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采用流式细胞术对42例正常晚孕妇女及50例妊高征患者产前及产后72小时P-选择素进行对比研究。结果:妊高征患者P-选择素含量明显大于正常晚孕妇女,P-选择素含量在轻、中及重度妊高征患者呈递增趋势,差异均有显著性,产后72小时其P-选择素含量降至正常晚孕妇女水平。提示:P-选择素可作为妊高征早期诊断及监测病情的一个重要指标  相似文献   
目的探讨中孕期胎儿染色体异常(FCA)高危孕妇羊水细胞胎儿染色体核型(FK)及其介入性产前诊断(IPD)指征。方法选择2014—2018年,在四川大学华西第二医院产前诊断中心进行羊膜腔穿刺术羊水细胞FK检测的63581例FCA高危孕妇(孕龄为19~27+6孕周)为研究对象。回顾性分析孕妇不同IPD指征及其胎儿染色体核型异常(FKA)检测结果。本研究遵循的程序符合四川大学华西第二医院伦理委员会所制定的伦理学标准,并通过该伦理委员会批准[审批文号:医学科研2019伦审批第(077)号]。结果①本组63581例中孕期孕妇的FKA检出率为3.13%(1989/63581)。这63581例孕妇的IPD指征分别为高龄(预产期年龄≥35岁)(25648例)、血清学筛查高风险(29009例)、无创产前筛查(NIPT)高风险(333例)、夫妇一方为染色体异常携带者(603例)、超声筛查发现胎儿结构异常及超声软指标异常(2647例)、异常儿生育史(1546例)、于外院进行羊水细胞FK分析结果异常者(7例)、孕妇智力低下及合并智力低下家族史(149例)、孕妇早孕期有害物质接触史(1400例)、其他(2239例),FKA检出率分别为3.26%(836/25648)、2.04%(593/29009)、65.17%(217/333)、34.33%(207/603)、3.51%(93/2647)、1.68%(26/1546)、85.71%(6/7)、4.03%(6/149)、0.14%(2/1400)、0.13%(3/2239)。②351例孕妇的IPD指征为超声筛查发现胎儿结构异常中,IPD指征为胎儿淋巴水囊瘤、皮肤水肿的FKA检出率最高,为26.09%(6/23)。2296例孕妇的IPD指征为胎儿超声软指标异常中,IPD指征为胎儿颈项透明层(NT)值≥2.5 mm的FKA检出率最高,为7.74%(66/853)。结论孕妇高龄、血清学筛查高风险、NIPT高风险、夫妇一方为染色体异常携带者、超声筛查发现胎儿结构异常及超声软指标异常等,均为中孕期孕妇FCA的IPD指征,孕妇IPD指征类型不同,FCA风险不同。羊膜腔穿刺术羊水细胞FK检测,可预测有IPD指征孕妇的妊娠结局,为降低FKA出生率提供参考。  相似文献   
药物流产(MA)是早孕期避孕失败的补救措施,主要药物为米非司酮和米索前列醇,二者联合使用,可使早孕期孕妇完全终止妊娠率达到90%。但是,MA导致的患者阴道流血时间长、量多,甚至阴道大流血,而需采取急诊刮宫术治疗等,尚未被彻底解决。如何安全、有效终止早孕期妊娠,保护女性生殖健康是目前国内外该领域的研究重点。美国妇产科医师学学会(ACOG)发布的《2020 ACOG实践简报:孕龄≤70 d药物流产(No.225)》对早孕期孕妇终止妊娠,具有重要指导作用。笔者拟就该简报对MA用于孕龄≤70 d孕妇的临床效果评估,MA用药方案、禁忌证、适应证,MA前咨询和检查,MA疼痛管理,MA后观察、预防性抗菌药物使用、随访管理、避孕措施9个方面基于循证医学推荐进行解读。  相似文献   
目的回顾性分析妊娠梅毒36例,研究妊娠梅毒临床及辅助检查特点,寻求早期有效处置措施,改善妊娠结局,将梅毒对妊娠的危害降至最低。方法回顾性分析2016年6月至2020年10月于东台市中医院皮肤科性病中心门诊就诊的36例妊娠梅毒患者的资料,依次接受快速血浆反应素环状卡片试验(RPR)和梅毒螺旋体抗体明胶颗粒凝集试验(TPPA),并根据检查结果为患者实施有效治疗。结果36例妊娠梅毒患者RPR检查结果显示,滴度1∶2~1∶8之间18例,1∶16~1∶32之间12例,1∶32以上6例;TPPA检查显示患者均呈阳性。36例患者中1例临近分娩未接受治疗,1例青霉素过敏给予红霉素治疗,其余予以芐星青霉素治疗,患者中死胎1例,人工流产2例,自然流产2例。产后新生儿7例RPR阳性,TPPA检查显示均呈阳性;跟踪随访得知多数患者在1年内RPR结果转为阴性,仅有3例1年后转阴。结论妊娠梅毒患者早期运用RPR、TPPA检查方法进行诊断,并及时采取有效治疗方案进行处理,可有效预防不良妊娠结局,并改善新生儿预后情况。  相似文献   
目的探讨妊娠期糖尿病孕妇血糖控制水平与妊娠结局的关系.方法对60例妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)和47例糖耐量损害(impaired glucose  相似文献   
妊娠合并登革热35例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨登革热对妊娠的影响。方法 对35例妊娠合并登革热进行回顾性分析。结果 35例患有27例出现不正常分娩及产后大出血,有22例出现流产、死胎、早产及畸胎。结论 妊娠合并登革热在妊娠早期可出现流产或死胎,中期可引起早产,晚期可出现产后大出血。  相似文献   
目的探讨正常孕产妇在不同时期的血脂变化.方法测定201例正常孕妇、189例正常产妇及69例正常非孕妇女的甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-L)、载脂蛋白A(apo-A)、载脂蛋白B(apo-B).结果妊娠过程中,血脂各项指标随孕周的增加而明显增高,至晚孕期显著高于正常非孕妇女.产后逐渐下降,产褥晚期基本恢复到正常水平.结论妊娠期、产褥期妇女常伴有血脂的变化.孕末期妇女有高脂血症倾向,监测其血脂极有必要.  相似文献   
BackgroundBariatric surgery is associated with an increased risk of delivering a small neonate. The role of maternal weight loss and surgery to conception interval is unclear.ObjectivesTo investigate the effect of maternal weight loss, as a result of bariatric surgery, and surgery to conception interval on fetal growth and birthweight (BW).SettingInner London Teaching HospitalMethodsWe studied prospectively nulliparous women with previous bariatric surgery. Information on type, time, and presurgery weight was obtained. Surgery-to-conception interval was calculated as the time between surgery and conception, defined as the fourteenth day of the pregnancy dated by first trimester ultrasound scan. In the first