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张锡纯运用虫类药物组方,广泛运用于临床各科,疗效显著.总结张锡纯根据中医辨证论治理论运用虫类药物的临床经验及对虫类药物独到的见解,对临床具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
顾金寿《吴门治验录》是一部以“灵巧”见长的医案著作,其学术特色有四:其一,广引医著医论,治学严谨;其二,验案灵巧别致,通俗易懂;其三,每证刻意精思,治法灵变;其四,善用诸家名方,师古不泥.具有较高的学术价值,值得进一步学习和研究.  相似文献   
张锡纯先生治疗女子癥瘕经验丰富且独特,主要体现在病因上主张:女子癥瘕,血瘀、冷积;治疗上以“补破并用”为原则,用黄芪、党参等与三棱、莪术或牵牛组成益气活血,扶正祛邪之剂,以理冲汤(丸)为代表方,采取“久服”之策略,以达到“徐徐消之”之目的;在治疗过程中,根据正邪力量对比之不同,不失时机地加用水蛭“专药消之”,促进癥瘕的消退。  相似文献   
钱塘医派述要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱塘医派形成于明末清初 ,延续至清末光绪年间 ,历经 2 0 0余年。早期人物有卢之颐、张遂辰 ,中期代表人物为张志聪、张锡驹、高世 ,晚期有仲学辂。他们尊经崇古学术思想一脉相承 ,办学讲医培养人才风气相袭 ,研究经典医籍前赴后继 ,并凸显出讲学、研经与行医三位一体的特色。在当时特定的时代背景与地域环境中 ,顺时而成 ,乘机发展 ,最终成为中国医学史上唯一的集讲学、医疗与经典医著研究于一体 ,并取得令人瞩目成就的医学流派。  相似文献   
路志正重视湿阻学术思想初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文重点介绍路志正教授临证重视辨治湿邪伤人的学术思想。提出湿邪为害,具有多发性、复杂性、难治性的特点。不独南方,北方亦多湿邪,伤人甚广,涉及各科,常与实邪兼挟为患,辨证论治,先别内外,治湿法从多途,不唯温、燥、化、宣、通、渗,还应兼顾调理脏腑气机。文中还举路氏治疗因湿邪阻滞致心律失常案,可窥其对湿邪辨证论治遣药之临床思路与方法,承名师之学术,增后学之经验。  相似文献   
鲁迅是现代文学史上的代表人物,因为截然不同的个性,决定了与其他作家鲜明不同的言语个人风格。本文从宏观、微观、悟性和变化四个方面来分析鲁迅式的谐趣感。  相似文献   
国医大师路志正精通中医典籍,熟悉各家学说,擅长治疗中医内科疑难杂症。本文从运用经典理论、经方、各家学说、中医药现代研究成果、民间单验方,整体辨证观和调理脾胃等方面阐述了路志正治疗疑难杂症的思路和临床经验。  相似文献   
对8例术后不能排尿患者采用开塞露纳肛,其能有效减少尿潴留的发生。  相似文献   

Background. A 57-year old man with low-back pain was found to have a 3 × 3 × 3 cm presacral neuroendocrine tumour (NET) with widespread metastases, mainly to the skeleton. His neoplastic disease responded well to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) with the radiotagged somatostatin agonist 177Lu-DOTATATE. During almost 10 years he was fit for a normal life. He succumbed to an intraspinal dissemination.

Procedures. A resection of the rectum, with a non-radical excision of the adjacent NET, was made. In addition to computerized tomography (CT), receptor positron emission tomography (PET) with 68Ga-labelled somatostatin analogues was used.

Observations. The NET showed the growth pattern and immunoprofile of a G2 carcinoid. A majority cell population displayed immunoreactivity to ghrelin, exceptionally with co-immunoreactivity to motilin. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy and 68Ga-DOTATATE PET-CT demonstrated uptake in the metastatic lesions. High serum concentrations of total (desacyl-)ghrelin were found with fluctuations reflecting the severity of the symptoms. In contrast, the concentrations of active (acyl-)ghrelin were consistently low, as were those of chromogranin A (CgA).

Conclusions. Neoplastically transformed ghrelin cells can release large amounts of desacyl-ghrelin, evoking an array of non-specific clinical symptoms. Despite an early dissemination to the skeleton, a ghrelinoma can be compatible with longevity after adequate radiotherapy.  相似文献   
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