、SANS、SAPS、PHI量表对62例家族性和散发性精神分裂症临床特点进行分析。结果 家族性精神分裂症病前性格异常、思维鸣响、思维被洞悉感、惶惑等症状发生较高,散发性精神分裂症,思维插入、幻觉、关系妄想、原发妄想、非社交性语言、使人误解的回答等症状突出。结论 家族性与散发性精神分裂症临床特征存在明显差异,家族史可作为精神分裂症的一个分类原则。 相似文献
贫困大学生个性特征分析及教育对策研究 总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19
目的 探讨贫困大学生人格特征及教育对策。方法 利用自编的 4个量表和 2个已有量表 ,对全国 1 1所高校的 747名贫困大学生和 90 3名非贫困大学生施行测试 ,进行 t检验、logistic回归分析、聚类分析、典型相关分析。结果 在人格测验中 ,贫困大学生与非贫困大学生在自卑、焦虑、成就动机、兴奋性、敢为性、怀疑性、内向与外向、新环境中成长力、恃强性、幻想性、世故性、自律性、心理健康水平方面具有显著差异 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;在人格成因测验中 ,贫困大学生与非贫困大学生在经济水平、身材相貌、业余爱好方面具有显著差异 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;在人格类型测验中 ,除聪慧性、幻想性、实验性外 ,其余各因素均达显著水平 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;在贫困大学生教育对策的测验中 ,勤工助学、奖学金、团体活动、同学朋友的帮助、毕业分配前景等因素达显著水平 ( P<0 .0 5 )。结论 1贫困大学生总的人格特征为自卑和成就动机强 ;2贫困大学生分为 5种类型 ,分别为自励奋进型、自信上进型、自卑拼搏型、自卑挣扎型、自轻自弃型 ;3经济因素在贫困大学生的人格形成中起到了突出的重要作用 ;4勤工助学、奖学金、团体活动、同学朋友的帮助、毕业分析前景等因素是重要的贫困大学生的教育策略。 相似文献
3192例病毒性肝炎的流行病学分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的分析病毒性肝炎的流行病学特点,为病毒性肝炎预防与控制提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法,对本院近5年来共收治的3 192例病毒性肝炎临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果病毒性肝炎单一感染中以乙肝2 355例(73.78%)为主;发病年龄以青壮年为主,占病例总数的67.2%,男性发病明显多于女性;农民发病占病毒性肝炎的34.1%。结论坚持有计划地在重点人群中开展甲肝、乙肝疫苗普种和加强接种为主导的综合性防治措施是控制甲、乙型肝炎疫情发生与流行的有效措施。 相似文献
肥胖代谢调控因子人神经肽Y及其生物衍作为神经递质及生物效应分子可通过不同亲和力及特异性作用于相应靶细胞膜上至少4种人神经肽Y受体Y1R、Y2R、Y4R、Y5R,并通过人神经肽Y配体和受体的特异性结合,激活相关细胞信号传导通路,参与或刺激相关细胞的增殖和分化及内分泌激素的合成与分泌,进而调控整个机体或局部组织各种生理功能,直接或间接影响包括老年机体在内的多种代谢变化及某些老年病的发生、发展、变化及转归,因此成为老年生物学和老年医学研究的热点。本文从人神经肽Y及其受体的生物学特性和分子水平出发,对NPY配体及其受体的分子结构、生物学特性及相互作用机制进行综述,为今后系统阐述该配体和受体在老年病中的代谢特点和作用规律奠定理论基础。 相似文献
GMDH-based feature ranking and selection for improved classification of medical data 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abdel-Aal RE 《Journal of biomedical informatics》2005,38(6):456-468
Medical applications are often characterized by a large number of disease markers and a relatively small number of data records. We demonstrate that complete feature ranking followed by selection can lead to appreciable reductions in data dimensionality, with significant improvements in the implementation and performance of classifiers for medical diagnosis. We describe a novel approach for ranking all features according to their predictive quality using properties unique to learning algorithms based on the group method of data handling (GMDH). An abductive network training algorithm is repeatedly used to select groups of optimum predictors from the feature set at gradually increasing levels of model complexity specified by the user. Groups selected earlier are better predictors. The process is then repeated to rank features within individual groups. The resulting full feature ranking can be used to determine the optimum feature subset by starting at the top of the list and progressively including more features until the classification error rate on an out-of-sample evaluation set starts to increase due to overfitting. The approach is demonstrated on two medical diagnosis datasets (breast cancer and heart disease) and comparisons are made with other feature ranking and selection methods. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis is used to compare classifier performance. At default model complexity, dimensionality reduction of 22 and 54% could be achieved for the breast cancer and heart disease data, respectively, leading to improvements in the overall classification performance. For both datasets, considerable dimensionality reduction introduced no significant reduction in the area under the ROC curve. GMDH-based feature selection results have also proved effective with neural network classifiers. 相似文献
Clinical characteristics of tension-type headache and migraine in adolescents: a student-based study
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Adolescent headaches, particularly migraine, might present with different features from adult headaches. The objectives of this study were to investigate the characteristics of tension-type headache and migraine, to find the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic criteria of the IHS classification according to age and gender. METHODS: A multistep, stratified, cluster sampling method was used for subject selection. The estimated sample size was 2387. The study was conducted in two phases: the questionnaire and the face to face interview phases. During the semistructured interview, a clinical diagnosis has been made and clinical characteristics have been recorded. RESULTS: All headaches fulfilled the criteria of duration. The most common feature of migraine was moderate to severe (92.4%), pulsating pain (79.2%). For ETTH, bilateral localization (91.3%) and mild to moderate pain intensity (90.6%) were the most common features. Younger adolescents showed mixed headache characteristics. Highest sensitivities for migraine were duration (100%), moderate to severe pain (92.4%), and pulsating quality of pain (79.2%). Vomiting, trigger factors food and alcohol had a high specificity for migraine. CONCLUSIONS: Our data strongly support continuum hypothesis. In early adolescence headaches might present with mixed headache characteristics. Age and gender have some influence on headache characteristics, particularly on migraine. The sensitivity and specificity of case definition criteria of ICHD-2 for adolescent migraine is moderate and need to be reconsidered. 相似文献
目的探讨癫痫持续状态的脑电图特征及临床特点。方法回顾性分析经抗癫痫药物治疗的5例癫痫持续状态的临床资料,总结发作症状学、头皮脑电图及颅内MRI特点,研究癫痫再发的脑电图特点、诱发因素及其治疗方法。结果5例患者中1例自行停服抗癫痫药物诱发,1例患者无明显诱因自发发作,1例患者由肺部感染后诱发,2例疲劳或睡眠不足、情绪不良诱发。4例MRI发现结构性病变。4例脑电图(EEG)显示多灶性或局灶性癫痫样放电,其中1例癫痫持续状态发作前有与颅内MRI结构性病变一致的尖波节律暴发,1例局灶性慢波活动。结论多数癫痫持续状态患者存在脑的结构性损害,大多有明显的诱发因素,阵发性尖波节律暴发可能是预测癫痫持续状态发作的脑电图特点,长程视频脑电图应成为癫痫持续状态诊疗的必用工具,尤其是对于非惊厥性癫痫持续状态更具有重要的意义,持续静脉泵入咪达唑仑治疗癫痫持续状态安全、有效且不良反应少。 相似文献