trimester, maternal weight was measured. Assessment of maternal weight change between presurgery and first trimester of pregnancy was defined as total weight loss (TWL) (%). Fetal ultrasound scans were performed twice; 30–32 and 35–37 weeks’ gestation and estimated fetal weight (EFW) was calculated. Fetal growth rate was calculated as the ratio of EFW increase (in grams) between 30–32 and 35–37 weeks divided by the time interval (in days) between the 2 examinations. BW was recorded.ResultsThe study included 54 pregnant women, 26 with a restrictive procedure (gastric band or vertical sleeve gastrectomy) and 28 with a gastric bypass. Surgery to conception interval was not a significant predictor of the offspring’s growth. Maternal TWL was a significant predictor of fetal growth rate (P = .04) and predictor of BW (P = .005), even after adjustment for confounders.ConclusionsMaternal weight loss, as a result of bariatric surgery, has an inverse correlation with fetal growth rate and BW.  相似文献   
Introduction and importanceHirschprung's disease (HD) is a rare congenital colonic disorder that may develop in adult age, often determining a poor life quality with complications needing an emergency surgical setting. The disease rarely presents as an acute intestinal obstruction like SV, which represents an abdominal emergency issue.Case presentationA few days after discharge from gynecology unit because of her first childbirth, a young woman with HD developed colonic obstruction due to sigmoid volvulus, which was treated with Hartmann's procedure.Clinical discussionSome months later, the patient underwent a two-stage Duhamel's procedure to restore the digestive tract's continuity. Both hospital periods were free of critical events.ConclusionThe woman regained a good quality of life: Duhamel’s procedure revealed as a safe technique to use in HD adult.  相似文献   
Taking a patient-oriented approach to developing lifestyle interventions includes incorporating the patient into the program’s design, delivery, and evaluation. This commentary assumes that a patient-oriented approach has not yet been implemented and tested in exercise-based interventions designed for pregnant women. We outline and define a patient-oriented approach to conduct exercise-based research and review previous physical activity interventions designed for pregnant women to determine whether a patient-oriented approach was applied. In addition, pregnant women living with obesity may have unique barriers to engaging in prenatal exercise interventions that have not been previously addressed, such as having experienced weight stigma before pregnancy in healthcare and fitness settings. We propose suggestions for future trials to effectively take a patient-oriented approach when designing and implementing prenatal exercise interventions to address patient-informed barriers and incorporate suggested facilitators for physical activity. Given that prenatal activity levels are low and pregnant women may have unique barriers to engaging in exercise interventions, a patient-oriented approach may be an effective strategy to improve inclusivity and equity and, as a result, increase uptake and adherence to the intervention.  相似文献   
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