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Mouse natural killer cells express receptors for class IMHC in the form of the Ly49 family of proteins. The Ly49 family contains at least 13 expressed members (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, O, and P) and is further subdivided into activating and inhibitory subfamilies based on intracellular and transmembrane characteristics. The level of sequence identity between different members varies dramatically. However, comparison of the extracellular domain has revealed that several of the Ly49 molecules also form “pairs,” where one member is activating and the other is inhibitory. Until recently, most Ly49 molecules described have come from the C57B1/6 strain of inbred mice. Using molecular cloning and immunochemical analysis we have found that different mouse strains express novel Ly49 molecules. Comparison of the allelic forms of some Ly49 molecules has shown that the dividing line between different genes and different alleles is blurred. This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. NO1-CO-56000. Animal care was provided in accordance with the procedures outlined in A Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National Institutes of Health Publication No. 86-23, 1985). The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.  相似文献   
【目的】研制一个计算机辅助的心血管信号检测和处理系统。【方法】本系统的硬件设计采用奔腾 Ⅱ / 2 33多媒体微机系统 ,多路模 /数转换器和心电电极、心音传感器、脉搏波传感器及由运算放大器等构成相关的放大器及滤波器。本系统采用可视化编程环境构建系统结构和功能模块设计的方法 ,基于多媒体技术和小波变换原理 ,在 32位Windows平台下 ,利用可视化编程语言VisualC 6 0和多媒体著作工具Authorware等进行系统的软件设计。【结果】本系统能完成心电、心音、脉搏波信号检测和处理 ,并将结果以图、文、声并茂的形式显示、打印或播放 ,还具有病案管理和心音听诊多媒体计算机辅助教学功能。【结论】它是一个新型的多功能心血管信号检测和处理系统。  相似文献   
Immunological changes among workers occupationally exposed to styrene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The functional status of the immune system was investigated in a group of 71 workers exposed to styrene and in 65 control subjects, recruited according to the same selection criteria and comparable as to sex, age, and confounding variables. Air and biological monitoring were used to characterize styrene exposure (median of the main urinary metabolites in the next-morning spot samples: 106 mg/g creatinine). Phenotypic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) by automated flow cytometry revealed a reduced proportion of T lymphocyte subsets (CD3+, CD4+ and CD4+45+), with no changes in CD8+, and a higher proportion of B lymphocytes (CD19+) among styrene-exposed workers. The exposed workers showed a higher proportion of activation markers, namely DR and interleukin-2 receptors (CD25). Immunoglobulin subclasses were comparable in the two groups. An increased prevalence of abnormally low values was apparent for CD2+, CD3+, CD4+, CD4+45+ and CD11b subsets among workers exposed to styrene, whereas CD19+, DR+ and CD25+ showed an increased prevalence of abnormally high values. Natural killer-related phenotypes (CD56+, CD56+16+, and CD56+16) were more expressed among styrene workers, with average increase of 30%. However, the frequency distribution of the lytic activity of natural killer cells against K-562 target cells was shifted towards lower values in the exposed workers as compared to control subjects. Dose-response relationships between indices of internal dose and prevalence of abnormal values were detectable for T lymphocyte subsets, NK phenotypes, and activation markers. These findings suggest that moderate exposure to styrene is associated with an altered distribution of lymphocyte subsets. The decreased proportion of T lymphocytes, mainly of T helper-inducer cells, could hamper regulatory functions, thus suggesting a negative modulation by styrene exposure. Since a proper balance between immunocycte subsets is important for immunological responses, such changes should be regarded as adverse effects.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Um den Einfluß des chirurgischen Traumas beim Ösophaguskarzinom auf das zelluläre Immunsystem zu erfassen, wurden perioperativ in einer prospektiven Studie die Aktivität der natürlichen Killerzellen sowie die Serumkonzentrationen von Interleukin-2, Interleukin-6 un TNF- bei transmediastinaler Dissektion (n=12) vs. transthorakaler En-bloc-Resektion (n=10) der Speiserörhre im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe mit thorakoabdominalen chirurgischen Eingriffen bei nicht maligner Grunderkrankung erfaßt. Die Bestimmung der NK-Zell-Aktivität erfolgte präoperativ sowie am 4. und 10. Tag postoperativ durch einen standardisierten Europiumchlorid-release-Assay unter Verwendung von K-562-Targetzellen, die Lymphokine Interleukin-2, Interleukin-6 und TNF- wurden zusätzlich am 1. und 7. Tag postoperativ mit stadardisierten ELISA-Assays bestimmt.In unserem Patientengut sank die NK-Zellaktivität am 4. postoperrativen Tag sowohl in der Kontrollgrupe al auch bei beiden Operations verfahren zur Speiseröhrenresektion signifikant (p<0,05) zum Ausgangswert: in der Kontrollgruppe durchschnittlich um 45%, nach transmediastinaler Speriseröhrendissektion (1-Höhlen-Eingriff) durchschnittlich um 34%, nauch transthorakaler En-bloc-Resektion (2-Höhlen-Eingriff) im Mittel um 63% zum präoperativen Wert. Die transthorakale En-bloc-Resektion der Speiseröhre führte durch das größere chirurgische Trauma zu einer stäkeren Abnahme der zytotoxischen Aktivität der natürlichen Killerzellen. Eine Suppression der immunologischen Tumorabwehr insbesondere in der vulnerablen perioperativen Phase kann damit indirekt das Risiko der Manifestation von hämatogene Metastasen auf dem Boden einer intraoperativen Tumorzelldissemination u. a. bedingt durch Tumormanipulation begünstigen und damit prognostisch relevant werden.
