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目的:探讨控制性超促排卵(COH)过程中抵抗型慢反应患者补充小剂量绒促性素(hCG)的临床效果及结局。方法:回顾性分析在本中心行体外受精/卵细胞浆内单精子注射(IVF/ICSI)患者的临床资料,选择COH过程中出现慢反应添加尿促性素(hMG)≥150 U/d,3天后仍为慢反应并且年龄≤38岁的78例患者为抵抗型慢反应组(78个周期),减少HMG用量75~150 U/d后改用hCG 200~300 U/d促卵泡发育;另按1∶2比例随机选取同期COH过程中正常反应者156例作为对照组(156个周期)。比较两组卵泡发育情况、性激素水平、体外受精情况及妊娠结局。结果:①抵抗型慢反应组使用Gn天数和Gn用量均显著高于对照组(P0.05),抵抗型慢反应组Gn第8天E_2水平显著低于对照组(P0.05),扳机日孕酮(P)值显著高于对照组(P0.05);而两组扳机日血清E_2水平、≥14 mm卵泡数及获卵数、受精率、卵裂率、优胚率、可移植胚胎数与对照组比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。②两组移植胚胎数、胚胎种植率、临床妊娠率及早期流产率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。③两组周期取消率比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:抵抗性慢反应患者添加小剂量hCG可以明显改善卵巢反应性,不影响胚胎质量,可挽救此类患者的促排卵周期,并获得较好的临床结局。  相似文献   
目的:探讨在控制性卵巢刺激(COS)周期中晚卵泡期孕酮(P)水平变化趋势对体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)结局的影响。方法:回顾分析2013年1月至2014年6月在我中心行IVF-ET长方案助孕治疗的676个周期。按促排卵中晚卵泡期起始日(主导卵泡直径达13mm日)与人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)注射日孕酮水平变化,分为升高趋势组和降低趋势组;按HCG日孕酮水平是否1.0ng/ml将升高趋势组和降低趋势组中新鲜移植周期分别分为A组(P≤1ng/ml)、B组(P1ng/ml)和C组(P≤1ng/ml)、D组(P1ng/ml)。结果:(1)升高趋势组与降低趋势组的卵裂率、优质胚胎率比较,差异有统计学意义(99.65%vs 99.00%,70.57%vs 63.09%;P0.05);(2)A组与B组的临床妊娠率、活产率比较,差异有统计学意义(56%vs 43.00%;50%vs 37.76%,P0.05);C组与D组的临床妊娠率、活产率比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:IVF-ET长方案周期中,COS过程中孕酮变化呈升高趋势的优质胚胎率较降低趋势高;新鲜移植周期,P呈升高趋势时,HCG日P1.0ng/ml,活产率下降;呈降低趋势时,HCG日P水平不影响活产率。  相似文献   
Vaginal progesterone (P) has been suggested to be used for luteal phase support (LPS) in controlled ovarian stimulation (COH)–intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycles, however, no concensus exists about the best P dose. Therefore, considering the fecundability rate as the primary end point, our main objective was to find the optimal dose of P in COH–IUI cycles, comparing the two groups of women, each of which comprised of 100 women either on 300?mg or 600?mg of intravaginal P tablets, in a prospective randomized study design. The mean age of the women, duration of infertility, basal and day of hCG injection hormone levels in the female and sperm parameters were similar in the two study groups. Also, duration and dose of gonadotropin given, number of follicles, endometrial thickness, the total, ongoing and multiple pregnancy rates were comparable in both groups. We, therefore, claim that 300?mg of intravaginal micronized P should be the maximum dose of LPS in IUI cycles.  相似文献   
目的:系统评价加速康复外科(ERAS)在肝脏手术围手术期应用的有效性及安全性。方法:计算机检索国内外多个数据库,收集关于ERAS在肝脏围手术期应用的随机对照试验(RCT),检索时限均为从建库至2015年6月;由2名独立研究者根据纳入与排除标准对文献进行筛选、提取资料和评价质量后,采用Rev Man 5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果:最终纳入9项RCT,共1 140例患者,其中ERAS组555例,对照组(传统围手术期处理)585例。Meta分析结果显示,与对照组比较,ERAS组术后总并发症发生率明显降低(RR=0.58,95%CI=0.45~0.75,P0.05),住院时间明显缩短(WMD=-2.47,95%CI=-3.14~-1.79,P0.05),首次排气时间明显提前(SMD=-0.90,95%CI=-1.43~-0.36,P0.05),住院费用明显减少(SMD=-0.91,95%CI=-1.38~-0.44,P0.05),术中出血量也明显减少(WMD=-22.64,95%CI=-41.23~-4.05,P0.05),但在术后出血、胆瘘、肝功能衰竭、胸腔积液的发生率及手术时间方面,两组差异无统计学意义(均P0.05)。结论:ERAS在肝脏手术围手术期应用是安全有效的,并且能缩短住院时间,减少术后并发症,加速患者康复。  相似文献   
