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基于SPSS的共现聚类分析参数选择的实例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以OHSUMED语料库内提供的明确相关提问对为金标准和研究材料,借助BICOMB软件生成主题词-来源文献矩阵和共词矩阵,并获得各种系数的相似(相异)矩阵,对比分析目前国内基于SPSS共现聚类分析过程中主题词-来源文献矩阵与共现矩阵、各种相似性参数和各种类间距离计算方法的聚类效果。结果表明:主题词-来源文献矩阵聚类结果优于共词矩阵,在聚类分析中应优先选择。共词矩阵选择相似系数时应结合实际矩阵数据性质,并注意聚类方法原理上的正确性。  相似文献   
Through their diet, humans are exposed to a wide range of substances with possible adverse effects. Total diet studies (TDS) assess exposure and risk for many single substances or mixtures from the same chemical family.This research aims to identify from 440 substances in the second French TDS, the major mixtures to which the French population is exposed and their associated diet. Firstly, substances with a contamination value over the detection limit were selected. Secondly, consumption systems comprising major consumed foods were identified using non-negative matrix factorisation and combined with concentration levels to form the main mixture. Thirdly, individuals were clustered to identify “diet clusters” with similar consumption patterns and co-exposure profiles.Six main consumption systems and their associated mixtures were identified. For example, a mixture of ten pesticides, six trace elements and bisphenol A was identified. Exposure to this mixture is related to fruit and vegetables consumed by a diet cluster comprising 62% of women with a mean age of 51 years. Six other clusters are described with their associated diets and mixtures. Cluster co-exposures were compared to the whole population.This work helps prioritise mixtures for which it is crucial to investigate possible toxicological effects.  相似文献   
[主要目的]分析结直肠癌术后无病与术后转移证候特点及演变规律,为临床治疗提供依据。[资料来源]2009年3月至2011年5月辽宁中医药大学附属医院住院结直肠癌术后患者。[选择文献量及依据]第一诊断为结直肠癌,术后患者,病理诊断明确;中医四诊资料全面;同一患者多次入院证候发生明显变化时,重复纳入,共116例住院结直肠癌术后患者原始病历。[数据提炼规则及应用方法]对四诊资料(乏力,纳差,腹痛,腹胀,大便干,便溏,消瘦,恶心,呕吐,失眠,口干苦,咳嗽,肝区不适,尿频,尿少,舌质暗,舌红,苔腻,苔白,苔黄,少苔,脉沉,脉细,脉弦,脉滑等)量化,有记为1,无记为0。用Microsoft Excel软件建立数据库统计,以证候出现频次排列,按术后是否发生转移分析。[数据综合得出结果与结论]结直肠癌术后术后无病与术后转移多有乏力、纳差、苔白、脉沉、腹胀等肝郁脾虚,术后无病脾虚为主,术后转移肝郁突出,并多有咳嗽。结直肠癌术后术后无病治宜健脾益气兼疏肝、调节情志等;术后转移治宜重在疏肝解郁、健脾益气、宣肺止咳等。  相似文献   
目的分析北京市城乡结合部中老年人心血管疾病危险因素及其聚集情况。方法 2007年采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法对16371名35~74岁北京市城乡结合部居民进行横断面调查,通过问卷调查、体格检查和实验室检查收集资料进行分析。结果北京市城乡结合部中老年人超重或肥胖、糖尿病、高血压、血脂异常和吸烟等主要心血管疾病危险因素的患病率分别为36.2%,6.5%,36.9%,35.4%和36.3%。83.0%,47.2%和17.5%的中老年人分别具有≥1、≥2和≥3种心血管疾病危险因素聚集。男性≥1、≥2和≥3种心血管疾病危险因素聚集危险分别是女性的3.4、4.3和5.4倍。结论北京城乡结合部中老年人群主要心血管疾病危险因素及其聚集暴露率较高,有必要采取禁烟、健康饮食和增加体力活动等人群干预措施。  相似文献   
目的 描述和分析2010-2014年北京市朝阳区手足口病流行特征,探索手足口病的防控重点。方法 利用“中国疾病预防控制信息系统”数据库,利用Excel 2013进行数据整理录入,运用SPSS 22.0进行统计分析。统计2010-2014年北京市朝阳区手足口病各月发病数,不同年龄组及不同地区发病率,采用系统聚类方法分别对其进行统计分析。 结果 2010-2014年北京市朝阳区共报告手足口病29 622例,5年平均发病率为167.8/10万。不同月份发病数、不同年龄组及不同地区的发病率均聚集成3类。北京市朝阳区手足口病发病具有明显的高发时间、高发人群和高发地区;每年5-7月为发病高峰,发病率最高年龄段为1~3岁,城乡结合部为高发地区。结论 北京市朝阳区手足口病流行具有明显的季节性、人群性和地区性;应针对流行特点采取防控措施;聚类分析可以作为判定手足口病流行特征的一种统计方法。  相似文献   
1998年10月-1999年6月,对云南丽江玉龙雪山自然保护区五种森林植被带采用夹日法进行小型兽类的垂直分布调查,共获小兽5目8科17属27种,共1530只;中对各小兽群落结构、物种丰富度、物种多样性,均匀度和生态优势进行了测定和比较,认为群落稳定性最高是针阔叶混交林,而最低是农耕区。通过采用系统聚类和极点排序分析方法 对各植被带小兽类进行数值分类,明确了该山系两大动物区系的分界线和各垂直带小兽分布的区系范畴;研究认为,海线的温凉性针阔叶混交林小兽群落特征、区系特点进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
The family histories of 130 individuals with documented hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) (caused by mutations in mismatch-repair (MMR) genes MSH2 (n = 64), MLH1 (n = 62) or MSH6 (n = 4)) were obtained, and incidence of cancers in those families was compared to that in the general population. There were a total of 982 cancers in 723 individuals. Colorectal cancer (CRC) was the commonest type (64% and 55% in individuals from families with germline MLH1 and MSH2 mutations respectively). Median age at diagnosis of first CRC in MSH6 mutation families was 59 years compared to 45 years in both MLH1 and MSH2 mutation families. The relative risk (RR) of endometrial cancer was 55 in MSH2 mutation families, compared with 27 in MLH1 mutation families, and 37 in MSH6 mutation families; median age at diagnosis 49 years. Even within MSH2 families, endometrial cancer tended to cluster, with 28 of the 58 cases coming from families with three or more cases (P < 0.001). Absolute risk of endometrial cancer in MLH1 families was still greater than any other cancer (other than CRC). 