Influence of surgical trauma on natural killer cell activity in esophageal carcinoma following transmediastinal dissection compareed with transthoracic en bloc resection
In order to assess the impact of surgical trauma involved in the therapy of esophageal carcinoma on the cellular immune system, a perspective study was performed involving perioperative hematological parameters. The activity of natural killer cells and the serum concentrations of interleuin-2, interleukin-6 and TNF- were measured in 12 cases of transmediastinal dissection and 10 cases of transthioracic en bloc esophageal resection and compared to values of a control group of thoracic and abdominal surgical patients with non-malignant maladies. Natural killer cells assume a central role in the non-specific immunological response in tumor patients. Their main function is the destruction of tumor cells via cytotoxic activities amplified by the release of interleukin-2 and TNF-. Natural killer cell activity was measured prior to surgery and on postoperative days 4 and 10 using a standardized europium chloride release assay, utilizing K 562 target cells. Lymphokines interleukin-2, interleukin-6, and THF- were also measured on postoperative days 1 and 7 using standardized ELISA assays. The activity of natural killer cells in our patient group sank significantly (P<0.05) on postoperative day 4 and likewise in the control group and both study groups, activity sank to the original values. In the control groups, natural killer cell activity averaged 45% of preoperative values, in comparison with an average of 63% following transmediastinal esophageal carcinoma resection (one cavity procedure), and transthoracic en bloc resection patients only reached 61% of preoperative values, transmediastinal dissection patients assumed 75%, and 77% was achieved by control group members. Transthoracic en bloc resection of the esophagus led to a more extreme reduction in cytotoxic cellular activity owing to the greater surgical trauma. Suppression of the immunological tumor resistance, especially in the vulnerable perisurgical pahse, can have an indirect negative effect on the manifestation risk of hematogenic metastases owing to intraoperative tumor cell dissemination resulting from tumor manipulation and may thus be prognostically relevant.
High-dose naloxone affects task performance in normal subjects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing intravenous doses of naloxone (0.3 mg/kg, 1 mg/kg, and 2 mg/kg) were administered to normal subjects. Naloxone at 2 mg/kg, but not at lower doses, impaired aspects of memory as measured by a verbal learning task which assessed the direct free recall and recognition of presented versus non-presented words of a single category (effortful processing) and the monitoring of the frequency of such presentations (automatic processing). At the same time "working" memory was left unaffected. The results suggest a role for the opioid system in some memory processes in man.  相似文献   
哈米尔顿的谓项量化理论揭示了量化命题中的简单换位规律 ,突破了原有三段论的规则 ,增加了大量新的三段论式。德摩根的主项质化理论给传统的逻辑方阵增添了新的内容 ,八个命题之间存在着紧密的内在联系 ,谓项量化、主项质化命题有着广泛的思维空间和运用价值 ,且语言表达灵活多样。哈米尔顿和德摩根都对联项“是”作了深入研究、赋予新的内涵 ,给逻辑注入了新的活力。  相似文献   
High-resolution magnetic resonance and volume rendering of the labyrinth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Our aim was to verify the feasibility of volume rendering (VR) of high-resolution magnetic resonance (HR-MR) data sets of the labyrinth. We retrospectively reviewed the HR-MR data sets of 16 consecutive patients with no MR evidence of labyrinthine pathology. High-resolution MR data sets were obtained by means of a 3D T2-weighted FSE sequence with the use of a 3-in. circular surface coil for signal reception, and processed with a high-end workstation. Two reviewers performed separately VR of the labyrinth by selecting the signal intensity interval for attribution of opacity and transparency. Concerning the time taken for definition of the volume of interest, the two observers needed, respectively, 28.9 and 33.1 min (SD ± 8.7–9.5 min), whereas the time taken for VR was respectively, 26 and 33.2 min (SD ± 8.8–8.9 min). Concerning the selection of the signal intensity interval, the two observers had, respectively, 86.4 and 88.7 mean lower threshold (SD ± 34.5–33.5), 488.9 and 495.4 mean upper threshold (SD ± 56.3–53.8). In our experience, we have found VR of HR-MR to offer a reliable and reproducible technique for producing 3D representations of the labyrinth. The VR algorithms use all data within the imaging volume and optimize the dynamic range ascribed to the object being visualized. Received: 9 October 1998; Revised: 14 January 1999; Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   