目的探讨多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者在控制性促排卵(COH)过程中,HCG注射前雌二醇(E2)水平下降对IVF/ICSI-ET助孕结局的影响。方法回顾性分析2011年7月至2014年7月期间,在中信湘雅生殖与遗传专科医院行辅助生殖助孕,COH过程中出现HCG注射前E2下降的95例PCOS患者的临床资料;选择同期年龄、体重指数(BMI)相匹配,COH过程中HCG注射前E2持续上升或HCG日与HCG注射前一日E2水平一致的95例PCOS患者为对照。又将E2下降组分为2个亚组:Gn减量组及自发性下降组。比较各组的基础资料、IVF/ICSI助孕结局及卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)的发生情况。结果 (1)Gn减量组的BMI及Gn使用总量显著低于对照组(P0.05)。HCG前一天E2水平在E2下降组显著高于对照组(P=0.00),其中,Gn减量组(16 663.90±5 163.20)pmol/L显著高于对照组(9 537.20±4 002.60)pmol/L(P0.05)。而HCG日E2水平,在自发性下降组(9 191.40±4 494.10)pmol/L显著低于Gn减量组[(13 726.10±4 570.60)pmol/L]及对照组[(13 499.90±5 096.20)pmol/L](P0.05)。自发性下降组COH过程中E2峰值显著低于对照组和Gn减量组(P0.05)。Gn减量组的E2下降程度与自发性下降组比较,无显著性差异(P0.05)。(2)IVF/ICSI结局方面,各组的回收卵母细胞数无显著性差异(P0.05),但E2下降组的卵母细胞回收率显著低于对照组(75.64%vs.93.73%,P=0.00),其中Gn减量组卵母细胞回收率最低(73.56%),自发性下降组居中(84.76%),对照组最高(93.73%);各组的优胚率、临床妊娠率、胚胎种植率、因OHSS取消移植率、中重度OHSS发生率比较,均无显著性差异(P0.05)。结论PCOS患者在COH过程中出现HCG注射前E2的下降,可能会导致卵母细胞回收率下降,但无论自发性下降或是Gn减量所致的下降,并不影响IVF/ICSI的临床结局。  相似文献   
血清抗苗勒管激素(AMH)水平作为评估卵巢储备能力、预测卵巢反应性的有效指标,近年来已成为人类辅助生殖技术(ART)中的研究热点之一。垂体降调节是控制性促排卵(COH)过程中的重要步骤。本文将对垂体降调节是否会对血清AMH水平产生影响、及其临床意义和机制作一综述。  相似文献   
Polymers from natural resources are attracting much attention in various fields including drug delivery as green alternatives to fossil fuel based polymers. In this quest, novel block copolymers based on renewable poly(δ-decalactone) (PDL) were evaluated for their drug delivery capabilities and compared with a fossil fuel based polymer i.e. methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone) (mPEG-b-PCL). Using curcumin as a hydrophobic drug model, micelles of PDL block copolymers with different orientation i.e. AB (mPEG-b-PDL), ABA (PDL-b-PEG-b-PDL), ABC (mPEG-b-PDL-b-poly(pentadecalactone) and (mPEG-b-PCL) were prepared by nanoprecipitation method. The size, drug loading and curcumin stability studies results indicated that mPEG-b-PDL micelles was comparable to its counterpart mPEG-b-PCL micelles towards improved delivery of curcumin. Therefore, mixed micelles using these two copolymers were also evaluated to see any change in size, loading and drug release. Drug release studies proposed that sustained release can be obtained using poly(pentadecalactone) as crystalline core whereas rapid release can be achieved using amorphous PDL core. Further, mPEG-b-PDL micelles were found to be non-haemolytic, up to the concentration of 40?mg/mL. In vivo toxicity studies on rats advised low-toxic behaviour of these micelles up to 400?mg/kg dose, as evident by histopathological and biochemical analysis. In summary, it is anticipated that mPEG-b-PDL block copolymer micelles could serve as a renewable alternative for mPEG-b-PCL copolymers in drug delivery applications.  相似文献   
Over the recent couple of decades, pharmaceutical field has embarked most phenomenal noteworthy achievements in the field of medications as well as drug delivery. The rise of Nanotechnology in this field has reformed the existing drug delivery for targeting, diagnostic, remedial applications and patient monitoring. The convincing usage of nanotechnology in the conveyance of medications that prompts an extension of novel lipid-based nanocarriers and non-liposomal systems has been discussed. Present review deals with the late advances and updates in lipidic nanocarriers, their formulation strategies, challenging aspects, stability profile, clinical applications alongside commercially available products and products under clinical trials. This exploration may give a complete idea viewing the lipid based nanocarriers as a promising choice for the formulation of pharmaceutical products, the challenges looked by the translational process of lipid-based nanocarriers and the combating methodologies to guarantee the headway of these nanocarriers from bench to bedside.  相似文献   
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