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槐角的避孕成分研究(Ⅱ)——化合物Ⅴ~Ⅷ的分离和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道从槐角中分离到的化合物Ⅴ~Ⅷ的鉴定。经紫外、核磁共振光谱分析及物理化学常数的测定,证明化合物Ⅴ~Ⅷ分别为山萘酚-3-槐糖甙、染料木素-7-双葡萄糖甙、山萘酚-3-鼠李糖-双葡萄糖甙和染料木素-7-双葡萄糖-鼠李糖甙。这些甙水解后的甙元山萘酚和染料木素对小鼠具有抗生育活性。  相似文献   
A lumped compartmental model has been derived to predict methotrexate concentration as a function of time for L1210 cells in BD2F 1 female mice at doses ranging from 3 mg/kg to 400 mg/kg. Using standard methods of parameter estimation as well as experimental determinations, an integrated approach was derived to account for the differences between the subcutaneous (s.c.) and intraperitoneal (i.p.) modes of injection. It was found that a single generalized forcing function can be used to fit plasma concentration after s.c. injection for all doses. Adequate fits (average error<20% while the standard deviation of experimental determinations was±22%) of L1210 cell data after s.c. injection were obtained. The best results were for a maximum facilitated influx constant Vmax of 0.424 g/min/ml, a Michaelis influx constant Km of 1,42 g/ml, and a first-order efflux constant of 0.047 min–1.The model simulations were not sensitive to Vmax, Km,and so long as the ratio Vmax/was approximately 9g/ml. The values of V max ,K m ,and which were obtained from our analysis of the in vivodata can be explained on the basis of previously performed in vitroexperiments. The parameters obtained from modeling the s.c. data were then applied for i.p. injection data. The resulting fits were adequate (average error<20% while the standard deviation of experimental determinations was±22%). A single generalized forcing function for drug concentration in the peritoneal cavity after i.p. injection for all doses was derived. The application of these results enables the prediction of methotrexate concentration in neoplastic cells at other doses after either s.c. or i.p. injection.  相似文献   
In four patients with the nephrotic syndrome, renal biopsy revealed focal segmental membranous glomerulonephropathy (FSMGN) associated with the histologic patterns of "nil" disease (two cases), hereditary nephritis and diffuse diabetic glomerulosclerosis. The occurrence of FSMGN in association with other glomerular diseases, presumably unrelated to immune complex deposition, is infrequent in our experience. Rather than necessarily representing an early stage or milder form of membranous glomerulonephropathy, it may be an epiphenomenon. This interpretation has prognostic and therapeutic implications and raises important pathogenetic questions. In particular, this study suggests that in some instances, preexisting functional and structural abnormalities may play a role either in the deposition of preformed circulating immune complexes or in the local formation of immune complexes.  相似文献   
This retrospective review of seven patients with completely obstructing cancers of the left half of the colon, in addition to other reports in the literature, suggests that subtotal colectomy with primary ileal
1 Clinical data on seven patients who underwent subtotal colectomy for obstructing carcinoma of the left colon: 1975–1982.
PatientAge (yr) and SexTumor LocationHospital StayComments
168, FDecending10 daysA and W 40 mo postop1
271, FSigmoid22 daysA and W 18 mo postop
373, FSigmoidA and W 5 yr postop
466, FDecending8 moDead from complications
572, MSigmoid11 daysIncidental cecal cancer; A and W 3 mo postop
666, MSigmoid28 daysAlive with metastasis 16 mo postop
778, MLeft transvers34 daysMany other polyps; A and W 9 mo postop
A and W = alive and well.