Zotova E  Woody CD  Gruen E 《Brain research》2000,868(1):296-78
Activity was recorded from single units of the A(I) cortex of awake animals to identify early (<32 ms) components of the population response to a 70 dB click and establish if they changed after using the click as a CS for conditioning. A 70 dB hiss was used as a discriminative stimulus. Responses to these stimuli were compared before and after a forward order of pairing that produced conditioning and a backward order of pairing that produced weak sensitization (backward conditioning). Averages of discharges in 2 and 4 ms bins distinguished primary (8-12 ms) from secondary (12-16 ms) temporal components of response to the click, and confirmed that the onset of the response was shorter in A(I) (8 ms, mean of 647 units) than in the adjacent, A(II) cortex (16 ms, mean of 95 units). (All times include a 1.6 ms transmission delay in sound arrival.) Primary and secondary components of A(I) responses to click did not change uniformly after changes in behavioral state, and were affected differently by both conditioning and backward conditioning. The percentage of cells with onsets of response to the click at secondary latencies (and to the hiss at tertiary latencies) increased after backward conditioning but not after conditioning, as did the magnitude of activity in response to the click. (The latter had a lesser degree of increase after conditioning.) The primary response to the click did not show these increases. The non-uniform changes suggested that temporal processing of the click was conducted differently in the 8-12 ms post stimulus period than in the 12-16 ms period. Within the total population of cells, it was possible to identify a small subgroup (13%) of highly auditory-responsive units that showed an increased primary response to the click as a CS selectively after conditioning and not after backward conditioning. The secondary component of response in these cells increased after both conditioning and backward conditioning. The percentages of cells responding to the click and hiss at primary latencies did not change significantly after conditioning, even in the subgroup of highly responsive cells. The results characterize differently timed components of rapid responses to acoustic stimuli in the A(I) cortex, disclose significant temporal differences in primary, secondary and tertiary information processing that affect the representations of the transmitted acoustic message across different behavioral states, and find one representation in a small subgroup of cells that supports the hypothesis that cells of the A(I) cortex have a selectively potentiated response to the CS after conditioning.  相似文献   
脑动脉硬化症中医临床分型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的经过临床观察并通过相关统计学分析探讨血液流变学、血脂、经颅多普勒动脉指数(PI值)、脑电图、眼底镜检查与脑动脉硬化症(CAS)中医临床分型各型的相关性。方法对120例入院或门诊脑动脉硬化症患者根据脑动脉硬化症诊断标准、排除标准及中医辨证量表法分型标准进行诊断、中医分型及评分。空腹分别做血液流变学、血脂,经颅多普勒超声检查(PI值)、脑电图、眼底镜检查。结果各型相关辅助检查结果较正常值或对照组对比有显著差异性(P<0.05)。结论各型与相关临床辅助检查存在相关性。  相似文献   
星点设计-效应面法优化炒茺蔚子炮制工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用星点设计-效应面法对炒茺蔚子的炮制工艺进行优化,为炒茺蔚子的规范化生产提供依据。方法:采用清炒法,以炮制温度、炮制时间、炒药机转速为自变量,总生物碱、盐酸水苏碱、水溶性浸出物、醇溶性浸出物质量分数为评价指标,对自变量各水平进行多元回归拟合,利用效应面法筛选最佳炮制工艺并进行预测分析。采用UV测定总生物碱的含量,检测波长520 nm;采用高效液相色谱仪-蒸发光散射法测定盐酸水苏碱的含量,流动相乙腈-水(60∶40),流速0.5 m L·min~(-1),漂移管温度70℃。结果:三项式拟合复合相关系数较高。最佳炮制工艺为炮制温度219℃,炮制时间2 min,炒药机转速14 r·min~(-1)。总生物碱、盐酸水苏碱、水溶性浸出物、醇溶性浸出物质量分数的平均值分别为9.82,2.50,86.16,193.28 mg·g~(-1),综合评分与三项式拟合方程预测值偏差0.87%。结论:利用星点设计-效应面法优化炒茺蔚子炮制工艺的方法简便且预测性良好,适用于炒茺蔚子的规范化生产。  相似文献   
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