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To identify DNA single- or double-strand breaks, various techniques have been described. One of them, the Fast Micromethod, is an easy-to-perform 96-well microplate assay. Cells treated with chemicals are loaded with the fluorescent dye PicoGreen, which binds to double-stranded DNA with a high specificity. Following DNA denaturation in an alkaline buffer, DNA unwinding occurs and PicoGreen is released. The amount of PicoGreen released over a certain period of time reflects the extent of DNA damage. To maximize the throughput of the procedure and to minimize DNA damage due to the analytical procedures used, the Fast Micromethod was improved in two essential points. First, the very time-consuming cell-counting was substituted by a simple protein measurement. Second, the cell lysis step was omitted. By introducing the two above mentioned modifications, a high number of samples can now be analyzed within a much shorter period of time. 相似文献
本文报道示波极谱法检测婴儿外周血血清锌铜含量的微量测定方法。用该法检测了成都市243名1~3月正常婴儿的血清锌铜含量,其分布均呈正偏态,无性别及月龄的差异。本市1~3月婴儿血清锌的参考值范围为6.69~25.4μmol/L,血清铜的参考值范围为8.68~28.08μmol/L。 相似文献
微量法血糖测定与己糖激酶法血糖测定结果比较 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13
目的评估微量法血糖测定与己糖激酶法血糖测定结果的相关性 ,探讨临床护理中采用适当的血糖监测方法。方法用美国onetouchⅡ血糖仪测定末梢血、静脉血及用己糖激酶法测静脉血血糖浓度。结果微量法测定末梢血、微量法测定静脉血、己糖激酶法测定静脉血的结果分别为 10 .0 5± 4 .15mmol/L、10 .10± 4 .0 3mmol/L、9 6 4± 3.912mmol/L ,三组结果差异无显著意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论不同采血部位不影响血糖测定结果 ,护理中可根据病情灵活采用最适当的血糖监测方法 相似文献
本文用微量法测血清胆红素浓度,研究887例生后1~7天新生儿高胆红素血症的发生率及其相关因素。高胆发生率36.4%,与头颅血肿、围产期窒息、胎吸或钳产显著相关,与男性、感染明显相关。提示本地区高胆发病率较高,并提出与发病相关诸因素。 相似文献
目的:探讨不同仪器对新生儿黄疸胆红素测定的差异。方法:分别应用微量血测胆仪、经皮测胆仪和静脉血自动生化分析仪三种仪器,对30例新生儿进行胆红素测定,并比较其差异。结果:微量血测胆仪与静脉血测黄疸数值无统计学差别;在黄疸程度中等时,经皮测胆仪与静脉血测黄疸数值无明显差异,在黄疸程度较轻或较重时,两者之间出现差异。结论:微量血测胆仪所测胆红素数值较准确,且快捷方便,对新生儿损伤小,适于对黄疸的监测,具有较深远的临床意义。 相似文献
Summary A micromethod for the investigation of the fatty acid composition of myelin glycosphingolipids (cerebrosides and sulfatides) suitable for general application in the investigation of neurological disorders, especially demyelinating diseases, is presented. Using the lipids extracted from 1 g of material these are freed of phospholipids by Florisil column chromatography and separated by thin-layer chromatography into 2 cerebroside and sulfatide fractions which are analyzed individually. The results obtained from the white matter of 13 normal adult brains are distributed within a narrow range which is most pronounced for the group of long chain fatty acids. Our results also agree with those quoted from literature.
Abbreviations FAME fatty acid methyl esters - FID flame ionisation detector - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - TLC thin-layer chromatography 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Es wurde eine Mikromethode zur Bestimmung der Fettsäurezusammensetzung der myelintypischen Glykosphingolipide (Cerebroside und Sulfatide) entwickelt, welche für entsprechende Untersuchungen bei verschiedenen neurologischen Erkrankungen, insbesondere Entmarkungskrankheiten, eingesetzt werden kann. Ausgehend von 1 g Gewebsmaterial werden die Lipide extrahiert, die Phospholipide an aktiviertem Florisil abgetrennt und die Glykolipide dünnschichtchromatographisch in je 2 Cerebrosid- und Sulfatidfraktionen aufgetrennt. Diese können dann einzeln untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse der Fettsäureanalysen von 13 autoptisch gewonnenen normalen Gehirnproben erwachsener Personen besitzen nur eine geringe Streubreite, was besonders für die langkettigen Fettsäuren gilt. Die Befunde mit unserer Mikromethode stehen in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Werten anderer Autoren.
Abbreviations FAME fatty acid methyl esters - FID flame ionisation detector - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - TLC thin-layer chromatography 相似文献