proctostomy may be the treatment of choice for those lesions that are technically resectable and located high enough to permit an intraperitoneal ileal proctostomy. The morbidity and mortality is less than that seen with the staged approach and the length of hospitalization is shorter. By eliminating a second or third hospitalization and a temporary colostomy, palliation is better in those patients who ultimately die from recurrent cancer. Furthermore, those patients resected for cure may have increased rates of long-term survival.  相似文献   
This Capsular Lens (ONG, type IV, to be called O.C.L.) has been developed for routinely performed extracapsular cataract extraction with lens implantation. The fundamental surgical procedure was based on continuing experience with the bimanual aspiration-irrigation technique and system developed by the author in 1971. The biomechanical properties of the asymmetric partly flexible, haptic loops are designed to give tensionfree fixation in two capsular pockets. The plano-anterior position of the lens ensures well-defined irido-lenticular clearance and proper alignment of the convex side with the posterior capsule. Consequently no iridectomy or iridotomy is needed for proper aqueous flow.  相似文献   
卡尼汀的生物学作用及在血液透析患者中的临床应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
卡尼汀是长链脂肪酸进入线粒体进行氧化所必需的一种物质,其左旋异构体具有生物活性。正常人可通过饮食摄入和肝、肾合成产生卡尼汀,但尿毒症血液透析患者由于肾脏内源性合成卡尼汀减少,血液透析过程中大量清除,大多存在时间依赖性的卡尼汀缺乏。通过静脉注射、口服、透析液补充外源性左旋卡尼汀有利于纠正脂代谢紊乱,减少促红细胞生成素用量,改善骨骼肌症状和营养状态,提高生活质量。  相似文献   
魏征人  陈越  杨煜  于永利 《中草药》2004,35(1):75-79
目的 为了开发我国珍稀动物——吉林双阳梅花鹿的基因资源,在分子水平上揭示鹿药材的药理作用。方法 构建了梅花鹿脾脏细胞cDNA质粒文库,克隆了一些看家基因并进行了序列分析。结果 其中的一个序列在核酸及推导的氨基酸序列水平上与编码人、犬、大鼠、小鼠核蛋白体蛋白L27(ribosomal protein L27)cDNA序列和对应的氨基酸序列高度同源,并具有完整的开放阅读框架(ORF)。结论 发现了双阳梅花鹿核蛋白体蛋白L27全长cDNA序列,此序列已经在(Genbank中登录,登录号为:AF373231。  相似文献   
灯台树种子萌发特性的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 研究灯台树种子萌发的最适宜条件和储藏时间,为大量人工繁殖灯台树苗木提供借鉴。方法 不同温度,不同光照时间,不同光质及不同储藏时间,测量灯台树种子的萌发率。结果 灯台树种子萌发的适宜温度为30℃~40℃,适宜的光照时间为8h,适宜的光质为黄光和日光,储藏时间为5个月以内最好。结论 灯台树种子是高温萌发型。  相似文献   
射干的化学成分研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
秦民坚  吉文亮  王峥涛 《中草药》2004,35(5):487-489
目的 研究中药射干的化学成分。方法 采用硅胶拄色谱及Sephadex LH-20等色谱技术分离纯化,根据理化性质及色谱数据鉴定结构。结果 从射干乙醇提取物的醋酸乙酯萃取部分分得3个化合物,分别为异鼠李素(isorhamnetin,Ⅹ)、粗毛豚草素(hispidulin,Ⅺ)、白射干素(dichotomitin,Ⅻ),从乙醇提取液正丁醇萃取部分分离得到4个化合物,分别为:鸢尾苷(iridin,ⅩⅢ)、野鸢尾苷(tectoridin,ⅩⅣ)、胡萝卜苷(daucosterol,ⅩⅤ)、维太菊苷(vittadinoside or stigmasterol-3-O-glucoside,ⅩⅥ)。结论 其中化合物Ⅺ为首次从该植物中分得。  相似文献   
艾灸抗高甘油三酯血症脂质过氧化正交试验临床研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
吴中朝  刘跃光 《中国针灸》1998,18(6):325-327
筛选抗脂质过氧化诸指标较好的艾灸穴位、时间、疗程 ,为临床治疗提供依据。结果发现 ,其分别构成了影响 TSOD、Cu、Zn-SOD、Mn-SOD活力及降低 MDA含量诸指标的主要因素 ;取穴以神阙、足三里为优 ;疗程以 1~ 2个月为宜 ;每次每穴艾灸时间多为 1 5分钟以上 ;以每日或隔日 1次施治为佳 ,单次艾灸的时间间隔不宜过长。  相似文献   
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