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本文介绍了医疗器械之无菌包装系统的设计之关键要素和要求,介绍了目前流行的灭菌方式以及对无菌包装系统的要求和影响。本文最后还列举了常见的医疗器械包装系统。  相似文献   
The origins of the projections of the superior colliculus to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and to the pulvinar in Dutch-belted rabbits were investigated using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) methods. Following injections of HRP in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, retrogradely labeled neurons were found in the upper two-thirds of the stratum griseum superficiale of the ipsilateral superior colliculus. Most of the labeled somata were spindle-shaped, and their major axes tended to be perpendicular to the surface of the superior colliculus. In contrast, following injections of the pulvinar, labeled neurons were found in the lower third of the ipsilateral stratum griseum superficiale. In these cases, the labeled somata were larger than those labeled following dorsal lateral geniculate injections and were multipolar in shape.  相似文献   
Recent findings challenge the belief that most cases of impotence are psychogenic. Research indicates that nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) can be viewed as a biologic marker for physiologic erectile capacity. Thus, the test can help to distinguish between physicogenic and psychogenic impotence. To determine proximal causes of erectile failure, other evaluations are easily performed during NPT monitoring.  相似文献   
Lymphoma arising in an adenolymphoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G Hall  H Tesluk  S Baron 《Human pathology》1985,16(4):424-427
A malignant lymphoma that originated in association with an adenolymphoma (Warthin's tumor) of the parotid salivary gland is reported. The occurrence of lymphomas in salivary glands is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
For planning or co-ordinating health services it is necessary to have reference points for evaluating similar departments in which homogeneous or equivalent activities are carried out. It is also necessary to consider the cost/benefit of the services. The paper presents several new indices of performance which may be applied to this problem and which enable quantitative comparisons to be made between hospitals and between departments. These indices include assessment of electrical hazards and service ability of equipment as well as the ratio of technical support staff to inpatient stay. The indices have been evaluated in a few large hospitals and found to be an effective management tool.  相似文献   
本文报告了应用三种不同类型杀虫剂DDVP,残杀成和溴江菊酯点滴处理敏感株德国小蠊(Blattellagermanica)不同虫期后的药物敏感性以及带荚虫脱荚及其孵化情况。试验得出了不同虫期不同时间的LD50植和72h不同虫期对这3种药物敏感性的显著性测定(P值)的结果。发现不同虫期对这3种药物的敏感性之间关系的共同特点是:1.幼虫与雄虫敏感性差别显著(在DDVP和残杀威中)或者非常显著(在溴氰菊酯);2.雌虫与雄虫间差别在3种药物处理中均显著;3.雌虫与带荚虫在DDVP和溴氰菊酯处理中差别也非常显著。试验同时显示,3种药物不同浓度处理对德国小蠊脱荚及其孵化有十分显著的影响。其总的趋势是随着药物浓度的增高脱荚率明显地增加;相反,脱荚的孵化率则随着浓度的增加明显的下降。实验并得出脱荚的孵化与否和卵荚长度无明显关系。  相似文献   
Over the past decade, the technology that permits images to be digitized and the reduction in the cost of digital equipment allows quick digital transfer of any conventional radiological film. Images then can be transferred to a personal computer, and several software programs are available that can manipulate their digital appearance. In this article, the fundamentals of digital imaging are discussed, as well as the wide variety of optional adjustments that the Adobe Photoshop 6.0 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA) program can offer to present radiological images with satisfactory digital imaging quality.  相似文献   
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