5% of cancers in both MLH1 and MSH2 mutation families were gastric (RR = 12); 53% of these were diagnosed before 50 years. Seven cases of small intestinal cancer occurred in MSH2 and MLH1 mutation families (RR = 26). There were 13 cases of cancer of the ureter; all were in MSH2 families. These cancers tended to cluster within families (P < 0.001); three of seven families with urothelial cancer had such cases in two or more individuals; two others had kidney cancer. Nineteen of 27 ovarian cancers (70%) were in MSH2 mutation families and 70% of these were diagnosed before age 50 years. There were 9 cases of sebaceous skin cancer, 3 in two MLH1 and 6 in four MSH2 mutation families. Of 22 pancreatic cancers, 14 were known to be diagnosed before 60 years. Breast cancer RR was 1.7 overall. The type of mutation (truncating or other type, and site of mutation) showed no obvious correlation with the presence or absence of extra-colonic cancers in families.  相似文献   
Surgical Process Modelling (SPM) was introduced to improve understanding the different parameters that influence the performance of a Surgical Process (SP). Data acquired from SPM methodology is enormous and complex. Several analysis methods based on comparison or classification of Surgical Process Models (SPMs) have previously been proposed. Such methods compare a set of SPMs to highlight specific parameters explaining differences between populations of patients, surgeons or systems. In this study, procedures performed at three different international University hospitals were compared using SPM methodology based on a similarity metric focusing on the sequence of activities occurring during surgery. The proposed approach is based on Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm combined with a clustering algorithm. SPMs of 41 Anterior Cervical Discectomy (ACD) surgeries were acquired at three Neurosurgical departments; in France, Germany, and Canada. The proposed approach distinguished the different surgical behaviors according to the location where surgery was performed as well as between the categorized surgical experience of individual surgeons. We also propose the use of Multidimensional Scaling to induce a new space of representation of the sequences of activities. The approach was compared to a time-based approach (e.g. duration of surgeries) and has been shown to be more precise. We also discuss the integration of other criteria in order to better understand what influences the way the surgeries are performed. This first multi-site study represents an important step towards the creation of robust analysis tools for processing SPMs. It opens new perspectives for the assessment of surgical approaches, tools or systems as well as objective assessment and comparison of surgeon’s expertise.  相似文献   
目的:我国不同地区卫生资源发展不平衡,制定区域卫生规划要综合考虑不同地区的经济、社会、人口、健康等方面的状况。方法:利用统计年鉴数据,考虑经济、社会、人口、健康等因素,分别通过主成分分析和因子分析方法计算不同地区的综合得分,然后对综合得分进行聚类分析。结果:主成分分析综合得分和因子分析综合得分的聚类分析将全国以省(自治区、直辖市)为单元划分为6类地区,两种分析方法的分类结果类似。结论:将全国卫生区域分为六类,第一类地区:上海市、北京市;第二类地区:天津市;第三类地区:江苏省、浙江省、广东省;第四类地区:辽宁省、山东省、福建省、内蒙古自治区、吉林省、重庆市、陕西省、湖北省、黑龙江省、山西省、河南省、湖南省、河北省、海南省、四川省、江西省、安徽省;第五类地区为:广西壮族自治区、宁夏回族自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区、甘肃省、青海省、贵州省、云南省;第六类地区为:西藏自治区。分类结果基本符合中国31个省(自治区、直辖市)的卫生发展实际。  相似文献   
目的 阐明在广西瑶族地区新发现的两个肝癌高发家族发生肝癌家族聚集性的危险因素。方法 以广西瑶族不同地区的两肝癌高发家族成员作为研究对象,应用ELISA法检测研究对象血清中HBV和HCV血清学标志物、采用PCR和RT-PCR技术分别检测HBV DNA和HCV RNA,结合流行病学调查结果进行综合分析。结果 两肝癌高发家族成员中HBsAg、HBsAb、HBeAg、HBeAb、HBcAb、HBV DNA、抗 HCV、HCV RNA的阳性率分别为45.0%(9/20)、35.0%(7/20)、15.0% (3/20)、25.0% (5/20)、45.0%(9/20)、25.0%(5/20)、0(0/20)、0(0/20)和9.52%(2/21)、42.9%(9/21)、4.8%(1/21)、4.8%(1/21)、23.8%(5/21)、9.52%(2/21)、0(0/21)、0(0/21)。其中HBsAg在两组间的差别具有统计学意义(P=0.033),A家族以山泉水作为饮用水,B家族十年前以塘水作为生活用水;其余因素差异未见统计学意义。结论 瑶族不同地区、不同家族成员发生肝癌家族聚集性的危险因素可以有所不同,HBV感染、饮用塘水等因素均可与遗传因素相互作用,从而导致肝癌家族聚集性的发生。  相似文献   
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